
October 29th, 2009 | 469 Entries

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469 Entries for “scissors”

  1. Never run with scissors, a common saying warning the hopefully obvious. But there are those who do not adhere and find themselves split on belief of such old wives tales.

    Brent W.
  2. why scissors gain ia want to write about colorpencil like green i would write that this got wet and spread color on the floor

  3. I can sneeze scissors. Yeah, you’re probably thinking so what, a lot of people can sneeze scissors, what makes you so different? Well, not a lot I guess. The handy thing is I never have to find a pair of scissors, and I have a ready supply of business for my scissor selling concern but the problem is that I keep cutting up my handkerchiefs.

  4. a scissors cuted a vein and the vein was so fuked up and the guy died with the open mouth , fuck this is crazy

  5. i think scissors are really cool they help me make my projects andi have pruple ones in my room and we have eleven pairs because breana has a bunch too for scissors and t shirts and stuff and once i cut my finger and it hurt really bad much worse than a paper cut so i try to be careful with scissors and this is so weird to write about i think its kinda strangeish reallly

  6. Don’t run with scissors in your hand. Do let Edward Scissorhands style your hair. Scissors should be taken to the federal budget, which needs a good trimming.

    Nedward Scissorhams
  7. The blades of the scissors were pointing towards me when I entered the room. On the steel table, it looked doubly vicious, and in my state of mind it planted the seed of the idea in my head that was to cost me my freedom for the next three years of my life

  8. this word again? There is only so much I can write about scissors when i am full of chocolate in my head at the moment from having cut a packet of hersheys. and this is going nowhere. stop!

  9. The scissors have been glinting on the table in the half light of the lamp in the far corner of the room. I have been watching the blades for a long time, ever since I entered the room and found the teeth pointing in my direction. I even saw my reflection in it…

  10. My mom said never run with scissors. Ever since then i’ve always held them face down with double round handle facing up. Ive never fallen or tripped or hurt myself, and i think i owe it to that brilliant advice.

  11. One chop was all it took, and it was gone. At her feet, her hair lay at her feet like a pool of blood. The scissors fell from her hand.

  12. they cut. like some people. who cut corners. cut hearts. cut themselves. cut conversations. cut ideas.

  13. shard.easy to use. used to fix friends bad halloween cosyumes, have sharp ytips can cut you badly

  14. scisors are so kool! they help u cut stuff and they can curl ribbon. now what can do all that? plus tehy are sharp and we r not sopposed 2 play w/ them! espesially babys!

  15. Scissors. A preschool element but also a fundamental artifact of life. What would we do without it? Would little children be helpless to cut and paste things and to be creative? Would great minds not have been created?

    Lorenzo Cinalli
  16. cutting, paper, paste, projects, work, colors, art class, elementary school, left handed, tape, pencils, canson, rubber cement

  17. You chop with them and open things with them. They can reveal surprises and tokens of joy or frustration. Scissors helped me open up a box from the Container Store just this morning. Without scissors in my apartment, I wouldn’t be able to cut pizza. Scissors remind me of my boyfriend, because he cuts his pizza with them and that’s why I started. Yay scissors!

  18. scissors are sharp. i hate them. i want to cut everything around me, like paper and cardbord and clothes and hair and bags. all things cuttable. i want a sharp pair of scissors. there is alot of s’s in scissors. jeez. scissors.

  19. The scissors cut through his flesh with ease. He wondered if it was normal for other people to cut off their foreskin in their bathtub, and then discarded the thought. Of course it’s not, everyone else is an idiot. Only he was right, and at the moment the only thing he longed for was circumcision. Raw.

  20. it does not even fell like they are there
    burning the skin
    burning my insides
    slipping underneath my pain. Creating neverending slithers
    from the palm to the shoulder
    it cuts
    just like scissors
    just like you

  21. cut sharp ouch paper rock crayons glue snip lube oil fray sewing

    jessica Kalar
  22. The scissors were silver with blue handles, he grabbed them, inspected them, then set them down again. he hesitated not knowing how he would do it. He needed to. He had to. but when. time is what mattered.

  23. He took up the pair of scissors in his hand, cutting away at the piece of paper until it was shaped roughly like a heart. Then, folding it in half, he scrawled inside with messy handwriting:

    “Will you be my valentine”

    Nervously, he places in the cubby of his desired valentine, and walks away.

  24. She snipped her golden locks with the rusty-bladed scissors, smiling wickedly at herself in the mirror. One by one, her mane disappeared into a wild mass of hair at her feet.

  25. I paused mid-cut, the beautiful azure fabric putting me into a sort of trance, the delicate pattern beginning to swirl calmly before my eyes. My mind filled with the print, a sort of lovely blue mist over my brain. The front door slammed shut, bringing me back to reality, and I suddenly realized that I’d been gripping the scissors so tightly all my knuckles had turned bright white.

  26. Scissors, snip, snip.

    Danny pulled out a sheet of fresh red construction paper. It smelled like creativity and love. He opened the sharp new scissors and cut into it, making the best valentine ever for Annie.

  27. the scissors in his hand cut on the paper making small shapes in the large triangle. he unfolded it when he was done and exclaimed with amazement.
    miss benson! look it’s a snowflake! its so pretty! she said

  28. The man had a large pair of sicissors in his hand. He wasn’t sure if what he was going to do was right, but he knew he had to do it. He held a grudge against John for years now, ever since he stole his crayons in kingergarten. The deed was about to be done, there was no turning back now. consequences can come later. No time.

  29. cut. scrape. blood trickling. Every time I pick up scissors or see them I think of this. I don’t know why, it doesn’t have anything to do with how I feel or think at that moment – stabbing, pain, screaming, agony – there’s no reason for it, it just appears. It terrifies me, scares me, scars me, and at times thrills me – and that’s the most terrifying part of all.

  30. with the scissors held tightly in one hand, he held her long, thick, braid of hair in the other. she inhaled sharply and that is the moment when he brought them swooshing closed, removing years of her life. Liberating her from that which tormented her daily, memories of the past

    Lydia K.
  31. He pulled the scissors across the back of my neck before snipping off the end of my braid. The steel was cold, crisp, and altogether exhilarating.
  32. She was running with the scissors. She had almost reached her desk when it happened… Her friend tommy had tripped her. Kylee fell to the floor. She fell so hard to. She got back up and thankfully hadn’t hit the scissors but tommy did…

  33. they cut and cut and cut and cut and where are we going with this shit!??

  34. scissors are use to cut paper or hair.

  35. scissors are use to cut paper or hair.

  36. scissors are use to cut paper or hair.

  37. The scissors gleamed back at him from the tabletop, little scraps of slaughtered yellow cloth still stuck in its teeth. It was smiling at him.

    “Maurice, come here.”

    Maurice stayed where he was at the kitchen door.


    Listen to your mother Maurice, the scissors smiled. Maurice hated Halloween.

  38. Everyone always told me not to run with scissors. I think this is kind of stupid. What if you have to go grab them really quick, because for example, if you don’t cut the ropes around someone’s neck, they’ll die? I think in a situation like that you should be fully allowed to run with scissors.

  39. Scissors are sharp objects used to cut paper and fabric and stuff. Edward Scissorhands is what me friends are going to dress up as for halloween. Scissors are useful things to have around. I use them at school.

  40. scissors are some crazy shit ya know? I think scissors are capable of being used to determine which is a better racer. I think racist scissors are sharp edged assholes. I would hate to meet one of those soggy bastards.

    Dane Walsh