protection is key. don’t let the attack get to close. shield yourself as best as you can and you too can survive this fight. it’s not easy. never guaranteed it would be. but it’s life and that’s what makes it worth fighting for. protection of what you hold dearest. shield what is sweetest and love what is most important to you.
protection, power, king, castle, knight, from wind
once there was a sacred shield. it was hidden in the mystical forest of Narnia! only one person could find this sword. this one person was a tenth grade boy. many people called him a nerd or a geek, but he actually was planning on world domination. he was slowly turning the people around him evil, like his family and “friends”. he would randomly laugh an evil laugh in class and people would look at him all funny. those were the people he would kill first…buahhaha…he though to himself. he was using the help from his yorkshire terrier, named peter. peter was a hairless yorkie. he yelped whenever someone came to the
She held the shield in her hand. old and rusted, it was covered in the dust, as if untouched for decades. Through the junkyard, she dug and found treasures beyond what her imagination could pose, old forks, wheelbarrows, bottles with letters, and trinkets both useless and marvelous.
Sunblock can be amazing for your skin.It prevents aging and wrinkles. When your older some day you’ll appreciate the fact you use sunblock.
Emma Crust
one word:the irony is that it is itself not a “one word”..but 2 words..U call such things so mean..if they happen with a person..
dey r called double faced,sometyms when dey dont do what dey say..or don’t mean what dey mean..then its the same with all–>face decry from people..Dey will b crabbing u..calling u names 4 it..but somehow as we see here …its an opportunity 2 write ’bout dis “double faced ” thing!!!..:)
EarlyShield is a product from Abbott Nutrition. A shield protects people, but it’s very bulky to carry around with you. Metallic and pointy and a bit unwieldy. But the plastic kind is great for mock battles and plays.
I have a shield that is my own. It is safety. It is the thing that keeps me doing the things I do everyday. It is not for anyone else. It protects only me. I live for it, though it is a trap. It creates a wall around me. Sometimes I leave it and I am okay but most times I am not. It is my end.
I’m running. Past the field next to a stream approaching a bridge. If I turn and make it to the small outhouse, I can use it as a shield. But it seems far away. So I dive into an outcropping around a bend.
I hear the sound of footfalls as they pass me. I’m safe — for now. So I squat down, still as possible, breathing hard, having to open my mouth periodically to gasp for air; the smell of soot and garbage that’s thirty feet to my left reaches my nostrils.
I’m gonna go ahead and take a hunch that there was a bonfire started here a week ago.
Gouldin Lion
shelter, a guiding self sence, a state of body, your worst neightmare if you have a weopon
i made this super duper cool cardboard shield in my 7th grade world history class. I remember feeling rather nauseous because i used sharpies and a whole container of white-out as paint.
He shielded me from his love. “It’s done,” he said quietly. I shivered in the corner with a knife plunged through my chest, not literally, as I’d hoped. A real knife plunged would’ve hurt less than this particular moment. I cried,
I think I should have a shield that protects me from getting hurt. I’m really hurting right now, from my best friend, who’s completely insensitive of what she’s done to me and what she’s doing right now. I want a shield to protect me from being so sensitive of what she’s doing and hopefully things will get better.
Don’t try to shield yourself behind your culture or your sex. You knew you were lying all along and it finally caught up to you. I’m leaving, and it’s over.
My shield is not a god, its not a person, its not even a thought. Its my dog. When I’m with her, I know that no one will hurt me, because, frankly, no one messes with German Shepherds.
The fire burned brightly, lighting the scene with an eerie glow. She looked around, frightened, not knowing where to expect the danger from next. She felt it before she saw it, felt the change in the air around her, she raised her hand, shielding her face……..
armour that protects one from battle in the olden days when swords and cavalry were used in fights & wars. I would personally be a big fan of a sheild if I were some grand English Knight riding my horse, Sir Camelot, through the woods of england day and had to protect myself from the terrors of the countryside.
Denise Marie
Shield. Protection. Leaving everything inside you knowing that you can shield yourself with your own stubborness and emotions. Difficulties connecting with people ensue, but what’s that matter. It’s still great to know you can hide behind that shield. Sense of protection… sense of self… sense of hiding… not worth it. Open up.
Chris R
He lay on the grass next to the pool, relaxing in the sun. She slipped quietly into the far end of the pool. He heard a small splash and raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. He smiled when he saw her. She was back.
one always USES a shield, and it does not complain, not ever. but one day a shield will use you. how will that feel? it will hurt. that’s how it will feel.
you are my shield, my sword, my armour
you make my safe, you fight my battles
but only with my arm, my mind, my heart
you cannot lead without me,
but i cannot fight without your support
we are intertwined
complete as a whole
never can be parted
Use a shield so buck can’t hack you up with his sword, seriously this guy I know from work is nutso about this stuff, He just built a forge, and He makes chainmail at work, I want to ask him for a shield just so I can block his super sword strikes, He drives me nuts man. Ugh BUCK STOP
protection, armor, knights. people protecting each other with this. It protects you from the outside world or from other people or from people throwing objects at you. They can be decorated, like in the old days. My shield would have a lion on it. With teeth, and he would be roaring. I think of knights because they used
I’ve tried to use this shield so many times before, but it’s rusted and worn. I don’t know what to do with it. I’ll put it in the box. the one shaped like a shield. shield box. my shield. NOT YOURS MOTHERFUCKER. mines.
