I turn around and look about
This dagger, lodged within my heart.
With solemnness, and deep despair
Look in my soul and let it tear.
running with scissors anyone? I bet that that will be one of the most used lines in this one word site, but at the same time I can never really tell that until I actually finish what I am typing and submit it to see my results. Thus my ramblings could be utter nonsense and my prediction and my results are independent of one another.
scissors are sharp.. they can cut.. i love to run with scissors.. it makes me feel dangerous.. you know edward scissor hands.. he was amazing.. i loved that movies.. oh kiddie scissors wont cut anything.. except you.. never ever use them if you want something cut correctly… i like the blue scissors best.. im not a hater
I like to cut peoples hair with my sissors. They have nice sharp edges to get the effect of the hair cut just right…
Simple, ever so simple. The pain had almost subsided by now, leaving almost no trace but the red streak across her small wrist. The pair of silver scissors was lying on the stone cold floor, but she didn’t care. She had no more need of them, as her work with them was finished. Ah, sweet relief…
she cut the ribbon with a pair of too big scissorss. She almost couldn’t close them with her child hands. But the slice was clean in that even stroke. It was a gold ribbon that shined brightly against the silver blades and she thought to herself, how proud am I.
scissors are sharp and amazing and they can hurt people but at the same time help you with alot of good things like arts and crafts, and opening really hard boxes to open. Other than that I have no idea what im doing
Jonathon Lucaj
You can’t run with them. They cut things in half such as credit cards and broken hearts. They are really hard to use when you’re left handed and it’s silly. They can be really sharp or dull, they come in all different sizes and can match people personalities. I like different kinds of craft scissors because they make things interesting when you’re scrap booking and making things for people. They make life easier and more difficult.
She took the scissors and dug them tenderly into the wool blanket. Her eyes shifting this way and that to make sure she didn’t hurt her or the fragile wool with the scissors. Slightly she shook her head as she placed them on the table again starting over.
I feel the pain of the scissors digging deep into my skin. “Ouch!” I cry out as I cut my finger lightly. The scissors were digging deeply. Why had this happened? Only god knew. It was true.
scissors are a pair and they are knives, bottom line. they are knives that work in sync to cut things. paper. chickens, twine, yarn. heaven knows you can cut your fingers with them, too, but not as easily as you can cut your fingers with knives. knives are the more dangerous, as most people would perceive, but i am not so sure. with scissors the illusion of safety might work against you.
he returned the scissors to the manager, the point towards her. He regreted to
These scissors will last you shall see
The place of stabbing is yet to be
I’ve got my drinks, my booze, my high
But the endless love of Alena crashes by
I want to accept it and move and well
But these scissors that stab me tell no tale
small anchors cutting into spaces that all we have is left to remove. What is it that we will take away and thus add, with the empty space? It all adds up as they say, it all adds up with all that we have taken away gone and done again
He picked up the scissors from the table, toying with them idly. They were almost beautiful, the simple cleverness, the usefulness–engineer’s eye, always watching the world with an engineer’s eyes. He made some idle snipping motions. How easy it would be, god! how easy.
Can be used to shape and slice little Valentine’s hearts, make ribbons curlier, cut ties and gore a burglar, should the need arise. Very handy.
The man took the scissors and cut his hair. His mind was in a blaze. His life was like the pair of scissors he held in his hand. Cruel, cold, chilling, dangerous. Something that was so distinctly molded, and used in every day life as a simple tool. A simple object that could be used to do any good deed — when in reality it could have a bad meaning behind it if used in wrong terms.
They cut things and are really fun to run with. I used them today to cut up spider web decorations for my hall. I almost fell and cut myself, but I’m ok. Mine are purple and kinda like a kindergartener’s. But, hey they work and they were cheap.
Pinpricks through the blackness, an abyss swirling around my vision, swallowing the room and my sense. A scream, a fall. I had fallen while running with scissors. Again.
i cut with them they cut me. me cutting trimming, grooming. loving loathing. torturing, breathing. squik squik, i think my scissors need oil.
Running with? The little dull kindergarden kind? No narrative emerges.
I’m making you a necklace. I add one bead at a time; my hands are careful, sure. I don’t have confidence in anything else, not in you and not in me, but I’m not afraid here. I cut the string with scissors, tie the knot.
The grieve amongst each other
A tombstone with a name
The scissors cut new paper
Plot a different game
Mother was always right
The pictures have no frame
Bryan Main
I love my mother’s scissors. I have kept them safely for over 10 years, since she passed away. They contain the memories of learning to sew, cutting out patterns and cutting thread and yarn as she taught me to crochet. I love those scissors with their worn looking handles, they are priceless to me.
