
October 28th, 2009 | 602 Entries

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602 Entries for “shoes”

  1. I love shoes. Shoes can be all different types, and they will never go out of fashion. If it fits, buty it in every color. And it doesn’t matter how cute your outfit looks. Its the shoes that count!!

    Lindsay M.
  2. there isn’t anything i have more guilt about purchasing.

  3. Shoes. My boyfriend wears his all the time, never takes them off, never see his socks or the pale skin on his feet. Forever wearing shoes. No bad arches though. I wonder if he ever wants to take a break from shoes. But he doesn’t like feet. I kind of agree.

  4. No shoes, no shirt, no service.
    But what about pants? Personally I think it’s a much bigger health concern if someone wanders into a food service establishment nude from the waist down than from the waist up. Who knows what kinds of bodily fluids might end up in foods?!?

  5. red high heels, black flat all sorts occaisions shops money like hate work wellies boots sandals flipflops sophisticated matching bags love like funky size 6 red love

    sue gilkes
  6. i like wearing shoes. they go on my feet better than my hands. it is as if they protect my soles from the earth and the demons that prevail and seek to inflict tortures on my soul. Shoes are my guardian angels. They come in pairs. For one would be lonely without another at his side. So did Noah pair off the world two by two…

    Kit Kat
  7. shoes are silly. i don’t know why people wear shoes. people should walk around in their bare feet. i like it better, but i guess everybody’s different. I don’t like shoes…except when it’s cold out. and then i like shoes.

  8. I love shoes. I’ve never really wanted to buy shoes, but lately i’ve added them to my shopping addiction. i even asked my mom for a journey’s giftcard so i can get new shoes after christmas. man. but anyways. there are so many options. heels. flats. running. flip flops. there are so many to choose. ha. that rhymes with shoes.

  9. never too big, always too small, they sit on your feet and just know it all.

  10. they sit on your feet and if too small they squeak, hurt and throb. Your toes get blue, your ankles squishes, and they writhe your every bone out of its socket. Other than that they’re comfortable.

    Miss Mocca
  11. shoes are good, but I can’t eat them. Edible shoes, let’s talk.

  12. Red. So patent they reflect the stars and your eyes.
    You always said they made me look like dorothy,
    A lost little girl in a world with too much to critize and too little to love. Take me oz.

  13. high heels sandals sneakers converse vans lame shoes crocs shoes with laces shoes without laces open toed shoes closed toed shoes i like shoes and shopping for shoes. shoes can be blue or red or green or yellow or gray or black or white or any mixture of these colors.

  14. i wear them. i like my red ones, but the blue is good too. I don’t see why shoes are a big deal though. I would have never bought my red shoes if they weren’t on sale. So yes, I have red shoes. It doesn’t mean anything. It just means i like red. I like red shoes.

  15. Shoes, shoes … the shiny black patent reflects your face, as you press against the glass looking in. You’re five, and dreams and heaven exist in a pair of mary janes.

  16. Shoes are like people throughout our lives. You can either ridiculously fond of shoes and there styles or you can just realize you need them in your everyday life. Shoes wear out

    Callie Ann Sterling
  17. I love shoes. I could wear shoes all day. In fact, I do. Sometimes I wish that I didn’t wear shoes at all.

    There was a girl in my class last semester that claimed to never wear shoes. I thought it was the most revolutionary thing I’d ever heard, but then two days later, she showed up to class wearing shoes.

    What a sham.

  18. Shoes go on my feet. They can be comfortable, or they can be dressy. Sometimes my shoes smell really, really bad. But when I put the little deodorizer balls in them, the bad smell goes away. Oh, and Jesus also wore shoes. But I think he probably wore sandals except when it got cold. Then he probably wore boots. I like shoes.

    Nick Wendel
  19. shoes are things that people wear on their feet. they protect your feet from things (like rocks, mud, ect..)

  20. pink

  21. the store was filled with glistening expensive shoes. i pressed my face up to the window and tried to look as far into the store as i could. soon enough though my breath was fogging up the glass. i rubbed away the smudges and walked on. i could never afford fancy shoes like those,

  22. Shoes. Baby shoes for sale, never worn. Did the mom abort? Did the child die before reaching a certain age? Did both mom and child die? Ectopic pregnancy? Adopted out? Child with no feet?
    Who knows.
    It’s that good a story.

