
October 28th, 2009 | 602 Entries

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602 Entries for “shoes”

  1. I loveeee shoes. Its an addiction. But a good one! I probably own far too many pairs and several of them I have only worn once. My mom kills me! Oh well! Its worth it!!

  2. How many shoes do i have. Not enough? too many? Did you know you can customize Converse? Mine say “appropriate” on the side. It’s ironic, I suppose. I prefer shoes with color. Color that makes a dress jolt. Because black is never the new black. Chickens are the new black. Everyone is getting chickens. For the fresh eggs. I dont blame them. If my housemate wasn’t such an OCD neat freak, I’d ask for chickens in our back yard. This is Louisiana, we can just find some out on the farm.

    Morgan Appropriate
  3. shoes are awesome. they are one of the few things people will forfeit paying rent for. they come tall, short, flat, high heeled. all kind of color, these shoes. ugly to one, gorgeous to someone else. shoes to jump, shoes to dance, shoes to sleep, shoes

  4. My most favorite thing in the whole world. I am in desperate need of red, green, purple and grey shoes. I have purchased entirely too many shoes the past two months. It probably is not the greatest thing to have done considering that I am pregnant and feet grow when preggers.

  5. I just tried on my new shoes. Wouldn’t you know it they don’t fit. They always look so good in the store, and after sorting through a dozen boxes looking for the right sizes and not finding something you settle for the ones that are too small.

  6. I love shoes, any color, any kind, but cheap. I don’t like to pay full price for shoes or clothes. I feel it is a personal victory to find a deal, and I love deals.

  7. so i was buying these shoes and the guy next to me told me that they weren’t my color so i decided to but a different pair. later, i went home and looked for more shoes online. i couldn’t find any that i liked so i decided that life wasn’t worth living and i might as well kill myself.

  8. shoes. where it all starts. from the ground, energy flowing. up through your legs. and into your knees. and sometimes they buckle. too much energy makes you fall. but after all, it travels up to your spine. from the shoes. and up
  9. Have you ever thought about what it’s like to view the world in another person’s shoes? What it’s like if you saw yourself from another person’s shoes? It would be a weird world, yet a very informative view about yourself and how others think. Each person has their own style of shoe, their own personality. Putting yourself in another person’s shoes would be like putting on a pair of shoes that you would never see yourself in, or are too small, or too large.

    nadia marie
  10. shoes, shoes on my feet, they are a real necessity in life, you could step on so many horrible things, needles, bugs, crap, piss, garbage..of course you wouldnt want that, feet are supposedly disgusting already.. WE MUST PROTECT THEM, kkeep em clean n mean and you will be okay

  11. Something that can protect your feet against things you ttravel over. can make or break your outfit. can cause you pain or possibley cause things to ruin your life like atheltes foot or ingriown toenails

    Dylan Reeker
  12. I love wearing all kinds of styles of shoes all different colours red being my favourites, but it doesnt matter what style so long as they look cool and are of a good style. When I was a kid my Mum used to put cardboard in my shoes when my soles wore out , but I could feel the stones in between the gaps and my feet were very sore…

    I’d love to wear Jimmy Choo shoes but I wouldnt be able to walk very well in them now, and I probably couldnt afford them anyway. I also love to wear trainers and sneakers, and love the thought of wearing high heeled sneakers as in the song!

    I also love cowboy boots, in soft crocadile leather, but it does seem a little cruel to kill a crock just to cover my feet! My other favourite boots are my Uggs , I have a black pair, a brown pair and Camel cloured pair. They are so soft and warm, they feel as if you are wearing slippers all the time. They can also be worn in summer as they cool your feet down some how.

  13. let’s get some shoes. betch.

  14. straps, sandals wedges green pink love feet nice leather hues go mine feet love girls babies soft, leather wood fring pumps pedals pushing wallking waiting living running life.

  15. pretty

  16. shoes

  17. Shoes seem to be the most important thing that you wear because they are always keeping you down to earth…perhaps if more people thought about about there shoes when they put them on they would be more likely to understand where they are going and where they are coming from. After all you cant go anwhere without your shoes.

    Kevin Hartman
  18. I need a black pair of shoes. I have a lot of nice clothes but look stupid wearing them with the brown shoes that I have. My other two pairs of shoes smell really bad because of the socks I reuse without washing. I have really bad foot odor.

  19. i hate my shoes they hurt my feet and cause blisters.i hope the makers of nike catch crabs. also my socks are always missing

  20. they are amazing i have them in every color! i love them if i could i would just wear shoes! never could i have have just one pair of shoes this word to me is happiness simple and easy as that!

