happy fat fluffy and extra spongy. Lovely loads of lavender lusciousness, need to learn how to spell check correctly, thank god for checkers and their lovely lovely shoes. Shoes! and more shoes, shoos, shoo!s shoes!
shoes. more than just on your feet? they take you places but what if i just wanna be barefoot naked in a sense
justin means
i like shoes. i should get new ones because i’ve had mine for a while. They kinda stink. I want velco shoes so bad but they are really hard to find. not the fat old guy ones, but i want some cool ones. orange or something.
brian breiter
Trying to walk into her shoes was just fiction.
Now that I’ve went through it,I didn’t know it hurt this much…
shiny, lovely shoes
high heels make feel powerful
pink one, purple ones
black ones, blue ones
they are all so beautiful
sometimes they hurt
but beauty is pain
and the pain can be beautiful
i wear your love like an old pair of shoes, comfortable but ratty, holes in the soles of my souls
Randy Graves
shoes suck, go barefoot
The Truth
They say you can’t know someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Mine are mostly 4 inch heels and were bought from Neiman Marcus. I love my shoes. They set me apart and set me up. They have literally become an extension of who I am. I once set a goal at the gym to run 500 miles before I could buy any more shoes. I did it. I stretched farther than ever before for shoes and myself.
Ohh my god shoes. Shoes are very important, isnt this a piece of clothing that almost everybody has)thisd world country excluded). I mean, how often do you see people without shoes? There are even charities just for shoes. ever see
evan rasor
the rain comes down
in polka dots
clear on my black and white
clear but spots my eyes
clear and blinds
but i can walk through
and the late summer frogs
stomp through the texas swamp
the more you give me
the more i wear
closets full of emptiness
waiting for just the right dress
i figure a life without books
is a life with shoes
luxury exists so we
can cut off it’s fucking head
My friend Annabelle gave me a pair of yellow rain boots yesterday. They’re two sizes too smal, but I don’t care. As soon as I put them on I wanted to find a giant puddle and jump in it. Unfortunately, I live in a desert. The custodians at my school had rinsed the quad that day, so I had been able to find 4 and a half small puddles.
My dad has so many pairs of shoes! There was a point in time where he had more shoes than all three of the women combined! It was very impressive, we were wondering why he complained every time the soles fell out of our shoes and he in turn had to buy us a new pair. It seemed really ironic. But at the time I had no idea what irony was, or the implications that it could have in my life…
again with the mustard
and the laced buckles
like a do-gooder pilgrim
with style, saw the sunset and rise
the colors outside
saffron is there
if your tea is beaten to you
I used my laces
for a purpose
other than my shoes
they’re tied and
knotted around
paper and
and they are happy.
shoes make me happy, when other clothing gets to big or to small my shoes never change. I can buy shoes no matter what. there is always a reason to buy shoes and purses
the meanest man
wears bright yellow shoes
yellow brick shoes
glides around like a skiing romanian
haughty and angular
proud foot
everything else is bland and brown
beautiful. indulging. limitless.
you make me crazy sometimes.
makes me lose my insanity.
oh how when will i ever get over you?
shoes are really amazing things huh? they protect your feet. snow? no problem. shoes got it covered man! hot sand, playin’ in the band, shoes are always there to lend a helping hand. shoes are great. shoes are fine. but don’t wear shoes all the time! sometimes it’s nice to be barefoot, yanno?
Ali http://the-new-pollution.tumblr.com
they are great lets get some pink and blue and all other colors i wear them on my feet and they make people happy u must have them and they must match so always own like 20 pairs!!! have fun will running in high heels!
most women love shoe shopping. i hate it. give me a pair of converse designed on the internet, and i’m happy. none of this high heeled shit, i want comfy!
my laces are untied and frayed at both ends
shoes shoes shoes
what would a woman do without them?
they are an essential neccesity
we have dozens of them
various colors, shapes sizes
one thing that makes an outfit
we will wear them thru blood sweat and tears
what we woman do for beauty.
fuck shoe girlie is just a man for the salesman and the familt bundy for just about the perfect wear think in love about leather because is not for me to see naked truth about
i left my favorite shoes in london england and i still miss them they had a color tha t i have never seen before now i wera stupid white ones becuase that is the color nurses are expected to wear. also crocs, whihch ara also stupid but kinda comforatble. i prefer flip flops.
hey, i put my new shoes on and suddenly everything’s right.
well, hey, i wish it worked like that
but instead i work on. into. the. night.
hey, i get myself worked up about shit that i just can’t control,
but, hey, i gotta keep up the juggling
til all the pieces hit the floor.
are for walking, and for stability, as in for standing. they are also for throwing in certain political circumstances. they can be stolen, they can be tossed atop and over power lines. they have laces, or not. shoes was a meme. and now we come to the end of this shoe show.
me too
Again with the shoes? Can I have a different word? Alright, my shoes are so large because big feet run in my family. Happy now?
