
October 29th, 2009 | 469 Entries

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469 Entries for “scissors”

  1. chopping the hair off of my scalp, itchy achy. picking the tiny bumps on my head until they’ve bled and poured onto my white polyester pillows we’ve had since my parents got married. the scissors

  2. my scissor hands severd
    the pretty girl
    that was in the mirror.
    her tummy and thighs and breasts.
    made her something scary,
    all that was left were bones.

  3. The scissors were poised at the base of her braid, held between trembling fingers. The past was behind her; she was ready to move on.
    One deep inhale and it would all be over.


  4. fucking lesbians no cutting rock paper crazy michael myers

    madeline cote
  5. the shine of the blade does a slip slip over the hiss hiss of the white white paper. God i hate mondays. My hands do a throb throb where the bend bend of the handle handle pushes into my tender skin. God i hate work. My feet do a pad pad down the fwish fwish of the beige beige bland carpet towards the blah blah of my yawn yawn cubicle of ever worsening hell.

  6. She dove into the stack of clean, white paper ready to commence the creating. Snow flakes and magic coming up!

  7. run with them. cut yourself a ridiculous hairdo. the girl i love makes me a paper heart every month on the 28th to commemorate our time spent together, and without scissors, that would be much more difficult.

  8. The cat pawed at the scissors, perhaps hoping in vain for his mistress to put down her needlework and scold him for playing with the sharp object. However, Lucy continued her stitching, not even pausing to say, “You’re cut yourself, that’s what, stupid cat!”

  9. Like that one guy Edward. That movie makes me so sad. A beautiful girl and a monster(?) But he wasn’t the monster after all, right? But how can you tell someone that when they see it?

  10. everyone always says their parents and teachers told them not to run with scissors as a child. i have always wondered why my parents never taught me that. i’ve never had an accident. maybe they knew i was smarter than that. maybe they had faith in me not to do something that stupid. why can’t i talk about something more important than this? i am stumped.

    elizabeth ashley
  11. Scissors are used in elementry schools by small children. These children all learn the same skill of cutting paper. The children all grow up to be very different things but it all starts with a pair of scissors.

  12. I like scissors because they have the ability to destroy something beautiful.

  13. cut the paper into shreds just like you did my heart and i’ll fall even more in love with you the more you snip snip snip at the veins that connect me to life
    you cut them one by one
    snip snip

  14. I wish I had a pair of scissors to cut the crazy out. I think I’m going mad. I’d like to take a sharpie and draw dotted lines all along my forehead. Then, I’d take the scissors and cut away.

  15. cut. ouch. frick. blood. stain. cloth. band aid. sting. i hate scissors.

  16. Running with scissors was bad, momma told me. I shouldn’t be doing such a dangerous thing, so of course I wanted to do it all the more. It was exhilarating, freeing, mature. I had never felt more alive. And that’s how I lost my right eye, you see?

  17. he could only blame that one pair of scissor for causing all of his woes…

  18. i hate scissor because they cut things and sometimes they cut flesh when you do not want them to. this can be troublesome in many cases.

  19. She was angry. Damn angry. Those crayola-coloured, flimsy scissors just couldn’t cut through the vinyl that had been his, and was now hers for the sole purpose of exacting revenge. Ah, the whimsies and follies of love. Perhaps she ought to use the scissors for attacking the direct source of her woe.

  20. Snip, snip, snip. She cut through the construction paper with the lefthanded scissors (the only ones she had) and crafted a crooked heart. Blue construction paper was the only sheet she could find – red would have done better, but he loved her because she was so offbeat, right? Anyway, she thought as she smeared glue stick on the back of the haphazard heart. She could hear his remarks as he looked at her card: “It’s the best thing anybody’s ever made for me.”

  21. cut cut cut goes the blades

    snip snip snip goes my worries

  22. The scissors. Gleaming. I take them in my hand. Where will they go? I can take them anywhere; at that instant, all avenues are open to me. I can cut anything, anyone. They are power. They have teeth. They can cut, and with them, so can I.

  23. Do’nt run with scissors, you’ll fall and die.
    Don’t run with scissors, you’ll bleed and cry.
    I ran with scissors and that is why,
    There is a hole ‘stead of my right eye.

  24. well… what’s there to say about scisors… versatile… reminds me I need a haircut. I don’t think there’s a household that doesn’t have a pair… is there? this is so random…

  25. cut off

  26. They kept telling me not to run with scissors, but if I hadnt I would have never cut through that wormhole into wonderland. they say you go throguh a looking glass, or fall down rabbit holes…no, you trip and fall into wonderland when you cut a hole when running with scissors.

  27. Cut away from me. Like a parasite. With a sharpness not even a god would bare. Cut away at me. Leave nothing left. Regardless I will grow. I will grow stronger and wiser than you ever expected me to. To the point where my strength will be too much for your scissors.

  28. k

  29. a pair of scissors is the common usage; a too to snip, cut; inaugurations are done with ribbons cut with scissors; small ones are used to trim moustache; big ones for trimming garden hedges.

    Pavalamani Pragasam
  30. Scissors, scissors, scissors. Don’t run with them. Cut the strings of my heart that are attached to yours. I hate the dull ones. I just want you back, don’t cut me out of your life.

  31. I ran with the scissors and fell and should have known but didn’t get mad. I just took my stabbing, taped it up with some duct tape, sucked it up and walked out of the school like nothing had happened. That evening at dinner when my mom asked if anything interesting happened, I just said,”Nah.”

  32. Use them to cut paper or cloth, they are usually for right handed people and hurt when held by a left handed person. They typically break easily or get lost. I am always looking for the scissors, don’t really know what I’m using them for all the time.

  33. scissors, scissor sisters? this is an annoying word to type out.. scissors.. its lost all meaning by now. srossics? maybe that makes more sense?

  34. they cut things like papper and boxes and people. and they make a fantastic noise when you cut paper with them. i used to love that noise when i was little. I would cut things just to hear it. i got in a scissor fight one in kindergarten.

  35. cutting into the paper hearts and body parts but not the plastic parts because it’s too far apart. fall in love or fall in hate, you decide what’s your fate. <3

    kara chiasson
  36. frustration flowed through her veins, the scissors tearing, cutting. the noise filling her ears. the cloth between her fingers, as she cut and sewed, cut and sewed. her tiny fingers willing each stitch to be perfect, because it was his gift, and it was as if she had based her whole life on perfectly making this love fall apart.

  37. I hate scissors. The are always cutting things. They are never sharp enough. They SUCK. I really have no thoughts on scissors. I need a pair I just cant remember what for.

  38. I used to sit at my desk at the National Sales Manager for Flavia greeting cards and cut my own hair. YIKES! Yep, my hair LOOKED like I had done it (while on the phone) but I was THAT busy. Now I go get it done and look oh so much better for it!

    Therese Hartmann
  39. Cutting, sniping, altering – changing the shape and form of our world.

  40. the first cut is the deepest. no matter how sharp the instrument the heart is always softer. memories cannot be removed by simple cutting for the edges are ragged and defy outline. cut cut cut… oh the pain.
