Shoes are what makes the walks of life comfortable. Every person’s style of shoes depicts character.
Rishabh Bhavnani
i think i like shoes, i have a many pairs of green shoes and they fill up shelves in my closet. shoes arent too functional. but considering the impact that we put on our spines every day, theyre probably a good thing! right now im wearing nike dunks made of green and yellow and white leather. ooo ya.
I have a pair of shoes that’s just lovely. Black, with heels as tall as a chipmunk. Satin, perfect for wearing with jeans or anything else I happen to have on hand that day. The way they make my legs look…knock ’em dead. Some girls can’t walk in heels, but I can.
They say you don’t really know a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. I don’t know about that. You really only get a feel for what size his feet are in comparison to yours. I find that the best way to know someone is to peel off their skin and wear it as your own. Walk a mile in that and you get a pretty damn good feel for who he is then.
Women love shoes. I don’t understand the fetish, but I can definitely include myself in that category. I’ve never been able to pass up a good pair of shoes. What’s wrong with our society? Shoes just cover our feet…our nasty, disgusting feet. Now that I think about it, maybe shoes are a good idea.
shows are great. i don’t have enough of them. or warm ones really. id love a pair of boots. but i cant really afford them. it kind of sucks to be walking in the cold in mocchasins. if thats even spelled right. maybe someday ill make enough money to buy a pair. hah
Converse shoes are really nice. I like to wear them. Hmm but converse are also really expensive. I wonder why everyone wears converse? Hmm… very confusing. I keep saying hmm a lot. Wow this is a weird tangent about shoes. They keep saying not to get your mind off track of things but I can’t seem to help it… I think I have ADD or something. Oh right, shoes. I don’t know… people care so much about shoes… and it’s just shoes. I mean we walk on them for christ’s sakes. Yet for some reason people use shoes as a part of their style.
i saw shoes in the article. i want it. i like them. they are pretty. they are pink. i love it. i got them. i wear them everyday. it is small now! i have to throw them away! i saw new ones. i want it!!!!!!!! I want it!!!!!!!!!!
mary dinh
Shoes hurt my feet all the damn time! They need to invent a shoe for big feet for women cause i feel like my feet are falling off every time i stand in shoes! whyyyyyyyyyy maybe I’ll invent a bigwomanshoe!
I am a barefooted hippie wandering the sands of a land that will be hallowed and praised for the next few millenia. I drink wine. I talk a lot. It seems some people really like me. Other really don’t. Who am i? jesus.
i love them. slip ons. sketchers. airwalks. converse. i designed my own and they’re beautiful. on the back i’m going to have Peace and Readiness embroidered. but I have to wait to get them til my birthday because they’re seventy dollars and i can’t afford them yet.
i saw shoes in the article. i want it. i like them. they are pretty. they are pink. i love it. i got them. i wear them everyday.
priscilla chewy
on word to describe life… crazy its full of sex ..happiness,sadness and all types of weird shit! I’m happy to be here to see it though! cause i love sex… sometimes!
There’s man for you–blaming on his shoes the faults of his feet. that’s a misquote from Beckett’s Waiting For Godot. Not to be confused with the Brit sitcom Waiting For God.
I like shoes, but I don’t have as many as I used to. My feet just aren’t as fancy as they used to be. I had wedges, heels, boots- you name the footwear, I had a pair. And purses, jewelry…
Sheos are a very useful thing. They keep you from getting tetanus, diseases, or other things like that. Some don’t like to wear shoes, they’re called hippies. Hippies hate capitalism, and to them capitalism is shoes.
Therefore, capitalism, the biggest demarkation of democracy in the world, is represented by shoes.
I hate shoes. I would much rather be barefoot al day. walking around with no shoes is so much more comforting. feeling the grass or sand or mud between your toes is much better than worrying about what shoes to wear or what socks to buy. it is less expensive and just better than having to wear shoes all day.
Pitter patter of little feet
makes the cobblers heart skip a beat
he’ll never know the joys of fatherhood
for once when he was up to no good
he had his testicles removed.
inner souls for the rest of everybody else it is not me that seeks that which what i am not i begin to understand better in more time diverse sense of self in my shoes no ones finds anything similar to me. i am as always will be me in my feet and big man on the mass grave that is known as me
Buy ’em!
Define yourself in a way the world can see.
