
June 30th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “shadow”

  1. The darkness was a comfort, nothing could touch him anymore, no more pain or trickery. He thought it was all over until a darkness, blacker still, approached and flashed a stunningly bright smile.

  2. Shadow flits under the porch. She is a shy thing, can’t have too much light or too much dark. But when I can coax her out, she sticks close to my heels. Sometimes she feels like running out far beyond or behind me but she makes sure she is still touching me so she knows she’s safe. Sometimes, she curls up tight and small around me. But, even in midday, I know my shadow will come back.

  3. I often find solace in the shadows. For it is my refuge, a place to retreat from the overwhelming brightness of the world. A sanctuary of peace and introspection, where I feel most like myself, where I connect with my inner thoughts and can observe without the pressure to perform or engage constantly.

  4. I often find solace in the shadows. For it is my refuge, a place to retreat from the overwhelming brightness of the world. A sanctuary of peace and introspection, where I feel most like myself, where I connect with my inner thoughts and can observe and reflect without the pressure to perform or engage constantly.

  5. I fell like everyone has something to hide. and the perfect place for them to hide anything is their own shadow.
    I have done that too. Yes, I am no god. I am a woman, a woman with her wisdom and Nothing else. I have learned about science, technology and engineering all by myself, But one thing I couldn’t learn is how to get rid of my shadow. I wish I could send my shadow somewhere else and It would take my past with it.

    by Rashmi Dhakal on 07.01.2024
  6. Sometimes I feel like a shadow of a person, lingering in the back of people’s minds. Blink and you’ll miss me. I’ve never been a loud or eye-catching presence. I’m sort of just here.

    by SHR on 06.30.2024