Nothing can separate us. Truly nothing. They can try and cut us up, remove us, break out strings or pull out our thread but they will never separate us.
Can I separate myself,
from the person I was in summer,
to the person that I am now?
The two seem to vine together,
over lapping and intervening.
I can’t seem to get go,
to cast over board my summer self.
The one who let loose,
and laughed at caution.
Where the word “no”
was not in her vocabulary.
Summer was a time
of no regrets.
Only moving forward,
never looking back.
Doing things
that she only ever read about,
and never imagined would happen
to her.
Now things have changed once more.
Evolving back into a steady self.
Trying to regain a foothold
on morals and status quo.
Trying to rein in the wild child,
so I can blend in with society.
Hoping that my bright coloring
won’t scare you away.
Many people get separated. This can mean separated from the birth family, from their life partner or from their job or other interests. Generally, separations are sad, difficult moments in ones life and are to be taken seriously and throughout through.
Estela Noboa
I pull away too quickly. I stumble backwards and land flat on my back. Tears form in the corners of my eyes as I struggle to regain my footing. When Evan offers me a hand, I brush him off.
“Penny, please,” he whispers.
“We can’t be together, Ev,” I say and continue to back away. “Never, ever.”
“Why not, Pen?” Evan asks, pain lacing his words. He catches my hand. “Give me a good reason why not?”
“We can’t be together,” I say again. “Because I would live with the fear of…” I duck my head and separate my hand from his. “Goodbye, Evan.”
“Penny! Wait!”
But I don’t stop running.
I don’t look back.
separate the different things in life. you can be happy or sad, mad or glad, ill or well.
I have two very specific personality traits – the need for safety and realism and the desire for freedom, flexibility, and inspiration. THey conflict drasticlaly and they are very separate. SOmetimes they don’t have to be separate though – I’m thinking that maybe I can join them together and use my strategic, safety-needing skills to derive a fantastic plan to ensure I have a life of inspiration and freedom. Is that possibble? I’m not sure but I’m going to find out.
separating is to take two things and put them apart from each other.
Seperate is to devide something into two or more pieces. Like when seperating a cake to share with multiple people. Or to seperate a room in a house. The things that get seperated is multiple.
Es wäre gut mich zu trennen von allem Schmerz. Und von der Angst vor dem Schmerz, dem Hadern mit dem Schmerz, der Erinnerung an den Schmerz. Es wäre gut, HIER und JETZT zu sein. Den Schmerz zu spüren, ihn zu riechen, zu schmecken, zu hören. So wird er Gefühl, Geräusch, Geschmack, Klang und Atem.
i would like to separate myself from myself. i wish i could separate my mind from my body. this body is confining, i need more space. this body cannot provide the space i need to set my mind free….i wish i could fly away and get away from this confining space. i don’t know what else to write. this is
the paper in my hands had something sticky and black on the edges. I wanted to tear it off but my index finger touched it. My stomach wrenched. I raised my hand to ask if I could wash my hands. My teacher frowned and said no.
Tyler was able to see through Isabella’s eyes, and approached her confidently. Relaxed, but nervously said,
“Do are you howing?”
Keeping him from escape, she moved in to kiss his cheek, suddenly turning his head…
We looked through each others eyes forever and ever after that moment. No one could separate us now…but we never kissed again, ever.
I watched him as he smiled at me, and I let the tears fall. He couldn’t give me what I needed, couldn’t make me happy? Well this surely wasn’t helping. I knew that we’d still be friends after all this, that because of previous events, we wouldn’t be able to truly separate for a long time, but just knowing that he no longer loved me that way, no longer wanted me… It hurt more than anything else ever had.
der kleine grüne baum stand dort und starrte das große mädchen im blauen kleid an. er wunderte sich, warum sie immer alleine spielte. als tage verstrichen und das mädchen sich schon länger nicht hatte blicken lassen, machte
Keep them separate
The things you can change
And the ones you can’t do squat about
Keep them apart
In mind and body
Do what you can with what you have
Try not to take on the universe
I try to tell this to to myself
Breathe in, exhale
ellie griffith
apart switched gone from the other
never seen
apart from the other
bye bye
do you find that everything that you write in this minute it perhaps the most cliche sentence or thought you have ever had in your entire life? I can’t help it and this has literally nothing to do with the word separate.
one time a little kid ran away from home and he was walking in the woods,when he heard a strange noise, then he saw a horse carriage and it was carrying someone his parents heard a loud scream and no one saw him after that
Separate from you
I feel all of you.
The spatial theories cannot tell me that
there is space between us.
Like the newly discovered city street,
there is no foreign path of skin that
I do not know.
The only space between us is the millions of atoms
between the friction of our skin.
I still feel all of you.
Please, she thought, separate me from these crazy thoughts. I feel like my heart is breaking, and I don’t even know why. I want to leave, just walk away, without a trace.
They wouldn’t dare.
The dark-haired girl smoothed a loose strand of blonde hair back from her companion’s forehead.
There was, of course, a way to get what they wanted. People died every day.
Being separated from one another didn’t make the love fall apart, even if long distance isn’t suppose to workout. They were contents apart, yet each conversation made them feel closer in spirit and love.
unha palabra
só unha palabra para definir o universo
e calquera serve
porque unha palabra é o universo
que colle nunha outra palabra
e noutra unha á súa vez
o universo é unha palabra
unha soa palabra.
Nothing can separate us. Truly nothing. They can try and cut us up, remove us, break out strings or pull out our thread but they will never separate us.
Can I separate myself,
from the person I was in summer,
to the person that I am now?
The two seem to vine together,
over lapping and intervening.
I can’t seem to get go,
to cast over board my summer self.
The one who let loose,
and laughed at caution.
