i love shoes, theyre one of my favorite things in the world, eventhough i have only one or 2 pairs in my closet i would love to have it full of shoes. My ex boyfriend had the most amazing shoes in the world, i miss him so much.. damn
Lepe…crvene…elegantne….bas za nju pravljene….on se spremao za posao probao ih i shvatio da mu divno stoje…i shvatio da nju vise ne voli na nacin na
Shoes have always been something that I’m really passionate about. They come in so many different colors and designs that there really is no way that one can say that they have them all. I love the idea of mixing them up so that they don’t match. The idea of going barefoot is just appalling to me and I see no need for it. They make me crazy. That is all.
cage heels, stilettos, booties. booties booties booties, on display, on my desk, hanging with flowers. fashion is an art; sculpture of footwear; adornment and accessorization…black, suede, winter. live beauty. but ow. brr and it’s cold and they hurt.
Shoes – they’re just things on you feet. I don’t understand how some people have so many, and frankly I’m a little jealous. Converse and Sparees, that’s all I own. Pathetic. My feet need some clothes, and soon. Time to go shopping.
I thought things would be different this time because when you kicked off your shoes and sat down, I felt calm and collected and comfortable.
the green shoes were there in the cupboard
he said he’d be faithful and he’d never look at another woman again
she believed him and they made love
then she saw the shoes
shoes are just such a waste of time. remember those days in the shire when we would be free and careless. with every step we get closer to love and unity. the feeling of the wet dew upon our toes was pleasant and refreshing. how i yearn to turn back time and return from Mordor to enjoy the pleasant things in life.
oh my gosh, shoes.
My grandmother was fond of shoes. Till she entered a nursing home at the age of 90 she shopped till she dropped…and always with new shoes. funny thing, my daughter is the same way. Not me. I could wear the same pair for years and years…But my daughter has enough for the two of us.
i have ugly feet.
they’re big and ugly so i try to hide them but i don’t like wearing shoes.
my teachers have lots of shoes.
i don’t like heels.
i like flats and flip flops and socks, or just no shoes at all.
all my shoes are falling apart to pieces.
shoes are amazing things. they keep your feet warm on the snowy days in Sapporo. they are fluffy and they are strong. they have soles to protect your feet and they are assorted colours. they are my favorite friend and many people have fetishes about shoes. i do not though. though i would love to buy as many shoes as i can.
Sher pressed her face up to the storefront window, her breath making a fog upon the glass.
she sighed, They were beautiful, the perfect pair of shoes. Black, with 3 inch heels and satin fabric.
are what you put on your feet. thay come in many differnt sizes and shapes. i have a pair of gray ones that are low tops. i used to have a pair that was black. girls tend to like buys more than guys and will spend alot of money on them.
to chose your shoes, you’ll lose you see. to be free and be me is not to be because me is no one you see.
Despite the hurried tone in my mother’s voice, I slipped on my shoes slowly. Clearly too tight around my feet for me to run, but she didn’t seem to notice. And instead grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me along beside her. Her hair was wind-blown and after a few minutes, I had to stop to catch my breath.
Takes you where you need to go.
Protects your steps.
Reflects the character of a person.
Uncomfortable as well.
source of delight for some.
I like shoes. I never used to. But I do. I have strange tastes. They range from big “hooker boots”, with buckles and straps, to cute little heels, with bows! I’m a sucker for little perfect bows. Sadly, I do not own a lot of shoes. My best friend already owns about 10 pairs and she’s only 16!
i love shoes. i might have over 50 pairs if i look hard enough. hopefully one day i will be able to have a successful job and buy christian louboutins! i love those little red soles. definition of hot and elegance. shoes never make you feel bad. walaaa!
they are so gorgeous. the nivest ones well the most unusual ones are found in shuh in galway or limerick or dublin. you can get all shapes or sizes of shoes all defferent coloers too
There is something about shoes that reminds me of dead people in other countries. Not that they are really dead but more like undead. But not like morbidly undead like that shoeless beast Dracula, but like pink fuzzy undead.
I love shoes more than anything else. I have more pairs than I can count. My most recent purchase was a pair of black sparkly flats for Halloween, but I’m sure I’ll get good use out of them. I always do.
I put on my red suede shoes and stepped through a puddle right out the door. The clown did not find that amusing, but then, clowns are prone to look at the tragic side of life. “I’ll look more authentic,” I told him, but he refused to be consoled.
“We’re supposed to be a matched pair,” he moaned. The smile that was painted on his round-cheeked face only made the pathos that much more grating. I looked down at his feet. Bare, they stretched a good size 13; clothed in the woolen socks he felt required for his daily grind, they defied the odds at size 16 — and I tried very hard not to think of the old adage about the size of a man’s feet being indicative of … other things.
shoes are a very useful thing. they protect our feet and keep them dry and warm. they keep us free from the pain when we step on something edgy and allows us to kill cockroaches without getting our feet dirty
I hate them. I would rather be barefoot. If I have to wear shoes, they must be tennis shoes. Simple, light weight and white.