  23. She looked down at her old beat up converse, and then she looked at the pair of shoes next to her. His were old like hers, but she didn’t know what kind they were. His laces were untied, and he moved his foot up and down, impatiently, as if the subway was going too slowly. It jolted to a stop, a voice on the intercom said “boylston, exit on the right.” She noticed his foot fall, and the body holding it up rise. And he walked away.

  24. shoes. i like shoes. converse especially, which i know is a little cliche, but they’re so comfy. I prefer to go without shoes though. I like to just wear socks and slide across the floor in them. i also like walking barefoot outside. especially when the grass is soft, cause otherwise it pokes your toes and hurts.

  25. Purple, blue, red, green. So many colors, with so many designs.

  26. about it

  27. I watched that video on Youtube with that girl. I can’t remember her name but, never mind it was Kelly. I remember how everyone would talk about it like every day at school, sing the song and stuff. it wasn’t even funny!

  28. Her shoes were wooden. Her feet ached at the end of the day, but the shoes survived such long hours and such unaccommodating terrain. She could hardly blame them for taking vengeance on her.

    The Bowler Cap Fairy
  29. He woke up and rolled off his bed, his hair itchy and greasy. He trudged into the bathroom and turned on the steamy shower. He came out clean and refreshed, somewhat awake. He dressed fairly quickly. Where were his shoes? Under the bed? No. And there they were above his head, hanging from a string?
  30. She woke up in the morning and picked out a perfectly shined pair of shoes from her immaculate closet. She did everything a woman is supposed to do — applied all the makeup, put on all the pretty clothes, and acted very feminine. According to societal standards, she was perfect. To me, she was disgusting.

  31. I like shoes. They are good. They keep my feet warm. They are stylish. They are what seperate us from the savages. I would not like to be a savage, to be honest. It seems like a pretty boring life. Hunt, eat, kill, mate. Stuff like that. Plus they don’t have ipods, I don’t think. Do savages have ipods? Maybe they do. The rockpod. They bang on a rock and it’s like an mp3 player because that’s the savage’s version of music.

    Matt O
  32. She slipped her feet into the soft leather of her worn, black flats. She never wore them with socks, and they smelled terrible. Sour and dirty. She got a weird kind of joy in wearing them to work and taking them off, then laughing to herself as everyone around her asked, “What is that SMELL??!” It was one of few joys she had left.

  33. what I love to buy but don’t seem to wear with the variety I acquire. What I take great care of at times and neglect at other times. What I love to remove every chance I get. What clutters my closet to no end.

  34. i like so much jimmy choo shoes that when they will be sold at hm i hope i can buy them

  35. She called them Jesus shoes. They were pale green, the color of young jade, and wearing them, you could walk on water.

  36. My shoes are dirty, very dirty

    I bought them three days ago
    Went to the woods
    Fell into a hole
    Climbed out of it
    Stepped into some turd

  37. shoes are the coolest thing in the world, they protect your feet from the dangers of the earth, and allow you to walk comfortably. Some shoes have soles in them that make them a lot more comfortable than what a ‘cheap’ shoe would be. Overall, America needs more shoes because they are awesome.

  38. I wear flip flops constantly. Not tennis shoes, I don’t even think I own a pair. Just flip-flops. Even in winter. Sometimes my toes get cold, but that’s okay. If I had more money I’d totally be a shoe freak…but that’s okay, I’ll settle for cheap flip-flops. At least they’re shoes.

  39. Shoes. Her mother’s closet was loaded with him. All of her sisters LIVED for shoes. And what was in her own closet? A well-used pair of Reeboks and a beat-up pair of brown shoes she sometimes wore for church or going out. She tried to hide those under long pants. Even her niece had a ton more shoes than she did…

  40. The heavy workboots he always wore when he first got home made loud clunks on the wooden floor. The mud crusted to the bottom fell in pieces on the floor.

    “Great, now mom will make me sweep again.”

    Looking over her shoulder to see if her mom was around to see this mess, Jane slunk to her room in the hopes of avoiding even more chores.

    Jen P