I’ve worn the same pair of shoes for months now. They are dingy and dirty, showing only the utmost comfort that they contain. I don’t bother to clean them, only to slide my feet into them, day after day, knowing that my feet will be happier for it. I almost regret getting a new pair ….
shoes. i dont wear them
..but i should caz they grip your ancle and make u stand tall, and look wiser..
life… shoes .. bite
i love shoes i have lot sof shoes i love high heels they are fabulous. but they cant be stilettos they have to be chunky stripper heels. shoes are my most favorite possession. i need more shoes i dont own enough of them
some are pointy, some are different colors some have straps some don’t. shoes provide insight into an individuals personality. They reflect that particular persons genaeral outlook on life. edgy stilletos are for the more edgy ” i might fall and break my neck but i’m going to do it any way” ballet flatts are the ” i’m cute and i kno it but i’m also tough” and then the
i wear shoes every day. they go on my feet and sometimes I throw them at people. I just bought new shoes, they are brownish. I have insoles in my shoes. Shoes smell bad sometimes. I cant wear sandals because they hurt my feet, but shoes are fine. Shoes rhymes with booz.
My word was shoes, and I was very nervous. I didn’t have a plan. What was I supposed to do with the word?
Okay, Bea, calm down. It doesn’t matter if you write well or poorly, just so long as you write.
I couldn’t calm down. It wasn’t working! Oh, now this entire thing is going to be lame. It’s going to be me panicking and then it’s probably going to cut off in the middle of a sent-
Okay, kidding. But yeah, this was stupid.
I want this awesome pair of boots. but they are like 40 dollars and I dont have that. =[
zapatos. i like comfortable shoes. most of them are not very comfy on me, so a good pair is hard to find. price is sometimes an issue.. but the best pair i have cost $15. Except online.. where they are 60$.
I have many different types of shoes. Some of them, people really don’t like. I don’t understand why…. Just because I like to draw on my shoes, doesn’t make them a bad pair of shoes. But they’re cool. I like them. I’ll keep wearing them too… because they’re still mine. And they still go with my fashion. So boo on those people.
My Nikes have holes in them, seven-year Air Max shot from the gods from Oregon, somehow not able to survive many years on the pavement and many more dragging them from outside my car.
they are lovely and i would very much like a pair of aggie topshop boots. or a pair of doc martens. actually, both. but we all know the world’s just not fair like that. my shoe love continues to be one-sided, unfortunately. maybe someday.
pretty. sex and the city. carrie bradshaw, is a woman in newyork. she has hundreds of shoes. heels are fun but ill like all that when im older.. hmm tsk tsk how about some leopard shoes HOTTT!! heels are super fun expcet when i fallllll. flats arnt to cute, slippers OWN!
i love shoes. they are beautiful and each one unique. shoes express feelings
What would winter feel like in Vernon, B.C. without shoes? If there was a religion that would not allow shoes?
My roommate loved shoes. She still does, but she is no longer my roommate. During the 5 months she lived at my house she ordered many shoes. First, there were the sailing shoes. Then the big black boots.
Tempe Everson
shoes are girly, they are supposed to protect the feet but often times only hurt them more. If you wear them for protection at work, they are fine, if you dont, and wear them for fashion, they are not what they are intended for. moccasins are the ancestors. my english teacher made me do somethin like this once. the yankees are horrible.
holden parker
Saudara-saudaraku dimana saja berada,saya ingin membagi sesuatuyang berharga bagi manusia tetapi sering di lupakan oleh manusia,apakah itu?
Memahami kehidupan di dunia,dan kehidupan setelah meninggalkan dunia alias “death”.
Semua manusia kebanyakan lalai akan hal itu,disangkanya kehidupan ini hanya di dunia saja dan setelah itu manusia matidan jadi tanah,oh …sungguh pemahaman yang keliru dan merugikan!
Sebab Kita sebagai manusia hidup di dunia ini ada yang mengaturnya,tidak bebas begitu saja.Lalu siapa yang mengaturnya dan untuk tujuan apakah itu?
Nah saudara-sudaraku,bila kita tidak pernah mau mengetahiu hal tersebut,termasuk mengetahui jawaban dari 3 pertanyaan besar yang selalu melintas di hati manusia sepert”dari mana kita berasal?,untuk apa kita diciptakan dan hidup?,serta kemana kah kita setelah mati nanti?”
Percayalah saudaraku…kalian akan menyesal nanti di suatu waktu dimana manusia tidak lagi bisa meminta tolong kepad siapapun ,kecuali hanya kepada Allah SWT dan Rosul-Nya,dan sungguh suatu permintaan yang sia-sia saja bila kita memohonnya tanpa di barengi dengan keimanan kepada-Nya dan Rosul-Nya selagi kita manusia hidup di dunia.
