
May 29th, 2011 | 663 Entries

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663 Entries for “sideburns”

  1. I don’t know what I think of a man with sideburns. It’s an odd choice that doesn’t exactly apply to one variety of person. Perhaps it is in some vain attempt to appear more mature that men grow sideburns; as a matter of fact, that may be the common factor here.

  2. hairy long gross men wedding singer movie old lady big men some women guy fieri macho men bikers motorcycle gang

  3. Sideburns. It’s a bit of a strange word, to be honest. Why burns? Is it because ‘apparently’ the only pigment colour for hair is ginger/red? So it looks as if you are burning down the sides for your face – well for men at least?

  4. I hate sideburns. I really do. I think their ugly on virtually everyone I see wearing them.

    I suppose that there are, perhaps, some European men who can carry them off, but generally speaking, they just look stupid. And they’re inevitably too untrimmed and try to take over the poor man’s face. They just look like someone is trying too hard to affect an old-timey look.

  5. i had sideburns when i was little, i still do. i’m extremely hairy, and it’s kind of disgusting…but i waxed them, and now, i have just a little ore appeal than a baby walrus.

  6. whiskers on the side of the face connecting with the hairline. From general burnsides in the civil war.

  7. he grows his sideburns out every summer. he knows everything about everything you never thought you’d want to know. and you still don’t really need to know it, but you listen anyways and you love him for it. he wants the world and everything you do. the more you talk the closer you get. he wants to be near you just because he likes you- for who you are, because he knows who that is. he’s full of uncertainty and questions. and he’s new and scary and you love him for it, you really do.

  8. guys with sideburns can be hot. I dislike sideburns on me or any other chick. It makes us look hairier than we ought to. I rather be feminine and hair free. Sideburns look better on dudes who know how to trim it

  9. His sideburns made him look terribly sinister. Something told me he did that on purpose. After all, without them, he wouldn’t have looked very menacing at all, and in his line of work, a bit of intimidation went a long way. He was a police officer in Paris, where every night meant another crisis and every day meant another robbery.

  10. Sideburns are some very interesting things. They are little strips of hair on the sides of your head and are incredibly comfortable when the barber cuts them off with a razor. They keep you warm in the winter as well.

  11. Gruff. Rough. Streaming down his face letting us know that he has lived. I mean really lived. The way people do when they’ve made it through the hard stuff– the stuff story tellers have to make it up. He knows how to show rather than tell.

  12. 70s cop shows. My handsome on his motorbike.

  13. Kinda have them…pretty much ambivalent really. Some are big and bushy. Some tight…who cares really. Do I feel lie they add character. Not much. Facial hair can be a total pain actually.

  14. side burns are not always nice on girls, although they look quite sexy on males. especially cowboys. i beleive it has something to do with the movies, you know?

    Serene Sh
  15. these lines on my face just lingering not a care of mine but others care saying that they define me and decide if i an straight forward or rebellious…

  16. ugly. manly/ hairy. john trevolta. manly old people have them. they should shave them cuz theyre kinda gross and hideous. some people can look good with them. only if theyre men though. women look ugly with them its like CMON shave it!!! but hahaha yeah sidddeeburrrnnnnssssssssssssss are

  17. sideburns from Elvis to anyone






  18. prefer midlength sideburns on men, on women I prefer no sideburns. do not like long wolverine type muttonchops

  19. Always there, even when I shave them off. They never seem to be fully gone. Even when they are, they’re vapid lines still form themselves in my mind awaiting their resurrection over the days. I can still feel them prickling through my skin.

    God, I hate them.

  20. Is this the only word for today? It becomes boring.
    But like I said I know a bouncer who has ‘lambchop’ sideburns. He looks cool, and is actually very nice. He talks to the people, which is always nice. He gets a long with people.

  21. the man entered the bar and asked for a PBR. he said his car was run down and as he was passing through town he had to sit down for a drink. He had a certain stink, of jack links and gasoline, and as he leaned on the bar needing something to do i had to inquire- who are you?

