
November 4th, 2009 | 877 Entries

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877 Entries for “shield”

  1. To use in your defense from the outer world. The shield will protect you from physical and emotional trauma. However, the more shielded you are, it becomes possible to not be in touch with humanity.

  2. What prevent’s a person from loving, from hating, from hurting, from life. Protection. Help. This is what will become of people that aren’t ready for life. They will become living shields.

  3. I see the shield in front of you.

    I think you should let me by once in awhile.

    Just once, please.

    I’m not as dangerous as you think.

  4. scot shield is one fantastica pitcher awesome !!!! Anaheim Baseball!!!

    Mark Angels
  5. Take away my shield. I’m tired of being closed off to people. I wish I could be more open, more vulnerable. I want to let others in more easily. Maybe I’m safer this way? The shield does protect me.

  6. wrapped around our hearts
    of valor
    from time and age and death
    of God
    a wrapper
    have monochromatic beliefs
    of what was and could be

  7. I shield myself from the world. I suppose it came from the protection I had as a child, so sheltered from everything, naive to the real world. That was the bitter mistake of my parents. When I no longer had that shelter they provided, I was bare naked to the cruelties of those around me. I never tell anyone how I feel anymore.

  8. sheild wtf is there to right about sheild midevil time i didnt spell that right damn it stop [ressuring me um umu m mjmm
    what are you doing

  9. wow i think i could really use a shield against some men!

  10. My shield is my saving grace and my biggest hinderence. I protect myself by keeping the world out, and I destroy myself by never letting others in. I cannot grow, I cannot change. I am stuck here.

  11. I will shield you from harm. I need a shield to shield me frm getting sick. A vaccine should shield my blood from getting infected. I will shield you pain if I could.

    jackie o
  12. There was a shield in the attic. We played with it so often, my brother and I. It kept us company during winter. When the cold and snow and blizzards out there, we never left that room except for dinner and other meals of sorts. It held a shiny sheen to it and sported a blue lion on it. We played with it oh so often, and had all those adventures every minute of the day.

  13. I need a shield from myself. A shield from my brain. My mind is what gets me in trouble, keeps me stuck, and in pain. I’m going to shield myself from love for a while. I can’t handle it right now.

  14. He lifted up the heavy shield to cover a blow. Again and again he lifted it up and knocked the blows away. Pretty soon he was so tired from defending that had very little strength left to make an attack of his own. He tip-toes to the side to dodge a light blow, a sign that the opponent was also running out of stem.

  15. The shield was made of gilded gold. It was heavy, befitting of a knight. Could he really use it, though? He was no knight, he was no warrior, he was no savior. He simply was…a man who was scared and tired of the Empire trying to throw him down. He wanted to save the world, but he didn’t think he could save the world. After all, other men, better men, had tried to save the world, only to die trying. What was so different about him that he could save the world?


    im a douch
  17. im depressed as hell. i need to know. why you write such pretty words in your notes, then shield yourself from me later when i confront you on them? it worries me that you lie to me, it depresses me that i try so hard to talk to you, and it aggrivates me that you LIE so much then try to get your friends to back you up. they know your a backstabbing bitch. and so do i.

    You wrecked me
  18. The shield was her most prized possession. It had come from a long line of vikings in her family. It was old, heirloom old. It had been passed down, generation to generation, until it had finally gotten to her. It was said to be worth millions of dollars, but she’d never sell.

  19. The shield was held by a purveyor of various medieval armaments. He encouraged the residents to purchase his wares.

  20. i want you to notice me please. im sick of walking around every day pretending to barely notice you, when i know that you’re sure that i do; im just shielding myself from you. I want this to stop. Why wont you talk to me? I tried to ignore this thing that nags inside me, yelling “talk to him! before its too late and that bitch has him!”. but the words come to my mouth too late, as for i already see that we werent meant to be. I see you with that girl each day, joking with her, and making her laugh, and i just want you to know that it sickens me that it couldnt have been me; i was too late

    i was too late
  21. everything i need right now but don’t have everything i want you to be but you’re the very thing i need to protect myself from and i wish you’d text me back right now i’m just waiting by the phone so pathetically and i need a shield from our past because it’s so damn strong right now and i’m getting it confused with the present and the future and i don’t knwo when we’re going to figure things out but i just want you to take me to ice cream and back to your house where we can kiss and giggle and i can lie to my parents and stay all night

    2 years
  22. The sheild was silver and tarnished but strung proudly on the wall. It’s owner long gone, struck down in one of the God knows how many wars it had been through. The Rampant Lion on the front was even starting to look defeated. Now it was of no use anymore. Nothing but a forgotten arm ornament that hung proudly on it’s owner.

