Without them you’re feet are bare. But maybe that’s why they’re not needed at all. Aren’t our own feet beautiful enough? Why cover them up?
I think if I had the time or the money I would be a shoe person. They are so pointless. Give me a pair of worn in flip flops or a crappy pair of chucks and I’m happy. But oh, how I love my Chacos–how I ache to slip my feet into them and walk through water and over rocks! Screw heels, give me Bean Boots and Chacos!
shoes, walking in shoes. i like shoes. they keep my feet warm. we depend on our feet for more than we know. just imagine being paralyzed? some people are crazy about shoes– the latest fashions. i do enjoy a good pair of heels myself though, no lies here!
foot beautifull woman ground protection gift
Paula Fernandes
Hallo,teman teman yang membaca tulisan ini semoga dapat menambah wawasan anda.Tahu kah anda bawa saat ini duni sedang kacau balau,sedang di kuasai mahluk-mahluk pengabdi syetan,artinya para golongan syrtan dan karib kerabatnya.Bagaimanakah kita bisa mengenalinya?
Coba saja wahai teman-teman yang beriman kepada ALLAH SWT,kita amati,cermati dan hayati sera lihat faktanya,dan kita cari definisi dan criterianya di dalam Kitab Suci al_Qura’n al-Karim.
Contoh yang Konkrit yang saat ini kita alami yaitu,manusia terutama para Penguasa baik itu yang Kafir ataupun Muslimin,tidak memakai aturan ALLAH SWTDI DALAM MENJALANKAN PEMERINTAHANNYA,mereka memakai sistim ‘DEMOKRASI” yang jelas-jelas Rusak tidak benar alias bokbrok,oleh karena itulah mengapa saat ini dunia semakin kacau,banyak kejahatan,kemiskinan ,kerusakan alam danbencana serta kericuhan dimana-mana,karena sistim yang di jalankan itu tidak mendatangkan barokah dan rahmat ALLAH SWT.
Akan tetapi mereka terus menjalankannya,tanpa memiliki kesadaran dan keinginan untuk berubah,sebab mereka semua di bawah kendali Raja-raja Syrtan yang berbantuk manusia,yang selalu menghalang-halangi manusia menuju jalan ALLAH SWT,mereka berada dibawah cengkramannya.Oleh sebab itu mengapa mereka bak kerbau yang di cucuk hidungnya disuruh apa saja oleh Raja syetan itu taat saja,walaupun rakyat harus di korbankan,karena ukuran kesuksesan para penguasa yang sedang di jajah raja syetan itu adalah,;Kalau dirinya mendapat pujian dari Rajanya,walaupun iti harus mengorbankan rakyatnya.
Nah tema-teman,apakah kita ridho di jajah oleh raja syetan yang selalu mendengung-dengungkan HAM,tapi senantiasa melanggar HAM?
Ternyata HAM itu ADALAH ,;”Apa Yang Amerika dan sekutunya MAAAAU”,nah berarti raja syetan itu adalah Amerika,PBB,Israel dan semua para pengikutnya.Gembongnya adalah para pemimpin Raja syetan itulah seperti BUSH dan jajarannya,para pejabat Israeldan konco-konconya,serta para pengusaha raksasa “MULTI NASIONAL”,yang terus-terusan menjarah Sumber daya Alam negri-negri yang Kaya akan SDA nya termasuk INDONESIA.
Nah bagi teman-teman yang merasa beriman kepada ALLAH SWT,ALLAH SWT menerngkan didlam AL_Qura’n bahwa,Bumi yang kita pijak ini sebetulnya hanya di wariskan kepada hamba-hamba ALLAH SWTsaja yang sholeh,dan ALLAH SWTsama sekali tidak memberi jalan kepada orang-orang Kafir (Raja-raja syetan dunia)untuk menguasainya walau satu jengkalpun!
Tetapi kenyataannya mengapa kaum sholihin saat ini tidak memiliki itu semua”malah hanyut dibawah penjajahan merka si Raja syetan?
Nah Teman-teman menurut keterangan pula di dalam al-Qura’n,bawa bila Kaum muslim tidak lagi menjalankan aturan ALLAH SWT,maka akan dikuasai musuh-musuhnya yaitu para raja syetan tersebut.
Untuk itu tidak ada jalan lain agar kita dapat memiliki kembali warisan dari ALLAH SWT(bumi dan seisinya),maka kita harus segera menjalankan aturan-Nya(syariat Islam),dan tentu saja Syariat Islam itu tidakakan tegak tanpa ada Institusi yang menerapkannya yaitu “DAULAH KHILAFAH ROSYIDAH”,termasuk kemuliaan seluruh kaum muslimin sedunia itu tidak akan ada tanpa diterapkan syariat Islam(‘tiada kemuliaan tanpa Islam,tiada Islam tanpa Syariah,tiada Syariah tanpa Daulah Khilafah Rosyidah”).
