
October 28th, 2009 | 602 Entries

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602 Entries for “shoes”

  1. Daulah Khilafah itu bukan saja sebagai kewajiban kaum muslimin menegakkannya,tetapi lebih kebata kebutuhan yang urgent,urgensitas ini tidak bisa di tunda-tunda lagi sebab ALLAH SWT telah memberi sinyal-sinyal nya kepada seluruh manusia,yaitu berupa kejadian-kejadian Alam yang berupa bencana alam.Jangan lah hanya dikaitkan dengan kondisi fisik Alam semesta saja,tetapi kita juaga seorang yang beriman harus mengaitkan dengan keterangan-keterangan yang ada di dalam al-Qura’n,bawa banya k keterangan didalamnya yang dapat menyadarkan kita semua terhadap perbuatan kita saat ini.

    Intinya ,;ketika kita tidak memenuhi perintahnya(menjalankan Syariat Islam dengan melalui Daulah Khilafah Islam),kita manusia terus-terusan di beri bencana seperti yang saat ini kita saksikan dan kita rasakan,boleh jadisaat ini anda tidak terkena,tapi bukanberarti kita bisa lolos dari bencana tersebut,sebab ALLAH SWT pun telah menegaskan di dalam AL-QURA’N yang artinya adalah sebuah pertanyaan kepada kita.;

    “Atau apakah penduduk negri-negri itu meresa aman dari kedatangan siksaan Kamikepada mereka diwaktu mata harisepenggalannaik,ketika mereka sedang bermain?”[qs;Al-a’raf(7);98]

    “Maka mereka merasa aman dari adzab ALLAH yang tidak diduga-duga?Tiadalah yang merasa aman dari adzab ALLAH kecuali orang-orang yang merugi.

    “Dan apakah belum jelas bagi orang-orang yang mempusakai suatu negrisesudah(lenyap)penduduknya,bahwa kalau Kami Menghendaki,tentu Kami adzab mereka karena dosa-dosanya;dan Kami Kunci hati mereka sehingga mereka tidak dapat mendengar(pelajaran lagi).

    Nah saudara-saudaraku dimana saja berada,cukup ALLAH memberi keterangan bagi kita bila kita berfikir,sebab kunci dari semuapetaka yang ada di dunia ini karena manusia Ingkar kepada Penciptanya sendiri(ALLAH SWT).Padahal kalau kita taat kepada-NYA,dan kepada Rosul-NYA,tentu kita akan di beri Rahmat serta keberkahan oleh-NYA yang diturunkan dari langit juga dari Bumi yang kita huni ini,dan itu adalah merupakan janji ALLAH SWT yang tidak akan meleset,seperti yang di terangkan didalam ayat ini;

    “Jikalau sekiranya penduduk negri-negri beriman dan bertaqwa,pastilah Kami(ALLAH SWT)akan Maelimpahkan kepada merekaberkat dari langit dan bumi,tetapi mereka mendustakan(ayat-ayatKami)itu,maka Kami siksa mereka disebabkan perbuatannya.”[Qs;al-A’raf(7);96].

    Demikianlah saudara-saudaraku semoga keterangan saya ini akan menjadi pelajaran bagi kita umat manusia.

    Ifah Mardhotillh
  2. i just bought a pair of timbs over at burlington coat factory, they were on sale for 89.99, theyre size 12, and theyre very comfortable, boots are shoes, i wear them to work, they are steel

  3. Shoes are my guilty pleasure. I must have at least 30 pairs of them, and I feel the necessity to bring them all with me to college. I really don’t care what kind they are: flip flops, pumps, heels, sandals…I own them all. My boyfriend refuses to take me shoe shopping because I spend way too much.

  4. My shoes are black and shiny. I got two compliments on them today. They are my second pair of the same shoes and I will probably buy another after these wear out.

