
October 28th, 2009 | 602 Entries

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602 Entries for “shoes”

  1. Shoes are made for walking, and that’s what they do.

    Montse Sans
  2. i like shoes, toms shoes suck. espadrils are better i wear sparries, they are NOT boat shoes! they get soaked when it rains. baskets are good for basketball, running sucks for tennis!!! tennis shoes are neat. thong flops hurt your big toe at first, it takes time to develop calice.

  3. I don’t wear shoes unless absolutely necessary. Why should I stifle my feet like that? I need to feel. Be it concrete, asphalt, carpet, sand, or tile, I love nothing more than the feeling of walking with bare feet.

  4. I watched him stand there, looking up at the electrical pole. “What are you going to do?” I asked, to which I received no answer at all. He remained still, quiet, contemplative. “Where are you going to go?” I asked. No response.

    “What is going to happen to us?” His response to that was vague, a hopeful declaration of his hopelessness. He bent over and removed his sneakers, those red high-tops that he complained so often about. He tied the laces together, and wound back. With all his might, be threw them high, and they spiraled in a last-ditch dance before wrapping themselves around the telephone wire.

    I echoed the question, “What is going to happen to us?”

    And he turned to me. His answer was pure, concentrated faith, the willingness to close one’s eyes and fall into whatever was behind you. It was closing your eyes and trusting someone to catch you. “I don’t know,” he said.

    And that was enough for me.
  5. the old lady had purple shoes and she wanted to buy some new ones then she went to the store to buy some new ones, and saw some for one dollar and her old shoes were worn out. she wnet away very happy

  6. comeon, not again about shoes, please give me another topic.

  7. they sit on my feet, waiting for a purpose. They are important to the process, yet forgotten so easily. Take me where I want to go, do this, do that. So selfish we are.

  8. iwill shoes my dignity

  9. i love shoes they really make decisions on how we look at ppl for us …… we try to identify who we are dealing with by the shoes they are wearing ….. it fascinates me. i am always undecided as to how i feel about them…. they are so ambiguious to me ….. one never knows if they are ugly or cool …because its all about fashion and fashion is quite frankly ridiculous .

  10. pretty colorful warm snug feet sizes small big large strings tie

  11. sex

  12. She slid his shoes on and went outside. The rain was falling steadily, dripping from the trees and drenching her thin sweater. It was good to be alive, she thought, and wondered when he’d be back.

  13. loevly shoes, go on feet – stink a treat – can’t be eaten (expet by dogs) and hamsters- nmassive shoe eating hamster

  14. The answers was right there, in your shoes. They say you can always tell by looking a the girl’s shoes. I’ve always disagreed. But now I know they weren’t just talking about sexuality. It’s about worth. Honesty, respect, value. Your shoes had none of that.

  15. They were just too tight, the boy thought angrily. No matter what he did, his mother consistently bought him shoes that didn’t fit and then he was forced to ask her to return them.

    He understood that he was a difficult size to buy for and that she was very busy, but still. Why didn’t she care?

  16. Today I wore denim flats for the concert competition. It gave me blisters, and my group lost.
    These shoes give me bad memories now whenever i see them.

  17. figh low right wrong red blue black leather heels pain comfort maryjanes loafers boots booots boots five pairs so far i love boots shoes.

    Olivia Mushway
  18. The shoes were too big. The dress was too short. The day was too long. Everything sucked and she was going to kill William because this was all his fault.

  19. I have a friend who wear the most hottest shoes of all time, and she wears them like a pro.

  20. comfortable

  21. beautiful

  22. I wore shoes instead of boots on one of the coldest days in the desert. I felt as if my shes were egg cartons and at any moment my feet would crack open under the hard cold ground. Yet the the shoes had inner covering which saved my toes from being frozen. The cold in the desert is not the same biting cold you feel in the North.

  23. I wore shoes instead of boots on one of the coldest days in the desert. I felt as if my shes were egg cartons and at any moment my feet would crack open under the hard cold ground. Yet th

  24. with withe colors

  25. “Shine?”
    The man stood there, collar up against the cold, and stabbed the worn tip of his black lace-ups against the concrete. He probably didn’t have the money for it, you could see the wheels turning, but those shoes needed some TLC.
    “I’ll take good care of you. Let me at them shoes, and you’ll be seeing your face every time you look down.”
    He climbed into the chair and I went to work.
    “I’ve got a job interview,” he said, absently.
    “There’s a special rate for that,” I said, knowing that this was one of those no-tip opportunities.
    Just doing my part for the economy.

  26. shoes are what keep my feet warm and dry. the life of a show is one of continual decline. New, they smell good. Old, they stink!

  27. Shoes makes me think of Carrie Bradshaw and the endless appetite some women have for shoe shopping. Personally, I’ve never been able to rationalize spending significant sums of money on the seemingly fleeting joy that comes from purchasing a “magnificent” pair of shoes, but part of that might stem from my inability to choose the right shoes.

  28. i love it! but i nedd a new pair in one cllick!

  29. Looking through the window, she watched as the people walked past. She didn’t look at their face, but instead she looked at their shoes.
    She had always though that you could tell what someone was like, just by looking at their shoes. If course, this didn’t apply now, because they were all wearing exactly the same, shoes and all.

  30. I love my shoes

  31. are so silly when people indulge. i just don’t get it, they will spend thoussands of dollars for something so insignificant. They are pretty but not worthy muddying in a few hours.

  32. leather brown with skinny laces thst tie well

  33. I have four pairs of shoes. A black pair, for the solemn occasions. A brown pair, for the business of getting to where the money must be made. The sports pair for chasing the dog down the street. Then there are the sandals, weathered like the shores of the coast of comfort, and my toes wave from them, like tourists on a cruise.

    Brian Slusher
  34. I have several pairs that i use at home. Some for work, thers for wearing randomly. I do enjoy the odd occasion that I wear them for no reason. I even wear a pair htat have a massive hole in them and i have a big callus on m foot where the hole is. And i fair at typing quickly

  35. He slipped his shoes off again. Shoes were originally designed to stop one’s feet from hurting, so he found it funny that he was removing them BECAUSE his feet were hurting. These shoes had seen many miles and had kept his feet in good shape every step.

  36. Oh my god. Shoes.

    You know, I don’t give a damn if I’m a guy. I like a nice pair of shoes as much as anyone and I don’t care who knows it.

  37. such a waste of money.

  38. love shoes – balck, brown, red, purple.
    shoes can hurt but be beautiful at the same time
    there are shoes for every occasion

  39. there are a lot of shoes in the world, but most of them are uncomfortable… in fact, why do i have to wear shoes… although I’d probably get yelled at by lots of people (or at the very least attract strange looks…l) actually, come to think of it, shoes are pretty useful at keeping dirty stuff off youyr feet and on the street where they belong… So why not do away with formal shoes, the black leather boots polished till perfection that are a must at parties.

  40. Shoes go on your feet.
    They’re very uncomfortable and prevent me from being in contact with mother earth.
    But they do help with avoiding stepping on glass.
