i dont know this word, but i hope I am able to find it in a dictionary and to know later the meaning and I can use it in my writing. It is new for me
shield yourself. from all things they may do great harm to you and your ambitions. use your surroundings to your benifit, and never yield ground to those who arent worthy of it. never allow yourself to falter. shield yourself from all who oppose your dreams. a
Gary Wilson
THe knight put his shield into place. the invading goblins struck hard but could not get through to the knight. Wheneever he had a chance he would reach around his massive shield to swipe at an enemy. The goblins were finally retreating, although they took their toll.
protection, knight, swat team, God, armor,
Shield me from sickness and bullets, that’s all I’m asking. All I’m asking is that you start loving me now so I can stop eating. I can stop eating at random times, that is, mozzarella sticks at three AM, and things like that–the ten pounds I lost the first month back like the plague.
Ella Emma Em
kings and knights use sheilds
sometimes i feel shielded by my blanket. It makes me feel safe to go to bed. Without it, i wouldnt be able to sleep. Its my knight in shining armor,my protector, my shield.
Lily Margaret Moss
used to protect, also goes with swords in most cases. useful but an either be cut down by a sword or gotten around. watching saurai 7 right now sheilds are for pussys y ou gotta be good with you word if you really want to be a samurai, this is not really about sheilds i realize that but damn it feels good to write like this. sheilds are strong, but with ebing strong they are heavy and are hard to yeild.
Hayes Dunlap
help keep you safe. They are meant to anyway but they don’t always work. It can depend on what they are made of. A shield made of paper would not work, a shield made of water would not work, but a shield ma
Shoes. i don’t even know which ones to wear anymore. I love open toes but then i have to get my nails done. I don’t feel like wearing boots because the snow isn’t here yet. Sandals make me think of biblical times so i guess i should pray right now. too bad the meter on this poem keeps running.
Don’t put up a shield around your heart. Let love in. You will only be shielding yourself from living life.
the shield gleamed brilliantly in the sun, golden sparks that reminded one of home and valor. He wondered when he would earn such a shield, when he would be able to bear it proudly like his predecessors.
I can’t stop putting up my shield every day…how can I be expected to be perfect all the time? Will people stop liking me if I don’t put it up? Put up my mask of frenzied laughing and perpetual perkiness. What the fuck does it mean to be feminine? Do you really have to maintain this facade?
the arms man, whats an arms man?? held his shield in front of his face as the bullets went off and he took cover while smearing red lipstick over the shield so it looked like he went through a bloody battle(which he did not) but then his maiden was sad so he gave her a hug and kiss and things were better.
Raquel S.
a shield like a knights shield? I wish i lived in a time where a knight in shining armor could come rescue me. i would the pretty pretty princess. it would be romantic. the shield would save me, i would fall madly in love with the knight and we would ride off into the sunset on his white horse
I already wrote about the word shield. Why did I not remember doing this after midnight before bed? Oh dear, it is only the beginning of nano and I have already lots my mind! Lots? I think i mean lost … see what I mean? It’s hopeless, hopeless I say! I’m hopeless!
protectant, safe, warrior, solidier, medieval, shield me from the hurt of love, a boy
the shield protected the great knight from the burning fires and the crazy erotic dragon! He lived through the burning flames and is now married to the beautiful princess
i shield myself as best as i can for protection from whatever i believe could be hurtful or harmful to me. i think when i learn higher truths my shield becomes even thinner and i believe that i need it less often and that i don’t need the protection that lower thinking would believe that i did. higher truths have great strength in comparison to lower truths, it takes time for all of us to learn what our higher truths are when we are in a place of lower truth. teaching happens when we recognize the shield, the lower truths (we often call these wrong choices), and higher truths (we often call these right choices or better choices). recognize that we all take the journey with a shield and we get to decide what we do with that and truth.
Defend yourself dartanian. That’s not mmy name fool. Look can’t we be reasonable about this? No! The time for talking is past. Your face is past. That doesn’t make any sense.
Dartanien stabbed whoever was talking and wondered on through the wooods
jousters. knights in shining armor. swords. ATTACK! block.
defending against attacks, badge cops wear, something you use to protect yourself, keep others from harm, protect your family, container to keep one safe, last name of actress, honor, duty, knightly,
a shield i something you can prtoect yourself with, it is an awesome thing because it will protect you fromdeath, you also have lasershields and other shields, the logo of armor games is a shield with two sword crossing eachother behind it well thats one AWESOME thing yeah, oeh and did you know the shield of the death star failed in episode IV of star wars =) well that was a pritty neet wasnt it?
