I need someone to protect me from everything terrible, or someone I can protect.. I want to mother a man or have a man to father me. it’s scary. the world scares me.
sarah q
video games
and link
and characters
graphic designs and nerdlike awesomeness
shield makes me think of metal
medieval times
and of course force shields, force fields, and the incredibles
shields also make me think of plastic
shields are protection
wear it with pride, protect the innocent, or hide behind it. Strong? Tough? Captain America rules!
that is why the shield has protected the mankind from all the dangerous creatures that live out there. the shield was from the beginning. a shield is an anti-weapon. something good and very very powerful.
A shield is a thing that you use to protect yourself. It is found a lot in movies and books that take place in fantasy lands or old times. A lot of times you will see arrows bounding off of shields. In Lord of the Rings, Legolas slides down a flight of stairs on a shield. That was just pretty awesome. Shields are pretty great.
video games
and link
and characters
graphic designs and nerdlike awesomeness
shield makes me think of metal
medieval times
and of course force shields, force fields, and the incredibles
shields also make me think of plastic
shields are protection
A shield is a thing that you use to protect yourself. It is found a lot in movies and books that take place in fantasy lands or old times. A lot of times you will see arrows bounding off of shields. In Lord of the Rings, Legolas slides down a flight of stairs on a shield. That was just pretty awesome. Shields are pretty great.
shields are great. they make you feel like a super human. ability to stop a greater force is the effect of what shields are able to do. Safety.
bethany Allen
shields are great. they make you feel like a super human. ability to stop a greater force is the effect of what shields are able to do. Safety.
bethany Allen
Holding the shield high above him, Frederick the Wise launched his body across the battlefield, feeling the dragon’s flames which, even through the elf-forged barrier, singed the hem of his cloak. Actually, it probably wouldn’t be long before the edges, and then the sub-edges, and then the sub-sub-edges, and so forth, of the shield began to melt.
you needed a shield when that car hit you. you needed something to protect you from the shattering and piercing glass of the windshield, something to keep the steering wheel from impaling and crushing you. i want to be your shield from the unknown, but i can’t go with you. i need you to shield me know, from the unknown. can you hear me?
protecting your self form unwanted predators or a firewall that keeps you secure and stuff. Brooke shields is another shield and i’m not sure why i’m typing so fast about something as insignificant about shields
i am a shield what am i supose to do ah help me my mind is aslpoiding aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
used to protect; brought in a battle; very important; used by warriors, soldiers; ancient; not used anymore; windshield; protects the driver; can be cracked; may even shatter
Jordyn Reisenauer
protection i guess and soldiers in battles and in the mvoies they never seem to do much the heroe always dies anyway i dont know its pretty i m not thinking shield shielded
to brace the shield is to honor valiance. It is the harbinger of virtue itself. A daemon’s dimension cares not for folly.
i’m not that fragile you know,
but you being my knight in shining armor
don’t understand that i can fend for myself.
i’m not going to cower behind the shield that you hold up for me.
i will survive without your brawn and brute strength.
An iron sword crashed down on draco’s shield. His knees began to buckle under the weight.
mirah rose
Blinded by heart
I shield his soul
from the words I can not say.
Piper Corbett
shield is not a word you use a lot
shield is a top secret organization from iron man
Knight in shining armor use shields. Brave heroes throughout history are all pictured with shields of some sort. But why? If your a baddass, why whould you need a shield to help protect you? Batman didnt have a shield? Neither did spiderman or aquaman, but captain america did.
Kyle Adams
the suns raise glited wildly of the sheild of the knight as he raced to go and rescue the princes, like always. well it sucks that when he got there she had already saved herself
shields are penetrable. no one is invincible, no ones pride can save them. humble yourself.
a shield is something that a knight would use to protect themselves. I would use my shoe as a shield. because it is so stinky,it could knock you unconcious.
paul weaver
I got shield myself from bad people and bad things they might do to me and my family.
Unfortunately we have to shield ourselves all the time and don
We do not have shields against some viruses and things that impact our lives. This may just cause human kind to understand the depth of its fragility! I do hope that someday this horrible shield that we put up called pride is broken.
Daniel Wilson
I’ve tried to shield you from what I don’t want you to feel. I never want you to feel pain or be sad. I know, though, that you can’t learn unless you struggle. That is my biggest conflict raising you. I wish I could take all that for you.
ow, evereday ONE word, I get it……
the shielded mysic child walked through a path of vines towards her destiny as she thought about what was truly positive and good.
My shield is my smile, it protects my of influences that i dont want to enter my head.
If a pen is the pacifists sword, then would the shield be paper?
shield again? what?! serisolsu theres gotta be more words than shield. my mind is going blank all i can think about is dragons and swords. i lack imaginantion, i seriously do!!
i need shield against you, your hate keeps atacking me
The man weilded his shield and held it defending him self from the demonic approaching beast. Quickly he turned, distracting the monster and heaved the heavy sword in the direction of his approaching foe.
People often shield themselves from everything nowadays. Whether it be from the weather, other people, or the current state of things. Most like to think that we have increased in our ability to take things in in the 20th century, but we have only desensitized ourselves.
ahh, warm, cold, pretty, nice and safe. I have a shield around me, you have a shield around you. I bet you like your shield. I bet I like mine to. but at some point we will have to get rid of our shields and say hello. and maybe we will get a chance to say good bye too .
