converses are the best and most comfortable shoes ever. although chic tacky unusual high heels will do me fine.
The first pair mom gave me lasted longer than anything I’ve ever gotten. Ever.
Shoes aren’t just the pairs that protect my soles on pavement. They somehow have impacted my life, controlled my closet, and also made me happy. Every pair reminds me of her.
Key Wii
I love shoes. Must love shoes. what’s that movie with cameron diaz in her shoes. that’s a good movie. makes me think of a lot of things like when my mom won’t let me talk about other people cause it’s like think about being in their shoes before you judge them. you never really understand someone until you walk in their shoes. i want christian
Hurt my feet. At least the ones I choose most frequently. I’d like comfy shoes if I were about a foot taller.
we use shoes everyday its really weird, if we just went bare foot everywhere we wouldn’t need shoes. are feet would be strong and better then shoes. you couldn’t hide or be ashamed. its a style that never goes out. even if you hate feet oh well. its not necessary got damn shoes messing all this up….
I used to sell shoes. People are in serious denial about their shoe size. Little old ladies come in thinking their foot is 3 sizes smaller than it is. You are still expected to try and cram their foot in the shoe just knowing it will not fit.
i once bought a pari of magical shoes which could transfor me from anyone place to another . i loved those shoes but unfourtunatly they were stolen! and now im stuck with no shoes FIND ME THEM!!!
footwear; made of leather, rexin, canvass etc; protects feet from dirt, cold, heat and rough surfaces; a mark of refinement;
Pavalamani Pragasam
wernt the first pair of shoes i ever had but they were on my feet the longest held together with duct tape ,tuck tape anything to hold the abomination together.but i wouldn’t give them up
byron steele
i like shoes. i really want some more converse bc mine are too small for me and they hurt my feet. and they arent really converse. theyre like ballerina converses but i mean i like em. they’re original i guess. i really.. i did want so gray ones and thyen i changed my mind and now i want yellow ones. but i’m not sure bc what do you wear with yellow converse?
I like shoes. they keep your feet safe and clean. they are colorful and comfy. Yesterday i saw some vans that were super funky. I ordered them. what about all the people in the world without shoes. we take many things for granted, as americans. We are so blessed. I think i’ll donate my shoes to someone
patrick crews
I need to get a new pair of shoes, specifically sneakers. I don’t know what brand to get, I need something comfortable for when I go to the gym and work..but I can’t find anything that fits right.
I like all kinds of shoes, in all different colors, I like to dress up and I like causual shoes. I would like 2 have differemt shoes for every outfit
christy kilgore
Her shoes clicked along the sidewalk, a rhythm her mind out-paced easily. She was striding towards the house. The house where everything started and had ended, her shoes guiding her to her ultimate destination. Keeping the beat, and keeping her moving forward.
I wear shoes… Never. Flip flops only man. Even when it’s cold, it has to be very cold for me to want to wear shoes. I don’t understand how people can own so many shoes… I own one pair, and a pair of flip flops. If I ever own more than one pair only one pair is decent for public view.
one time i was getting shoes but the people who were supposed to help me wouldnt and i got frustrated, i went to 4 shoe stores but no one was helping me it was ridiculous yo. I hate when people dont help you i couldnt even find anything in the clearance section my homies
Milo Arnerich-Hatch
I was running as fast as I could to Depeche Mode.
/if you try walking in my shoes/
He never bothered to think about what I wanted.
/you stumble in my foot steps, keep the same appointments I kept/
Absolutely if he were as disabled as I was, as passionate as I was, he’d never accomplish a thing. He wouldn’t be able to live as brightly as I do.
i love my jordans they are so nice. maybe i should buy some shell top addidas nexr time…we will see. how many pairs if shoes do i have now? i wonder i love buying shoes it makes me feel great. i wonder what type of shoes nyita likes. maybe…she love business clothing…idk who cares as long as she looks good…doesn’t matter
the time i first bought shoes for my girlfriend was a horrendous experience. The packed mall, girly stores and insane prices was enough to drive a man mad. and it did, i write form my padded cell.
