Shoes have never appealed to my sense of delicate authoritarianism. They lack the dignity that, flip-flops convey to the general public.
walking feet
on the street
no one says a word
to your eyes
everything unkind
mouth form words
see the breath
escaping from cracked lips
alas still known
malice in your kiss
Josh Miller
are for women. they buy them constantly and always have a new pair. Same with black people. they love new shoes. I only have two pair at any one time. It’s all I need. I do need some new ones though…
shoes, um, they are okay to wear, although I take them off as soon as I get in the house. I love to go barefoot. But, shoes, they are cool, protect your feet.
shoes are so stupid
i just like shoes that make my feet comfortable and have thick soles
thicksoles are what it’s all about anyway, right
keepin your feet safe and all
women who torture themselves with high heels and crap, trying to look fashionable because the invisible forces at Vogue and Marie Claire tell them to, sad
Jenny Ma
shoes should be comfortable
kids in nicaragua don’t have shoes. that’s why i wear tom’s shoes. because honestly they’re a little ugly and although amazing comfortable, far too pricey. but ugly shoes on my feet equals something on someone else’s feet. i love nicaragua and have been there twice. i’ve worn shoes for longer than that- hopefull someday those two can be equal.
i like shoes. I have like ten million of them. I need to get new shoes for serious. I like flats particuarly. I dont know how people would live without shoes. There would be alot of splinters and glass. Doctors would have more visitors. Plus feet are ugly so Idk that’s pretty gross lol but there wouldn’t be smelly feet. so that’s good.
Yellow shoes I have,
Along with the red pair.
All set for adventures,
To be had on horse back rides.
Jump on board,
Quickly quickly.
I have your set,
Here with me :)
some are big, some are small, but all are beautiful. no matter where you are or what you’re doing, your shoes will always be important. you can tell where you are at by just looking at your feet. but the same goes for other people. they know who you are before even talking to you.
omg shoes. i am addicted to buying shoes. i could never have too many. the reason i love them so much is because they always fit. my feet are not fat like the rest of me. i have probably close to 50 pairs. a lot of different styles and colors!
I wear these boots so I can stomp and feel taller. Closer to you. I need every inch I can get. I need everything I can squeeze out of life. Can I get every drop out of you with just these boots? I hope so.
Noelle de Novo
shoes are what makes girls happy. they hate it when you are not allowed to war them. they want to wear them all the time. sometimes when they cant wear them they go crazy and turn into oragne apes. they kill everything in sight including wasps. but never shoes. if they killed shoes then it would defeat the purpose of their existense
I like shoes, all kinds of shoes. Even though I like a variety of them, I wear shoes that I have from back in the 7th grade. My mom’s been trying to get me to throw them out. They’re ripped and torn, and have holes and are completely falling apart at the seams. They used to be black, people ask me if they’re green or blue. Haha, so what does that say about them? I love them nonetheless.
i love shoes. they’re pretty. i have a lot of shoes. my favorite shoes are red and black, with ruffles.
are for comfort, the serve one purpose, to protect your feet. WHY DO GIRLS WEAR STUPID SHOES THAT HURT THEY”RE FEET. Dumb Dumb bitches. Diane would call them sluts, SHE”S A CRAZY GIRL. Sometimes she gets one my nerves though.
Lacy Brooks walked into the store, her eyes immediately bright. Wall to wall throughout the entire space were shoes; shoes of all kinds. At the far right end of the store, a particular pair caught her eye. A beautiful, sparkly, white pair of heels. This was the pair, this was what she had come for.
One word to one person can change an entire lifetime. One word can take you in a whole new direction. One word can be the source of your creativity, and the source of your downfall. Choose your words wisely, or jump to conclusions. There is never the right path, only the consequences that follow. Be yourself, don’t listen to other people, and make a name for yourself in this wonderful world.
shoes are so awful they cramp my toes and cover my feet.. I would much rather go barefoot that to wear those confining strangling hateful shoes.. And don’t even get me started on socks….
Patricia Sawyer
She tried on yet another pair of shoes, and the blonde tapped her foot impatiently.
“Shoppers, you have 15 minutes till closing time” The blonde pursed her lips.
“Seriously?!” Can you not just select one pair and be done with it?” The girl giggled, looking up at her, a smirk on her lips.
“I want to make sure they’re perfect…like you.”
Let’s get some.
you put them on your feet and they come in many shapes and colors
the shoes i wear, it’s not to make a statement, to be different. i wear them because they are comfortable, but the fact that they are extremely cute seems to outshine the fact that i am not trying to make a statement. really. i am not full of myself; you are for thinking that i’m trying to be trendy. take a good look, motherfucker, they’re comfortable.
i like shoes. they go on my feet and they make me feel comfortable when walking. Shoes are an important part of fashion. Even though they are a necessity, people make them and accessory.
shoes are my best friend. They cuddle my feet, protecting it from the dangers of the ground.
My best friend is, however, flawed, as he fails to protect my feet from the dreaded carpet monsters.