I have a friend who’s just mad about shoes. She’s got all kinds and in all colours. Mostlym they’re expensive designer shoes. Every day she wears different ones. her dream is to get some Manolos
they go on your feet sometimes they can smell. Lots of sizes and types loafers sandals comfy or uncomfy and shit
they are fashionable, sexy, cute, plain and fun. They are functional and add character. They are cheap or expensive. They comes in hundreds of sizes, styles, colors and meanings. Shoes are neat.
I try to put myself in your shoes, and I suck it up. I feel uncomfortable, but when I think about how uncomfortable you must have felt, I back off. I want to complain about the toughness of everything that happens to me, but when I think about how you have struggled through everything, I bite my tongue and keep going. My shoes aren’t as worn out as yours.
I’m wearing aasics right now. I feel more attached to my shoes than I ever do to other articles of clothing. I wear them so often it’s almost like they are a part of me. I enjoy flat bottom shoes. shoes . shoes. shoes.
air foces j are my fav cause the girls like them.
shoes is what you wear on your feet . i know so people that they shoes is wear on but i am not going to so no name and they then they shoes
My shoes are worn out. I would get some new ones but I need to get stuff for the kids first. My daughter gets upset if I wear brown shoes with black pants.
She was wearing them the day that I left. I knew that I would never see them again if I walked out, but I had to go. I needed to leave everything behind that reminded me of the tragedy we faced together but two months ago. They were my most treasured pair of shoes, but that didn’t matter. Not then, and not today.
Robert Ralsh
I sat back, admiring the shoes. They were shiny and black, brand new. And very unlike my old ones; the ones that were wearing out on the bottom and the at the toes. I could barely remember how long I have had them. They were the ones I walked with every day, around the garden three times.
shoes are nice. they help us walk, protect our feet, keep us warm, and most important to me, they help us run. without shoes, competative running would be very difficult. which, in turn would suck
Eshan King
i like shoes
shoes are amazing there are so many shoes
red shoes
Shoe away the shoegivers who shoot the shitty sheriffs. Shone on the shiny song saw the stupid serenity sacrificed for solace in the form of solitude.
carl to the shizzle
Shoes are AMAZING!! Red high heels to get back at someone like Kellie Pickler. Or you can buy them in every color if the fit.
I have a box of shoes in my closet. Mostly old worn out tennis shoes I just don’t throw away. No one in my family ever throws shoes away. I always wear the same pair of shoes. Tennis shoes. Black ones. I never wear any other type of shoes except on very very rare occassions when I have to dress up.
i love shoes, theyre one of my favorite things in the world, eventhough i have only one or 2 pairs in my closet i would love to have it full of shoes. My ex boyfriend had the most amazing shoes in the world, i miss him so much.. damn
Lepe…crvene…elegantne….bas za nju pravljene….on se spremao za posao probao ih i shvatio da mu divno stoje…i shvatio da nju vise ne voli na nacin na
Shoes have always been something that I’m really passionate about. They come in so many different colors and designs that there really is no way that one can say that they have them all. I love the idea of mixing them up so that they don’t match. The idea of going barefoot is just appalling to me and I see no need for it. They make me crazy. That is all.
cage heels, stilettos, booties. booties booties booties, on display, on my desk, hanging with flowers. fashion is an art; sculpture of footwear; adornment and accessorization…black, suede, winter. live beauty. but ow. brr and it’s cold and they hurt.
Shoes – they’re just things on you feet. I don’t understand how some people have so many, and frankly I’m a little jealous. Converse and Sparees, that’s all I own. Pathetic. My feet need some clothes, and soon. Time to go shopping.
I thought things would be different this time because when you kicked off your shoes and sat down, I felt calm and collected and comfortable.
the green shoes were there in the cupboard
he said he’d be faithful and he’d never look at another woman again
she believed him and they made love
then she saw the shoes
shoes are just such a waste of time. remember those days in the shire when we would be free and careless. with every step we get closer to love and unity. the feeling of the wet dew upon our toes was pleasant and refreshing. how i yearn to turn back time and return from Mordor to enjoy the pleasant things in life.
oh my gosh, shoes.
My grandmother was fond of shoes. Till she entered a nursing home at the age of 90 she shopped till she dropped…and always with new shoes. funny thing, my daughter is the same way. Not me. I could wear the same pair for years and years…But my daughter has enough for the two of us.
i have ugly feet.
they’re big and ugly so i try to hide them but i don’t like wearing shoes.
my teachers have lots of shoes.
i don’t like heels.
i like flats and flip flops and socks, or just no shoes at all.
all my shoes are falling apart to pieces.
shoes are amazing things. they keep your feet warm on the snowy days in Sapporo. they are fluffy and they are strong. they have soles to protect your feet and they are assorted colours. they are my favorite friend and many people have fetishes about shoes. i do not though. though i would love to buy as many shoes as i can.