  5. Shoes. Buy toms shoes, for one pair of shoes gives a pair of shoes to someone in need.

  6. Shoes. Buy toms shoes, for one pair of shoes gives a pair of shoes to someone in need.

  7. I never had any shoes. Never had any socks, either. Possibly, this is because I lost my feet as a small child. Sounds tragic, but really, it’s all I’ve ever known, and if you’ve never known anything different, you can be okay with all sorts of awful things: lacking feet; being an orphan; communism. All sorts of evils are forgiven by habit.

  8. I hate shoes. They clutter the closet and half of them go unworn. I own nothing but Vans slipons and one pair of heels. I feel their is no purpose for more than this. Living simple is the way I do things, and owning multiple shoes just doesn’t fall into that category.

  9. my shoes are a size 4 which is pretty unusual for students who are in their early twenties. i’ve always had small feet.

  10. My friend is a doll, but my! can she be a pain! My shoe laces have been tied together thrice in one night… and it is all thanks to her enthusiasm to be annoying. I was so fed up, I grabbed her shoe and chucked it across the school. Of course I am frowned upon… it was worth it.

  11. shoes are awesome i love to buy them but hate to wear them. i don’t get why they have to so expensive though, not all of us have loads of money to pay for thousands of shoes. heels are really cute too, but i don’t like to wear them, they hurt my feet.

  12. I never wear socks with my shoes. I don’t like the feeling of suffocating my feet with an extra lair. If i could, I wouldn’t even wear shoes. But society dictates they must be on my feet. So i wear them. And long pants, to hide the fact I’m sockless

  13. Shoes are great
    they protect your feet
    they make you day
    with souls to keep
    don’t wear them too much
    or you’ll be beat
    to the soul of your feet

    Aaron Bradley
  14. There was one of every kind. Every kind of shoe a girl could dream of was there, strategically placed, colour-coordinated, in Carrie’s closet. Oh, the beauty of it. I could have spent hours simply admiring the wonderful craftmanship of each individual pair.

  15. I’ve still got sand in my shoes, and I still can’t shake the thought of you. I will never see you again.

  16. Alice was addicted to buying shoes. It was kind of stereotypical, really; the age-old story of the female and her obsession with shoes. It was extreme with her though.

    As of last check, she owned seventy pairs, with no sign of stopping.
  17. dsds

  18. are great, like carrie bradshaw. i hope i get into college, nyu wants me to write about one new yorker, and i want to write about carrie bradshaw and her shoes. i dont think thats interesting enough, so im going to write about jon stewart because i love him just as much as i love carrie bradshaw. but i hate men and i love shoes.

  19. i like shoes. they come in a variety of styles. and each style can help display to the world who you are. they can be playful like flipflops, or dominearing like high heels. they also can tap out the beat of your life, depending on where you walk. shoes says a lot about a person and help us see a part of a person they don’t usually let out.

  20. red high heels are supposed to be sexy, some of them look nice, but if you wear them all day…your feet are crying at the end of the day or night.

  21. The girls always loved shoes, I had no idea why. You know the old saying, “You can tell everything about a person by their shoes?” Well maybe thats why girls like their shoes so much. Its like putting on a new personality for the day.

  22. sheos are the best mmmhhh shoes

  23. purple

  24. keep your head down…why’d you look up?…uncomfortable looks from others….just lay low…don’t let them get to you…pretend those shoes are the most interesting things in the world….you don’t need them…you aren’t better or worse without them, you just need to be alone now.

  25. where do i start? shoes are a girl’s best friend. she can do absolutely anything with them. girls can dress shoes up or down and they go with anything in the closet. there are cute ones, comfortable ones, espensive ones, ugly ones, and so many more.

  26. Shoes. I don’t have any on right now because they’re muddy because our stupid weather has been raining every week since I started college. There I discovered the beauty of rain boots. With them I can splash in rain puddles, and no one loves that more than me

  27. nike.

  28. i wear them…some are better than others. hate heels. love slippers. love sketchers. want more tennis shoes. have pink slippers. once wanted 7 inch stripper heels…didnt do that tho. good thing..would have fallen.