A shield is something very hard at times and very hard to get rid of. but I think that it is possible I don’t know 100 percent if it is but I really think that it is possible.
I need someone to protect me from everything terrible, or someone I can protect.. I want to mother a man or have a man to father me. it’s scary. the world scares me.
video games
and link
and characters
graphic designs and nerdlike awesomeness
shield makes me think of metal
medieval times
and of course force shields, force fields, and the incredibles
shields also make me think of plastic
shields are protection
wear it with pride, protect the innocent, or hide behind it. Strong? Tough? Captain America rules!
that is why the shield has protected the mankind from all the dangerous creatures that live out there. the shield was from the beginning. a shield is an anti-weapon. something good and very very powerful.
A shield is a thing that you use to protect yourself. It is found a lot in movies and books that take place in fantasy lands or old times. A lot of times you will see arrows bounding off of shields. In Lord of the Rings, Legolas slides down a flight of stairs on a shield. That was just pretty awesome. Shields are pretty great.
video games
and link
and characters
graphic designs and nerdlike awesomeness
shield makes me think of metal
medieval times
and of course force shields, force fields, and the incredibles
shields also make me think of plastic
shields are protection
A shield is a thing that you use to protect yourself. It is found a lot in movies and books that take place in fantasy lands or old times. A lot of times you will see arrows bounding off of shields. In Lord of the Rings, Legolas slides down a flight of stairs on a shield. That was just pretty awesome. Shields are pretty great.
shields are great. they make you feel like a super human. ability to stop a greater force is the effect of what shields are able to do. Safety.
shields are great. they make you feel like a super human. ability to stop a greater force is the effect of what shields are able to do. Safety.
Holding the shield high above him, Frederick the Wise launched his body across the battlefield, feeling the dragon’s flames which, even through the elf-forged barrier, singed the hem of his cloak. Actually, it probably wouldn’t be long before the edges, and then the sub-edges, and then the sub-sub-edges, and so forth, of the shield began to melt.
you needed a shield when that car hit you. you needed something to protect you from the shattering and piercing glass of the windshield, something to keep the steering wheel from impaling and crushing you. i want to be your shield from the unknown, but i can’t go with you. i need you to shield me know, from the unknown. can you hear me?
protecting your self form unwanted predators or a firewall that keeps you secure and stuff. Brooke shields is another shield and i’m not sure why i’m typing so fast about something as insignificant about shields
i am a shield what am i supose to do ah help me my mind is aslpoiding aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
used to protect; brought in a battle; very important; used by warriors, soldiers; ancient; not used anymore; windshield; protects the driver; can be cracked; may even shatter
protection i guess and soldiers in battles and in the mvoies they never seem to do much the heroe always dies anyway i dont know its pretty i m not thinking shield shielded
to brace the shield is to honor valiance. It is the harbinger of virtue itself. A daemon’s dimension cares not for folly.
i’m not that fragile you know,
but you being my knight in shining armor
don’t understand that i can fend for myself.
i’m not going to cower behind the shield that you hold up for me.
i will survive without your brawn and brute strength.
An iron sword crashed down on draco’s shield. His knees began to buckle under the weight.
Blinded by heart
I shield his soul
from the words I can not say.
shield is not a word you use a lot
shield is a top secret organization from iron man
Knight in shining armor use shields. Brave heroes throughout history are all pictured with shields of some sort. But why? If your a baddass, why whould you need a shield to help protect you? Batman didnt have a shield? Neither did spiderman or aquaman, but captain america did.
the suns raise glited wildly of the sheild of the knight as he raced to go and rescue the princes, like always. well it sucks that when he got there she had already saved herself
shields are penetrable. no one is invincible, no ones pride can save them. humble yourself.
a shield is something that a knight would use to protect themselves. I would use my shoe as a shield. because it is so stinky,it could knock you unconcious.
I got shield myself from bad people and bad things they might do to me and my family.
Unfortunately we have to shield ourselves all the time and don
We do not have shields against some viruses and things that impact our lives. This may just cause human kind to understand the depth of its fragility! I do hope that someday this horrible shield that we put up called pride is broken.
I’ve tried to shield you from what I don’t want you to feel. I never want you to feel pain or be sad. I know, though, that you can’t learn unless you struggle. That is my biggest conflict raising you. I wish I could take all that for you.
ow, evereday ONE word, I get it……
the shielded mysic child walked through a path of vines towards her destiny as she thought about what was truly positive and good.
My shield is my smile, it protects my of influences that i dont want to enter my head.
If a pen is the pacifists sword, then would the shield be paper?
shield again? what?! serisolsu theres gotta be more words than shield. my mind is going blank all i can think about is dragons and swords. i lack imaginantion, i seriously do!!
i need shield against you, your hate keeps atacking me
The man weilded his shield and held it defending him self from the demonic approaching beast. Quickly he turned, distracting the monster and heaved the heavy sword in the direction of his approaching foe.
People often shield themselves from everything nowadays. Whether it be from the weather, other people, or the current state of things. Most like to think that we have increased in our ability to take things in in the 20th century, but we have only desensitized ourselves.
ahh, warm, cold, pretty, nice and safe. I have a shield around me, you have a shield around you. I bet you like your shield. I bet I like mine to. but at some point we will have to get rid of our shields and say hello. and maybe we will get a chance to say good bye too .
A shield is something very hard at times and very hard to get rid of. but I think that it is possible I don’t know 100 percent if it is but I really think that it is possible.