Percaya atau tidak,Allah SWT telah menerangkan kepada kita melalui Qura’n sbb,;
“Maka apakah orang-orang kafir(tidak beriman)menyangka bahwa mereka(dapat)mengambil hamba-hamba-Ku menjadi penolong selain Aku?,sesungguhnya Kami telah menyediakan Neraka Jahanam tempat tinggal bagi orang-orang kafir”
Katakanlah,”Apakah akan Kami beritahukan kepadamu tentang orang-orang yang paling merugi perbuatannya?”
“Yaitu orang-orang yang telah sia-sia perbuatannya dalam kehidupan duniaini,sedangkan mereka menyangka bahwa nereka berbuat sebaik-baiknya.”
“Mereka itu orang-orang yang kufur(tidak beriman)terhadap ayat-ayat Tuhan merekadan Kufur terhadap perjumpaan denganDIA,maka hapuslah amalan-amalan mereka,dan Kami tidak mengadakan suatu penilaian bagi(amalan)mereka pada hari Kiamat.”
“Demikianlah balasan mereka itu Neraka Jahannam,disebabkan kekafiran mereka dan disebabkan mereka menjadikan ayat-ayat-KU dan Rosul-Rosul-Ku sebagai olok-olok”
{Qurqn surat;Al Kahfi(GUA),ayat;102 sampai dengan 106].
Nah saudara-saudaraku,saya hanya menyampaikan dan mengingatkan kepada kalian,bahwa kita sebagai manusia hidup di dunia ini tidaklah main-main atau begitusaja bebas tanpa aturan,sebab misi kita hidup di dunia diciptakan oleh ALLAH SWT itu sebenarnya hanya untuk beribadah kepada-Nya sesuai dengan Kehendak serta aturan-NYA semata.
Oleh karena itu merugilah kita bila tidak bersegera mencari tahu,bagaimanakah sebenarnya cara-beribadah yang benar menurut ALLAH SWT dan Rosul-NYA itu,sebab mau tidak mau,terpksa atau tudak,percaya atau tidak dan ridho atau tidak,fase-fase kehidupan itu akan kita lalui dan akan kita alami sesuai dengan keterangan ALLAH SWT.
Maka dari itu saudaraku,carilah tahu segera sebelum nyawa kita diambil lagi oleh pemiliknya yaitu(ALLAH SWT).
Shoes are what makes the walks of life comfortable. Every person’s style of shoes depicts character.
i think i like shoes, i have a many pairs of green shoes and they fill up shelves in my closet. shoes arent too functional. but considering the impact that we put on our spines every day, theyre probably a good thing! right now im wearing nike dunks made of green and yellow and white leather. ooo ya.
I have a pair of shoes that’s just lovely. Black, with heels as tall as a chipmunk. Satin, perfect for wearing with jeans or anything else I happen to have on hand that day. The way they make my legs look…knock ’em dead. Some girls can’t walk in heels, but I can.
They say you don’t really know a man until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. I don’t know about that. You really only get a feel for what size his feet are in comparison to yours. I find that the best way to know someone is to peel off their skin and wear it as your own. Walk a mile in that and you get a pretty damn good feel for who he is then.
Women love shoes. I don’t understand the fetish, but I can definitely include myself in that category. I’ve never been able to pass up a good pair of shoes. What’s wrong with our society? Shoes just cover our feet…our nasty, disgusting feet. Now that I think about it, maybe shoes are a good idea.
shows are great. i don’t have enough of them. or warm ones really. id love a pair of boots. but i cant really afford them. it kind of sucks to be walking in the cold in mocchasins. if thats even spelled right. maybe someday ill make enough money to buy a pair. hah
Converse shoes are really nice. I like to wear them. Hmm but converse are also really expensive. I wonder why everyone wears converse? Hmm… very confusing. I keep saying hmm a lot. Wow this is a weird tangent about shoes. They keep saying not to get your mind off track of things but I can’t seem to help it… I think I have ADD or something. Oh right, shoes. I don’t know… people care so much about shoes… and it’s just shoes. I mean we walk on them for christ’s sakes. Yet for some reason people use shoes as a part of their style.
i saw shoes in the article. i want it. i like them. they are pretty. they are pink. i love it. i got them. i wear them everyday. it is small now! i have to throw them away! i saw new ones. i want it!!!!!!!! I want it!!!!!!!!!!
Shoes hurt my feet all the damn time! They need to invent a shoe for big feet for women cause i feel like my feet are falling off every time i stand in shoes! whyyyyyyyyyy maybe I’ll invent a bigwomanshoe!