The carpet monsters pair with gravity and cause pain. Scraped knees.
shoes are everyone’s friend. All sorts of shapes and colors, some help our feet, but many, many others hurt. And boy oh boy do they hurt. Whoever thought putting “shoes” on with a six inch heel (with only a base of a quarter inch) on our feet must not have planned on actually wearing them.
Shoes, oh wow. Where to start, they’re amazing. So multi functional, the uses that shoes serve us as humans is endless. We really do owe them a lot.
Humans with no shoes is like a tree with no stalk, rather depressing. Together we walk the same path of life, the whole time, they see us right through to the end.
We wear them to keep out the world – to keep our feet off the bare earth and to protect ourselves. Much in the same way as we hold our true selves in reserve to spare us from the harsh nature of the world in which we live. Walk a mile in someone else’s and your whole world can change.
It all started last Wednesday, I was shopping by myself as usual for shoes. The thing is, I was in a naughty shop, for unknown reasons of course.
Well actually my friends recommended it, seeing as it was new and had some fancy stuff.
His shoes were too large for his feet and made him look like a big mean duck. I made cards out of shoe soles back in the war when they wouldn’t let us have real cards.
Janah R. Adams
her shoes tossed carelessly from the bunk bed, vera stretched her sock feet contentedly, aware of how terrible they must smell after the day’s work.
Shoes, oh my bitter sweet addiction. How I love thee, yet you are so cruel to my wallet? How is this fair.. OH those would look nice in red! How much?!
you wear them with care, or you throw them away in the trash. Tattered becomes a fashion statement, but too torn and they hit the left overs in the black plastic bag. I hate the thought of putting thought into what shoes I wear. The effort in such thought is excruciating.
Ashley MacIntyre
i am a guy. therefore, i hate buying shoes. if they are nice i might buy them. i just need something on my damn feet! damn women! they think they need to spend $200 on shoes. That’s red
I’ve never really been particularly satisfied with the shoes I wear, but I’ve never been one to obsess over them either. As far as a girl goes, I don’t really care much about them.
i work at vans and I love my job
brooke bozich
they seemed so young to be making jokes about the fall of Detroit. did they really know what it’s like to be in the shoes of those unemployed auto workers, standing before the dark windows of the GM building? too bad, they said, then turned up Brittany on the radio.
Shoes. The word immediately makes me think of those ridiscoulos high-heeled ones. You all know the ones-they make a short person look tall, and a tall person appear to be a giant.
I hate those shoes.
Of course, that could be because I can’t walk in them.
Shoes have never appealed to my sense of delicate authoritarianism. They lack the dignity that, flip-flops convey to the general public.
walking feet
on the street
no one says a word
to your eyes
everything unkind
mouth form words
see the breath
escaping from cracked lips
alas still known
malice in your kiss
are for women. they buy them constantly and always have a new pair. Same with black people. they love new shoes. I only have two pair at any one time. It’s all I need. I do need some new ones though…
shoes, um, they are okay to wear, although I take them off as soon as I get in the house. I love to go barefoot. But, shoes, they are cool, protect your feet.
shoes are so stupid
i just like shoes that make my feet comfortable and have thick soles
thicksoles are what it’s all about anyway, right
keepin your feet safe and all
women who torture themselves with high heels and crap, trying to look fashionable because the invisible forces at Vogue and Marie Claire tell them to, sad
shoes should be comfortable
kids in nicaragua don’t have shoes. that’s why i wear tom’s shoes. because honestly they’re a little ugly and although amazing comfortable, far too pricey. but ugly shoes on my feet equals something on someone else’s feet. i love nicaragua and have been there twice. i’ve worn shoes for longer than that- hopefull someday those two can be equal.
i like shoes. I have like ten million of them. I need to get new shoes for serious. I like flats particuarly. I dont know how people would live without shoes. There would be alot of splinters and glass. Doctors would have more visitors. Plus feet are ugly so Idk that’s pretty gross lol but there wouldn’t be smelly feet. so that’s good.
Yellow shoes I have,
Along with the red pair.
All set for adventures,
To be had on horse back rides.
Jump on board,
Quickly quickly.
I have your set,
Here with me :)
some are big, some are small, but all are beautiful. no matter where you are or what you’re doing, your shoes will always be important. you can tell where you are at by just looking at your feet. but the same goes for other people. they know who you are before even talking to you.
omg shoes. i am addicted to buying shoes. i could never have too many. the reason i love them so much is because they always fit. my feet are not fat like the rest of me. i have probably close to 50 pairs. a lot of different styles and colors!