Sandra Cobb
Scissors are sharp clean metal blades, that shine with a cold metal glint, a light that skips briefly across the metal. The blades of a good pair of scissors are sharp, honed to such a fine subtle surface that placing the blade against the palm incites a tingle of adrenaline up the arm.
They cut so deep as they slice together. snip snip, he we go again. In the kitchen slicing the chicken, for a meal that no one will appreciate. Snip snip, slip. A slight cut to the pinky finger.
oscar wilde
Owwch! That hurt, she thought, as she watched the blood pour from her own hand. Why did she do that? She couldn’t begin to think of why she would have done that. Was it an accident? No…it was something else….but what. What possessed her to use those scissors against herself? She sighed, with a heavy frown. Why? She always had to ask why?
Cut the paper right across the line. Cut the drawing in half. End a life you created out of ink and graphite. Sometimes, nothing is good enough. Sometimes, you have to make do with that. No one can constantly make one success after another. There is no perfect world.
cut dont run with the scissors, trim, haricut, something that you wont give someone that needs it, your mom is gonna him one as far as i know. I suck at cutting hair…anyway…………
shiny slender objects used to divide some 2 dimensional grid into sections. a dangerous tool, or good way to make yourself look good, you decide.
I took the scissors and carefully followed the thick black lines. She watched me as I did it. Making notes to see how my eyes moved with the blades. When I was finished I had a ragged edged star in my hands. A symbol for my A for the day.
The scissors where sharp as they cut into my skin. I always wondered how sharp you could get one of these things. Now I know. It sucked that I had to learn this way though. They where slowly carving me up, those evil witches that wanted my skin for there own vial purposes. I never wanted to feel this way again.
scissors are a good tool when it comes to cutting things. I used to use them to cut construction paper all the time. i have a friend who had a pair of scissors thrown at him. They stuck into his leg. I once chased my brother with a pair of scissors.
stunning, sleek and sensual it makes and breaks all that we love and hate. It is steel and eternal. Don’t regret or make a mistake, there is no room for it.
I dont know what to feel, cuts openings, scars all the fixing and amount of time that goes into using them. all the space it saves and crafts it makes and eyes it opens where were they created who will know who will care, why do we.
I bleed I burn
I twist I turn
I turn around and look about
This dagger, lodged within my heart.
With solemnness, and deep despair
Look in my soul and let it tear.
running with scissors anyone? I bet that that will be one of the most used lines in this one word site, but at the same time I can never really tell that until I actually finish what I am typing and submit it to see my results. Thus my ramblings could be utter nonsense and my prediction and my results are independent of one another.
scissors are sharp.. they can cut.. i love to run with scissors.. it makes me feel dangerous.. you know edward scissor hands.. he was amazing.. i loved that movies.. oh kiddie scissors wont cut anything.. except you.. never ever use them if you want something cut correctly… i like the blue scissors best.. im not a hater
I like to cut peoples hair with my sissors. They have nice sharp edges to get the effect of the hair cut just right…
Simple, ever so simple. The pain had almost subsided by now, leaving almost no trace but the red streak across her small wrist. The pair of silver scissors was lying on the stone cold floor, but she didn’t care. She had no more need of them, as her work with them was finished. Ah, sweet relief…
she cut the ribbon with a pair of too big scissorss. She almost couldn’t close them with her child hands. But the slice was clean in that even stroke. It was a gold ribbon that shined brightly against the silver blades and she thought to herself, how proud am I.
scissors are sharp and amazing and they can hurt people but at the same time help you with alot of good things like arts and crafts, and opening really hard boxes to open. Other than that I have no idea what im doing
You can’t run with them. They cut things in half such as credit cards and broken hearts. They are really hard to use when you’re left handed and it’s silly. They can be really sharp or dull, they come in all different sizes and can match people personalities. I like different kinds of craft scissors because they make things interesting when you’re scrap booking and making things for people. They make life easier and more difficult.
She took the scissors and dug them tenderly into the wool blanket. Her eyes shifting this way and that to make sure she didn’t hurt her or the fragile wool with the scissors. Slightly she shook her head as she placed them on the table again starting over.