  29. My 5 year old sister stopped and asked the hobo across the street how he fixed his shoes. He smiled and showed her the playing card he always put in the bottom- miracle of all miracles, it covered the hole.

  30. shoes shoes shoes. What a god awful video. Why do these things become popular? Have we honestly nothing better or more productive in our heads? That’s what we’ve degraded ourselves to? Pathetic.

  31. Hallo,teman teman yang membaca tulisan ini semoga dapat menambah wawasan anda.Tahu kah anda bawa saat ini duni sedang kacau balau,sedang di kuasai mahluk-mahluk pengabdi syetan,artinya para golongan syrtan dan karib kerabatnya.Bagaimanakah kita bisa mengenalinya?

    Coba saja wahai teman-teman yang beriman kepada ALLAH SWT,kita amati,cermati dan hayati sera lihat faktanya,dan kita cari definisi dan criterianya di dalam Kitab Suci al_Qura’n al-Karim.

    Contoh yang Konkrit yang saat ini kita alami yaitu,manusia terutama para Penguasa baik itu yang Kafir ataupun Muslimin,tidak memakai aturan ALLAH SWTDI DALAM MENJALANKAN PEMERINTAHANNYA,mereka memakai sistim ‘DEMOKRASI” yang jelas-jelas Rusak tidak benar alias bokbrok,oleh karena itulah mengapa saat ini dunia semakin kacau,banyak kejahatan,kemiskinan ,kerusakan alam danbencana serta kericuhan dimana-mana,karena sistim yang di jalankan itu tidak mendatangkan barokah dan rahmat ALLAH SWT.

    Akan tetapi mereka terus menjalankannya,tanpa memiliki kesadaran dan keinginan untuk berubah,sebab mereka semua di bawah kendali Raja-raja Syrtan yang berbantuk manusia,yang selalu menghalang-halangi manusia menuju jalan ALLAH SWT,mereka berada dibawah cengkramannya.Oleh sebab itu mengapa mereka bak kerbau yang di cucuk hidungnya disuruh apa saja oleh Raja syetan itu taat saja,walaupun rakyat harus di korbankan,karena ukuran kesuksesan para penguasa yang sedang di jajah raja syetan itu adalah,;Kalau dirinya mendapat pujian dari Rajanya,walaupun iti harus mengorbankan rakyatnya.

    Nah tema-teman,apakah kita ridho di jajah oleh raja syetan yang selalu mendengung-dengungkan HAM,tapi senantiasa melanggar HAM?

    Ternyata HAM itu ADALAH ,;”Apa Yang Amerika dan sekutunya MAAAAU”,nah berarti raja syetan itu adalah Amerika,PBB,Israel dan semua para pengikutnya.Gembongnya adalah para pemimpin Raja syetan itulah seperti BUSH dan jajarannya,para pejabat Israeldan konco-konconya,serta para pengusaha raksasa “MULTI NASIONAL”,yang terus-terusan menjarah Sumber daya Alam negri-negri yang Kaya akan SDA nya termasuk INDONESIA.

    Nah bagi teman-teman yang merasa beriman kepada ALLAH SWT,ALLAH SWT menerngkan didlam AL_Qura’n bahwa,Bumi yang kita pijak ini sebetulnya hanya di wariskan kepada hamba-hamba ALLAH SWTsaja yang sholeh,dan ALLAH SWTsama sekali tidak memberi jalan kepada orang-orang Kafir (Raja-raja syetan dunia)untuk menguasainya walau satu jengkalpun!

    Tetapi kenyataannya mengapa kaum sholihin saat ini tidak memiliki itu semua”malah hanyut dibawah penjajahan merka si Raja syetan?

    Nah Teman-teman menurut keterangan pula di dalam al-Qura’n,bawa bila Kaum muslim tidak lagi menjalankan aturan ALLAH SWT,maka akan dikuasai musuh-musuhnya yaitu para raja syetan tersebut.