  21. the shoes of my mind is beautifully in one spot
    I don’t know what I would do without it
    The long I walk the longer I love it
    The more I run the more I want to stay in motion
    What would I do without my shoes?
    There are many mysteries behind this and will always be some answers

    Che Yang
  22. I love shoes. Shoes rock my socks off. If I wasn’t so tall I would wear high heel shoes all day everyday. but this would make me over 6 feet tall and that would be weird. I love flats as well. And a good pair of running shoes always make me happy. Comfy shoes are wear its at. if you do not have comfy shoes you will be a sad person. At least it makes me sad when my feet hurt.

  23. Shoes have been the bane of my existence. Having size 11 feet can be brutal fashion wise but a major asset if you are a swimmer, as I have been. Built-in flippers baby! Yeah, I notice that other members of the gym are eyeing my feet even as they are inviting me to be on the team! Ugh

    Therese Hartmann
  24. I like them, but my wife, she loves them. Spending a day within the white, sanitised walls of a mall, checking shop after shop, waiting, willing wishing for a pair that are ok.
    “Yes, I like them,” you say
    “Please, please buy them and save me” is what you think.

  25. dolce and gabbana. I got them in canada. They were 480 dollars. I’m an idiot. But it’s okay. Worn once. Dumb idea. Should return. Still dumb. Shouldn’t have purchased? Maybe.

  26. delapidated, care-worn, dusty, dirty, peeling off, seams falling. I love my shoes from purchasing them through their life, but I probably hang on to them longer than I should.

  27. There are the frayed shoes down on the floor that your mother tells you to throw them out in the dumpster next door but you can’t. You just can’t. It’s your old shoes, the things you walked in for how long and they’re yours- been with you to places where you laughed, cried, talked to people- even as you walk along you’re never gonna know if what you step on- where anyone else has walked on and these shoes- know a lot.

  28. I remember the shoes I bought just two weeks ago. They were amazing gray converses. I absolutely loved them, until I had to walk to my friend’s house, a half mile, in these no-support crappy shoes. They ahven’t changed since the 1950s. My shins hurt for days afterward. I realized outside appearances are enticing, but its the inside that coutns. I hope I make better shoe choices next time, and maybe they will help me make good choices in life.

    Alice Esther Yesmin
  29. shoes, theyre gay and mighty. but everyone wears them. some are tall, some are short. some are thin, some are thick. some are warm, and some are breezy. my name is kaliko. ttyl all, love n-s canada. where the shoes are at. mafaka

  30. my shoes are old and comfortable,just the right way i like to wear them and keep them. Just like life sometimes. a comfortable old pair of shoes!

    maxine paradiso
  31. Shoes are the best way to walk around while protecting your feet. Everyone’s got shoes. Everyone’s got different kinds of sho

  32. my shoes were a little too tight and it felt like something was inside on the sole, like a bump. It was uncomfortable and I tried my best to walk normally.

    arlee bird
  33. shoes

  34. gd

  35. ☺4☺4☺4♫♫♫♫♥♥♥♥♥♥!♥♥♥♥♥♥3♥♥♥♥

    Shoes a woman’s friend…
    and enemy

    we crave them, for
    reasons unknown
    an idealic thing to have in large numbers
    many designs
    pink, green, red
    we all like them..
    made of diamond, glass…
    a slipper, a heel, a pretty pump…

    :) A shoe.

    CINDY laaahh ☺♫♫♫♫♫♫
  36. They were my grandparents. Small for a baby, fit for a king. I washed them myself, but my mother said otherwise, because they were too pink, therefore not fit to eat.

  37. i really like the shoes i wear. i feel that you can really tell who a person is by the type of schoes they wear. I personally like guys like wear really bright white clean shoes
    like sneakers or something. i also really like converses cuz i feel that the people who wear them are chill and laid back. and i like that. thats why i wear my worn out ones all the time. i feel that they have character.

    Robin the awesome.
  38. She looked down at her feet, and considered how much happier she would be with shoes. Not only would they be warmer, but they would also mean she didn’t have to try and hide her toes in the bottom of her pant legs as she snuck into restraunts, or feel all the cities grit against her skin as she wandered through the streets.

  39. I hate shoes. I was brought up in sunny places where our main shoes, apart from school, were flip flops, and then only sometimes. Shoes for me never really fit or feel comfortable.Give me bare feet any day, or slippers that slip off.

  40. i love shoes, they’re one of my favorite things in the world, eventhough i have only one or 2 pairs in my closet i would love to have it full of shoes. My ex boyfriend had the most amazing shoes in the world, i miss him so much, i would do anything in the world to see those shoes again just by my side…
