
January 8th, 2025 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “seaweed”

  1. She will wrap around your leg, most revolting in her slimy embrace, pull at your skin wanting every inch of it tasting the salt she bathes in. Though above the surface is where her siren song sings the loudest.

  2. Seaweed drapes around my leg and even in the lake, there is sudden fear, of unseen things touching me. But on my plate, it is delicious, Korean birthday soup.

  3. The seaweed formed a mat at the top of the water. It even looked thick enough to walk on, so she tried it, expecting that she would fall through. Instead, it held her as she stood up. Then the seaweed mat started to move and a second later, it was flying through the sky, like a magic carpet.

  4. Nowadays eating seaweed is so trendy, however some experts have shown that could be dangerous for the health because of iodo