    Untuk itu tidak ada jalan lain agar kita dapat memiliki kembali warisan dari ALLAH SWT(bumi dan seisinya),maka kita harus segera menjalankan aturan-Nya(syariat Islam),dan tentu saja Syariat Islam itu tidakakan tegak tanpa ada Institusi yang menerapkannya yaitu “DAULAH KHILAFAH ROSYIDAH”,termasuk kemuliaan seluruh kaum muslimin sedunia itu tidak akan ada tanpa diterapkan syariat Islam(‘tiada kemuliaan tanpa Islam,tiada Islam tanpa Syariah,tiada Syariah tanpa Daulah Khilafah Rosyidah”).

    Dengan demikian wahai teman-teman saudaraku yangberiman kepadaALLAH SWT,ROSULULLAH SAW,QURA’N AL KARIM,dan kepada Malaikat-Malaikat-NYA dan hari Kiamat,mari kita segera menegakkan Daulah KHILAFA ROSYIDAH!kita dukung mereka yangsaat ini sedang berjuang siang malam untuk penegakan Khilafah,semoga kita semua menjadi saksi di hadapan ALLAH SWT,bahwa kita termasuk orang-orang yang Cinta kepada ALLAH SWT dan Rosul-NYA serta tidak Ridho di kuasai oleh para raja syetan dan para koloninya!

    Mari!..Mari.kita dukungpenegakan KHILAFAH ISLAM!


    ifah mardhotillah
  32. chockablock
    the pitter patter
    ovaltine mummies on
    divergent cataclysms
    verdant reminiscence
    the before you were
    when you were
    curdles and whey
    whey way back
    in the confines
    of vigorous time,
    vigorous celebration
    Slartibartfast in his
    sugary suit. Who would
    leave such essence
    by the doorstep, who
    would jiggle
    for that many afoot? Cancel
    the subscription, you say,
    with your weaselly smile
    tinderbox of ovoid
    caroling in the nudest
    of chewy cobblers.
    We feign to wait, we
    weight that which
    passes the tests
    of brown,
    of green, of
    nascent blue. I’ll sing
    for my supper, now
    how about you?

  33. The shoes were lying across the wire of the telephone pole, dripping with slushy snow. It was an interesting sight to see that all birds avoided that part of the whole telephone foot-warmer connection.

    It was no longer interesting when some slush dripped directly onto her head, cascading down her face.
  34. My toe is blistered, but only the one. My awkward left pinky toe has never fit into shoes right. I feel like the ugly stepsister, struggling to get the show on, to be as perfect as Cinderella. I know it is odd, but it is one of those things.

  35. c’est une paire de godasse qui pue la mort… elle nous

  36. I had to get some more shoes. Shopping was the only thing keeping me from smoking. The feeling of the plastic between my fingers prevented me from slipping the soft tobacco-filled cylinder in between them.

  37. He wore them every day since he was three — those loafers, brown with black buckles. They were nice shoes — wonderful, really. His mother had bought them to tide him over through the hard divorce; she hoped the distraction would keep him from dwelling on his negative emotions and hateful outlook on life.
    But now the boy sat overlooking the local river, standing on the edge of a pier looking into the water with a mournful look, and he was … barefoot.

  38. are over rated. people spend way to much money on fancy shoes. I have paid for a pair of shoes in years. You know why? I steal from jackasses that buy like 20 pairs and they never know the difference.

  39. i love shoes
    i think that i am extremely picky about shoes
    i hate high heels since i am too tall and i will always be tlaler than guys in them. i love mocasins because they are comfortable, and i love uggs btu they go with the fads too much. i hate rainboots because they arent comfortable and they always leak. i love flats but my feet sweat. i loveeee flip flops they remind me of summer.

  40. her shoes were red, with little bows on them, and she always tap-tap-tapped them against each other when things got awkward. it was a habit she picked up from the wizard of oz. she emulated dorothy as a child and even now she has a tendency to slip into dreams about the people around her. you were there, and you, and you. oh, it was wonderful, there’s no place like home.
