
October 29th, 2009 | 469 Entries

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469 Entries for “scissors”

  1. cut sharp they are pointy.
    idk idk idk idk silver
    big or little
    or short
    idk idk idk idk idk idk idk idk

  2. I have been alone in a desert long enough to know when good tools come in handy. However, scissors are for total losers. I can do anything with my teeth than some schmuck could do with scissors.

  3. You shouldn’t run with scissors. I’d heard that one enough. From the day I started school. That’s when the rules started, most of them supposedly to protect me. But the thing was, I wanted to run with scissors. I wanted to run, trip, then fall right on them and to bleed all over the natty carpeting of my second grade class.

    Alan T. Kercinik
  4. In langen Str

  5. scissors cut the paper. different shaoes are formed. the children laugh. i love the holidays. they are always so merry and bright. snowflakes fall outside the window, while papper ones are cut inside. Small hands making small shapes. WInter is always so peacful and so beautiful. I love it.


  7. cutting hair. or soul strings, like the little bald doctors in insomnia. Ooh, the insomnia auras and the damage they can do was totally ripped off in heroes with the deaf lady. They only changed it the slightest bit from auras to soundwaves, and not even sound waves, like sound auras. Shameless.

    Sophie Boyce
  8. cut

    Matt Benjamin
  9. Scissors cut paper and and other thin objects. Scissors can also cut food but that’s with the right type of scissor. Scissors are cool and sharp as well!

    Billy Harris
  10. The first thing that comes to mind when i think of the word scissors is life being cut into pieces. Scissors could be used as a metaphor to describe ones feelings, and what they’re going through

  11. Scissors are a tool that you dont run with. There dangerous so you shuold always get plastic ones especially when your dealing with kids, because kids like to run alot. Silver ones are the dullest but sharpest i dont know what im saying.

    Woodly D'Haity
  12. Whwn i think about scissors i think about getting my hair cut. I also think about cutting a piece of paper. I think about cutting something.

    CJ Morsey
  13. A scissor is two blades put together. They are used to cut things. You mostly cut paper, but you can cut packages, clothes, mail, or anything that needs to be cut. As a child everyone learned to NOT run with scissors. And if your carrying scissors please carry them with the blade in your hand and the other part sticking out so you don

    Kaitlyn Czelada
  14. Scissors they remind me of paper, and people cutting papers. I remember the last time I used scissors I was cutting out pieces of paper for my multimedia. Ha-ha I remember when I was little parents used to tell us that we couldn

  15. i think i want to cut something, emo, my lifer sucks, i go across and not down, lololololololol

    all i can think of is cutting something like paper or something that can be cut

  16. Scissors are hand-operated cutting instruments. They consist of a pair of metal blades connected in such a way that the sharpened edges slide against each other. Scissors are used for cutting various thin materials

    Abraham Kishumbua
  17. one of the first things i learned as a kid .. not to run with scissors, and how to walk with scissors. I always used to pronounce it otherwise .. (skiz-ors) … LOL. Fun times as a kid!

    Sam Zack
  18. I began cutting the paper. I carefully went down the lines to ensure a nice clean edge. Once I had an even 9 by 12 inch sheet of paper, I carefully ruled it out, and began making panels for my comic.

    Chris Wagar
  19. I held the pair of shap scissors in my hand. I examined the blade carefully; it was made of silver, unlike the boring old stainless steel I was used to. The sharp blade glinted in the sunlight. It had been sharpened recently. I took a deep breath and cut the ribbon.

  20. I suppose it is true, you should not run with them. But when I see a herd of them, their sharp silver noses piercing the wind as they gallop across the white plain paper, cutting a path none has ever made, I want to grab their good round tails and race right behind, letting all fall into two neat pieces behind.

    Brian Slusher
  21. this word is not really what i expected, but we’ll see how it plays into my head right now. two girls, each a dangerous edge, attached at the focul point. which is me. i love one, and i want the other one too. i shouldnt love the first and i should love the second. but im probably in love with the first, and may not ever be with the second. each a dangerous edge, and im caught in the middle.

  22. made of meta, cut hair, cut paper, made of metal, can be made of plasic, large ones, small ones. hairdressers use them. can get blunt if not kept sharpened. Used to stab in murder, made of two pieces.

  23. sharp

  24. The sharp edges of those two ever sniping blades, tore through the piece of paper with an iron cold heart. So unmerciful the scissors were, for they cared not who or whom they cut, and the small boy cried at the sight of blood.

  25. ;sldkjfvlds

  26. scissors are a mere way to cut things
    awesome way these scissors are made
    2 axel put together with hole to put your fingers
    scissors can make lives a lot easier
    scissors just dont cut, they make excellent tools

    sunny narshi
  27. Er nahm die Schere und schnitt an dem Papier rum. Langsam erkannte sie, dass er eine feine Spirale ausschnitt. Langsam und sorgf

  28. scissors,
    oh enigma.
    granting sweet ability
    to create anything
    within two-dimensional
    desire & i’m shallow
    enough for this to
    satisfy me.

    doc /
  29. Scissors are sharp objects that are used for multiple things depending on who you are. Cutting various shapes and things to make art or just to remove a dangling string. You never run with scissors, oh never ever, but you can. Of course you can.

  30. My fingers scissor the air as I watch my shadow on the grass. I spend too much time with you. I need to prioritize, but I can’t. Can’t we cut ties? Can’t we make love? Something other than this spending time, walking back and forth from the hospital like lemmings migrating north.

    Ella Emma Em
  31. pain0yphl;b

  32. I just feel like stabbing someone. Nih nih nah nah small matters big matter all come to me like they do not know any other solution. Cut them to ribbons. Indispensable my foot.

  33. my worst nighmare would be if someone stuck a pair of scissors in my eye. eek!!!

  34. Never run with scissors.” she said with a smile.
    every once in a while that thought flashes through my head when I play with something dangerous. never run with scissors…
    never do any thing dangerous…
    The trick to living is to do just the oppisite

  35. They win over paper in rock paper scissors. They are sharp and can cut many things up especially contruction paper, which i love the sound of. You should never run with them because you might sta

  36. cut

  37. Sharpness calls from across time, dividing present and past, present and future. The tape was there, ready to be cut, but the insturment was blunt and therefore deadly. cheering crowds, oh yes, and the moment had

  38. i want some scissors in order to curt some prices of shirts and style one of those i hate things that are not organize especiall

  39. Run RUn Run said my mum… Unfortunately she did not see the scissors I had open in my hand…

  40. I watched my mother cut out a dress pattern once. In the old days when we had a mangle in the back yard. I saw the scissors moving, head the rasp of the paper and was lost in thoughts of the world being a far stranger place than I imagined. Wolrds within worlds. Nah, only joking. I was only 5