  22. I just watched “she’s the Man” and i love how she wears those fny fake sideburns especially after the carnival ride one is on that horrified looking girls face. LOL

    Tori LeMunyon
  23. He was always under strict orders, being in the Military. He was told how to shave, how long his hair could be, what he could or couldn’t wear. Once he was a civilian again, he reveled in his ability to make up his own mind. He didn’t cut his hair or shave for days, even weeks. One day, while feeling especially kooky, he had a little fun during his daily grooming. His wife came home to find him with a mohawk, sideburns, and a mustache. He didn’t keep them long. He just enjoyed knowing he could if he wanted to.

    Kari Shadrick
  24. I remember noticing my Dad’s sideburns. He has always had them exactly the length he wants them to be, without concern for haircut fashion trends. My Dad has always been his own man in my eyes. I think that he doesn’t think he always did what he wanted to do, but to me he is a man of integrity.

  25. Wow, I have never seen sideburns like that before. He looked like Wolverine from X-Men. At first, I was like, “Wow, that’s interesting…and furry.” But then I thought about how cool it actually was, how unique – awesome sideburns. :)

  26. there was this kid in my geometry class that had the most pronounced sideburns i’d ever witnessed with rather impressive stubble for two in the afternoon. we really should’ve calculated the area of those huge rectangles on the side of his face.

  27. sideburns are rad
    but they make me kind of sad
    because I think of him
    and then I think of her
    and how we all use to
    be such good friends

    katelyn mcdougall
  28. They framed around his face perfectly, like two fuzzy twins craddling his cheeks. Extending up his temples into a sea of haphazard hair, the two painted a picture of the personality of a man who just didn’t care.

  29. Sideburns, girls have them and boys have them. Girls think they are gross and some girls cut them. They come from having more testosterone in your body. They look funny on girls and a boy with them well he looks like he is from the 60’s or something. Don’t be a goof no one wants them.

  30. Sideburns come on all shapes and sizes, fuzzy, short shaven, long, wispy. Theyre not attractive though. They get in the way when youre kissing. I prefer a clean face on a man

  31. I used to have them in high school and they were big it got me nicknamed burns. This nickname than changed to several other things it eventually it got turned into a twitter account called my penis burns.

    Double A Ron
  32. Sideburns are definitely just like hairy caterpillars stuck on the side of someones face. I don’t think I’ll ever get the sideburn fashion.. especially when they look like pubes!

  33. I used to have some massive sideburns back in the day. I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans and almost got my ass kicked by a bunch of brothers who had a problem with Elvis impersonators. I have a full beard now, and fewer threats.

  34. I hate sideburns all the big boys had them, sometimes they joined up, i got beaten up by sideburns smith a rugby player from leeds… still never mind his sister was a good kisser

  35. sideburns are most commonly found on the tooliest of people. as they were once in fashion during the seventies, alongside other forms of long hair, they are now more or less symbolic of a man of douchebaggery. don’t even get me started on women with them.. that’s a whole different story.

    Dakotah Seiler
  36. Well what can I say about sideburns? They’re not very attractive if you ask me. Last weekend I saw my 16 year old cousin for the first time in a while and I commented on his sideburns. They make him look to old. But for some reason teenage guys seems to cherish their facial hair.

  37. His sideburns annoyed her. Really, really, annoyed her. They sat on the side of his head. Just sitting there. Arrogantly. This man was ARROGANT because of his freaky SIDEBURNS!

  38. Are funny, there funny to look at and touch. Sometimes I like then when they rub against you, they can make you feel safe and trust a man. Sideburns have various styles.

  39. Some of the oddest characters from Hetalia Axis Powers have sideburns.
    Like…er…Denmark, for example, but they don’t really seem to be noticable since his hair sticks up like that.
    And Elvis has them, but I don’t really care about old music. I’m an otaku, y’know?
    So yeah. That’s that.

  40. I hate sideburns. I mostly hate all facial hair. But sideburns can be the worst. WHen guys let them grow all the way down the sides of the faces, and let them get fluffy. It’s like they’re growing topiary on their face. And it grosses me out. I just think about what could be hidden in there.
