My shoes landed on the floor with a thump. My day was done.
The beer had warmed to the touch and had lost its fizz in the heat of the single bedroom apartment. The air conditioner in the corner whined as it spit out moist humid air into the oppressive darkness of late afternoon.
shoes are amazing trapped animals in a ditch, forever shaken with mirth, in a well of soundproofed rooms and gaskets, broken and sweaty portals of wine, aged and merciless in the dim night sky of yesteryear
lol shoes are cool. i like shoes. they feel warm. i have too many pairs. they make me happy even when they are expensive. i’m wearing new boots right now and they feel good. yay for shoes.
shoes are one of the most important invetnions of all time. they have allowed humans to live comfortably for centuries. the have become a staple of modern fashion and practical society. there are very few people world wide who do not enjoy this luxury and
I don’t have many shoes. Definately not an Imelda Marcos. Most times I wear out my favourites before I think to but new ones.
Half the time I make a mistake in chosing them & never get around to wearing them.
Probably a result of going “shoe hunting ” with Mum, who would try on every pair in the shop before being satisfied. My Daughter isn’t much better.
When I do have a favourite pair, I tend to but clothes to go with them rather than the other way around.
So many shoes. There a whole section of fashion many underestimate. Thereflats, gladiators, sneaker, wedge heels, stilletos, boots… it never ends. Just try to name them all, youll get lost…
Shoes are useful articles of clothing that we wear on our feet. They can be sneakers, boots, high heel shoes, flip flops, slippers, rain boots, or even bowling shoes. Shoes come in different shapes and colors, and depending on how large your foot it, the shoe size differs.
I own a pair of shoes. Three pairs in fact. I don’t mean to brag, but three is quite a few. The latest pair I purchased – very stylish. Older women like them. Young women like them. Women like them. Maybe they like me? No. That’s silly. It must be the shoes.
Let’s get some shoes. I have about five pairs of shoes. I only own brown and white shoes. Why don’t I have other colors of shoes? I think I’ll get red shoes. Not like Dorothy. Those are dumb. I’m already home.
Miguel A.
High heels accent her legs and she steps carefully on the pavement
click clack, business woman
she stares straight ahead and carries her briefcase
in her right hand
it’s black and filled with everything she’s thinking about
it’s so much heavier than it looks.
OMG!!!! Love them like nothing else in this world. All of them they give me a shoegasm!
They smell funny sometimes, but I love my chucks. We go everywhere together. .< but Imma wear them forever! or something like that, I’ll wear them as long as i can. yeah. shoes. i h
My shoes are fuzzy like slippers. I always wanted to eat them. I’m not sure why. It seem s like anything fuzzy and brown reminds me of the brownies my mom made as a kid. I always wanted to eat some of them. They always seemed to be made out of delicious things like pure sugar and stuff. I always would try and eat as many as I could.
I wear them every day and try to walk in others. Sometime I forget what others shoes feel like and I stumble trip on a lace and have to appologise and start over. I have journeyed long in these shoes and they are well worn and they themselves wear the marks of the miles I have taken.
I have very many pairs of shoes. About 37 actually. I keep them for so long, I forget about them, and when I rediscover them lying peacefully in the back of my closet I feel like I’ve just discovered a brand new pair. I don’t like wearing them in the grass, though; grass between your toes is a feeling to enjoy
oh my fod betch i love shoes. shoes hoes shoes. but i don’t think i would wear shoes if it wasn’t required of me by society. and snow. i need shoes in the cold. but otherwise, i wouldn’t wear them. but they’re so … art! art! art! like, amazing shoes are amazing shoes, but sometimes i don’t want to wear them. especially not shoes.
Does this only ever say shoes? i want it to say something more. I want to be inspired by many many words. Insolia. Give me a new word. GIve me a new word. Give me a new thought. I can’t focus on shoes for the rest of my life. What is this site? Does it only have one word? Literally, oneword. One… fucking… word.
I have never really cared about shoes. They go on my feet. They should be comfortable, they shouldn’t smell too badly. I tend to destroy them. They’re utilitarian. I don’t know. I’d never spend a lot of money on something that I’d use til they were destroyed. So shoes aren’t very inspiring, I guess. We walk on them. It’s stressful how this time bar is turning red.