Dengan demikian wahai teman-teman saudaraku yangberiman kepadaALLAH SWT,ROSULULLAH SAW,QURA’N AL KARIM,dan kepada Malaikat-Malaikat-NYA dan hari Kiamat,mari kita segera menegakkan Daulah KHILAFA ROSYIDAH!kita dukung mereka yangsaat ini sedang berjuang siang malam untuk penegakan Khilafah,semoga kita semua menjadi saksi di hadapan ALLAH SWT,bahwa kita termasuk orang-orang yang Cinta kepada ALLAH SWT dan Rosul-NYA serta tidak Ridho di kuasai oleh para raja syetan dan para koloninya!
The shoes filled the room with their scent. New rubber straight off the press in some other country. Somehow, everyone keep looking at the shoes. Their eyes would always raise from the shoes to the person wearing them… and so the cycle of self-absorption continued.
Sometimes we need to stop using the shoes so that we can be seen as who we are, instead of what we look like.
Aaron S.
Shoes,, I like your shoes. Im not going ot just say the lyrics, Im sur eyoua ll know them.
BLue and green on each side with yellow striped, and a random pink triangle all
Her shoes were left by the door. They were the only pair she had forgotten when she packed everything up and left. They had been sitting there, beside the door, collecting dust for months. He cleaned around them.
I fucking hate fucking shoes. Shoes are the fucking most fucking stupid fucking thing in the fucking world. So fuck shoes and whoever is reading about fucking shoes.
I wear doctor martens shoes… Well, not his shoes, that’d be weird. They’d probably smell like old leather mixed with wet dog and beef jerky. I don’t like that much… Well, they might taste ok.
I feel heavy today. Almost like I’m weighed down by the soles of these clunky old boots. I need to lighten up. If only I could shed this skin…
Piper B
I don’t really care much about shoes, really. I just wear the cheapest crap I can find. I ussually keep a good pair around to wear on the weekends. But mainly I just wear them out real quick
Her shoes were green. She wore them every day and when the boy who sat next to her in art class made fun of them, she went home and spent the rest of the afternoon crying. And the next day she didn’t wear the shoes, she wore her sisters brown sandals, and her feet were cold because it was winter.
feet. toes. I hate uncomfortable shoes. Nothing like new balance. You can tell a lot about a person from their shoes. I love flats. I love flip flops. I love fuzzy slippers.
I like shoes
Sunshine and wind dancing through the air, racing to reach my exposed skin before the other. A neon green flyer waved in my face, “Donate your lightly worn shoes to help the needy!” Shaking my head, I wish I had some to spare. Footfalls on pavement, water splashing in the fountain, and that neon green flyer flying perilously in the air.
“I can’t find my shoes!” I yelled anxiously, scrambling around my room. “Well, I don’t know where you put them.” My boyfriend said, looking around the room passively, and going back to his video game. Damn Xbox, I thought to myself.
there are only so many shoes in the world that fit a person. the boot of a soldier would blister the foot of a ballerina. a delicate pump would ruin the soldiers reputation. who need shoes?
Shoes again????? Get outta here!!!!!
This is awful. This site doesn’t give you a new different word each time you click ‘write’.
(Okay, gotta admit this is fun. esp for jobless ppl like me).
Who else but MJ
eh, shoes. I don’t like them. or rather, it depends.
The shoes I got for christmas were like the the most rediculous shoes in the whole world like wow. I never new clown shoes were going to be in style ever. they were black and green and. god, pink.
I love shoes. If I ever win the lottery I’m going to write a book about it called I will buy shoes in which I explain how i will put my winnings to good use, but to be completely honest in my prayers for winning said lottery I do tell god that I will but shoes
That’s crap. This is the second time you’ve given me the word shoes. Can’t you come up with anything else? Huh? huh? Huh?????
Is that th eonly word you know, oneword.com?????
Okay I’m bored now. Bored of shoes
MJ again
The shoes were the most hideous thing I had ever seen in my life. I mean, it wasn’t that they were ugly or anything, it was the fact that my dog decided to eat half of it and leave the rest of my liking. How generous of him? NOT. It is by far the worst thing ever.
Shoes come in a ll sixe and colors. There are sneakers that you can wear for sports and running. There are heels that women can wear to be alittle taller or look sexy. There are mens dress shoes that they can wear to work or with suits. Nike is a very popular brand of sneakers they make basketball sneakers.
