
November 4th, 2009 | 877 Entries

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877 Entries for “shield”

  1. A condom is a shield for sexin.

  2. i shielded my heart with gray walls that i picked at as the pieces cut through my fingertips and bled down my arm. you don’t listen anymore. i kept the pieces of rock in my pockets and wore them smooth when i would get nervous. it never stops. i keep telling you that it never stops

    nicole griggspace
  3. Shiled me, baby, from your fires in your eyes. Don’t look so surprised, now, baby, you knew a day would come when I’d ask you to realize something for me, do me one last gigiantic favor, bigger than the moon in full on bloom.

    Sam Riedel
  4. It protects me from the sword coming in my direction. Ornately carved, and heavily wrought out of lead, my shield weighs my arm down as I lift it over my face and chest to protect myself from the onslaught. I’m glad I have it, this heavy piece of equipment.

  5. protective guard made of metal worn on the breast; we use umbrellas, sunshades to shield us from sunshine; protect someone from being caught.

    Pavalamani Pragasam
  6. i have a +5 intellect shield that I bought off the auction house. It’s pretty leet, since i’m such a noob. I want to be a warrior but unfortunately I was born a paladin so I have to make due with it. I also like dudes.

  7. guard protection defense lord god protect save block defend help aid attack army cavalry epic fantasy

  8. i lost my shield, i lost the house when it came down. i lost the blue paint with the white trim and the cold floor on calloused feet. i slept without blankets and woke up to my skin numb. i lost my shield however i stay awake, now.

  9. It reminds me of the show….or of Brooke Shields… also reminds me of the i before e rule.

  10. hero. soldier. protection. come back with your shield or on it. justice. power. it means so much but is so meaningless in itself. architypes. connotations. meanings for something so small.

  11. it is something to vprotect yourself.its usualy a piece of metal they used to use in battles.

    omg shoes lets get some
  12. it is a thing that you cover or protect yourself of someone

  13. Usually a piece of metal that can be used to protect someone from external danger, but in a more poetical sense, a person. Someone who knows your heart so well that they will protect your heart, and your emotions from any internal harm.

  14. A shield can be used in war to protect a warrior during fighting. Cars have windshields. Shields offer protection to the wearer or user. Shield your eyes from the sun during a lunar eclipse.

  15. Protection, against them all. You are my shield, my cover, my safety blanket. Without you I am unprotected and lost.

  16. somone who shields you from anything harmful and might hurt you. someone who loves and cares about you. a protector.

    virginia foster
  17. Penis!

  18. sarabande
    almond butter
    twisted knickers
    ebulliently displayed
    this your neural
    algebra, captured
    in black and white
    dove bars doving
    apple butters
    headlines in the milky
    way of flavors
    left over,
    rainbowing through the
    appliance giant giants.
    you come via
    the last chance
    or you leave
    the blue door.
    blue cafes
    warbling, blue
    ever asking
    for more.

  19. I’m going to protect myself with my shield. Link in super smash brothers has one. My house mate plays as him, though I win most of the time with Fox. He sorta has a shield as well, it’s down b. I’m ranting on about super smash.

  20. to protect as if a joke, to proceed with out or with fear through the smoke, it stems from the false lies and walls

  21. Protection…keeping safe…keeping you happy and unhurt…loving you…guiding you…helping you….keeping you from harm…keeping you from pain…

  22. war is the cause to no peace in life. a big country that needs a bigger shield is israel. israel is a place i need to visit. it is the home for the jews. i am a jew and i need to help shield israel.

  23. he never had much of anything, when it all came down. nothing whatsoever to keep himself that step above the slums. nothing to keep him safe. nothing to keep him sane. it was not the american dream– there was no white pickets to shield him from the hurt of reality.

  24. Protection from thine enimies.
    Save me from myself.
    A protective forcefield.
    to Block.

    Rachel Harston
  25. forces of the battle on coming and protecting the one behind the gates….fulfill the prophecy, be still. be alert. bring with you peace and values and trust. don’t let your guard down. don’t be afraid. just gather a fog around yourself and fight! be intuitive and destructive. arm yourself.

  26. protection metal armour safety THE ILIAD WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF THE SHIELD

  27. I was shielded by the explosion by a wall of metal. The building subsequently fell around me. I was lucky to get out alive. No one had any warning that an attack was coming. I was lucky to be alive. So many others died. I’ll always remember that bright light; that light that blinded me.

  28. It’s like a badge of honor, protect and serve….fuckin bullshit. Gold shields and sherriff’s stars…..little baubles for self important fucks. Enough said.

  29. Sheild i believe is known as argos in grees which was the name of odysseus’s ship in the greek epic by homer. Probably named after the argonauts who were great warriors. This may be in fact a reference

  30. he held up his shield, over his face. afraid of what would happen if the blade met its mark. there weas nothing–what happened? where was the man? Where had his attacker gone. afraid to look he lowered his shield, away from his face. Staring at him wasnt an enemy–it was his wife.

  31. broad piece of armor warn an the arm. something that protects

  32. Shield me from the adversities of life. That would be awesome of you. Then again, I guess you have to go through the bad stuff so that you can appreciate the good

  33. Protect oneself.

  34. A shield can be used to protect you from swords and stuff like they did in the old days but it could also be a window shield so it would protect you from rain but it would suck to go through the window shield if you crashed but that’s just how it goes i guess.

  35. he held up his shield. stop! he said. but the guy kept on running towards him. stop! i said. the burglar continued to charge. the officer moved his shield in place then fired his gun. pop pop pop. three shots and finally

  36. There wasn’t enough time to shield him from the storm. Everything was working in a hazy whirlwind of fear, fascination and anxiety. We ran for cover but it was too late

  37. A shield is used to protect you from guns or any other weapons.

  38. there wonce was a young soldier, all he’s ever known was the army life. he was raised on a platoon since he was a young boy and enjoyed living with his fellow soldiers. one day they came to rest at a tavern on their way to deliver a very important message to the neighboring king. there for the first time he saw the beautiful emmeralda, and was in love.

    frida caro
  39. it’s not the protection you might thing
    after all
    it’s just a piece of metal
    and you’re just bones

  40. the shield i wear is invisible. it is not one you can tangibly see. however it is evident and i am unable to rid myself of this shield. my family and friends notice the shield i have placed over myself and i am afraid that they are unaware that this affects my relationsihp, or the capacity of a relationship with them.