I wear these boots so I can stomp and feel taller. Closer to you. I need every inch I can get. I need everything I can squeeze out of life. Can I get every drop out of you with just these boots? I hope so.
shoes are what makes girls happy. they hate it when you are not allowed to war them. they want to wear them all the time. sometimes when they cant wear them they go crazy and turn into oragne apes. they kill everything in sight including wasps. but never shoes. if they killed shoes then it would defeat the purpose of their existense
I like shoes, all kinds of shoes. Even though I like a variety of them, I wear shoes that I have from back in the 7th grade. My mom’s been trying to get me to throw them out. They’re ripped and torn, and have holes and are completely falling apart at the seams. They used to be black, people ask me if they’re green or blue. Haha, so what does that say about them? I love them nonetheless.
i love shoes. they’re pretty. i have a lot of shoes. my favorite shoes are red and black, with ruffles.
fun, like, leather, red, black, heels, comfy, uncomfortable, brown, uggs, aldo, shopping, walking, runners, socks, laces, sole, rubber, laces, shelving,
are for comfort, the serve one purpose, to protect your feet. WHY DO GIRLS WEAR STUPID SHOES THAT HURT THEY”RE FEET. Dumb Dumb bitches. Diane would call them sluts, SHE”S A CRAZY GIRL. Sometimes she gets one my nerves though.
Lacy Brooks walked into the store, her eyes immediately bright. Wall to wall throughout the entire space were shoes; shoes of all kinds. At the far right end of the store, a particular pair caught her eye. A beautiful, sparkly, white pair of heels. This was the pair, this was what she had come for.
One word to one person can change an entire lifetime. One word can take you in a whole new direction. One word can be the source of your creativity, and the source of your downfall. Choose your words wisely, or jump to conclusions. There is never the right path, only the consequences that follow. Be yourself, don’t listen to other people, and make a name for yourself in this wonderful world.
shoes are so awful they cramp my toes and cover my feet.. I would much rather go barefoot that to wear those confining strangling hateful shoes.. And don’t even get me started on socks….
She tried on yet another pair of shoes, and the blonde tapped her foot impatiently.
“Shoppers, you have 15 minutes till closing time” The blonde pursed her lips.
“Seriously?!” Can you not just select one pair and be done with it?” The girl giggled, looking up at her, a smirk on her lips.
“I want to make sure they’re perfect…like you.”
Let’s get some.
you put them on your feet and they come in many shapes and colors
the shoes i wear, it’s not to make a statement, to be different. i wear them because they are comfortable, but the fact that they are extremely cute seems to outshine the fact that i am not trying to make a statement. really. i am not full of myself; you are for thinking that i’m trying to be trendy. take a good look, motherfucker, they’re comfortable.
i like shoes. they go on my feet and they make me feel comfortable when walking. Shoes are an important part of fashion. Even though they are a necessity, people make them and accessory.
shoes are my best friend. They cuddle my feet, protecting it from the dangers of the ground.
My best friend is, however, flawed, as he fails to protect my feet from the dreaded carpet monsters.
The carpet monsters pair with gravity and cause pain. Scraped knees.
shoes are everyone’s friend. All sorts of shapes and colors, some help our feet, but many, many others hurt. And boy oh boy do they hurt. Whoever thought putting “shoes” on with a six inch heel (with only a base of a quarter inch) on our feet must not have planned on actually wearing them.
Shoes, oh wow. Where to start, they’re amazing. So multi functional, the uses that shoes serve us as humans is endless. We really do owe them a lot.
Humans with no shoes is like a tree with no stalk, rather depressing. Together we walk the same path of life, the whole time, they see us right through to the end.
We wear them to keep out the world – to keep our feet off the bare earth and to protect ourselves. Much in the same way as we hold our true selves in reserve to spare us from the harsh nature of the world in which we live. Walk a mile in someone else’s and your whole world can change.
It all started last Wednesday, I was shopping by myself as usual for shoes. The thing is, I was in a naughty shop, for unknown reasons of course.
Well actually my friends recommended it, seeing as it was new and had some fancy stuff.
His shoes were too large for his feet and made him look like a big mean duck. I made cards out of shoe soles back in the war when they wouldn’t let us have real cards.
her shoes tossed carelessly from the bunk bed, vera stretched her sock feet contentedly, aware of how terrible they must smell after the day’s work.
Dank smell dapples nostrils,
drink simple thoughts of sweat.
Devoid samples,
cryptic messages.
Shoes, oh my bitter sweet addiction. How I love thee, yet you are so cruel to my wallet? How is this fair.. OH those would look nice in red! How much?!
you wear them with care, or you throw them away in the trash. Tattered becomes a fashion statement, but too torn and they hit the left overs in the black plastic bag. I hate the thought of putting thought into what shoes I wear. The effort in such thought is excruciating.
i am a guy. therefore, i hate buying shoes. if they are nice i might buy them. i just need something on my damn feet! damn women! they think they need to spend $200 on shoes. That’s red
I’ve never really been particularly satisfied with the shoes I wear, but I’ve never been one to obsess over them either. As far as a girl goes, I don’t really care much about them.
i work at vans and I love my job
they seemed so young to be making jokes about the fall of Detroit. did they really know what it’s like to be in the shoes of those unemployed auto workers, standing before the dark windows of the GM building? too bad, they said, then turned up Brittany on the radio.
Shoes. The word immediately makes me think of those ridiscoulos high-heeled ones. You all know the ones-they make a short person look tall, and a tall person appear to be a giant.
I hate those shoes.
Of course, that could be because I can’t walk in them.