shoes lets get some shoes.
i hate shoe shopping
shoes shoes shoes
im wearing my roommates shoes
she said shed sell them to me for $10
what a bargain i say
i needed rainboots but thank goodness someone lent me a pair
if i could id go barefoot all the time but safety and cleanliness are against me
shoes are okay
i dont particularly like them but yeah.
They say that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shoes. What, then, can people tell from looking at mine?
her shoes were always untied, laces splayed across the floor for the world to step all over if they got too close. she claimed she couldn’t tie them herself, but really she claimed the closeness that is implied when someone [normally out of pity] ties one’s shoes for them. she craved this interaction, and so she lied, day in and day out.
Lydia K.
I LOVE DC’s !!!
the random homey xD
shoes are used to wear to protect our foots. there are types of shoes sports, formal, woodland. there are brands also
thick, knotted, hot, sweaty I want to untie you and leave you behind. I want to run away and leave you in the mud. But instead I keep dragging you along and you keep giving me athletes foot….
Ben C.
the shoes were never meant to leave the alley; just a symbol of entrance into a new territory. their removal was equivalent to the new traciing of a state border or removing fencing from neighboring yards.
Shoes are a great accesory for any outfit because they help form the outfit to gain attention on the bottom. Shoes come in a lot of different types also. There are comfy shoes that may be ugly or there are shoes that look adorable on the shelf but you cannot walk in them. But shoes are great all in all, but i prefer being barefoot
shoes are worn by man for the protection of their feet.they are also worn for style.there are different types of shoes for men as well as for women.examples of common shoes are canvas, sneakers, high heels. converse,
I slipped into my shoes and found they were wet from the previous night. Uncomfortable. They smelled bad too, like a wet dog, but a wet dog made of human feet.
Stephen Bonaventure
they go on your feet and protect them, they make mwalking easier. they have laces. they h
Les chaussures de l’archiduchesse sont couvertes de boues visqueuses, et il a fallu les mettre au rebut.
Guillaume Kanner
i have a problem with buying shoes, and soon as i get them i decide i wnat a new pair and i recently discovered i can wear a size or two lower than i actually have been, so what the fuck size shoe do i wear? im talking like a nine and a half versus a 7 and a half, maybe it’s because i’ve been wrong all along
today, i was wearing my vans with angry stars on them. i stopped and played in the leaves and my socks got wet because it rained. it was a very fun day.
Vis-a-vis. Tap-tap-tappity tap. As she walked down the aisle, heads turned. Gasps rose. Eyes followed. Smirking, she thought herself brave enough to do a little twirl. This, she whispered to herself smugly, is the life.
Her shoes tapped all the way down the aisle.
shoes are girls
i like shoes,
but im a boy
im not sexist…
wait yes i am.
but im gay, so thats ok, right?
maybe not…
oh well
we are all a bit discriminatory in our own way…
i just happen to be sexist.
i just bought two new pair last week
they are the only 2 i own besides my work shoes…
I’ve been a big fan of shoes. Now don’t get me wrong, I love shoes just like every other girl, but with feet as big as mine shoes has never been a thing I could just buy like milk or bread. Nine out of ten times they never fit me, so over the years I’ve come to terms with looking, but very rarely buying..
I love my shoes but I don’t feel like they love me back. They are torn up and falling apart. They actually hate me.
i know i have two. i’m supposed to have two. i’ve paid for two. so what happened to the other one? little gnomes, i suppose. or really big rats. or some other menace that decided to walk off with the rest of my pair. i need that shoe.
shoes shoes shoes the bane of the modern woman spending so much time shopping for shoes that aren’t even comfortable but still their beauty is beyond compare
shoes shoes shoes how much i appreciate women who wear thee
Today I spent ages shopping for shoes. I don’t even like shoes. I couldn’t care less about shoes! But today the best thing ever happened. In the corner of the shop I saw a middle-aged man. Shaved head, stubble on his chin. Big thick grey coat. He was trying on these beautifully shiny, bright red high heeled shoes.
Clickity clack. My shoes went tap across the floor. Students dreaded that sound because they knew i was in my way. Clackl clickity. I’m coming for you. I’ll drag you down the hall and lock you up. Detention. Suspended. Punishment is what i HAND OUT AT HALLOWEEN and not candy.
Once upon a time, there were a pair of shoes. These pair of shoes weren’t ordinary at all; they had superpowers, superpowers that enabled them to see through jello, and superpowers to jump to great lengths. The Shoes were so great, that tha
they were supposed to be every girl’s obsession, and yet they simply couldn’t light that spark, that near-ecstatic burst that was supposed to ignite when i saw them. looking into that shop window, i searched and searched, and still failed to find a pair of shoes that gave me that fabled feeling.
The photograph of his wife stood on his desk. A silent smiling reminder that when all else failed he could hold her in his arms and forget the shit.
He groaned a low note as she stalked down the hallway on six inch stilletos, the heels of her shoes tapping a staccato announcing the arrival of the bitch from hell.