I love them
i have hundreds.
i hate boring ones
I have never really cared about shoes. They go on my feet. They should be comfortable, they shouldn’t smell too badly. I tend to destroy them. They’re utilitarian. I don’t know. I’d never spend a lot of money on something that I’d use til they were destroyed. So shoes aren’t very inspiring, I guess. We walk on them. It’s stressful how this time bar is turning red.
shoes are pretty good i guess i dont really know what to say about them but i guess i need them for every day purpaces such as walking you know walking like you do evry day. yea shoes are good like socks cause they cover your feet and keep them from getting hurt i guess and also they have laces ont hem and its good
I have too many shoes, she thought to herself. I buy them like some people buy bottles of water, or cigarettes, or cups of coffee on their way to an early morning at the office. But personally, I like to look next to my bed and see a big, grand pile of them, like a mound of conquests from a department store orgy that ended badly for all involved.
go on feet and help in the heat for sandals are good with open toes jimmies for winter keep it all heated stop the owies on the burrs fashion no furs
shoes are werid. idk its really like they are supposed to protect us but actually inhibate our ability to run quite fast. i think we should get rid of the concept of shoes for anything else but warmth in the snow.
Raymond V
um whoa well this is weird… my shoes kind of stink right now. id feel bad for anyone who had the sudden urge to take a walk in my shoes to see what my life is like. ummmm i hate this it sucks seriously it does. like a shoe. how would a shoe suck?
thats awkward…
times up…
Shoes. Let’s get some shoes. Shoes. Ehmygawd shoes.
Remember that song? It used to be the thing to hear. One of the original viral videos. Crazy to think that was years ago now. I remember seeing it for the first time. At my ex-boyfriend’s house.
Emily Kay
Hmmm. Shoes are funny things. Ranging from sandles sneakers and shoe phones like on Get Smart. Shoes are used to walk in, write songs about, and get Jessica simpson to look like a slut. They can also be used for Missiles.
Shoes are an amazing thing that we often take for granted. They cover our feet from the elements. Some people have no shoes. Yet trophy wives insist on hundreds of pairs of shoes… i wonder if they ever think of anyone but themselves. Probably not. Their shoes cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars when they could supply a village of children with simple, decent shoes for the price of their one pair.
my roommate has lots of shoes. she likes them a bit more than me. hers are mostly all very tall. i am more of a flat person. hahaha
i love shoes, they’re so cool. They come in different colors and sparkle sometimes. They’re made out of leather, fabric and suede. They keep my feet warm in the winter. You can never have the flip without the flop. It makes life complete when you have shoes.
i like shoes they are awesome sometimes i wonder what would happen if i had 7000000 shoes. i need to know what shoes i am wearing with my halloween costume
Shoes are for walking in. Some have laces, some are pretty, some are ugly, some are old, some are small. Like people, but without the laces. You can also throw them at George W. Bush and use the laces to escape from prison, so they are versatile.
My husband’s favorite thing was shoes. I have packed a whole big container of his shoes and they sit in my car because he died on September 1st and I don’t know if I can bare to get rid of them.
I like shoes. Shoes are fun. Shoes are really fun. Well, really, I don’t like shoes. They’re fun. They’re really fun. I just don’t like them. I’ve had the same pair of shoes for years. They are worn out, dirty, have holes and green streaks. They don’t smell though. They’re fun, really fun, but I don’t like them.
It’s strange, really. I don’t know why I think they’re fun but don’t like them. Maybe it’s just me.
I love shoes. I don’t wear all of the shoes that I have. I mostly wear flats because heels are too dressy. I wish I lived in a place where heels were always appropriate. I would enjoy life more
I hate shoes. I go barefoot whenever I can and flipflops are my favorite footwear. I need to live in a warm place where I never have to wear closed shoes. My feet don’t get cold. I can’t get shoes to fit me cause my feet at too wide, unless I wear Old Lady shoes and I’n not ready for that yet.
