the color begins to fade, soon nothing left to see.. the shield may help slow the process but the line is being crossed, code red
I use my clothing as a shield to protect me from others who want to be just like me but they are not I don’t want to be like everyone else I am tired of being just a number I want people to see me I want people to know that behind my shield I am different I am not just like you think I am take some time to get to know people
Ariel Sayre
Blocks out the bad. Provides protection. Barrier, a force to repel whatever it is you are trying to repel. Divert. Link from Zelda. Knights. Ahhhhhhhh
Arthur drew his shield, praying that its cracked surface would protect him this one last time. The battle raged around him, pouring through his veins and out of his ears and eyes like blood. Cutting a path of carnage with
Courtney Kowalke
you use a shield to protect yourself, from bad people and warriors. It can be any color. I like gray the best. I think that i would be cool to own a large one and walk around and show people. Kings own them warriors have them and they are badass.
protects you and can also hide you ery well used in th emiddle ages also used in some movie . Iron man short for whatever agency that protected them and gave them alibis
This word can have many meanings. It may actually be the reason for most peoples’ lives. The entire world tries to have a shield over it… from the global entity to every individual… it seems everyone needs protecting from something or someone else or maybe even from themselves.
If only we could live out our dreams, our unconscious world, we’d be able to shield the insecurities of our reality. I wouldn’t be afraid to expose myself, to put my whole heart back into something that I know will fail me. Nonetheless, his hands, I have memorized, traced it’s very outline, curves, and grooves. But he’s holding onto someone else’s now, while I- I’m preparing to trace the next.
holding me close it protects all those around it. Never truly giving up, but tarnishing with age as it should. The tarnish only showing that it has lived a long and true life, helping to protect those around us. A shield, so strong, but at times so weak. Really, only as strong as the person wielding it.
Skin shields me and I won’t ever escape it. Gender is performative. Race is not.
I like shields. Reminds me of in Zelda, when you have the shield. I don’t remember what it is called. WTF thats really bad, i think its the master shield or some shit. Poop. Also it makes me think of space ships and also shielding people from bullets. With a shield. Because that is the word.
i got a sheild in the mail today…. it was a magnificent sheild… i hit my sister in the face with it and told her to make me a sandwich. i laughed and laughed and laughed until i passed out from lack of oxygen… she got the last laugh in the end…
There was something invisible between the two of them. An unspoken shield. They could not speak; nor could they touch. Who knew if it was because of what had happened that night, so many days ago, or because of who they had become. But it because impossible to say anything without disrupting the flow of the world. It was like nothing would work.
I didn’t see it at first because his big fat ego was in my face. Then I lowered my eyes in surrender and there it was, a shield. Asshole made detective after all.
Cathy, a moose
putting up shields so you don’t let other people in. putting up shields so you can’t really get to the heart of the matter. not allowing yourself to be vulnerable, emotionally, physically, mentally. shields protect but shields hurt.
The shield shattered with the force of the mace head striking it. Galadrok was no weak warrior as fame would have it and Lyan knew his arm was broken almost before the weapon made impact. He stumbled and fell to one knee as the fragments went spinning away, but he clung to his sword as he watch the bull-like warrior advance with slow steps, a cruel smile on his face as he slowly drew his belt knife.
Daniel M.
When I had all my things gathered, I also took up my shield and sword. They stayed in a chest by the foot of my bed, normally, but I had moved them to a hidden area under some floorboards after the butcher had moved in. All members of the Remnant owned them. For many, they were only symbolic tokens, signs of belonging.
He wore a shield around his heart that he never let must people get behind. But she was different. Always was. She had a way of making him let down all of his defenses.
Rachel Lyn
home, shield around my house, with a big field so we can be happy, and protect our love make it grow maik it big with him and them my life will be perfect.
He moved forward, light pouring from his body. It was powerful, powerful and bright. It moved the way he did, every emotion pounding through his body creating the shield that lay ahead of him.
we can use shields for back in time for the roman times and the army sheilds r steal and hard
There was a time when I was a knight in a great army. The general of the army bestowed upon me a great and magical shield. It had been forged by the hands of giants and could protect me in any great battle.
When I think of a shield I think of Joan of arc. Then I think of a protection against everything bad and a way to keep your self out of harms way I also think of battles and especially the Trojan war. It reminds me of nobility and strength and Medusa because she was killed from looking in a really shiny one.