He took one last look before turning his best smile to her, all the while wishing for something sharp to appear in his hand.
shoes are an essential part of an outfit but going barefoot is just as well. spending too much money on shoes is a bit much but i think that shoes should always math the occasion that the person wears them for. shoes are important in different amounts to each individual person.
they fit every nicely on my feet. i dont get a chance to buy them very often but i wish i could. I only get shoes when im sure that i really like them. The color doesnt matter as long as i like them, like i mentioned before. I usually where a pair of shoes til they are worn out.
Taking of her shoes was just the begginig. He planned taking of not only her clothes and virginty, but her diggnity and soul
the shoes were crazy pink. Lollipop like. The person who’s feet they were on was eccentric as well. She was trying to figure out how to make a mass invention for energy. The pink shoes werew supposed to help her.
my medium of expression, size ten, and usually a different color all day. i use these to walk to do great things … or nothing at all. usually the latter, but hey, they’re shoes.
Clint Hotshot
i love shoes. I just bought 2 pair of new shoes. I would say that it was a fetish… fetish I dont have any real fetish but my sister has a real true shoe fetish….why couldnt the word of the day be fetish?
sHOES worn on my feet. they hurt but it is okay. I love shoes. they let me go where i need, with heels to bleed. oh say does this shoe look good on me?
oh yes. so many shoes. tall, shiny, slippery, stripper shoes. mmm hhhhhmmmmmm
we wear them every day, we hoard them in our closets, they protect us from the elements, and from the dangers of day to day life.
I hate shoes I can never find any i like so i buy converse alll the time. I have hot red ones I guess that is cool o well good day
too expensive, and i can never figure out what shoes to wear with what outfit. and why is it that whenever you decide to wear the really cute flats on one of the last nice days of the year the weather totally turns on you and melts your flats into oblivion?
we should all just wear running shoes and scrubs and no makeup and everyone will be happy. and honest.
Ashley W
his shoes were dirty, reminded me of my beautiful ex-lover’s. mike, with the beautiful face, smooth light tanned skin and razor-sharp cheekbones. such a beautiful lover whose face still strikes a knife in my heart.
i put shoes on each morning,
they remain solidly to my feet,
i take my shoes off each eventing.
shoe haiku
My favorite ones are black and pink platform shoes. Don’t think I’ll ever have a pair as awesome as these. All in all, I’m not much of a shoe person. Flip flops work just fine for me, but winter is comming up which means I’ll have to wear real shoes for a while once again. Oh well.
shoes lets get some shoes.
i hate shoe shopping
shoes shoes shoes
im wearing my roommates shoes
she said shed sell them to me for $10
what a bargain i say
i needed rainboots but thank goodness someone lent me a pair
if i could id go barefoot all the time but safety and cleanliness are against me
shoes are okay
i dont particularly like them but yeah.
They say that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at their shoes. What, then, can people tell from looking at mine?
her shoes were always untied, laces splayed across the floor for the world to step all over if they got too close. she claimed she couldn’t tie them herself, but really she claimed the closeness that is implied when someone [normally out of pity] ties one’s shoes for them. she craved this interaction, and so she lied, day in and day out.
I LOVE DC’s !!!
shoes are used to wear to protect our foots. there are types of shoes sports, formal, woodland. there are brands also
thick, knotted, hot, sweaty I want to untie you and leave you behind. I want to run away and leave you in the mud. But instead I keep dragging you along and you keep giving me athletes foot….
the shoes were never meant to leave the alley; just a symbol of entrance into a new territory. their removal was equivalent to the new traciing of a state border or removing fencing from neighboring yards.
Shoes are a great accesory for any outfit because they help form the outfit to gain attention on the bottom. Shoes come in a lot of different types also. There are comfy shoes that may be ugly or there are shoes that look adorable on the shelf but you cannot walk in them. But shoes are great all in all, but i prefer being barefoot
shoes are worn by man for the protection of their feet.they are also worn for style.there are different types of shoes for men as well as for women.examples of common shoes are canvas, sneakers, high heels. converse,
I slipped into my shoes and found they were wet from the previous night. Uncomfortable. They smelled bad too, like a wet dog, but a wet dog made of human feet.
they go on your feet and protect them, they make mwalking easier. they have laces. they h
Les chaussures de l’archiduchesse sont couvertes de boues visqueuses, et il a fallu les mettre au rebut.
i have a problem with buying shoes, and soon as i get them i decide i wnat a new pair and i recently discovered i can wear a size or two lower than i actually have been, so what the fuck size shoe do i wear? im talking like a nine and a half versus a 7 and a half, maybe it’s because i’ve been wrong all along
today, i was wearing my vans with angry stars on them. i stopped and played in the leaves and my socks got wet because it rained. it was a very fun day.