i wish i had a shield to protect me from all the shit going on in my life. or like a whole suit of armor. best friends can be shields too if they dont stab you in the back that is…
He raised his shield into the sun, and watched the light glint off of his chemistry textbook. Today was not the first day that knowledge would save him from the harsh radiation of the sun.
shield of armor. sheild your home the slomannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn shield
London lowered her hood to shield her eyes from the harsh lights of the parlor. “Twenty minutes?” she echoed, wondering if maybe he hadn’t forgotten at all. They always met right after he got off work, and that had been only ten minutes before. He had left early, she realized. He had deliberately left early so as not to meet up with her.
strong metal old knights in shining armor dragons fire fighting mystical magical i want to jummp around like a rabbit fire who know what could happen when the banana man comes to town on a one horsed open sleigh. jingle jingle bells izzi smells woooooooooo
the shield protects the knight who is fighting for the princess. she is supposed to marry a mean king who only wants her royalty. she is in love with the knight. the knight must win the battle against the king for her love. i hope he wins. his shield will protect him.
The knight pulled up his ornate shield. Upon the shield, made of a sturdy iron and taken from the local blacksmith, was a stylized gryphon holding a hammer. The crest was well know to be the king’s, and the shield as a whole symbolized how the king and his men protected his kingdom.
Shield me from darkness, cast the light upon my eyes, So I can see the truth within, so I can see the truth in you.
Indian Comma Bean
She used the wind shield to clean the snow that had caked unto her window from the night. The frost stuck on the front window like little hands clinging.
I once wore a shield. It was blue and it was shiny. Sometimes shield are gray. This one was afamily shield. i once had to make one in english. It was definitely unique. Shields were used in the old times. By knoghts. Yea thats right i said knights. like in monty python.
I had a sheild to protect me turning the battle with the firey dragon
it didnt do me much good because it was wood and obviously fire burns wood but anyway this shield was very pretty and then it got all burned up now i am very sad :(
A shield for a knight. Shield.
ask where he might be or what he might know
about it
i think there might be a blackened woods there
i think there might be an old woman there
that he never told me
that i never asked him
for they said there was no name for her
with her spooned out eyes and dog of bones
i think he said her name was
i think he said her name was
Today, the world is in war with me. Today, there is peace in my heart. Today, I pray to God. My shield, won my war.
protection is key. don’t let the attack get to close. shield yourself as best as you can and you too can survive this fight. it’s not easy. never guaranteed it would be. but it’s life and that’s what makes it worth fighting for. protection of what you hold dearest. shield what is sweetest and love what is most important to you.
protection, power, king, castle, knight, from wind
once there was a sacred shield. it was hidden in the mystical forest of Narnia! only one person could find this sword. this one person was a tenth grade boy. many people called him a nerd or a geek, but he actually was planning on world domination. he was slowly turning the people around him evil, like his family and “friends”. he would randomly laugh an evil laugh in class and people would look at him all funny. those were the people he would kill first…buahhaha…he though to himself. he was using the help from his yorkshire terrier, named peter. peter was a hairless yorkie. he yelped whenever someone came to the
She held the shield in her hand. old and rusted, it was covered in the dust, as if untouched for decades. Through the junkyard, she dug and found treasures beyond what her imagination could pose, old forks, wheelbarrows, bottles with letters, and trinkets both useless and marvelous.
Sunblock can be amazing for your skin.It prevents aging and wrinkles. When your older some day you’ll appreciate the fact you use sunblock.
one word:the irony is that it is itself not a “one word”..but 2 words..U call such things so mean..if they happen with a person..
dey r called double faced,sometyms when dey dont do what dey say..or don’t mean what dey mean..then its the same with all–>face decry from people..Dey will b crabbing u..calling u names 4 it..but somehow as we see here …its an opportunity 2 write ’bout dis “double faced ” thing!!!..:)
EarlyShield is a product from Abbott Nutrition. A shield protects people, but it’s very bulky to carry around with you. Metallic and pointy and a bit unwieldy. But the plastic kind is great for mock battles and plays.
I have a shield that is my own. It is safety. It is the thing that keeps me doing the things I do everyday. It is not for anyone else. It protects only me. I live for it, though it is a trap. It creates a wall around me. Sometimes I leave it and I am okay but most times I am not. It is my end.
I’m running. Past the field next to a stream approaching a bridge. If I turn and make it to the small outhouse, I can use it as a shield. But it seems far away. So I dive into an outcropping around a bend.
I hear the sound of footfalls as they pass me. I’m safe — for now. So I squat down, still as possible, breathing hard, having to open my mouth periodically to gasp for air; the smell of soot and garbage that’s thirty feet to my left reaches my nostrils.
I’m gonna go ahead and take a hunch that there was a bonfire started here a week ago.
shelter, a guiding self sence, a state of body, your worst neightmare if you have a weopon
i made this super duper cool cardboard shield in my 7th grade world history class. I remember feeling rather nauseous because i used sharpies and a whole container of white-out as paint.