My shoes landed on the floor with a thump. My day was done.
The beer had warmed to the touch and had lost its fizz in the heat of the single bedroom apartment. The air conditioner in the corner whined as it spit out moist humid air into the oppressive darkness of late afternoon.
shoes are amazing trapped animals in a ditch, forever shaken with mirth, in a well of soundproofed rooms and gaskets, broken and sweaty portals of wine, aged and merciless in the dim night sky of yesteryear
lol shoes are cool. i like shoes. they feel warm. i have too many pairs. they make me happy even when they are expensive. i’m wearing new boots right now and they feel good. yay for shoes.
shoes are one of the most important invetnions of all time. they have allowed humans to live comfortably for centuries. the have become a staple of modern fashion and practical society. there are very few people world wide who do not enjoy this luxury and
I don’t have many shoes. Definately not an Imelda Marcos. Most times I wear out my favourites before I think to but new ones.
Half the time I make a mistake in chosing them & never get around to wearing them.
Probably a result of going “shoe hunting ” with Mum, who would try on every pair in the shop before being satisfied. My Daughter isn’t much better.
When I do have a favourite pair, I tend to but clothes to go with them rather than the other way around.
So many shoes. There a whole section of fashion many underestimate. Thereflats, gladiators, sneaker, wedge heels, stilletos, boots… it never ends. Just try to name them all, youll get lost…
Shoes are useful articles of clothing that we wear on our feet. They can be sneakers, boots, high heel shoes, flip flops, slippers, rain boots, or even bowling shoes. Shoes come in different shapes and colors, and depending on how large your foot it, the shoe size differs.
I own a pair of shoes. Three pairs in fact. I don’t mean to brag, but three is quite a few. The latest pair I purchased – very stylish. Older women like them. Young women like them. Women like them. Maybe they like me? No. That’s silly. It must be the shoes.
Let’s get some shoes. I have about five pairs of shoes. I only own brown and white shoes. Why don’t I have other colors of shoes? I think I’ll get red shoes. Not like Dorothy. Those are dumb. I’m already home.
High heels accent her legs and she steps carefully on the pavement
click clack, business woman
she stares straight ahead and carries her briefcase
in her right hand
it’s black and filled with everything she’s thinking about
it’s so much heavier than it looks.
OMG!!!! Love them like nothing else in this world. All of them they give me a shoegasm!
They smell funny sometimes, but I love my chucks. We go everywhere together. .< but Imma wear them forever! or something like that, I’ll wear them as long as i can. yeah. shoes. i h
My shoes are fuzzy like slippers. I always wanted to eat them. I’m not sure why. It seem s like anything fuzzy and brown reminds me of the brownies my mom made as a kid. I always wanted to eat some of them. They always seemed to be made out of delicious things like pure sugar and stuff. I always would try and eat as many as I could.
I wear them every day and try to walk in others. Sometime I forget what others shoes feel like and I stumble trip on a lace and have to appologise and start over. I have journeyed long in these shoes and they are well worn and they themselves wear the marks of the miles I have taken.
I have very many pairs of shoes. About 37 actually. I keep them for so long, I forget about them, and when I rediscover them lying peacefully in the back of my closet I feel like I’ve just discovered a brand new pair. I don’t like wearing them in the grass, though; grass between your toes is a feeling to enjoy
oh my fod betch i love shoes. shoes hoes shoes. but i don’t think i would wear shoes if it wasn’t required of me by society. and snow. i need shoes in the cold. but otherwise, i wouldn’t wear them. but they’re so … art! art! art! like, amazing shoes are amazing shoes, but sometimes i don’t want to wear them. especially not shoes.
Does this only ever say shoes? i want it to say something more. I want to be inspired by many many words. Insolia. Give me a new word. GIve me a new word. Give me a new thought. I can’t focus on shoes for the rest of my life. What is this site? Does it only have one word? Literally, oneword. One… fucking… word.
I have never really cared about shoes. They go on my feet. They should be comfortable, they shouldn’t smell too badly. I tend to destroy them. They’re utilitarian. I don’t know. I’d never spend a lot of money on something that I’d use til they were destroyed. So shoes aren’t very inspiring, I guess. We walk on them. It’s stressful how this time bar is turning red.