Clown shoes
i need new ones. well i have new ones but i was thinking of the shoes of the boy next door or the old man across the street. he can’t walk and is too proud to say it hurts when he hurts, and holds his head up high and his voice low when he says no to a wheelchair, bites back when you hold his hand because he is a man a man a man oh man does he need our help.
October 28th, 2009.
Christine D. O.
Her shoes were tight but the shape they gave to her calves was unbeatable. Her date would be floored.
my green shoes
take me to a happier place
big small, good lookin, bad lookin, worn out, brand new!, Shoes are awesome man, they show your personnality, your class, shoes are the greatest part of your clothes in my opinion, shoes are just awesome. “Point Final”
I wear them. They can get dirty. Sometime they make my feet stink. Some require laces, some have zippers, buckles, velcrow, or snaps. Some have heals. some hurt. some are comfy.
agh now that freaking youtube song is gonna be in my head all night. thanks.
i love shoes sooo sooo much! yes it is very stereotypical for me to be saying this, i know! but i used to work at a shoe store. and i iused to get a 40% discount der and it was fuckin sweet! i would suck to be so poor that i wouldnt even be able to afford shoes…thatz why i like toms, for every one you buy for yourself, another person in a country where they really need them get a pair too!!! so amazing! someday i want to be a stylist so…i really need to learn more about shoez and thingzlike that…
lindsey willadeene
shoes are the best thing ever . you wear them and your whole world changes, its transforms your life, your attitude, and you heart. it is a passion that can light even the coldest and wettest fires. shoes are what take you through your life. just try them on.
i need new shoes i dont have any shoes to wear in the rain because my shoes have holes in them because i cant afford to bu new shoes actually i can afford them its just that they still work so im not buying any. i want rain boots so i dont have to walk around with gross soggy feet here but whatever i know i wont get the ones that i want to get. my shoes suck right now but whatever. what can i do? i hate it. but its ok. shoes are shoes.
The shoes were glossy and had a shiny finish to them. They were flat heels, but they had a radiance that usually only belonged to boots and the like. They sold for $300, a price too high for most, but for a select few, they were wonderful in every way. Priceless, they would say. Absolutely priceless.
i loves shoes
i have like 20 pairs
mostly nuertal color like brown black
some are blue
i am wearing my blue hightops converse rite now
i put glow in the dark fabric paint on it
happy fat fluffy and extra spongy. Lovely loads of lavender lusciousness, need to learn how to spell check correctly, thank god for checkers and their lovely lovely shoes. Shoes! and more shoes, shoos, shoo!s shoes!
shoes. more than just on your feet? they take you places but what if i just wanna be barefoot naked in a sense
i like shoes. i should get new ones because i’ve had mine for a while. They kinda stink. I want velco shoes so bad but they are really hard to find. not the fat old guy ones, but i want some cool ones. orange or something.
Trying to walk into her shoes was just fiction.
Now that I’ve went through it,I didn’t know it hurt this much…
shiny, lovely shoes
high heels make feel powerful
pink one, purple ones
black ones, blue ones
they are all so beautiful
sometimes they hurt
but beauty is pain
and the pain can be beautiful
i wear your love like an old pair of shoes, comfortable but ratty, holes in the soles of my souls
shoes suck, go barefoot
They say you can’t know someone until you walk a mile in their shoes. Mine are mostly 4 inch heels and were bought from Neiman Marcus. I love my shoes. They set me apart and set me up. They have literally become an extension of who I am. I once set a goal at the gym to run 500 miles before I could buy any more shoes. I did it. I stretched farther than ever before for shoes and myself.
Ohh my god shoes. Shoes are very important, isnt this a piece of clothing that almost everybody has)thisd world country excluded). I mean, how often do you see people without shoes? There are even charities just for shoes. ever see
the rain comes down
in polka dots
clear on my black and white
clear but spots my eyes
clear and blinds
but i can walk through
and the late summer frogs
stomp through the texas swamp
the more you give me
the more i wear
closets full of emptiness
waiting for just the right dress
i figure a life without books
is a life with shoes
luxury exists so we
can cut off it’s fucking head
My friend Annabelle gave me a pair of yellow rain boots yesterday. They’re two sizes too smal, but I don’t care. As soon as I put them on I wanted to find a giant puddle and jump in it. Unfortunately, I live in a desert. The custodians at my school had rinsed the quad that day, so I had been able to find 4 and a half small puddles.