He shielded me from his love. “It’s done,” he said quietly. I shivered in the corner with a knife plunged through my chest, not literally, as I’d hoped. A real knife plunged would’ve hurt less than this particular moment. I cried,
I think I should have a shield that protects me from getting hurt. I’m really hurting right now, from my best friend, who’s completely insensitive of what she’s done to me and what she’s doing right now. I want a shield to protect me from being so sensitive of what she’s doing and hopefully things will get better.
Don’t try to shield yourself behind your culture or your sex. You knew you were lying all along and it finally caught up to you. I’m leaving, and it’s over.
My shield is not a god, its not a person, its not even a thought. Its my dog. When I’m with her, I know that no one will hurt me, because, frankly, no one messes with German Shepherds.
The fire burned brightly, lighting the scene with an eerie glow. She looked around, frightened, not knowing where to expect the danger from next. She felt it before she saw it, felt the change in the air around her, she raised her hand, shielding her face……..
armour that protects one from battle in the olden days when swords and cavalry were used in fights & wars. I would personally be a big fan of a sheild if I were some grand English Knight riding my horse, Sir Camelot, through the woods of england day and had to protect myself from the terrors of the countryside.
Shield. Protection. Leaving everything inside you knowing that you can shield yourself with your own stubborness and emotions. Difficulties connecting with people ensue, but what’s that matter. It’s still great to know you can hide behind that shield. Sense of protection… sense of self… sense of hiding… not worth it. Open up.
He lay on the grass next to the pool, relaxing in the sun. She slipped quietly into the far end of the pool. He heard a small splash and raised his hand to shield his eyes from the sun. He smiled when he saw her. She was back.
one always USES a shield, and it does not complain, not ever. but one day a shield will use you. how will that feel? it will hurt. that’s how it will feel.
you are my shield, my sword, my armour
you make my safe, you fight my battles
but only with my arm, my mind, my heart
you cannot lead without me,
but i cannot fight without your support
we are intertwined
complete as a whole
never can be parted
Use a shield so buck can’t hack you up with his sword, seriously this guy I know from work is nutso about this stuff, He just built a forge, and He makes chainmail at work, I want to ask him for a shield just so I can block his super sword strikes, He drives me nuts man. Ugh BUCK STOP
protection, armor, knights. people protecting each other with this. It protects you from the outside world or from other people or from people throwing objects at you. They can be decorated, like in the old days. My shield would have a lion on it. With teeth, and he would be roaring. I think of knights because they used
I’ve tried to use this shield so many times before, but it’s rusted and worn. I don’t know what to do with it. I’ll put it in the box. the one shaped like a shield. shield box. my shield. NOT YOURS MOTHERFUCKER. mines.
i wish i had a shield to protect me from all the shit going on in my life. or like a whole suit of armor. best friends can be shields too if they dont stab you in the back that is…
He raised his shield into the sun, and watched the light glint off of his chemistry textbook. Today was not the first day that knowledge would save him from the harsh radiation of the sun.
shield of armor. sheild your home the slomannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn shield
London lowered her hood to shield her eyes from the harsh lights of the parlor. “Twenty minutes?” she echoed, wondering if maybe he hadn’t forgotten at all. They always met right after he got off work, and that had been only ten minutes before. He had left early, she realized. He had deliberately left early so as not to meet up with her.
strong metal old knights in shining armor dragons fire fighting mystical magical i want to jummp around like a rabbit fire who know what could happen when the banana man comes to town on a one horsed open sleigh. jingle jingle bells izzi smells woooooooooo
the shield protects the knight who is fighting for the princess. she is supposed to marry a mean king who only wants her royalty. she is in love with the knight. the knight must win the battle against the king for her love. i hope he wins. his shield will protect him.
The knight pulled up his ornate shield. Upon the shield, made of a sturdy iron and taken from the local blacksmith, was a stylized gryphon holding a hammer. The crest was well know to be the king’s, and the shield as a whole symbolized how the king and his men protected his kingdom.
Shield me from darkness, cast the light upon my eyes, So I can see the truth within, so I can see the truth in you.
She used the wind shield to clean the snow that had caked unto her window from the night. The frost stuck on the front window like little hands clinging.
I once wore a shield. It was blue and it was shiny. Sometimes shield are gray. This one was afamily shield. i once had to make one in english. It was definitely unique. Shields were used in the old times. By knoghts. Yea thats right i said knights. like in monty python.
I had a sheild to protect me turning the battle with the firey dragon
it didnt do me much good because it was wood and obviously fire burns wood but anyway this shield was very pretty and then it got all burned up now i am very sad :(
A shield for a knight. Shield.
ask where he might be or what he might know
about it
i think there might be a blackened woods there
i think there might be an old woman there
that he never told me
that i never asked him
for they said there was no name for her
with her spooned out eyes and dog of bones
i think he said her name was
i think he said her name was
Today, the world is in war with me. Today, there is peace in my heart. Today, I pray to God. My shield, won my war.
cover, protect, defend