
December 11th, 2008 | 265 Entries

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265 Entries for “sidewalk”

  1. The sidewalks have too many cracks, makes it hard to run. Maybe I’ll just stay home today.

  2. i walked down the sidewalk. i tripped. i got up and walked down the road. i tripped. i got up, cleaned off my close and walked down the sidewalk again. i tripped. i did it about ten times until i realized i was walking around the same block.

    dola delano
  3. I was walking doewn the sidewalk looking at the beautiful sky and them I tripped over the crack and hurt my knee. It bled but I managed to find a store and get a bandage. It was so bad but it really hurt.

    Allison Conkling
  4. as the sidewalk ends is a strong novel full of peoms by shel silverstein. He is an amazing awthor that goes through the childhood of each individual that reads his book of peoms. One in particular that I love is called lazy jane. it goes something like this lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy jane she wants a drink of water so she waits for it to rain.

    Jennifer Pecora
  5. Joe walked along the sidewalk one lovely afternoon, noticing the height of the sky above him and taking the time to say hello to his neighbors. Then, he stumbled on an uneven part of the sidewalk and came face to face with a strange piece of paper.

  6. i was walking on a sidewalk and suddenly i fel a terribly headache. now that headache is killing me.
    I realized that everytime i walk on that specific wal the same happens to me. Now I remember that it was there the place where I shot my wife-

  7. i was walking on a sidewalk and suddenly i fel a terribly headache. now that headache is killing me.
    I realized that everytime i walk on that specific wal the same happens to me. Now I remember that it was there the place where I shot my wife-

  8. i was walking on a sidewalk and suddenly i fel a terribly headache. now that headache is killing me.
    I realized that everytime i walk on that specific wal the same happens to me. Now I remember that it was there the place where I shot my wife-

  9. Concrete paths with moss between
    Chalked hearts that were never seen
    And in between the lines I wrote:
    I love you.

    Shay Montez
  10. Sidewalks. How pedestrian! They’re everywhere, but if you don’t look around once in a while, you might miss one. Think of all the great figures of history who have had to make use of the humble sidewalk: many walked along them to victory, others to defeat, destruction and death.

    J. Connolly
  11. a little man walked by when a spider came along and gave him a fright, then he got on his skateboard and jump over a pretty lady in a pretty dress and she smilled and blushed

  12. The sidewalk was made of dirt and she was wearing heels. Not the wisest choice, considering the year was 1563. Smooth sidewalk surfaces didn’t exist. That’s why no one felt bad for her when she stepped in a divot and broke her ankle.

  13. He was walking down the sidewalk having that same fantasy he always had — that he was being watched by someone, by many people, by a crowd, by… her. He knew it was silly. He knew that he was alone and no one was really watching him walk. And yet, he still walked down that sidewalk as if he were being watched. It made him feel special. Like she was noticing him, finally noticing him. Little did he know that he was right. Not only was she watching him, but so was everyone else. She turned to the room full of people and said, “Consider subject 15. A complex subject. It is time to begin the experiment…”

    Andy Affleck
  14. it’s what keeps us above the’s what we use to get from point a to point’s what reminds us not to space out,or we might’s just a long piece of rock,but although we don’t really think about it,it’s so much more.

  15. the sidewalk bushleled with the thoughts emanating from the lower depths of my butterfly broken mind soft reflections intertwining with the heat and sweat of countless passerby infinietly signing their signature into the earth for all to never see

    jaryd koning
  16. I don’t walk on sidewalks very often. I tend to drive most everywhere I go. Lots of people think I’m lazy because of that, but the truth is that I have an anxiety disorder that prevents me from functioning very well in social situations, or really in any situation at all, actually. Because of this I get very nervous when I leave the house, so I tend to try and not go out very long.

    Breanna Still
  17. i was walking through a sidewalk when i saw a huge truck crashing onto a car.No one inside the car survived the accident.

  18. i was walking on a sidewalk and suddenly i fel a terribly headache. now that headache is killing me.
    I realized that everytime i walk on that specific wal the same happens to me. Now I remember that it was there the place where I shot my wife-

  19. People walk on sidewalks. I never had them in my neighborhood, so I was always excited to go over my friends’ houses who had sidewalks. Sometimes they have cracks, which is something I don’t step on because I am superstitious. I don’t think I spelled that word right but considering I only get 60 seconds to write this I don’t have time to look it up. Spell check would be helpful.