I love them
i have hundreds.
i hate boring ones
I have never really cared about shoes. They go on my feet. They should be comfortable, they shouldn’t smell too badly. I tend to destroy them. They’re utilitarian. I don’t know. I’d never spend a lot of money on something that I’d use til they were destroyed. So shoes aren’t very inspiring, I guess. We walk on them. It’s stressful how this time bar is turning red.
shoes are pretty good i guess i dont really know what to say about them but i guess i need them for every day purpaces such as walking you know walking like you do evry day. yea shoes are good like socks cause they cover your feet and keep them from getting hurt i guess and also they have laces ont hem and its good
I have too many shoes, she thought to herself. I buy them like some people buy bottles of water, or cigarettes, or cups of coffee on their way to an early morning at the office. But personally, I like to look next to my bed and see a big, grand pile of them, like a mound of conquests from a department store orgy that ended badly for all involved.
go on feet and help in the heat for sandals are good with open toes jimmies for winter keep it all heated stop the owies on the burrs fashion no furs
shoes are werid. idk its really like they are supposed to protect us but actually inhibate our ability to run quite fast. i think we should get rid of the concept of shoes for anything else but warmth in the snow.
um whoa well this is weird… my shoes kind of stink right now. id feel bad for anyone who had the sudden urge to take a walk in my shoes to see what my life is like. ummmm i hate this it sucks seriously it does. like a shoe. how would a shoe suck?
thats awkward…
times up…
Shoes. Let’s get some shoes. Shoes. Ehmygawd shoes.
Remember that song? It used to be the thing to hear. One of the original viral videos. Crazy to think that was years ago now. I remember seeing it for the first time. At my ex-boyfriend’s house.
Hmmm. Shoes are funny things. Ranging from sandles sneakers and shoe phones like on Get Smart. Shoes are used to walk in, write songs about, and get Jessica simpson to look like a slut. They can also be used for Missiles.
Shoes are an amazing thing that we often take for granted. They cover our feet from the elements. Some people have no shoes. Yet trophy wives insist on hundreds of pairs of shoes… i wonder if they ever think of anyone but themselves. Probably not. Their shoes cost hundreds if not thousands of dollars when they could supply a village of children with simple, decent shoes for the price of their one pair.
my roommate has lots of shoes. she likes them a bit more than me. hers are mostly all very tall. i am more of a flat person. hahaha
i love shoes, they’re so cool. They come in different colors and sparkle sometimes. They’re made out of leather, fabric and suede. They keep my feet warm in the winter. You can never have the flip without the flop. It makes life complete when you have shoes.
i like shoes they are awesome sometimes i wonder what would happen if i had 7000000 shoes. i need to know what shoes i am wearing with my halloween costume
Shoes are for walking in. Some have laces, some are pretty, some are ugly, some are old, some are small. Like people, but without the laces. You can also throw them at George W. Bush and use the laces to escape from prison, so they are versatile.
My husband’s favorite thing was shoes. I have packed a whole big container of his shoes and they sit in my car because he died on September 1st and I don’t know if I can bare to get rid of them.
pretty. awesome. spectacular. painful. comfy. sexy. sensible
I like shoes. Shoes are fun. Shoes are really fun. Well, really, I don’t like shoes. They’re fun. They’re really fun. I just don’t like them. I’ve had the same pair of shoes for years. They are worn out, dirty, have holes and green streaks. They don’t smell though. They’re fun, really fun, but I don’t like them.
It’s strange, really. I don’t know why I think they’re fun but don’t like them. Maybe it’s just me.
I love shoes. I don’t wear all of the shoes that I have. I mostly wear flats because heels are too dressy. I wish I lived in a place where heels were always appropriate. I would enjoy life more
I hate shoes. I go barefoot whenever I can and flipflops are my favorite footwear. I need to live in a warm place where I never have to wear closed shoes. My feet don’t get cold. I can’t get shoes to fit me cause my feet at too wide, unless I wear Old Lady shoes and I’n not ready for that yet.