I put on those shoes again, and all I could think about was taking them off. All day long I sat there and wondered why I had to wear them. They bothered me and I hate them. I know I don’t have to wear them forever but,
I love shoes. Black shoes, white shoes, large shoes, small shoes. Shoes remind me of my children’s childhood. I have kept one set from each age group. It’s so adorable to reminisce about tiny feet, tiny footsteps, tiny little shoes.
MJ the great
shoes…let’s get some shoes. :D
kırmızı ayakkabılar.
sometimes i wear all kkinds of different color shoes. blue, white, gray, they are all very nice and very low profile. i walk in shoes not only to protect my feet but also make a statement about me. my shoes convey the message of whether or not i am athletic, laid back, super self conscious, or simply just lackadaisical. i have many pairs of shoes.
Shoes! How I love shoes. And that – is entirely NOT wrong. I mean sure, I’m a dude… but guys can love shoes too. Well maybe not love; lets go with like. Yeah, like! A manlier version of love. I really like shoes. Have I mentioned this? Guess my time’s up.
for want of a shoe the kingdom was lost, for the choice of a path the ship was found.
Shoes are awesome. They make or break an outfit. They are a reward. They come in many different forms; kids, mens, womens, wide. I love shoes. And tying them. That was a big deal. I still like velcro better.
They are old and worn but as many times as I have tried to replace them, I keep going back to them. The holey left toe, the broken grommet on the left side right. Something about them, worn and comfortable, kept clean by hand. Comfy old shoes.
you wear them on your feet. i feel pretty when i have on a pair of high heeled shoes and a dress that fits me well and everything looks great. shoes are amazing. uggs keep my feet warm and i feel comfy and cozt. ahhh. love shoes.
shoes are necessary. they are stylish. they can be comfortable or hurt your feet a lot. they come in all colors and styles
wear em like em colors mud laces protector of the feet on the ground
I hate buying shoes. for some reason they are always wrong, so some reason or an other. the perfect shoe, in my mind, does not exist! It there is always fringe on a shoe that could go without, or glitter or jewels or buttons!
my shoes are tattered
and the shine is rubbed raw
at the edges.
the leather soles are weakened
and sighing as I step.
They whine a lot
yet how could I not love them
for such places we have gone together,
and beneath such beds have they slept;
one would not believe.
Without them you’re feet are bare. But maybe that’s why they’re not needed at all. Aren’t our own feet beautiful enough? Why cover them up?
I think if I had the time or the money I would be a shoe person. They are so pointless. Give me a pair of worn in flip flops or a crappy pair of chucks and I’m happy. But oh, how I love my Chacos–how I ache to slip my feet into them and walk through water and over rocks! Screw heels, give me Bean Boots and Chacos!
shoes, walking in shoes. i like shoes. they keep my feet warm. we depend on our feet for more than we know. just imagine being paralyzed? some people are crazy about shoes– the latest fashions. i do enjoy a good pair of heels myself though, no lies here!
foot beautifull woman ground protection gift
Hallo,teman teman yang membaca tulisan ini semoga dapat menambah wawasan anda.Tahu kah anda bawa saat ini duni sedang kacau balau,sedang di kuasai mahluk-mahluk pengabdi syetan,artinya para golongan syrtan dan karib kerabatnya.Bagaimanakah kita bisa mengenalinya?
Coba saja wahai teman-teman yang beriman kepada ALLAH SWT,kita amati,cermati dan hayati sera lihat faktanya,dan kita cari definisi dan criterianya di dalam Kitab Suci al_Qura’n al-Karim.
Contoh yang Konkrit yang saat ini kita alami yaitu,manusia terutama para Penguasa baik itu yang Kafir ataupun Muslimin,tidak memakai aturan ALLAH SWTDI DALAM MENJALANKAN PEMERINTAHANNYA,mereka memakai sistim ‘DEMOKRASI” yang jelas-jelas Rusak tidak benar alias bokbrok,oleh karena itulah mengapa saat ini dunia semakin kacau,banyak kejahatan,kemiskinan ,kerusakan alam danbencana serta kericuhan dimana-mana,karena sistim yang di jalankan itu tidak mendatangkan barokah dan rahmat ALLAH SWT.
Akan tetapi mereka terus menjalankannya,tanpa memiliki kesadaran dan keinginan untuk berubah,sebab mereka semua di bawah kendali Raja-raja Syrtan yang berbantuk manusia,yang selalu menghalang-halangi manusia menuju jalan ALLAH SWT,mereka berada dibawah cengkramannya.Oleh sebab itu mengapa mereka bak kerbau yang di cucuk hidungnya disuruh apa saja oleh Raja syetan itu taat saja,walaupun rakyat harus di korbankan,karena ukuran kesuksesan para penguasa yang sedang di jajah raja syetan itu adalah,;Kalau dirinya mendapat pujian dari Rajanya,walaupun iti harus mengorbankan rakyatnya.
