
November 4th, 2009 | 877 Entries

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877 Entries for “shield”

  1. A barrier between man and enemy. Usually a metal, curvy object. It can also be figurative, a social shield for instance, or a shield from other kinds of harm than physical. Sometimes shield can guard a person too much, or too little. This all depends on what the person is after.

  2. A protector of the body, a mask to hide behind. Shields are used like they used to but we have tanks and artillery that we use as shields now. sometimes we use another person as a shield. clould are a shield, so is an unbrella, for they shield us against the weather elements. a shield is nything that comes between us and an enemy.

  3. Me my mirror, my eild, protect my princess from the dragon that wishes to harm her, she rests in a tower waiting for me, I will save her, she waits for me and no other a fire wall a shaild against the dragons fir

  4. the lord is my shield. i wear a shield around others protecting myself. i fear no one except myelf, perhaps thats why. yet im protected by god ultimently. a shield can be put in place to protect us in different environements..working, within families, in our social lives. we are forever trying to protect ourselves with little but god as out true shield.

  5. the sheild of God covers me

  6. When i play dungeons and dragons i always have to make sure i have a high defense magic ability so that i always have a shield present because without it i am always vulnerable and will always fear the wrath and power of others and i will not get as far as i need to in the magical world

  7. A shield is a place to hide, a rent in the fabric of the conflict, a little hollow where nothing can get at you. Unless you’ve pissed off someone on your own side. It’s also something women put into panties. And dresses. And it won’t stop an arrow unless you’ve hardened it.

  8. i shield myself from the world
    from my friends
    from lovers
    from everyone whom wanted to get close
    and let the people get close
    that i should of run from
    ran so far away that i would never even think of them again.
    and to the people who want to be close
    i will not even allow a hug becuase
    im punishing myself for reasoons not understood yet

  9. Shields are something you use to defend against attacks. I like shields. Goofy used on instead of a weapon in kingdom hearts. Shields were often used by knights in the medieval times. Often times shield come in the ‘kite’ shape, but can also be round, or square. They are generally made out of metal, but can sometimes be made out of wood or other materials. Yay shields!

    Matt Pozo
  10. a shield is used to protect the body. A shield is also another name for a badge. You can shield your eyes from the sun or shield your children from the world.

  11. This kind of reminds me of the superhero thing, you know, when they have the sheidl to protect them. I wish I had a sheild to protect me in life, but ehh. I’m working on this whole do things by yourself thing. But yes, sheilds, kinda like Captain PLanet… if he had a sheild. I like captain planet. Ahh, Batman’s car is like a sheild. Any car is a sheild in those old cop movies when they’d be shooting and they dive behind a car

  12. God, shield me from the the evil temptations of the world, guide to the light and bring me joy.

  13. The shield lay on the workbench, glowing in the heat of the fire. Across it was painted an emblem of gold and blue, a rampant beast from a mythic era, head held proudly, claws lashing at the air, daring any tyrant to put a bit in its jaws.

  14. I won’t hide behind my shield anymore, because i feel that i’m ready to take on the world, and nothing can stop me, so god help me, i’ll do it.

  15. a shield is a source of protection that they used in olden days. they used shields to protect them self’s from any oncoming dangers.

  16. The knight carried his shield with honor. It bore his castle’s crest and he defended this castle with his life. The battles were epic as he would bash his enemies with this shield. It remains crested with blood, hung up in the museum.

    Ian Arthur Adams
  17. god is a shield, the shield that protects us from the fiery darts of the evil one. The shield of faith can extinguish. Schemes…
  18. We’re reading “Beowulf” in College English. Why? I don’t know. Anyway, for some odd reason we have to memorize the lineage of the Danish freaks and Shield is one of them. His son is Shief. Who’s son is Grain I think. Who would name their son Grain….very peculiar. But that’s the middle ages for ya

  19. someone who saves you, some one who is there for you when you need them and takes you away from all of the bad things. Your family, your boyfriend you friends anyone who is there for you and wants you to be safe at all times

  20. i don’t want it anymore.
  21. the shield you give me lets me go. I can walk further into the woods and I see everything one hopes to see in these woods. Every bird is brighter, ever leaf with more life. The light follows me through the cracks from above. You shield me.

  22. knight condom guard mind cut bruise armour silver prince charming castle princess frog sword fairytale pea mirror thorns fairies wolves caves coyote

    Blathnaid Earley Ireland
  23. stress

  24. armor time is coming to an end and life seems vunrable love pushed away and sorry is the wrong wordd while time is

  25. I used the shield protect myself from happiness, laughter, him. He was happiness to me. I shouldn’t need him that much, but it wasn’t something I could control. I breathed him like air.

  26. shield

  27. i once put up a shield to protect me from the smoke, but it did no good, i used the sheild to block sun, it did no good, i used the sheild to hide from you it did no good, i put it down. that was good

  28. Slumber, dear one. Let the cocoon of night shield you from what is real. Lapse into dream, an imaginarium of immobile fallacies. Try, let it overtake you; immerse yourself in the fantasmic and let everything else go – dream.

  29. A shield is used to protect you from objects that might hit you. I always think of a windshield of a car when I think of this word. It also reminds me of knights in armor and defending their castle. Like the big ones with symbols on them. I also think its a word used to describe your feelings.

  30. everyone has a shield they wear it on the outside it could be a mask or by making themselves appear stronger. they put it up in the face of adversity and hide behind it until the storm is over a shield is the most useful of tools in this battle against the world

  31. I am at battle. My soul and my simplicity fight fallacies in the night. The metal of my skin is burning, breaking. Melting. Meandering its way to reconcile truths with falsehoods. To love what it should hate. My shield does not protect me from what is outside; it lets the pain in.

  32. She stood strong. The words battered aginst her but did not hurt. After years of constant abuse she knew she could take rit. Worthless. Slut Stupid.

    None of them were true.

    And that’s all it took to make her shield.

  33. “Shield my eyes, please, I don’t trust my own hands”, but unfortunately mine were no better and the things you will see will blind you.

  34. the shield sat upon his arm glistening iron waiting for the final blow. His sword had been severed from his hand and this was his final stand. With little hope but to survive he absorbed the impact and dreamed of a better tomorrow. The blood spilled with a such a speed that he barely knew it was coming.

  35. something that protects you from the world. a persons uses it to hide from people, their emotions, their thoughts.

  36. He shielded me from the fire as the house exploded. His body burnt and tore from the molten glass shards, but I was safe. I had to continue the mission we had embarked upon so many years ago.

  37. I raised my shield to protect me. The blow he delieved sent shockwaves through my arm, shattering my fragile chemo-leached bones. I cried out in pain and stumbled, landing on a rock. He came after me with a wild cry, hate flaming in his crazed eyes. I was afraid for my life, and I was broken.

  38. i found the shield in my basement, it was old but i could tell it was in good shape. i picked it up and realized that it was actually in great shape, not just good shape. i walked it up the steps to the kitchen just to find a pack of knights searching for it.

    mike giles
  39. Shield. To protect. A parent to a child, a piece of metal to a soldier. Glass house with no stones. I have nothing for shield. I admit.

  40. shield