Z.D. james
shoes are the best thing man has ever invented. they cover up your feet when its cold, rainy, hot, or muddy. they keep you comfortable and clean. shoes are simply the best thing on planet earth. plain and simple. shoes are the best. EVER.
I like shoes.
i love new shoes red ones. Why deos red seem like such a loud colour? Red shoes remind me of the 80s. Big red high heeled shoes. Only loud vibrant people can wear them. I don’t think I’d be able to wera red shoes for that reason, I don’t feel vibrant. Maybe Robyn could. Red shoes would suit her. I bet she has a pair or two or five.
Those shoes were brilliant. The perfect shade of red that ever there was. And she’d found them. Picking them up with a smile, she held them close.
“Finally, grandma,” she said, staring up to the sky, “I can honor you fully.”
I love cute shoes. I just wish they didn’t hurt my feet so bad. I used to be able to wear the highest heels, and after not doing it for awhile, I can’t anymore. *sob* I want the cute feet!!!!!!
red and magical, light and blue.
Shiny booties and black pumps.
Old and worn with time and love,
Ready, set, Go.
Shoes? Really? Oh my god, Shoes. Shoes, capital S. God, lower case. Is that a theological statement? Probably. I have 3 pair, 6 if I count the ones I regularly steal from my roommate (often with his permission…often). Summer grass feels great; October concrete less so.
Heels clicked downwards, before rolling up and away into the air. One heel. Two heel. One click. Two click. The black leather shoe clicked across the grungy, untidy sidewalk, splashing through rain and thin liquid puddles.
shoes are something that constrict your feet to such an extent where as they cannot make connections with the ground that bears them. the constriction of shoes softens the feet and makes those who wear them unable to learn to grow stronger and fight the oppressions of the world. if you can’t be barefoot who is to say you can be alone in the world? no one.
Sarah Bee
I love shoes. Seriously. A lot. And it seems like something that a lot of women would say about footwear, so I suppose I should say I “really like shoes”. I wish I had more money; I would have a /ton/ of shoes.
Chyna - CA
Shoes are silly, silly things…. NOT! They keep our feet warm,safe, and most of all, they keep everything about our feet free from society. By that I mean… I don’t have to see the ugly ass, yellow, infected fucking toes of fat, old people.
shoes are nice
designer shoes. Boots, cute high heels, drunken nights where you ruin them, drunken nights when you walk back holding them. Leaving them everywhere, never can find one shoe
She looked at the shoes in the window of her favorite department store and thought to herself, “Should I?” Sure, it would mean sacraficing two paychecks and rent for the month, but they were just sooo pretty…
let’s get some shoes~
…okay, no.
so really, i do like shoes.
but i’m from louisiana, so barefootin’ is best.
heels are super hot, i must admit.
although i look like i’m drunk when i attempt to walk in them.
ah, well.
are awesome.
I own so many pairs…
And yet use them all as well.
who would have though that this simple invention could be used for so much?
Long endeavors, dancing, walking, driving…
But yet, all of these can be done barefoot as well.
Do they really matter?
..And if they don’t, why does every chick have so many pairs?
I’m one and I don’t know.
I like shoe, they keep my feet warm, and free from harm. They allow me to do so many things. Dance, walk, Glide. They are also a very powerful tool towards the opposite sex. Everyone knows men can’t resist a stiletto! I love my dance shoes the most though, as they help me execute my passion.
On Tuesdays between 6 and 7.
when I wear new shoes I feel like i can fight crime
I would speak of shoes
my attachment to my single pair of skates.
If I hadnt linked this site to someone who also
was given ‘shoes’ as his topic
they were scratchy on the outside and i thought that they would be scratchy on my heels too, making thick heavy blisters that would last until the wedding.
“no, no, i can’t get these shoes,” i said.
i decided to look at the sandals, but they were all too strappy, and most had heels which i would never ever ever wear. shoes should be no thicker than the fine line between our feet and the earth. never ever ever.