Where the word “no”
was not in her vocabulary.
Summer was a time
of no regrets.
Only moving forward,
never looking back.
Doing things
that she only ever read about,
and never imagined would happen
to her.
Now things have changed once more.
Evolving back into a steady self.
Trying to regain a foothold
on morals and status quo.
Trying to rein in the wild child,
so I can blend in with society.
Hoping that my bright coloring
won’t scare you away.
I never thought it would come to that day. The ties that bound us seemed too strong to ever break… Everything eventually comes apart though.
a place where we can buy a sandwich
Many people get separated. This can mean separated from the birth family, from their life partner or from their job or other interests. Generally, separations are sad, difficult moments in ones life and are to be taken seriously and throughout through.
I pull away too quickly. I stumble backwards and land flat on my back. Tears form in the corners of my eyes as I struggle to regain my footing. When Evan offers me a hand, I brush him off.
“Penny, please,” he whispers.
“We can’t be together, Ev,” I say and continue to back away. “Never, ever.”
“Why not, Pen?” Evan asks, pain lacing his words. He catches my hand. “Give me a good reason why not?”
“We can’t be together,” I say again. “Because I would live with the fear of…” I duck my head and separate my hand from his. “Goodbye, Evan.”
“Penny! Wait!”
But I don’t stop running.
I don’t look back.
separate the different things in life. you can be happy or sad, mad or glad, ill or well.
I have two very specific personality traits – the need for safety and realism and the desire for freedom, flexibility, and inspiration. THey conflict drasticlaly and they are very separate. SOmetimes they don’t have to be separate though – I’m thinking that maybe I can join them together and use my strategic, safety-needing skills to derive a fantastic plan to ensure I have a life of inspiration and freedom. Is that possibble? I’m not sure but I’m going to find out.
separating is to take two things and put them apart from each other.
Seperate is to devide something into two or more pieces. Like when seperating a cake to share with multiple people. Or to seperate a room in a house. The things that get seperated is multiple.
Es wäre gut mich zu trennen von allem Schmerz. Und von der Angst vor dem Schmerz, dem Hadern mit dem Schmerz, der Erinnerung an den Schmerz. Es wäre gut, HIER und JETZT zu sein. Den Schmerz zu spüren, ihn zu riechen, zu schmecken, zu hören. So wird er Gefühl, Geräusch, Geschmack, Klang und Atem.
i would like to separate myself from myself. i wish i could separate my mind from my body. this body is confining, i need more space. this body cannot provide the space i need to set my mind free….i wish i could fly away and get away from this confining space. i don’t know what else to write. this is
the paper in my hands had something sticky and black on the edges. I wanted to tear it off but my index finger touched it. My stomach wrenched. I raised my hand to ask if I could wash my hands. My teacher frowned and said no.
Tyler was able to see through Isabella’s eyes, and approached her confidently. Relaxed, but nervously said,
“Do are you howing?”
Keeping him from escape, she moved in to kiss his cheek, suddenly turning his head…
We looked through each others eyes forever and ever after that moment. No one could separate us now…but we never kissed again, ever.
I watched him as he smiled at me, and I let the tears fall. He couldn’t give me what I needed, couldn’t make me happy? Well this surely wasn’t helping. I knew that we’d still be friends after all this, that because of previous events, we wouldn’t be able to truly separate for a long time, but just knowing that he no longer loved me that way, no longer wanted me… It hurt more than anything else ever had.
der kleine grüne baum stand dort und starrte das große mädchen im blauen kleid an. er wunderte sich, warum sie immer alleine spielte. als tage verstrichen und das mädchen sich schon länger nicht hatte blicken lassen, machte
Keep them separate
The things you can change
And the ones you can’t do squat about
Keep them apart
In mind and body
Do what you can with what you have
Try not to take on the universe
I try to tell this to to myself
Breathe in, exhale
apart switched gone from the other
never seen
apart from the other
bye bye
separate which means to break apart
do you find that everything that you write in this minute it perhaps the most cliche sentence or thought you have ever had in your entire life? I can’t help it and this has literally nothing to do with the word separate.
To brake apart from something or to something.
when you take something apart
Means to be apart from someone or something
one time a little kid ran away from home and he was walking in the woods,when he heard a strange noise, then he saw a horse carriage and it was carrying someone his parents heard a loud scream and no one saw him after that
To take apart.
To take something apart
the seperate criminals were sad but they had crow bars and broke out of jail
To pull something apart. If you separate from your parents to go to college.
To take something apart.
to pull apart or to divide.
separate which means to break apart
Separate from you
I feel all of you.
The spatial theories cannot tell me that
there is space between us.
Like the newly discovered city street,
there is no foreign path of skin that
I do not know.
The only space between us is the millions of atoms
between the friction of our skin.
I still feel all of you.
Learn to separate fact from fiction.
Friends from enemies.
Lovers from haters.
And then grow all that much stronger for recognizing the distinction between that which is important that which is triviality.
Please, she thought, separate me from these crazy thoughts. I feel like my heart is breaking, and I don’t even know why. I want to leave, just walk away, without a trace.
They wouldn’t dare.
The dark-haired girl smoothed a loose strand of blonde hair back from her companion’s forehead.
There was, of course, a way to get what they wanted. People died every day.
Being separated from one another didn’t make the love fall apart, even if long distance isn’t suppose to workout. They were contents apart, yet each conversation made them feel closer in spirit and love.
The fault lines between the two; they never grew, never shrunk, but were ever-permanent; effectively separating them from each other. No Contact.
one separate is like taking two things apart
unha palabra
só unha palabra para definir o universo
e calquera serve
porque unha palabra é o universo
que colle nunha outra palabra
e noutra unha á súa vez
o universo é unha palabra
unha soa palabra.