
October 29th, 2009 | 469 Entries

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469 Entries for “scissors”

  1. The scissors were like red glass gleaming in the firelight. I will not deny that they were beautiful, for they held a certain attraction, a certain interest. Were they really a family heirloom, or something more?

  2. Some say that words can cut like a knife, this is very untrue. Words are much stronger than knives, and more precise, they are scissors.

  3. cut cut jump away stick the scissors in her head!

  4. For three generations the men in my family always went to the same barber shop. By the time I got to know old George, he had a loose mat of Grey hair and a tired, wheezy laugh.

  5. scissors. cutting things apart into other shapes and angles. making something new out of something you don’t want to be familiar with anymore. just a piece of it. in another shape. something different, another angle to think about. i don’t know, i wish i knew why. but it helps.

  6. She could still smell him on her hair. She had been growing it for so long, but she couldn’t take it anymore. She reached for the scissors on her vanity table and cut; cut; cut.

  7. She hated those scissors. Every time he wanted to punish her, he would grab those scissors and cut some of her hair. The last time he had cut it shorter than her brother’s hair, and she had walked through the halls at school the next day hearing the other kids laughing and pointing. Humiliation is the worst punishment.


  9. cutting. paper. love notes. pictures.
    scissors. scissors. scissors.
    cutting cutting cutting.
    scissors scissors

  10. The scissors snipped away the orange strands. “Not too much!”
    “Crow, shut up.” Jack scowled as he continued doing what he considered to be a demeaning task.
    “Why is that chunk so big?!”
    “I said shut up! You’ve barely lost any!” Crow whimpered as more of his gorgeous hair fell away. “Yusei better lay me for this,” the blond growled.
    “I don’t want to hear about you and Yusei,” Crow cried. “Just hurry up with the split-ends!”

  11. cut things bleeding red liquid against white linen breezy window bright sun. paris. birds chirping, silver and black like sewing shears. lying on floor silent movie actress. sad

  12. It cut deep, the pain was excruciating, but he soldiered on, deep into the unknown John charged, finally he reaching Amber.

    “Here’s your scissors.”

  13. I took out a pair of scissors and turned to face my attacker. He was clad in a ski-mask, and all black. I yelled back off! it felt good to yell and let out my frustration which had been mounting for days! He said make me. I took a step toward him and he stepped into my body.

  14. scissors to cut the life that i’m just wasting a way. i feel the need to just cut the sorrow and end all this suffering. It’s not right to be hliding this pair of scissors…goodbye

  15. slicing dicing cutting spinning turning a functional object blue handle, shiny blades, dont run with me

  16. They say you shouldn’t run with scissors. I never understood why not. They say you’ll fall and poke your eye out but really, what’s the chances of that happening? Shake things up a bit. Go ahead and run.

  17. Slice. Cut. Scissors.
    They tear, break, destroy.
    But also create.
    They are for art, aren’t they?
    And art is creation.
    Art is creation, war is destruction.
    Art is the opposite of war.
    But scissors can destroy, can’t they?
    So are they for creation or destruction?
    War or art?

  18. I don’t feel like myself without your cold metal pressed firmly against my lips.

  19. Scissors sliced her hand open when she looked up from the screen. Poor attempts at glancing for the door. Textiled fear in the tear of her hope.

  20. the two twins were not crude at all. They were neat with their business. They would cleverly slice through any form of matter, no matter what. The sheer excitement of matter being torn apart was their only motivation, the thing that woke them up in the morning.

    M. Kultra
  21. I left a pair of scissors on my desk before I left. I remember the color vividly against the faded green of my workspace. When I returned, they were nowhere to be found.

  22. To cut, to split apart whatever was whole. To open the package and see the gift within. A surprise! What a nice tool. Open sez me. That’s what scissors do.

  23. scissors can be used to do many things. crafts and sewing are my two favorites. you can also use scissors to help you decorate and enjoy your winter.

    It’s a fairly difficult word to spell, especially as a child.