  20. people walk on the sidewalk people talk on the sidewalk people spit gum you could bump into sombody you know on the sidewalk some are made of uncomfotalbe stuffand some people leave gum there some people like sidewalks but they get hot in the sun and i think that they should have escalators for sidewalks sidewalks are everwhere

  21. grey and full of cracks that I walk one and try not to break my mothers back. They are big and small and sometimes you can walk side to side with three people in other times you have to walk in a line bcause they are too small widthwize and ashly stinks heheehe

  22. the sidewalk is solid
    its concrete
    its usually grey
    it has pebbles or small rocks in it occasionally
    at some places there are small holes in it like swiss cheese
    the sidewalk is for walking
    not for driving
    the street is for driving
    the sidewalk makes sure we dont get run over

  23. the sidewalk isn’t necessarily on the side, but in front of the house. on the outer skirts of the middle of the street. sidewalk chalk. it’s shouldn’t be called a sidewalk, it should be called a pedestrian walkway.

    anthony b.
  24. an american word for pavement? something from The Ministry of Silly Walks? Egyptian Dancing?

  25. the hard pathway
    to who knows where
    take me out of here

  26. When I was little I used to love drawing with chalk on the sidewalk. In Amsterdam everyone rides a bike on the sidewalk, and in Dublin, everyone walks on the sidewalk. In my city in the U.S. we don’t have sidewalks at all. Makes me wonder why we aren’t more pedestrian and biker friendly.

    ashley meares
  27. people walk down the golden sidewalk on a sunny summer day. People roller blading, walking their dogs, or running up to the ice cream truck.The community seems so united with everyone outside having fun.

    pardees g
  28. Sidewalks have been the main form of transportation since i was born. So many different types, so many kinds of curbs, textures, and so on. You find them everywhere

    Yoshi Matrix
  29. You let nostalgia overtake you, and your head lolls on your desk. Faint, sepia-colored memories cloud your mind, rushing in with a swoosh of imaginary dust. Ice cream, sidewalk chalk, learning what red was.

  30. chalkin up but dont step on any cracks jack, you break your back. Its a noun and its on the side of things. foot highways, nike streets. airforce 1 beotch . yeah thats sidewalks. crabs walk sideways and i like sweat pants with words on the ass. yep.

  31. i was walk on the sidewalk and i find 50 buck yea luck me but i turn it in no i give to my mom and dad

  32. Looking down at the sidewalk, wishing it would take me to a faraway place. As place where sidewalks bring you to where you want to be and hearts guide you in the right direction.

  33. i was waoliing on the siodewalk when i saw af sdih

  34. Long, straight and narrow. Always leading to somewhere, but where nobody knows. Walked along and followed, created to find something along our lives. Beaten to show they’ve been traveled.

    Cory St. Germain
  35. I walk your sidewalks, and all I can feel is the wet cement.
    The cracks I step on, are just exposing what hides beneath it’s pavement.
    And all I can do is keep walking, because the street is too, too, too dangerous for me.
    The black tar burns my feet, and the sidewalk will keep my near you, on the right path, and to a dead end.

    nick's mannequin
  36. i do not understand sidewalk’s meaning does it mean that walking by something’s side like sea or lake?? maybe watching some view?oh my god i am too slow.

    adnan zercebet
  37. Estaba pasando por el sidewalk y de pronto vi a un hombre que quer

  38. I was walking on the sidewalk when i found u. That was the best time of my live. I remeber that I kiss u and then u hug me like u never hug me before. I always will love that day, I truly remember with all my love our first sidewalk walk.

  39. What’s on the sidewalk? Step on the crack, you’ll break the devil’s back. What IS that? Is that bird poop? Eww. No, wait a minute. I think it’s a melted Hershey’s kiss. Are you sure? Yes, I’m sure. If you’re so sure, why don’t you eat it?

    Naw, I’m not that sure.

    Hey, let’s step on all the cracks.

    Sound of skipping……

    Missouri Mom
  40. [i]sidewalk[/i] sidewalk
    Many people spit out gum on the sidewalk, and it is most inconsiderate.