I am a barefooted hippie wandering the sands of a land that will be hallowed and praised for the next few millenia. I drink wine. I talk a lot. It seems some people really like me. Other really don’t. Who am i? jesus.
i love them. slip ons. sketchers. airwalks. converse. i designed my own and they’re beautiful. on the back i’m going to have Peace and Readiness embroidered. but I have to wait to get them til my birthday because they’re seventy dollars and i can’t afford them yet.
i saw shoes in the article. i want it. i like them. they are pretty. they are pink. i love it. i got them. i wear them everyday.
on word to describe life… crazy its full of sex ..happiness,sadness and all types of weird shit! I’m happy to be here to see it though! cause i love sex… sometimes!
There’s man for you–blaming on his shoes the faults of his feet. that’s a misquote from Beckett’s Waiting For Godot. Not to be confused with the Brit sitcom Waiting For God.
I like shoes, but I don’t have as many as I used to. My feet just aren’t as fancy as they used to be. I had wedges, heels, boots- you name the footwear, I had a pair. And purses, jewelry…
Sheos are a very useful thing. They keep you from getting tetanus, diseases, or other things like that. Some don’t like to wear shoes, they’re called hippies. Hippies hate capitalism, and to them capitalism is shoes.
Therefore, capitalism, the biggest demarkation of democracy in the world, is represented by shoes.
I hate shoes. I would much rather be barefoot al day. walking around with no shoes is so much more comforting. feeling the grass or sand or mud between your toes is much better than worrying about what shoes to wear or what socks to buy. it is less expensive and just better than having to wear shoes all day.
Pitter patter of little feet
makes the cobblers heart skip a beat
he’ll never know the joys of fatherhood
for once when he was up to no good
he had his testicles removed.
inner souls for the rest of everybody else it is not me that seeks that which what i am not i begin to understand better in more time diverse sense of self in my shoes no ones finds anything similar to me. i am as always will be me in my feet and big man on the mass grave that is known as me
Buy ’em!
Define yourself in a way the world can see.
I’ve worn the same pair of shoes for months now. They are dingy and dirty, showing only the utmost comfort that they contain. I don’t bother to clean them, only to slide my feet into them, day after day, knowing that my feet will be happier for it. I almost regret getting a new pair ….
shoes. i dont wear them
..but i should caz they grip your ancle and make u stand tall, and look wiser..
life… shoes .. bite
i love shoes i have lot sof shoes i love high heels they are fabulous. but they cant be stilettos they have to be chunky stripper heels. shoes are my most favorite possession. i need more shoes i dont own enough of them
some are pointy, some are different colors some have straps some don’t. shoes provide insight into an individuals personality. They reflect that particular persons genaeral outlook on life. edgy stilletos are for the more edgy ” i might fall and break my neck but i’m going to do it any way” ballet flatts are the ” i’m cute and i kno it but i’m also tough” and then the
i wear shoes every day. they go on my feet and sometimes I throw them at people. I just bought new shoes, they are brownish. I have insoles in my shoes. Shoes smell bad sometimes. I cant wear sandals because they hurt my feet, but shoes are fine. Shoes rhymes with booz.
My word was shoes, and I was very nervous. I didn’t have a plan. What was I supposed to do with the word?
Okay, Bea, calm down. It doesn’t matter if you write well or poorly, just so long as you write.
I couldn’t calm down. It wasn’t working! Oh, now this entire thing is going to be lame. It’s going to be me panicking and then it’s probably going to cut off in the middle of a sent-
Okay, kidding. But yeah, this was stupid.
I want this awesome pair of boots. but they are like 40 dollars and I dont have that. =[
zapatos. i like comfortable shoes. most of them are not very comfy on me, so a good pair is hard to find. price is sometimes an issue.. but the best pair i have cost $15. Except online.. where they are 60$.
I have many different types of shoes. Some of them, people really don’t like. I don’t understand why…. Just because I like to draw on my shoes, doesn’t make them a bad pair of shoes. But they’re cool. I like them. I’ll keep wearing them too… because they’re still mine. And they still go with my fashion. So boo on those people.
My Nikes have holes in them, seven-year Air Max shot from the gods from Oregon, somehow not able to survive many years on the pavement and many more dragging them from outside my car.
they are lovely and i would very much like a pair of aggie topshop boots. or a pair of doc martens. actually, both. but we all know the world’s just not fair like that. my shoe love continues to be one-sided, unfortunately. maybe someday.
pretty. sex and the city. carrie bradshaw, is a woman in newyork. she has hundreds of shoes. heels are fun but ill like all that when im older.. hmm tsk tsk how about some leopard shoes HOTTT!! heels are super fun expcet when i fallllll. flats arnt to cute, slippers OWN!
i love shoes. they are beautiful and each one unique. shoes express feelings
What would winter feel like in Vernon, B.C. without shoes? If there was a religion that would not allow shoes?
