because it is a release,
because it is a burden,
because it makes you think of that one time…
because it means love
because it means hate.
because you can,
because you cant.
because u are alive.
slowly, I sigh as I sit alone in my room. Friendless for now. not emo, but bored, and a little depressed about the holidays. No girlfriend. Sigh. Silently.
Sigh the day away. The rain fell in an unusual way for San Diego – constant all day – inside we sat – the ten of us – hashing out numbers and quotas and problems with the marketing department. Sigh. One big sigh was to day. A sigh of relief to be home.
nicole gochmanosky
she looked at me across the room, and sighed. i knew everything she said was true, but i could never admit it to her, or myself. she had me pegged, and she knew it. i turned away, i wanted to kiss her one more time.
had i known that i would never get the chance again…
i would have
now that you mention it, i did sigh more than usual today.
a sigh for exhaustion.
a sigh for the lack of strength.
a sigh for the silence.
I gave a sigh when the old version of Oneword went down for an extended period. I’m now getting back into the mode of looking at each day’s word, and am enjoying challenging my ability to write quickly.
sigh. a deep breath. a slight break from your day. time stops for that second and you can almost escape, think clearly, and dream… if only for that tiny second
I can’t believe he did it again. He didn’t take my feelings into consideration. He didn’t think about what I would want. He didn’t think that we already had plans. He just went ahead and did it. I can’t believe it. Sigh.
breathing boredome calmness…life is so blah thats why we sigh we sigh when we are dreaming of someone…someone that we perhaps take a liking to or someone we admire, look up to. Sighing is a boring word very blah. Coincidental how it sounds boring and can also mean one that is bored. I dont know what else to write and the line is going red. -End log.
sigh I want to go home I want to smell home smells. I want to bake bread I feel sooo tired of this place these customs these values can’t you see I NEED the normalcy of the place I grew up I need to see if it changed if I changed for the better for the worse at all. I need to know. now. please. sigh.
I gave a big sigh but i only came out as a little squeek and despite all of my efforts nought would come until suddenly with an explosive effort a huge gob of spittle flew from my mouth as I realised that I was not issuing a sigh merely a struggling attempt to breath.
now that it is all clear I can take a deep breath and sigh with the greatest of delight even when others look at me and wondering what it is that I sigh about, little do they know that I was so close to death that only a tracheostomy would have been sufficient to ensure that I would be around for the early morning sun to come streaming through my windown curtains, even despite the fact the winter ones still hang there, there is still sufficient sun to warm my face and to allow me the privilage of being able to sigh.
oh what bliss it was to know that the air that was flowing in and out of my lungs, cold at the nares of my nose becoming warmer as my chest rose before, with a large beam of delight I watched my chest fall and, with great relief felt the warmed air exhale through my mouth
andrew charles
WIth a sigh I heave my heavy burden onto the sofa and let loose with the torments of my days – “why do sigh so,” my wife asks – because I have had a hard day and the…did I really sigh? Sighing is a sign of cianide.
Sigh… I really don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I’m feeling so unhappy, and life is just feeling so unrewarding. I want it all to make sense. I’ve been waiting for far too long for it all to fall into place, but now I know that it never will. I need to move the blocks in my real life game of tetris. I just can’t control them as well out here in RL as I do in the fictional world.
to love,
to live,
to breathe.
to be.
for joy,
for love,
for hope,
for hate.
we sigh,
we laugh
we love
we cry.
She sighed. It had been a miserable day at school and the weather had not helped it be any better. It rained the whole day and the temperature was freezing.
i have nothing to wear to the party this weekend. i wanna go shopping but the cash flow is low.
i can’t think of anything else to :sigh about.
let go
an exit
an end
a new start
a new day?
don’t think.
just go.
a moment
a second.
a time.
let go.
I sigh.
I breathe in the oxygen,
and I breathe out carbon dioxide.
Just like I breathe you out,
but now I sigh.
I can’t let you in,
because you already are.
For now, I sigh.