My shoes broke down the other day. That did it. Even my shoes give up on me. But I’ll try harder this time. I Won’t give in, I’ll win.
converses are the best and most comfortable shoes ever. although chic tacky unusual high heels will do me fine.
The first pair mom gave me lasted longer than anything I’ve ever gotten. Ever.
Shoes aren’t just the pairs that protect my soles on pavement. They somehow have impacted my life, controlled my closet, and also made me happy. Every pair reminds me of her.
I love shoes. Must love shoes. what’s that movie with cameron diaz in her shoes. that’s a good movie. makes me think of a lot of things like when my mom won’t let me talk about other people cause it’s like think about being in their shoes before you judge them. you never really understand someone until you walk in their shoes. i want christian
Hurt my feet. At least the ones I choose most frequently. I’d like comfy shoes if I were about a foot taller.
we use shoes everyday its really weird, if we just went bare foot everywhere we wouldn’t need shoes. are feet would be strong and better then shoes. you couldn’t hide or be ashamed. its a style that never goes out. even if you hate feet oh well. its not necessary got damn shoes messing all this up….
I used to sell shoes. People are in serious denial about their shoe size. Little old ladies come in thinking their foot is 3 sizes smaller than it is. You are still expected to try and cram their foot in the shoe just knowing it will not fit.
i once bought a pari of magical shoes which could transfor me from anyone place to another . i loved those shoes but unfourtunatly they were stolen! and now im stuck with no shoes FIND ME THEM!!!
footwear; made of leather, rexin, canvass etc; protects feet from dirt, cold, heat and rough surfaces; a mark of refinement;
wernt the first pair of shoes i ever had but they were on my feet the longest held together with duct tape ,tuck tape anything to hold the abomination together.but i wouldn’t give them up
i like shoes. i really want some more converse bc mine are too small for me and they hurt my feet. and they arent really converse. theyre like ballerina converses but i mean i like em. they’re original i guess. i really.. i did want so gray ones and thyen i changed my mind and now i want yellow ones. but i’m not sure bc what do you wear with yellow converse?
I like shoes. they keep your feet safe and clean. they are colorful and comfy. Yesterday i saw some vans that were super funky. I ordered them. what about all the people in the world without shoes. we take many things for granted, as americans. We are so blessed. I think i’ll donate my shoes to someone
I need to get a new pair of shoes, specifically sneakers. I don’t know what brand to get, I need something comfortable for when I go to the gym and work..but I can’t find anything that fits right.
I like all kinds of shoes, in all different colors, I like to dress up and I like causual shoes. I would like 2 have differemt shoes for every outfit
Her shoes clicked along the sidewalk, a rhythm her mind out-paced easily. She was striding towards the house. The house where everything started and had ended, her shoes guiding her to her ultimate destination. Keeping the beat, and keeping her moving forward.
I wear shoes… Never. Flip flops only man. Even when it’s cold, it has to be very cold for me to want to wear shoes. I don’t understand how people can own so many shoes… I own one pair, and a pair of flip flops. If I ever own more than one pair only one pair is decent for public view.
one time i was getting shoes but the people who were supposed to help me wouldnt and i got frustrated, i went to 4 shoe stores but no one was helping me it was ridiculous yo. I hate when people dont help you i couldnt even find anything in the clearance section my homies
I was running as fast as I could to Depeche Mode.
/if you try walking in my shoes/
He never bothered to think about what I wanted.
/you stumble in my foot steps, keep the same appointments I kept/
Absolutely if he were as disabled as I was, as passionate as I was, he’d never accomplish a thing. He wouldn’t be able to live as brightly as I do.
i love my jordans they are so nice. maybe i should buy some shell top addidas nexr time…we will see. how many pairs if shoes do i have now? i wonder i love buying shoes it makes me feel great. i wonder what type of shoes nyita likes. maybe…she love business clothing…idk who cares as long as she looks good…doesn’t matter
the time i first bought shoes for my girlfriend was a horrendous experience. The packed mall, girly stores and insane prices was enough to drive a man mad. and it did, i write form my padded cell.
shoes are the best thing man has ever invented. they cover up your feet when its cold, rainy, hot, or muddy. they keep you comfortable and clean. shoes are simply the best thing on planet earth. plain and simple. shoes are the best. EVER.