Shield yourself from anything that will bring you down
my family,
mostly my camera, my shield.
i hide behind it, to hide me.
the real me.
i take beautiful photos of beautiful people,
but i hide.
i’m not beautiful.
Once he showed me his shield I knew it really was Captain America, what a cool dude!
Get away from her, he said. He extended his arms on either side of him and pushed her back behind him. She was not quite out of sight of their attackers; she could still peer around him at those intruders.
protection of ones self it can save your life and hide you from fear and pain it can defend you and it is a magical thing thats in all of us
Tim Klecker
Will you promise to shield me from myself?
shields were used in stories like 300. they saved people’s lives. but only if you weren’t one of those overzealous-types who went all crazy ass with your sword and didn’t see the arrow coming. Because, you know, at some point, there’s always an arrow coming. Not even Achilles saw the arrow.
The shield is silver, and huge. It can’t protect him from all of his problems though. It can’t protect him from his whole entire world. What’s the point of lugging it along, when all it does is hold him back. He needs to stop hiding behind it and face the world.
I ate, I talked, and I laughed. That was my defense, my shield from the world. I cannot let anyone in, and I cannot let anyone see how shattered I really am, how messed up I really am.
Shielded from the world, the views. All of life. Never to know what is out in the world. How different, fun, interesting, and loving it can be. Shielded, for your own good, against your wish. Living dieing to be free.
Shielding herself from his eyes she pitched her head forward, swinging a curtain of hair in between herself and her inquisitor. Children just aren’t my thing. I grew up in a big household and watched them suckthe life out of my mother. Watched them scream and hit
i like sheilds they protect and are really cool it would be crazy if animals had shields that would be insane like narnia kinda stuff and i would shit my pants thats gross nasty nasty huh?….what time is it you this is fast in my knee cap
alex Stark
i like sheilds they protect and are really cool it would be crazy if animals had shields that would be insane like narnia kinda stuff and i would shit my pants thats gross nasty nasty huh?….what time is it you this is fast in my knee cap
alex Stark
And then Aubray died, her shield broken, shattered into a thousand pieces by the smallest of saws, a gift box wanting to be filled…. And so the adventure ended, never to begin again.
Protector. I wish I had one for my heart, maybe then it wouldn’t have so many holes. Maybe this time will be different.
the color begins to fade, soon nothing left to see.. the shield may help slow the process but the line is being crossed, code red
I use my clothing as a shield to protect me from others who want to be just like me but they are not I don’t want to be like everyone else I am tired of being just a number I want people to see me I want people to know that behind my shield I am different I am not just like you think I am take some time to get to know people
Blocks out the bad. Provides protection. Barrier, a force to repel whatever it is you are trying to repel. Divert. Link from Zelda. Knights. Ahhhhhhhh
Arthur drew his shield, praying that its cracked surface would protect him this one last time. The battle raged around him, pouring through his veins and out of his ears and eyes like blood. Cutting a path of carnage with
you use a shield to protect yourself, from bad people and warriors. It can be any color. I like gray the best. I think that i would be cool to own a large one and walk around and show people. Kings own them warriors have them and they are badass.
protects you and can also hide you ery well used in th emiddle ages also used in some movie . Iron man short for whatever agency that protected them and gave them alibis
This word can have many meanings. It may actually be the reason for most peoples’ lives. The entire world tries to have a shield over it… from the global entity to every individual… it seems everyone needs protecting from something or someone else or maybe even from themselves.
If only we could live out our dreams, our unconscious world, we’d be able to shield the insecurities of our reality. I wouldn’t be afraid to expose myself, to put my whole heart back into something that I know will fail me. Nonetheless, his hands, I have memorized, traced it’s very outline, curves, and grooves. But he’s holding onto someone else’s now, while I- I’m preparing to trace the next.
holding me close it protects all those around it. Never truly giving up, but tarnishing with age as it should. The tarnish only showing that it has lived a long and true life, helping to protect those around us. A shield, so strong, but at times so weak. Really, only as strong as the person wielding it.
Skin shields me and I won’t ever escape it. Gender is performative. Race is not.