My roommate loved shoes. She still does, but she is no longer my roommate. During the 5 months she lived at my house she ordered many shoes. First, there were the sailing shoes. Then the big black boots.
shoes are girly, they are supposed to protect the feet but often times only hurt them more. If you wear them for protection at work, they are fine, if you dont, and wear them for fashion, they are not what they are intended for. moccasins are the ancestors. my english teacher made me do somethin like this once. the yankees are horrible.
Saudara-saudaraku dimana saja berada,saya ingin membagi sesuatuyang berharga bagi manusia tetapi sering di lupakan oleh manusia,apakah itu?
Memahami kehidupan di dunia,dan kehidupan setelah meninggalkan dunia alias “death”.
Semua manusia kebanyakan lalai akan hal itu,disangkanya kehidupan ini hanya di dunia saja dan setelah itu manusia matidan jadi tanah,oh …sungguh pemahaman yang keliru dan merugikan!
Sebab Kita sebagai manusia hidup di dunia ini ada yang mengaturnya,tidak bebas begitu saja.Lalu siapa yang mengaturnya dan untuk tujuan apakah itu?
Nah saudara-sudaraku,bila kita tidak pernah mau mengetahiu hal tersebut,termasuk mengetahui jawaban dari 3 pertanyaan besar yang selalu melintas di hati manusia sepert”dari mana kita berasal?,untuk apa kita diciptakan dan hidup?,serta kemana kah kita setelah mati nanti?”
Percayalah saudaraku…kalian akan menyesal nanti di suatu waktu dimana manusia tidak lagi bisa meminta tolong kepad siapapun ,kecuali hanya kepada Allah SWT dan Rosul-Nya,dan sungguh suatu permintaan yang sia-sia saja bila kita memohonnya tanpa di barengi dengan keimanan kepada-Nya dan Rosul-Nya selagi kita manusia hidup di dunia.
Percaya atau tidak,Allah SWT telah menerangkan kepada kita melalui Qura’n sbb,;
“Maka apakah orang-orang kafir(tidak beriman)menyangka bahwa mereka(dapat)mengambil hamba-hamba-Ku menjadi penolong selain Aku?,sesungguhnya Kami telah menyediakan Neraka Jahanam tempat tinggal bagi orang-orang kafir”
Katakanlah,”Apakah akan Kami beritahukan kepadamu tentang orang-orang yang paling merugi perbuatannya?”
“Yaitu orang-orang yang telah sia-sia perbuatannya dalam kehidupan duniaini,sedangkan mereka menyangka bahwa nereka berbuat sebaik-baiknya.”
“Mereka itu orang-orang yang kufur(tidak beriman)terhadap ayat-ayat Tuhan merekadan Kufur terhadap perjumpaan denganDIA,maka hapuslah amalan-amalan mereka,dan Kami tidak mengadakan suatu penilaian bagi(amalan)mereka pada hari Kiamat.”
“Demikianlah balasan mereka itu Neraka Jahannam,disebabkan kekafiran mereka dan disebabkan mereka menjadikan ayat-ayat-KU dan Rosul-Rosul-Ku sebagai olok-olok”
{Qurqn surat;Al Kahfi(GUA),ayat;102 sampai dengan 106].
Nah saudara-saudaraku,saya hanya menyampaikan dan mengingatkan kepada kalian,bahwa kita sebagai manusia hidup di dunia ini tidaklah main-main atau begitusaja bebas tanpa aturan,sebab misi kita hidup di dunia diciptakan oleh ALLAH SWT itu sebenarnya hanya untuk beribadah kepada-Nya sesuai dengan Kehendak serta aturan-NYA semata.
Oleh karena itu merugilah kita bila tidak bersegera mencari tahu,bagaimanakah sebenarnya cara-beribadah yang benar menurut ALLAH SWT dan Rosul-NYA itu,sebab mau tidak mau,terpksa atau tudak,percaya atau tidak dan ridho atau tidak,fase-fase kehidupan itu akan kita lalui dan akan kita alami sesuai dengan keterangan ALLAH SWT.
Maka dari itu saudaraku,carilah tahu segera sebelum nyawa kita diambil lagi oleh pemiliknya yaitu(ALLAH SWT).