I like shoes.
i love new shoes red ones. Why deos red seem like such a loud colour? Red shoes remind me of the 80s. Big red high heeled shoes. Only loud vibrant people can wear them. I don’t think I’d be able to wera red shoes for that reason, I don’t feel vibrant. Maybe Robyn could. Red shoes would suit her. I bet she has a pair or two or five.
Those shoes were brilliant. The perfect shade of red that ever there was. And she’d found them. Picking them up with a smile, she held them close.
“Finally, grandma,” she said, staring up to the sky, “I can honor you fully.”
I love cute shoes. I just wish they didn’t hurt my feet so bad. I used to be able to wear the highest heels, and after not doing it for awhile, I can’t anymore. *sob* I want the cute feet!!!!!!
red and magical, light and blue.
Shiny booties and black pumps.
Old and worn with time and love,
Ready, set, Go.
Shoes? Really? Oh my god, Shoes. Shoes, capital S. God, lower case. Is that a theological statement? Probably. I have 3 pair, 6 if I count the ones I regularly steal from my roommate (often with his permission…often). Summer grass feels great; October concrete less so.
Heels clicked downwards, before rolling up and away into the air. One heel. Two heel. One click. Two click. The black leather shoe clicked across the grungy, untidy sidewalk, splashing through rain and thin liquid puddles.
shoes are something that constrict your feet to such an extent where as they cannot make connections with the ground that bears them. the constriction of shoes softens the feet and makes those who wear them unable to learn to grow stronger and fight the oppressions of the world. if you can’t be barefoot who is to say you can be alone in the world? no one.
I love shoes. Seriously. A lot. And it seems like something that a lot of women would say about footwear, so I suppose I should say I “really like shoes”. I wish I had more money; I would have a /ton/ of shoes.
Shoes are silly, silly things…. NOT! They keep our feet warm,safe, and most of all, they keep everything about our feet free from society. By that I mean… I don’t have to see the ugly ass, yellow, infected fucking toes of fat, old people.
shoes are nice
designer shoes. Boots, cute high heels, drunken nights where you ruin them, drunken nights when you walk back holding them. Leaving them everywhere, never can find one shoe
She looked at the shoes in the window of her favorite department store and thought to herself, “Should I?” Sure, it would mean sacraficing two paychecks and rent for the month, but they were just sooo pretty…
let’s get some shoes~
…okay, no.
so really, i do like shoes.
but i’m from louisiana, so barefootin’ is best.
heels are super hot, i must admit.
although i look like i’m drunk when i attempt to walk in them.
ah, well.
are awesome.
I own so many pairs…
And yet use them all as well.
who would have though that this simple invention could be used for so much?
Long endeavors, dancing, walking, driving…
But yet, all of these can be done barefoot as well.
Do they really matter?
..And if they don’t, why does every chick have so many pairs?
I’m one and I don’t know.
I like shoe, they keep my feet warm, and free from harm. They allow me to do so many things. Dance, walk, Glide. They are also a very powerful tool towards the opposite sex. Everyone knows men can’t resist a stiletto! I love my dance shoes the most though, as they help me execute my passion.
On Tuesdays between 6 and 7.
when I wear new shoes I feel like i can fight crime
I would speak of shoes
my attachment to my single pair of skates.
If I hadnt linked this site to someone who also
was given ‘shoes’ as his topic
they were scratchy on the outside and i thought that they would be scratchy on my heels too, making thick heavy blisters that would last until the wedding.
“no, no, i can’t get these shoes,” i said.
i decided to look at the sandals, but they were all too strappy, and most had heels which i would never ever ever wear. shoes should be no thicker than the fine line between our feet and the earth. never ever ever.
My shoes broke down the other day. That did it. Even my shoes give up on me. But I’ll try harder this time. I Won’t give in, I’ll win.