    Amanda J Taylor
  23. wonderful. another person i need to keep out of my shield. i know i have one. i have lied to so many people who were once close to me, and i know that i can never take back what was said and done. i want the past to be completely behind us, though theres something that will never let that happen, because of the situation. karma. i heard someone say it was the worst thing in the world, and at this point i know for sure they were right.

  24. box

  25. the knight had the best shield. no one can destroy him and his shield made of bread. everyone is on the atkins diet

  26. i used a shield yesterday during a test,
    though i knew i would do my best,
    a teacher came over and saw me cheating on stan cauldry’s paper,
    so i held my textbook tight to my chest.

    when she struk me with her fist, it hurt like a thousand knives, but at least she was the one who had to pay for the damaged textbook.

    Poo Poo Man Boo Hoo
  27. i want a shield. a shield to keep myself from pain. a shield to keep this world from pain and suffering. there’s too much hurt, we need shields to keep ourselves safe, but sometimes the best and only shields are people. we must be shields.

  28. my breath became less and my mind started to empty, I turned my eyes to him; sparkling and looking right at me. The endless sea of blue was giving me the hardest time managing the last segment of feeling I had left in me. I understood that we were both doomed, but I knew that somehow, Somewhere, we would both be together forever. I trusted myself that this was true. I couldn’t imagine being anywhere without him. I love him.

    Pretty Sick Of This
  29. Something that we put up to cover our real feelings, a shield is something I use too often to count. My mother; she doesn’t know. My friends; they wouldn’t understand. My Brother; He doesn’t even care. I understand now why I cover my emotions with a shield; No one would listen to me. No one. Not even me. I wouldn’t listen to myself. How I pity those who can understand themselves before they dig themselves a canyon and use a shield to keep the outdoors out.

    Feeling Like A Lunatic
  30. The station was pretty much an inpenetrable shield. No one was getting in, not the Syndicate, not the ISC, not the UN. SS13 was not going anywhere, no matter how much Agent One wanted it to.

    He turned to Agent Two, whose face was twisted in a confused grimace.

    “We’re not getting in, are we?” Two asked.

    “There’s got to be a way in…”

  31. He sheilded me from many things, his past being one of them.I didn’t quite understand why he wouldn’t tell me. As a matter of fact I didn’t understand very many of his actions any more.

  32. dalskdf;jalskdjf;k protection from harm so stressed shield me from the world go go go parents shield kids freom the world

  33. “Oh shit, this is my last moment everyone, so please give me your shields so we can all go home! Please I am sick of listening to Lady Gaga going Ga Ga Ooh La Laaa!” The angry counsellor yelled.
    I knew that i needed a shield from this guy, when he was mad, he knew how to kill, and I was sure as hell he would.

    Stan The Van
  34. I use my friends and my faith as my shield; my barrier from everything that I chose to ignore. It is my safe haven. I wear the shield with pride. But sometimes, I peek my head around the side to see what I’m missing in this glorious life.

  35. The shield is the best invention on the planet, in my opinion. It can be one we put up ourselves, or one that is a literal object that we place in front of us in case of attack or to protect ourselves. Best not to put up emotional shields because it can limit is from our true potential, and we all deserve to be the best we can be. But if you are about to die from some sort of weapon, I believe it is definately best to use a literal shield to protect yourself; you really don’t want to die.

  36. the knight walked into a modern day bar, and had brought with a full suit of armor and a shield made out of wood. the bartender offered to make a better one using the ingredient of beer

  37. Xavier lifted his shield, narrowly missing the crossbow bolt that flung itself through the air and at him.
    “What the hell was that?” he shouted.
    “Oh, you think I know.” Answer Seraphine sarcastically, but a worried expression managed to make it’s way onto her face as she whipped her head back and forth looking for the attacker.

  38. my shield was useless for the fire breathing dragon before me was ready to fire and i was at my weakest point. my skin was burned and my flesh was visible, my bones aching from being overused and my muscles willing me to give in. I decided that now was the best time for me to give in. As the fire neared me, inch by inch, centimeter by centimeter, i allowed the flame to end my existance.

  39. shield

  40. A shield is a protection against something else. It blocks things. Literally, it is a piece of armor, and often holds a crest, depicting which family the person carrying the shield belongs to.