I like shields. Reminds me of in Zelda, when you have the shield. I don’t remember what it is called. WTF thats really bad, i think its the master shield or some shit. Poop. Also it makes me think of space ships and also shielding people from bullets. With a shield. Because that is the word.
i got a sheild in the mail today…. it was a magnificent sheild… i hit my sister in the face with it and told her to make me a sandwich. i laughed and laughed and laughed until i passed out from lack of oxygen… she got the last laugh in the end…
There was something invisible between the two of them. An unspoken shield. They could not speak; nor could they touch. Who knew if it was because of what had happened that night, so many days ago, or because of who they had become. But it because impossible to say anything without disrupting the flow of the world. It was like nothing would work.
I didn’t see it at first because his big fat ego was in my face. Then I lowered my eyes in surrender and there it was, a shield. Asshole made detective after all.
putting up shields so you don’t let other people in. putting up shields so you can’t really get to the heart of the matter. not allowing yourself to be vulnerable, emotionally, physically, mentally. shields protect but shields hurt.
The shield shattered with the force of the mace head striking it. Galadrok was no weak warrior as fame would have it and Lyan knew his arm was broken almost before the weapon made impact. He stumbled and fell to one knee as the fragments went spinning away, but he clung to his sword as he watch the bull-like warrior advance with slow steps, a cruel smile on his face as he slowly drew his belt knife.
When I had all my things gathered, I also took up my shield and sword. They stayed in a chest by the foot of my bed, normally, but I had moved them to a hidden area under some floorboards after the butcher had moved in. All members of the Remnant owned them. For many, they were only symbolic tokens, signs of belonging.
He wore a shield around his heart that he never let must people get behind. But she was different. Always was. She had a way of making him let down all of his defenses.
home, shield around my house, with a big field so we can be happy, and protect our love make it grow maik it big with him and them my life will be perfect.
He moved forward, light pouring from his body. It was powerful, powerful and bright. It moved the way he did, every emotion pounding through his body creating the shield that lay ahead of him.
we can use shields for back in time for the roman times and the army sheilds r steal and hard
There was a time when I was a knight in a great army. The general of the army bestowed upon me a great and magical shield. It had been forged by the hands of giants and could protect me in any great battle.
When I think of a shield I think of Joan of arc. Then I think of a protection against everything bad and a way to keep your self out of harms way I also think of battles and especially the Trojan war. It reminds me of nobility and strength and Medusa because she was killed from looking in a really shiny one.
Shield yourself from anything that will bring you down
my family,
mostly my camera, my shield.
i hide behind it, to hide me.
the real me.
i take beautiful photos of beautiful people,
but i hide.
i’m not beautiful.
Once he showed me his shield I knew it really was Captain America, what a cool dude!
Get away from her, he said. He extended his arms on either side of him and pushed her back behind him. She was not quite out of sight of their attackers; she could still peer around him at those intruders.
protection of ones self it can save your life and hide you from fear and pain it can defend you and it is a magical thing thats in all of us
Will you promise to shield me from myself?
shields were used in stories like 300. they saved people’s lives. but only if you weren’t one of those overzealous-types who went all crazy ass with your sword and didn’t see the arrow coming. Because, you know, at some point, there’s always an arrow coming. Not even Achilles saw the arrow.
The shield is silver, and huge. It can’t protect him from all of his problems though. It can’t protect him from his whole entire world. What’s the point of lugging it along, when all it does is hold him back. He needs to stop hiding behind it and face the world.
I ate, I talked, and I laughed. That was my defense, my shield from the world. I cannot let anyone in, and I cannot let anyone see how shattered I really am, how messed up I really am.
Shielded from the world, the views. All of life. Never to know what is out in the world. How different, fun, interesting, and loving it can be. Shielded, for your own good, against your wish. Living dieing to be free.
Shielding herself from his eyes she pitched her head forward, swinging a curtain of hair in between herself and her inquisitor. Children just aren’t my thing. I grew up in a big household and watched them suckthe life out of my mother. Watched them scream and hit
i like sheilds they protect and are really cool it would be crazy if animals had shields that would be insane like narnia kinda stuff and i would shit my pants thats gross nasty nasty huh?….what time is it you this is fast in my knee cap
i like sheilds they protect and are really cool it would be crazy if animals had shields that would be insane like narnia kinda stuff and i would shit my pants thats gross nasty nasty huh?….what time is it you this is fast in my knee cap
And then Aubray died, her shield broken, shattered into a thousand pieces by the smallest of saws, a gift box wanting to be filled…. And so the adventure ended, never to begin again.
Protector. I wish I had one for my heart, maybe then it wouldn’t have so many holes. Maybe this time will be different.