I use a shield to protect myself from you. I don’t want you to know what I actually think. It’s simple really, I just make sure you don’t look into my eyes. My eyes are the truth, the truth that isnt supposed to be known. I feel like it’s the only way.
I put up this shield so no one can see that I am really in pain. Eating so much that I can’t see beyond the fat folds over my eyes. I wear these giant pants so no one can see my bulging belly. It’s my guard against your advances.
Dave Emrich
With the shield he blocked the slice of the quick and possibly life ending blow of his opponents sword.
Justyn Palmatier
Some man with a shield is less vulnable than a bag of daggers. This is why the earth is pink.
something that I really need right now. All I know is that it would protect me, potentially from all the things I am afraid of. I would really like to be able to remove the shield though so that I can participate in the world at large.
you are my shield from the world. protect me from the pain, the suffering, the shame. someday, i can be someone else’s shield, taking a part of their load.
people shield their true identity. what the world sees is that shield. i hope one day everyone will throw their shield away. that’s true success to me.
Knights of the round table.
This word brings to mind thoughts of the ancient Nordic times, and the time of Camelot, King Arthur, Merlin and Vikings.
i have to wear a shield everyday. there’s a smile on it, like a mask, shielding me from the cruel world. someone prove to me that i need to take it off. someone get me to stop feeling so vulnerable 24/7.
someone help me.
kara chiasson
So, on your shied or with it or some such. I used to be for some people when you go to war either you die or win and what the frak. Wouldn’t, even if you’re a warrior jerk off, wouldn’t you miss SOME people?
I always hated how in the Zelda series, your shield would always get eaten by those giant worm things. It was especially bad the first time you play because at that time you dont realize you have to kill it to get it back.
Pat Leonard
My shield is something I use often, I am a horse and therefor I must release my shield to unsheef my erection. UUUUUUUUNNNGH HORSE
She raised the glass, and it was there just in time, a fragile clear shield against the man trying to get at her through her car. Scrambling, she tried to put the keys into the spot, and fumbled them. She reached down, scratching at the floor mats, desperately hoping to feel them, and heard the glass above her head shatter, felt it raining down against her back.
i dont know this word, but i hope I am able to find it in a dictionary and to know later the meaning and I can use it in my writing. It is new for me
shield yourself. from all things they may do great harm to you and your ambitions. use your surroundings to your benifit, and never yield ground to those who arent worthy of it. never allow yourself to falter. shield yourself from all who oppose your dreams. a
THe knight put his shield into place. the invading goblins struck hard but could not get through to the knight. Wheneever he had a chance he would reach around his massive shield to swipe at an enemy. The goblins were finally retreating, although they took their toll.
protection, knight, swat team, God, armor,
Shield me from sickness and bullets, that’s all I’m asking. All I’m asking is that you start loving me now so I can stop eating. I can stop eating at random times, that is, mozzarella sticks at three AM, and things like that–the ten pounds I lost the first month back like the plague.
kings and knights use sheilds
sometimes i feel shielded by my blanket. It makes me feel safe to go to bed. Without it, i wouldnt be able to sleep. Its my knight in shining armor,my protector, my shield.
used to protect, also goes with swords in most cases. useful but an either be cut down by a sword or gotten around. watching saurai 7 right now sheilds are for pussys y ou gotta be good with you word if you really want to be a samurai, this is not really about sheilds i realize that but damn it feels good to write like this. sheilds are strong, but with ebing strong they are heavy and are hard to yeild.
help keep you safe. They are meant to anyway but they don’t always work. It can depend on what they are made of. A shield made of paper would not work, a shield made of water would not work, but a shield ma
Shoes. i don’t even know which ones to wear anymore. I love open toes but then i have to get my nails done. I don’t feel like wearing boots because the snow isn’t here yet. Sandals make me think of biblical times so i guess i should pray right now. too bad the meter on this poem keeps running.
Don’t put up a shield around your heart. Let love in. You will only be shielding yourself from living life.
the shield gleamed brilliantly in the sun, golden sparks that reminded one of home and valor. He wondered when he would earn such a shield, when he would be able to bear it proudly like his predecessors.