Nah tema-teman,apakah kita ridho di jajah oleh raja syetan yang selalu mendengung-dengungkan HAM,tapi senantiasa melanggar HAM?
Ternyata HAM itu ADALAH ,;”Apa Yang Amerika dan sekutunya MAAAAU”,nah berarti raja syetan itu adalah Amerika,PBB,Israel dan semua para pengikutnya.Gembongnya adalah para pemimpin Raja syetan itulah seperti BUSH dan jajarannya,para pejabat Israeldan konco-konconya,serta para pengusaha raksasa “MULTI NASIONAL”,yang terus-terusan menjarah Sumber daya Alam negri-negri yang Kaya akan SDA nya termasuk INDONESIA.
Nah bagi teman-teman yang merasa beriman kepada ALLAH SWT,ALLAH SWT menerngkan didlam AL_Qura’n bahwa,Bumi yang kita pijak ini sebetulnya hanya di wariskan kepada hamba-hamba ALLAH SWTsaja yang sholeh,dan ALLAH SWTsama sekali tidak memberi jalan kepada orang-orang Kafir (Raja-raja syetan dunia)untuk menguasainya walau satu jengkalpun!
Tetapi kenyataannya mengapa kaum sholihin saat ini tidak memiliki itu semua”malah hanyut dibawah penjajahan merka si Raja syetan?
Nah Teman-teman menurut keterangan pula di dalam al-Qura’n,bawa bila Kaum muslim tidak lagi menjalankan aturan ALLAH SWT,maka akan dikuasai musuh-musuhnya yaitu para raja syetan tersebut.
Untuk itu tidak ada jalan lain agar kita dapat memiliki kembali warisan dari ALLAH SWT(bumi dan seisinya),maka kita harus segera menjalankan aturan-Nya(syariat Islam),dan tentu saja Syariat Islam itu tidakakan tegak tanpa ada Institusi yang menerapkannya yaitu “DAULAH KHILAFAH ROSYIDAH”,termasuk kemuliaan seluruh kaum muslimin sedunia itu tidak akan ada tanpa diterapkan syariat Islam(‘tiada kemuliaan tanpa Islam,tiada Islam tanpa Syariah,tiada Syariah tanpa Daulah Khilafah Rosyidah”).
Dengan demikian wahai teman-teman saudaraku yangberiman kepadaALLAH SWT,ROSULULLAH SAW,QURA’N AL KARIM,dan kepada Malaikat-Malaikat-NYA dan hari Kiamat,mari kita segera menegakkan Daulah KHILAFA ROSYIDAH!kita dukung mereka yangsaat ini sedang berjuang siang malam untuk penegakan Khilafah,semoga kita semua menjadi saksi di hadapan ALLAH SWT,bahwa kita termasuk orang-orang yang Cinta kepada ALLAH SWT dan Rosul-NYA serta tidak Ridho di kuasai oleh para raja syetan dan para koloninya!
Mari!..Mari.kita dukungpenegakan KHILAFAH ISLAM!
The shoes filled the room with their scent. New rubber straight off the press in some other country. Somehow, everyone keep looking at the shoes. Their eyes would always raise from the shoes to the person wearing them… and so the cycle of self-absorption continued.
Sometimes we need to stop using the shoes so that we can be seen as who we are, instead of what we look like.
Shoes,, I like your shoes. Im not going ot just say the lyrics, Im sur eyoua ll know them.
BLue and green on each side with yellow striped, and a random pink triangle all
Her shoes were left by the door. They were the only pair she had forgotten when she packed everything up and left. They had been sitting there, beside the door, collecting dust for months. He cleaned around them.
I fucking hate fucking shoes. Shoes are the fucking most fucking stupid fucking thing in the fucking world. So fuck shoes and whoever is reading about fucking shoes.
I wear doctor martens shoes… Well, not his shoes, that’d be weird. They’d probably smell like old leather mixed with wet dog and beef jerky. I don’t like that much… Well, they might taste ok.