  24. cut you in the face i want to cut youi in the face i hate you i hate you ouch that hurt you are such a dickwad i wish i never met you ever, you are a selfish, insensitive prick and you make me want to puke on your fancy lacoste shoes, who wears lacoste shoes anyways? fuck that shit

  25. The scissors hung across the thread, menacing, sharp and fatal. One quick movement and the life would be over, yet another soul winging its way into Hades domain. The fates held their breaths.

  26. The swath of rich, red brocade lay on the table in front of the seamstress. She took her scissors in hand, with their familiar heft, honed edge. She no longer noticed how the two circles slightly pinched her thumb and never quite fit her fingers perfectly, her fingers fit the scissors instead.

    They sliced through the fabric, cutting a clean, crisp line. The pattern pieces, merely a guideline, not a lifeline like they had been when the scissors were brand new and out-of-the box shiny, beginning to form the dress they were to become.

    Only Me
  27. The scissors you gave me were broken but still I refuse to throw them away. They sit there on my dresser, useless and faded, like some remnant of a past that I can’t even bear to think of anymore. I don’t use them for anything. I have nothing in need of cutting, and they are too big and unwieldy to use for anything else. I can’t give them away. But I can’t throw them out. So they sit there, festering. They’ll be there after I die.

  28. Edward Scissorhands was not the most handsome or least lethal of the people that she had pasted posters of up on her wall, but he was certainly the most striking.

    “Morbid,” her older sister informed her one day, when passing by one day. Her head retreated from the complaints that immediately arose from inside, though not without the parting shot, “He looks like a hedgeclipper.”

    “And that’s why I ended up an economist instead of a rockstar stylist, damn it,” Joyce told me at the bar, bitter over her last appletini.

  29. Cutting. Sharp. Skin. Emo. Over and over. Never gonna cut a right line. Hard shiny metal that only wants to cut cut cut

  30. The scissors were very sharp, very silver, and very deadly looking. Annabelle eyed them. She remembered kindergarten, having to cut along the straight line, with those oh-so-sharp scissors, dulled with bits of gluestick caught on the blade. Now, it was just another mundane household object. Except today, she wasn’t using them for cutting paper. It was for flesh. For murder. But why think of that, eh?

  31. i took the scissors on my desk and began cutting. The pile of letters from the old sweetheart were like bad memories that needed to be exorcised.

    arlee bird
  32. He ran with the scissors. Probably a poor decision. His mother always told him not to run with them. But, he chose to do so anyway.

    He really wished he’d listened to his mother. There would have probably been much less pain that way.

  33. I’ve seen things. Unimaginable things. My life was never the same after that day, the day I ran with scissors, and I regret nothing.

  34. fuck

  35. scissors snip and snipe and jilt across paper, glinting and shining in the florescent light. snip. slice. ‘cross paper. crunch down the fibers. clean and neat. he held them close to his nose and put pressure on the handle, just to see what it would be like… she held them near her ponytail for the danger.

  36. once i cut myself while trying to split some paper. it was pretty bad. i wonder what would have happened if i didnt. probably shouldnt have been trippin’ on acid. note to self…dont try to cut paper while tripping on acid. its not a good idea.

  37. She took the scissors gingerly in her tiny hands out of the arts and crafts supply closet. She knew she wasn’t allowed to use them- it was against my rules as a parent. I remained silent and hid to see what my daughter would do next.

  38. scissors cut alot of things there very dangers to run or play with you should not leaVE THEM DOWN WERE A CHILD CAN REAhc them they could hurt there selfs very bad.scissors can cut through alot of things

  39. Scissors are the most basic tool of the preschooler, and when you are three or four and mom finally lets you hold them and actually use them it is a big thrill. Sort of akin to getting to drive a car as a teenager.

  40. They are sharp and will cut they. They are useful. Blood, pain and money. Often stop you doing somethin. Getting a scolding and a smack on the back of your hand from Mum. Pain and greif. COld.