Letting you out in the pieces you came.
nick's mannequin
oh boy. another flight. but it’s christmas.
ricky seabra
A chocolate buddha sits in a box. I’ve had it for a couple of years now. It sits there half-heartedly nibbled. I can’t commit to eating it nor to preserving it. Desire competes with restraint?
lonesome ed
sighing is usually a sign of defeat, and despair. you sigh when you are agitated, or upset. but a few times, very sparsely, you sigh because you are happy. truly happy. that guy has taken your breath away, or given you something to cherish. those are the sighs you look forward to.
sigh is a strange word it is when someone is bored or otherwise inconvenienced…it can also mean someone is unhappy…when someone sighs you should pat them on the back and tell them its alright XD…or kick their ass if their sighing at you…
Jack was finally finished his construction work on his house. He could now settle down and eat lunch. He gave a huge sigh of relief. Then choked as the chicken bone got stuck in his throat. He never saw the finished house.
A quick, suppressed sigh escaped her lips. Just like that, and the news was out. He glanced up, wary about asking but knowing that if he didn’t the consequences would be worse.
“What’s wrong, dear?”
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Alright.” He looked back to his paper, and his wife sighed again, starting the cycle over.
Emi K.
He sighed, his breath against her neck. It was hot and it gave her shivers. She curled up against him and sighed his name. “Bite me.” She told him. He gave her a look of shear discomfort. “I said, ‘bite me’.” She demanded this time. Her eyes opening with rage in them.
“I cannot.” He replied.
She growled and pushed off of him.
Vivan Foxx
Sigh. I had no idea what else to do. I mean, here I was, seventeen and pregnant. My mom was sixteen when she got pregnant. Somehow I feel like I’m letting her down. But she said that she was going to support me. Same with Sam. He’s putting money aside to help me, to help the baby. He’s already going to college for free, so he said that his money was mine.
His last breath comes out in a heave. I suck it in, feeling his life flow from him to me. I’m not sure it was worth killing him over, but I sure as hell don’t regret it.
James Colemann
i sigh because of the constant disappointments
i sigh after sex
i sigh when stress has overtaken me
i sigh if i fuck up
i sigh after crying, knowing i can’t do anymore
An old man was pacing down the street. He was very mellow with his time. His hands were worn, cracked. His feet hurt from the days walking. He came upon on old green bench, wearing diligently as he. He rested his black cane against a notch in the bench so it wouldn’t fall. He took a deep breath and started to let his muscles relax as his body slid into the rough curvature of the bench. Finally relaxed, he let out a sigh in accordance with the work. It had been such a long day for the old man, and yet he still had so far to go. As he sat he
Not sure of where life would allow her to travel next, she sat alone in the library. The story she held in her hands was surely more majestic and romantic than anything she would ever find in her lifetime. Her sigh was that of a thousand lonely souls.
Lost and adrift in a sea of unrest I fling my soul over the edge of hellfire’s citadel and wander the waste land looking for my dead and rotted corpse.
The plaintive cries of magpies and vultures pierce the night sky.
Rivers run red with the blood of angels killed by fallen dreams.
In distant lands my name shall trail along behind the winds and stutter from between the lips of sleeping dogs
francie riley
ugh, i feel it, i breathe it, i let it out when you talk, it feels wonderful at times, sometimes i want to run out screaming because of it, and today you sounded so mature i did this because of your maturity
Winter sucked
Sigh. Fuck it.
No money, a hovel.
How depressing it was going to be
Another yule tide nothing.
Jesse zesbaugh
There was a boy sitting in his desk in the class room. The assignment was to write about the word sigh. He wasn’t allowed to do anything but write. There was no need for an outline, no need for a rough draft. No, the teacher just wanted him to write freely, from the top of his head. The little boy wrote and wrote and wrote. The timer stopped and the boy turned his paper in. The teacher looked it over and again, she
Acoustic guitar strums and the croon of your favorite singer’s voice. Coming home for the first time. Feeling like you’re falling love. Knowing you did.
You do it when you’re tired. When you’re relieved. When you’re having a good day. When you’re having a bad day. When you cozy up to read a good book. When you finally get to lay in your bed after a long day. When you lay your hands on the perfect pair of shoes. What can’t a sigh do?
dang, i just sighed cuz i really don’t know what to write to this. i sigh when i am frustrated, frustrated at what the world has put into place at my very feet.
He heard her sigh and realized that her time was running out. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes were blinking rapidly. He kissed her forehead for the last time.
Katie Mae
le sigh
karen just sighed she is so happy and relived that she finished her latin exam. you don’t even know she loves not doing work and just fucking around with other people and listiening to music and drinkig tea and having babies and going on nauture hikes!