I feel heavy today. Almost like I’m weighed down by the soles of these clunky old boots. I need to lighten up. If only I could shed this skin…
I don’t really care much about shoes, really. I just wear the cheapest crap I can find. I ussually keep a good pair around to wear on the weekends. But mainly I just wear them out real quick
Her shoes were green. She wore them every day and when the boy who sat next to her in art class made fun of them, she went home and spent the rest of the afternoon crying. And the next day she didn’t wear the shoes, she wore her sisters brown sandals, and her feet were cold because it was winter.
feet. toes. I hate uncomfortable shoes. Nothing like new balance. You can tell a lot about a person from their shoes. I love flats. I love flip flops. I love fuzzy slippers.
I like shoes
Sunshine and wind dancing through the air, racing to reach my exposed skin before the other. A neon green flyer waved in my face, “Donate your lightly worn shoes to help the needy!” Shaking my head, I wish I had some to spare. Footfalls on pavement, water splashing in the fountain, and that neon green flyer flying perilously in the air.
“I can’t find my shoes!” I yelled anxiously, scrambling around my room. “Well, I don’t know where you put them.” My boyfriend said, looking around the room passively, and going back to his video game. Damn Xbox, I thought to myself.
there are only so many shoes in the world that fit a person. the boot of a soldier would blister the foot of a ballerina. a delicate pump would ruin the soldiers reputation. who need shoes?
Shoes again????? Get outta here!!!!!
This is awful. This site doesn’t give you a new different word each time you click ‘write’.
(Okay, gotta admit this is fun. esp for jobless ppl like me).
eh, shoes. I don’t like them. or rather, it depends.
The shoes I got for christmas were like the the most rediculous shoes in the whole world like wow. I never new clown shoes were going to be in style ever. they were black and green and. god, pink.
I love shoes. If I ever win the lottery I’m going to write a book about it called I will buy shoes in which I explain how i will put my winnings to good use, but to be completely honest in my prayers for winning said lottery I do tell god that I will but shoes
That’s crap. This is the second time you’ve given me the word shoes. Can’t you come up with anything else? Huh? huh? Huh?????
Is that th eonly word you know, oneword.com?????
Okay I’m bored now. Bored of shoes
The shoes were the most hideous thing I had ever seen in my life. I mean, it wasn’t that they were ugly or anything, it was the fact that my dog decided to eat half of it and leave the rest of my liking. How generous of him? NOT. It is by far the worst thing ever.
Shoes come in a ll sixe and colors. There are sneakers that you can wear for sports and running. There are heels that women can wear to be alittle taller or look sexy. There are mens dress shoes that they can wear to work or with suits. Nike is a very popular brand of sneakers they make basketball sneakers.
I put on those shoes again, and all I could think about was taking them off. All day long I sat there and wondered why I had to wear them. They bothered me and I hate them. I know I don’t have to wear them forever but,
I love shoes. Black shoes, white shoes, large shoes, small shoes. Shoes remind me of my children’s childhood. I have kept one set from each age group. It’s so adorable to reminisce about tiny feet, tiny footsteps, tiny little shoes.
shoes…let’s get some shoes. :D
kırmızı ayakkabılar.
sometimes i wear all kkinds of different color shoes. blue, white, gray, they are all very nice and very low profile. i walk in shoes not only to protect my feet but also make a statement about me. my shoes convey the message of whether or not i am athletic, laid back, super self conscious, or simply just lackadaisical. i have many pairs of shoes.
Shoes! How I love shoes. And that – is entirely NOT wrong. I mean sure, I’m a dude… but guys can love shoes too. Well maybe not love; lets go with like. Yeah, like! A manlier version of love. I really like shoes. Have I mentioned this? Guess my time’s up.
for want of a shoe the kingdom was lost, for the choice of a path the ship was found.
Shoes are awesome. They make or break an outfit. They are a reward. They come in many different forms; kids, mens, womens, wide. I love shoes. And tying them. That was a big deal. I still like velcro better.
They are old and worn but as many times as I have tried to replace them, I keep going back to them. The holey left toe, the broken grommet on the left side right. Something about them, worn and comfortable, kept clean by hand. Comfy old shoes.
you wear them on your feet. i feel pretty when i have on a pair of high heeled shoes and a dress that fits me well and everything looks great. shoes are amazing. uggs keep my feet warm and i feel comfy and cozt. ahhh. love shoes.
shoes are necessary. they are stylish. they can be comfortable or hurt your feet a lot. they come in all colors and styles
wear em like em colors mud laces protector of the feet on the ground
I hate buying shoes. for some reason they are always wrong, so some reason or an other. the perfect shoe, in my mind, does not exist! It there is always fringe on a shoe that could go without, or glitter or jewels or buttons!
my shoes are tattered
and the shine is rubbed raw
at the edges.
the leather soles are weakened
and sighing as I step.
They whine a lot
yet how could I not love them
for such places we have gone together,
and beneath such beds have they slept;
one would not believe.