Vis-a-vis. Tap-tap-tappity tap. As she walked down the aisle, heads turned. Gasps rose. Eyes followed. Smirking, she thought herself brave enough to do a little twirl. This, she whispered to herself smugly, is the life.
Her shoes tapped all the way down the aisle.
shoes are girls
i like shoes,
but im a boy
im not sexist…
wait yes i am.
but im gay, so thats ok, right?
maybe not…
oh well
we are all a bit discriminatory in our own way…
i just happen to be sexist.
i just bought two new pair last week
they are the only 2 i own besides my work shoes…
I’ve been a big fan of shoes. Now don’t get me wrong, I love shoes just like every other girl, but with feet as big as mine shoes has never been a thing I could just buy like milk or bread. Nine out of ten times they never fit me, so over the years I’ve come to terms with looking, but very rarely buying..
I love my shoes but I don’t feel like they love me back. They are torn up and falling apart. They actually hate me.
i know i have two. i’m supposed to have two. i’ve paid for two. so what happened to the other one? little gnomes, i suppose. or really big rats. or some other menace that decided to walk off with the rest of my pair. i need that shoe.
shoes shoes shoes the bane of the modern woman spending so much time shopping for shoes that aren’t even comfortable but still their beauty is beyond compare
shoes shoes shoes how much i appreciate women who wear thee
Today I spent ages shopping for shoes. I don’t even like shoes. I couldn’t care less about shoes! But today the best thing ever happened. In the corner of the shop I saw a middle-aged man. Shaved head, stubble on his chin. Big thick grey coat. He was trying on these beautifully shiny, bright red high heeled shoes.
Clickity clack. My shoes went tap across the floor. Students dreaded that sound because they knew i was in my way. Clackl clickity. I’m coming for you. I’ll drag you down the hall and lock you up. Detention. Suspended. Punishment is what i HAND OUT AT HALLOWEEN and not candy.
Once upon a time, there were a pair of shoes. These pair of shoes weren’t ordinary at all; they had superpowers, superpowers that enabled them to see through jello, and superpowers to jump to great lengths. The Shoes were so great, that tha
they were supposed to be every girl’s obsession, and yet they simply couldn’t light that spark, that near-ecstatic burst that was supposed to ignite when i saw them. looking into that shop window, i searched and searched, and still failed to find a pair of shoes that gave me that fabled feeling.
The photograph of his wife stood on his desk. A silent smiling reminder that when all else failed he could hold her in his arms and forget the shit.
He groaned a low note as she stalked down the hallway on six inch stilletos, the heels of her shoes tapping a staccato announcing the arrival of the bitch from hell.
He took one last look before turning his best smile to her, all the while wishing for something sharp to appear in his hand.
shoes are an essential part of an outfit but going barefoot is just as well. spending too much money on shoes is a bit much but i think that shoes should always math the occasion that the person wears them for. shoes are important in different amounts to each individual person.
they fit every nicely on my feet. i dont get a chance to buy them very often but i wish i could. I only get shoes when im sure that i really like them. The color doesnt matter as long as i like them, like i mentioned before. I usually where a pair of shoes til they are worn out.
Taking of her shoes was just the begginig. He planned taking of not only her clothes and virginty, but her diggnity and soul
the shoes were crazy pink. Lollipop like. The person who’s feet they were on was eccentric as well. She was trying to figure out how to make a mass invention for energy. The pink shoes werew supposed to help her.
my medium of expression, size ten, and usually a different color all day. i use these to walk to do great things … or nothing at all. usually the latter, but hey, they’re shoes.
i love shoes. I just bought 2 pair of new shoes. I would say that it was a fetish… fetish I dont have any real fetish but my sister has a real true shoe fetish….why couldnt the word of the day be fetish?
sHOES worn on my feet. they hurt but it is okay. I love shoes. they let me go where i need, with heels to bleed. oh say does this shoe look good on me?
oh yes. so many shoes. tall, shiny, slippery, stripper shoes. mmm hhhhhmmmmmm
we wear them every day, we hoard them in our closets, they protect us from the elements, and from the dangers of day to day life.
I hate shoes I can never find any i like so i buy converse alll the time. I have hot red ones I guess that is cool o well good day
too expensive, and i can never figure out what shoes to wear with what outfit. and why is it that whenever you decide to wear the really cute flats on one of the last nice days of the year the weather totally turns on you and melts your flats into oblivion?
we should all just wear running shoes and scrubs and no makeup and everyone will be happy. and honest.
his shoes were dirty, reminded me of my beautiful ex-lover’s. mike, with the beautiful face, smooth light tanned skin and razor-sharp cheekbones. such a beautiful lover whose face still strikes a knife in my heart.
i put shoes on each morning,
they remain solidly to my feet,
i take my shoes off each eventing.
My favorite ones are black and pink platform shoes. Don’t think I’ll ever have a pair as awesome as these. All in all, I’m not much of a shoe person. Flip flops work just fine for me, but winter is comming up which means I’ll have to wear real shoes for a while once again. Oh well.