I can’t stop putting up my shield every day…how can I be expected to be perfect all the time? Will people stop liking me if I don’t put it up? Put up my mask of frenzied laughing and perpetual perkiness. What the fuck does it mean to be feminine? Do you really have to maintain this facade?
the arms man, whats an arms man?? held his shield in front of his face as the bullets went off and he took cover while smearing red lipstick over the shield so it looked like he went through a bloody battle(which he did not) but then his maiden was sad so he gave her a hug and kiss and things were better.
a shield like a knights shield? I wish i lived in a time where a knight in shining armor could come rescue me. i would the pretty pretty princess. it would be romantic. the shield would save me, i would fall madly in love with the knight and we would ride off into the sunset on his white horse
I already wrote about the word shield. Why did I not remember doing this after midnight before bed? Oh dear, it is only the beginning of nano and I have already lots my mind! Lots? I think i mean lost … see what I mean? It’s hopeless, hopeless I say! I’m hopeless!
protectant, safe, warrior, solidier, medieval, shield me from the hurt of love, a boy
the shield protected the great knight from the burning fires and the crazy erotic dragon! He lived through the burning flames and is now married to the beautiful princess
i shield myself as best as i can for protection from whatever i believe could be hurtful or harmful to me. i think when i learn higher truths my shield becomes even thinner and i believe that i need it less often and that i don’t need the protection that lower thinking would believe that i did. higher truths have great strength in comparison to lower truths, it takes time for all of us to learn what our higher truths are when we are in a place of lower truth. teaching happens when we recognize the shield, the lower truths (we often call these wrong choices), and higher truths (we often call these right choices or better choices). recognize that we all take the journey with a shield and we get to decide what we do with that and truth.
Defend yourself dartanian. That’s not mmy name fool. Look can’t we be reasonable about this? No! The time for talking is past. Your face is past. That doesn’t make any sense.
Dartanien stabbed whoever was talking and wondered on through the wooods
jousters. knights in shining armor. swords. ATTACK! block.
defending against attacks, badge cops wear, something you use to protect yourself, keep others from harm, protect your family, container to keep one safe, last name of actress, honor, duty, knightly,
a shield i something you can prtoect yourself with, it is an awesome thing because it will protect you fromdeath, you also have lasershields and other shields, the logo of armor games is a shield with two sword crossing eachother behind it well thats one AWESOME thing yeah, oeh and did you know the shield of the death star failed in episode IV of star wars =) well that was a pritty neet wasnt it?
I use a shield to protect myself from you. I don’t want you to know what I actually think. It’s simple really, I just make sure you don’t look into my eyes. My eyes are the truth, the truth that isnt supposed to be known. I feel like it’s the only way.
I put up this shield so no one can see that I am really in pain. Eating so much that I can’t see beyond the fat folds over my eyes. I wear these giant pants so no one can see my bulging belly. It’s my guard against your advances.
With the shield he blocked the slice of the quick and possibly life ending blow of his opponents sword.
Some man with a shield is less vulnable than a bag of daggers. This is why the earth is pink.
something that I really need right now. All I know is that it would protect me, potentially from all the things I am afraid of. I would really like to be able to remove the shield though so that I can participate in the world at large.
you are my shield from the world. protect me from the pain, the suffering, the shame. someday, i can be someone else’s shield, taking a part of their load.
people shield their true identity. what the world sees is that shield. i hope one day everyone will throw their shield away. that’s true success to me.
Knights of the round table.
This word brings to mind thoughts of the ancient Nordic times, and the time of Camelot, King Arthur, Merlin and Vikings.
i have to wear a shield everyday. there’s a smile on it, like a mask, shielding me from the cruel world. someone prove to me that i need to take it off. someone get me to stop feeling so vulnerable 24/7.
someone help me.
So, on your shied or with it or some such. I used to be for some people when you go to war either you die or win and what the frak. Wouldn’t, even if you’re a warrior jerk off, wouldn’t you miss SOME people?
I always hated how in the Zelda series, your shield would always get eaten by those giant worm things. It was especially bad the first time you play because at that time you dont realize you have to kill it to get it back.
My shield is something I use often, I am a horse and therefor I must release my shield to unsheef my erection. UUUUUUUUNNNGH HORSE
She raised the glass, and it was there just in time, a fragile clear shield against the man trying to get at her through her car. Scrambling, she tried to put the keys into the spot, and fumbled them. She reached down, scratching at the floor mats, desperately hoping to feel them, and heard the glass above her head shatter, felt it raining down against her back.