I feel the pain of the scissors digging deep into my skin. “Ouch!” I cry out as I cut my finger lightly. The scissors were digging deeply. Why had this happened? Only god knew. It was true.
scissors are a pair and they are knives, bottom line. they are knives that work in sync to cut things. paper. chickens, twine, yarn. heaven knows you can cut your fingers with them, too, but not as easily as you can cut your fingers with knives. knives are the more dangerous, as most people would perceive, but i am not so sure. with scissors the illusion of safety might work against you.
he returned the scissors to the manager, the point towards her. He regreted to
These scissors will last you shall see
The place of stabbing is yet to be
I’ve got my drinks, my booze, my high
But the endless love of Alena crashes by
I want to accept it and move and well
But these scissors that stab me tell no tale
small anchors cutting into spaces that all we have is left to remove. What is it that we will take away and thus add, with the empty space? It all adds up as they say, it all adds up with all that we have taken away gone and done again
He picked up the scissors from the table, toying with them idly. They were almost beautiful, the simple cleverness, the usefulness–engineer’s eye, always watching the world with an engineer’s eyes. He made some idle snipping motions. How easy it would be, god! how easy.
Can be used to shape and slice little Valentine’s hearts, make ribbons curlier, cut ties and gore a burglar, should the need arise. Very handy.
The man took the scissors and cut his hair. His mind was in a blaze. His life was like the pair of scissors he held in his hand. Cruel, cold, chilling, dangerous. Something that was so distinctly molded, and used in every day life as a simple tool. A simple object that could be used to do any good deed — when in reality it could have a bad meaning behind it if used in wrong terms.
They cut things and are really fun to run with. I used them today to cut up spider web decorations for my hall. I almost fell and cut myself, but I’m ok. Mine are purple and kinda like a kindergartener’s. But, hey they work and they were cheap.
Pinpricks through the blackness, an abyss swirling around my vision, swallowing the room and my sense. A scream, a fall. I had fallen while running with scissors. Again.
i cut with them they cut me. me cutting trimming, grooming. loving loathing. torturing, breathing. squik squik, i think my scissors need oil.
Running with? The little dull kindergarden kind? No narrative emerges.
I’m making you a necklace. I add one bead at a time; my hands are careful, sure. I don’t have confidence in anything else, not in you and not in me, but I’m not afraid here. I cut the string with scissors, tie the knot.
The grieve amongst each other
A tombstone with a name
The scissors cut new paper
Plot a different game
Mother was always right
The pictures have no frame
I love my mother’s scissors. I have kept them safely for over 10 years, since she passed away. They contain the memories of learning to sew, cutting out patterns and cutting thread and yarn as she taught me to crochet. I love those scissors with their worn looking handles, they are priceless to me.
Scissors are sharp clean metal blades, that shine with a cold metal glint, a light that skips briefly across the metal. The blades of a good pair of scissors are sharp, honed to such a fine subtle surface that placing the blade against the palm incites a tingle of adrenaline up the arm.
They cut so deep as they slice together. snip snip, he we go again. In the kitchen slicing the chicken, for a meal that no one will appreciate. Snip snip, slip. A slight cut to the pinky finger.
Owwch! That hurt, she thought, as she watched the blood pour from her own hand. Why did she do that? She couldn’t begin to think of why she would have done that. Was it an accident? No…it was something else….but what. What possessed her to use those scissors against herself? She sighed, with a heavy frown. Why? She always had to ask why?
Cut the paper right across the line. Cut the drawing in half. End a life you created out of ink and graphite. Sometimes, nothing is good enough. Sometimes, you have to make do with that. No one can constantly make one success after another. There is no perfect world.
cut dont run with the scissors, trim, haricut, something that you wont give someone that needs it, your mom is gonna him one as far as i know. I suck at cutting hair…anyway…………
shiny slender objects used to divide some 2 dimensional grid into sections. a dangerous tool, or good way to make yourself look good, you decide.
I took the scissors and carefully followed the thick black lines. She watched me as I did it. Making notes to see how my eyes moved with the blades. When I was finished I had a ragged edged star in my hands. A symbol for my A for the day.
The scissors where sharp as they cut into my skin. I always wondered how sharp you could get one of these things. Now I know. It sucked that I had to learn this way though. They where slowly carving me up, those evil witches that wanted my skin for there own vial purposes. I never wanted to feel this way again.
scissors are a good tool when it comes to cutting things. I used to use them to cut construction paper all the time. i have a friend who had a pair of scissors thrown at him. They stuck into his leg. I once chased my brother with a pair of scissors.
stunning, sleek and sensual it makes and breaks all that we love and hate. It is steel and eternal. Don’t regret or make a mistake, there is no room for it.
I dont know what to feel, cuts openings, scars all the fixing and amount of time that goes into using them. all the space it saves and crafts it makes and eyes it opens where were they created who will know who will care, why do we.