Sher pressed her face up to the storefront window, her breath making a fog upon the glass.
she sighed, They were beautiful, the perfect pair of shoes. Black, with 3 inch heels and satin fabric.
are what you put on your feet. thay come in many differnt sizes and shapes. i have a pair of gray ones that are low tops. i used to have a pair that was black. girls tend to like buys more than guys and will spend alot of money on them.
to chose your shoes, you’ll lose you see. to be free and be me is not to be because me is no one you see.
Despite the hurried tone in my mother’s voice, I slipped on my shoes slowly. Clearly too tight around my feet for me to run, but she didn’t seem to notice. And instead grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me along beside her. Her hair was wind-blown and after a few minutes, I had to stop to catch my breath.
Takes you where you need to go.
Protects your steps.
Reflects the character of a person.
Uncomfortable as well.
source of delight for some.
I like shoes. I never used to. But I do. I have strange tastes. They range from big “hooker boots”, with buckles and straps, to cute little heels, with bows! I’m a sucker for little perfect bows. Sadly, I do not own a lot of shoes. My best friend already owns about 10 pairs and she’s only 16!
i love shoes. i might have over 50 pairs if i look hard enough. hopefully one day i will be able to have a successful job and buy christian louboutins! i love those little red soles. definition of hot and elegance. shoes never make you feel bad. walaaa!
they are so gorgeous. the nivest ones well the most unusual ones are found in shuh in galway or limerick or dublin. you can get all shapes or sizes of shoes all defferent coloers too
There is something about shoes that reminds me of dead people in other countries. Not that they are really dead but more like undead. But not like morbidly undead like that shoeless beast Dracula, but like pink fuzzy undead.
I love shoes more than anything else. I have more pairs than I can count. My most recent purchase was a pair of black sparkly flats for Halloween, but I’m sure I’ll get good use out of them. I always do.
I put on my red suede shoes and stepped through a puddle right out the door. The clown did not find that amusing, but then, clowns are prone to look at the tragic side of life. “I’ll look more authentic,” I told him, but he refused to be consoled.
“We’re supposed to be a matched pair,” he moaned. The smile that was painted on his round-cheeked face only made the pathos that much more grating. I looked down at his feet. Bare, they stretched a good size 13; clothed in the woolen socks he felt required for his daily grind, they defied the odds at size 16 — and I tried very hard not to think of the old adage about the size of a man’s feet being indicative of … other things.
shoes are a very useful thing. they protect our feet and keep them dry and warm. they keep us free from the pain when we step on something edgy and allows us to kill cockroaches without getting our feet dirty
I hate them. I would rather be barefoot. If I have to wear shoes, they must be tennis shoes. Simple, light weight and white.
I have a friend who’s just mad about shoes. She’s got all kinds and in all colours. Mostlym they’re expensive designer shoes. Every day she wears different ones. her dream is to get some Manolos
they go on your feet sometimes they can smell. Lots of sizes and types loafers sandals comfy or uncomfy and shit
they are fashionable, sexy, cute, plain and fun. They are functional and add character. They are cheap or expensive. They comes in hundreds of sizes, styles, colors and meanings. Shoes are neat.
I try to put myself in your shoes, and I suck it up. I feel uncomfortable, but when I think about how uncomfortable you must have felt, I back off. I want to complain about the toughness of everything that happens to me, but when I think about how you have struggled through everything, I bite my tongue and keep going. My shoes aren’t as worn out as yours.
I’m wearing aasics right now. I feel more attached to my shoes than I ever do to other articles of clothing. I wear them so often it’s almost like they are a part of me. I enjoy flat bottom shoes. shoes . shoes. shoes.
air foces j are my fav cause the girls like them.
shoes is what you wear on your feet . i know so people that they shoes is wear on but i am not going to so no name and they then they shoes
My shoes are worn out. I would get some new ones but I need to get stuff for the kids first. My daughter gets upset if I wear brown shoes with black pants.
She was wearing them the day that I left. I knew that I would never see them again if I walked out, but I had to go. I needed to leave everything behind that reminded me of the tragedy we faced together but two months ago. They were my most treasured pair of shoes, but that didn’t matter. Not then, and not today.
I sat back, admiring the shoes. They were shiny and black, brand new. And very unlike my old ones; the ones that were wearing out on the bottom and the at the toes. I could barely remember how long I have had them. They were the ones I walked with every day, around the garden three times.
shoes are nice. they help us walk, protect our feet, keep us warm, and most important to me, they help us run. without shoes, competative running would be very difficult. which, in turn would suck
i like shoes
shoes are amazing there are so many shoes
red shoes
Shoe away the shoegivers who shoot the shitty sheriffs. Shone on the shiny song saw the stupid serenity sacrificed for solace in the form of solitude.
Shoes are AMAZING!! Red high heels to get back at someone like Kellie Pickler. Or you can buy them in every color if the fit.
I have a box of shoes in my closet. Mostly old worn out tennis shoes I just don’t throw away. No one in my family ever throws shoes away. I always wear the same pair of shoes. Tennis shoes. Black ones. I never wear any other type of shoes except on very very rare occassions when I have to dress up.