Laurel Plains
when i feel relief i let it out. a big long breath releasing the tensions of the day. Life is hard,everyone knows that but you can’t let it get you down. Just breath and let peace flow over yourself. I know it isn’t easy, but it makes life better. Smile it’s healthy.
because it is a release,
because it is a burden,
because it makes you think of that one time…
because it means love
because it means hate.
because you can,
because you cant.
because u are alive.
slowly, I sigh as I sit alone in my room. Friendless for now. not emo, but bored, and a little depressed about the holidays. No girlfriend. Sigh. Silently.
Sigh the day away. The rain fell in an unusual way for San Diego – constant all day – inside we sat – the ten of us – hashing out numbers and quotas and problems with the marketing department. Sigh. One big sigh was to day. A sigh of relief to be home.
she looked at me across the room, and sighed. i knew everything she said was true, but i could never admit it to her, or myself. she had me pegged, and she knew it. i turned away, i wanted to kiss her one more time.
had i known that i would never get the chance again…
i would have
now that you mention it, i did sigh more than usual today.
a sigh for exhaustion.
a sigh for the lack of strength.
a sigh for the silence.
I gave a sigh when the old version of Oneword went down for an extended period. I’m now getting back into the mode of looking at each day’s word, and am enjoying challenging my ability to write quickly.
sigh. a deep breath. a slight break from your day. time stops for that second and you can almost escape, think clearly, and dream… if only for that tiny second
I can’t believe he did it again. He didn’t take my feelings into consideration. He didn’t think about what I would want. He didn’t think that we already had plans. He just went ahead and did it. I can’t believe it. Sigh.
breathing boredome calmness…life is so blah thats why we sigh we sigh when we are dreaming of someone…someone that we perhaps take a liking to or someone we admire, look up to. Sighing is a boring word very blah. Coincidental how it sounds boring and can also mean one that is bored. I dont know what else to write and the line is going red. -End log.
sigh I want to go home I want to smell home smells. I want to bake bread I feel sooo tired of this place these customs these values can’t you see I NEED the normalcy of the place I grew up I need to see if it changed if I changed for the better for the worse at all. I need to know. now. please. sigh.
I gave a big sigh but i only came out as a little squeek and despite all of my efforts nought would come until suddenly with an explosive effort a huge gob of spittle flew from my mouth as I realised that I was not issuing a sigh merely a struggling attempt to breath.
now that it is all clear I can take a deep breath and sigh with the greatest of delight even when others look at me and wondering what it is that I sigh about, little do they know that I was so close to death that only a tracheostomy would have been sufficient to ensure that I would be around for the early morning sun to come streaming through my windown curtains, even despite the fact the winter ones still hang there, there is still sufficient sun to warm my face and to allow me the privilage of being able to sigh.
oh what bliss it was to know that the air that was flowing in and out of my lungs, cold at the nares of my nose becoming warmer as my chest rose before, with a large beam of delight I watched my chest fall and, with great relief felt the warmed air exhale through my mouth
WIth a sigh I heave my heavy burden onto the sofa and let loose with the torments of my days – “why do sigh so,” my wife asks – because I have had a hard day and the…did I really sigh? Sighing is a sign of cianide.
Sigh… I really don’t know what I’m doing with my life. I’m feeling so unhappy, and life is just feeling so unrewarding. I want it all to make sense. I’ve been waiting for far too long for it all to fall into place, but now I know that it never will. I need to move the blocks in my real life game of tetris. I just can’t control them as well out here in RL as I do in the fictional world.
to love,
to live,
to breathe.
to be.
for joy,
for love,
for hope,
for hate.
we sigh,
we laugh
we love
we cry.
She sighed. It had been a miserable day at school and the weather had not helped it be any better. It rained the whole day and the temperature was freezing.
i have nothing to wear to the party this weekend. i wanna go shopping but the cash flow is low.
i can’t think of anything else to :sigh about.
let go
an exit
an end
a new start
a new day?
don’t think.
just go.
a moment
a second.
a time.
let go.
I sigh.
I breathe in the oxygen,
and I breathe out carbon dioxide.
Just like I breathe you out,
but now I sigh.
I can’t let you in,
because you already are.
For now, I sigh.
Letting you out in the pieces you came.
oh boy. another flight. but it’s christmas.