My dad has so many pairs of shoes! There was a point in time where he had more shoes than all three of the women combined! It was very impressive, we were wondering why he complained every time the soles fell out of our shoes and he in turn had to buy us a new pair. It seemed really ironic. But at the time I had no idea what irony was, or the implications that it could have in my life…
again with the mustard
and the laced buckles
like a do-gooder pilgrim
with style, saw the sunset and rise
the colors outside
saffron is there
if your tea is beaten to you
I used my laces
for a purpose
other than my shoes
they’re tied and
knotted around
paper and
and they are happy.
shoes make me happy, when other clothing gets to big or to small my shoes never change. I can buy shoes no matter what. there is always a reason to buy shoes and purses
the meanest man
wears bright yellow shoes
yellow brick shoes
glides around like a skiing romanian
haughty and angular
proud foot
everything else is bland and brown
beautiful. indulging. limitless.
you make me crazy sometimes.
makes me lose my insanity.
oh how when will i ever get over you?
shoes are really amazing things huh? they protect your feet. snow? no problem. shoes got it covered man! hot sand, playin’ in the band, shoes are always there to lend a helping hand. shoes are great. shoes are fine. but don’t wear shoes all the time! sometimes it’s nice to be barefoot, yanno?
they are great lets get some pink and blue and all other colors i wear them on my feet and they make people happy u must have them and they must match so always own like 20 pairs!!! have fun will running in high heels!
most women love shoe shopping. i hate it. give me a pair of converse designed on the internet, and i’m happy. none of this high heeled shit, i want comfy!
my laces are untied and frayed at both ends
shoes shoes shoes
what would a woman do without them?
they are an essential neccesity
we have dozens of them
various colors, shapes sizes
one thing that makes an outfit
we will wear them thru blood sweat and tears
what we woman do for beauty.
fuck shoe girlie is just a man for the salesman and the familt bundy for just about the perfect wear think in love about leather because is not for me to see naked truth about
i left my favorite shoes in london england and i still miss them they had a color tha t i have never seen before now i wera stupid white ones becuase that is the color nurses are expected to wear. also crocs, whihch ara also stupid but kinda comforatble. i prefer flip flops.
hey, i put my new shoes on and suddenly everything’s right.
well, hey, i wish it worked like that
but instead i work on. into. the. night.
hey, i get myself worked up about shit that i just can’t control,
but, hey, i gotta keep up the juggling
til all the pieces hit the floor.
are for walking, and for stability, as in for standing. they are also for throwing in certain political circumstances. they can be stolen, they can be tossed atop and over power lines. they have laces, or not. shoes was a meme. and now we come to the end of this shoe show.
Again with the shoes? Can I have a different word? Alright, my shoes are so large because big feet run in my family. Happy now?
i need new ones. well i have new ones but i was thinking of the shoes of the boy next door or the old man across the street. he can’t walk and is too proud to say it hurts when he hurts, and holds his head up high and his voice low when he says no to a wheelchair, bites back when you hold his hand because he is a man a man a man oh man does he need our help.
October 28th, 2009.
Her shoes were tight but the shape they gave to her calves was unbeatable. Her date would be floored.
my green shoes
take me to a happier place
big small, good lookin, bad lookin, worn out, brand new!, Shoes are awesome man, they show your personnality, your class, shoes are the greatest part of your clothes in my opinion, shoes are just awesome. “Point Final”
I wear them. They can get dirty. Sometime they make my feet stink. Some require laces, some have zippers, buckles, velcrow, or snaps. Some have heals. some hurt. some are comfy.
agh now that freaking youtube song is gonna be in my head all night. thanks.
i love shoes sooo sooo much! yes it is very stereotypical for me to be saying this, i know! but i used to work at a shoe store. and i iused to get a 40% discount der and it was fuckin sweet! i would suck to be so poor that i wouldnt even be able to afford shoes…thatz why i like toms, for every one you buy for yourself, another person in a country where they really need them get a pair too!!! so amazing! someday i want to be a stylist so…i really need to learn more about shoez and thingzlike that…
shoes are the best thing ever . you wear them and your whole world changes, its transforms your life, your attitude, and you heart. it is a passion that can light even the coldest and wettest fires. shoes are what take you through your life. just try them on.
i need new shoes i dont have any shoes to wear in the rain because my shoes have holes in them because i cant afford to bu new shoes actually i can afford them its just that they still work so im not buying any. i want rain boots so i dont have to walk around with gross soggy feet here but whatever i know i wont get the ones that i want to get. my shoes suck right now but whatever. what can i do? i hate it. but its ok. shoes are shoes.
The shoes were glossy and had a shiny finish to them. They were flat heels, but they had a radiance that usually only belonged to boots and the like. They sold for $300, a price too high for most, but for a select few, they were wonderful in every way. Priceless, they would say. Absolutely priceless.
i loves shoes
i have like 20 pairs
mostly nuertal color like brown black
some are blue
i am wearing my blue hightops converse rite now
i put glow in the dark fabric paint on it