A chocolate buddha sits in a box. I’ve had it for a couple of years now. It sits there half-heartedly nibbled. I can’t commit to eating it nor to preserving it. Desire competes with restraint?
sighing is usually a sign of defeat, and despair. you sigh when you are agitated, or upset. but a few times, very sparsely, you sigh because you are happy. truly happy. that guy has taken your breath away, or given you something to cherish. those are the sighs you look forward to.
sigh is a strange word it is when someone is bored or otherwise inconvenienced…it can also mean someone is unhappy…when someone sighs you should pat them on the back and tell them its alright XD…or kick their ass if their sighing at you…
Jack was finally finished his construction work on his house. He could now settle down and eat lunch. He gave a huge sigh of relief. Then choked as the chicken bone got stuck in his throat. He never saw the finished house.
A quick, suppressed sigh escaped her lips. Just like that, and the news was out. He glanced up, wary about asking but knowing that if he didn’t the consequences would be worse.
“What’s wrong, dear?”
“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Alright.” He looked back to his paper, and his wife sighed again, starting the cycle over.
He sighed, his breath against her neck. It was hot and it gave her shivers. She curled up against him and sighed his name. “Bite me.” She told him. He gave her a look of shear discomfort. “I said, ‘bite me’.” She demanded this time. Her eyes opening with rage in them.
“I cannot.” He replied.
She growled and pushed off of him.
Sigh. I had no idea what else to do. I mean, here I was, seventeen and pregnant. My mom was sixteen when she got pregnant. Somehow I feel like I’m letting her down. But she said that she was going to support me. Same with Sam. He’s putting money aside to help me, to help the baby. He’s already going to college for free, so he said that his money was mine.
His last breath comes out in a heave. I suck it in, feeling his life flow from him to me. I’m not sure it was worth killing him over, but I sure as hell don’t regret it.
i sigh because of the constant disappointments
i sigh after sex
i sigh when stress has overtaken me
i sigh if i fuck up
i sigh after crying, knowing i can’t do anymore
An old man was pacing down the street. He was very mellow with his time. His hands were worn, cracked. His feet hurt from the days walking. He came upon on old green bench, wearing diligently as he. He rested his black cane against a notch in the bench so it wouldn’t fall. He took a deep breath and started to let his muscles relax as his body slid into the rough curvature of the bench. Finally relaxed, he let out a sigh in accordance with the work. It had been such a long day for the old man, and yet he still had so far to go. As he sat he
Not sure of where life would allow her to travel next, she sat alone in the library. The story she held in her hands was surely more majestic and romantic than anything she would ever find in her lifetime. Her sigh was that of a thousand lonely souls.
Lost and adrift in a sea of unrest I fling my soul over the edge of hellfire’s citadel and wander the waste land looking for my dead and rotted corpse.
The plaintive cries of magpies and vultures pierce the night sky.
Rivers run red with the blood of angels killed by fallen dreams.
In distant lands my name shall trail along behind the winds and stutter from between the lips of sleeping dogs
ugh, i feel it, i breathe it, i let it out when you talk, it feels wonderful at times, sometimes i want to run out screaming because of it, and today you sounded so mature i did this because of your maturity
Winter sucked
Sigh. Fuck it.
No money, a hovel.
How depressing it was going to be
Another yule tide nothing.
There was a boy sitting in his desk in the class room. The assignment was to write about the word sigh. He wasn’t allowed to do anything but write. There was no need for an outline, no need for a rough draft. No, the teacher just wanted him to write freely, from the top of his head. The little boy wrote and wrote and wrote. The timer stopped and the boy turned his paper in. The teacher looked it over and again, she
Acoustic guitar strums and the croon of your favorite singer’s voice. Coming home for the first time. Feeling like you’re falling love. Knowing you did.
You do it when you’re tired. When you’re relieved. When you’re having a good day. When you’re having a bad day. When you cozy up to read a good book. When you finally get to lay in your bed after a long day. When you lay your hands on the perfect pair of shoes. What can’t a sigh do?
dang, i just sighed cuz i really don’t know what to write to this. i sigh when i am frustrated, frustrated at what the world has put into place at my very feet.
He heard her sigh and realized that her time was running out. Her breathing was shallow and her eyes were blinking rapidly. He kissed her forehead for the last time.
le sigh
karen just sighed she is so happy and relived that she finished her latin exam. you don’t even know she loves not doing work and just fucking around with other people and listiening to music and drinkig tea and having babies and going on nauture hikes!
when i feel relief i let it out. a big long breath releasing the tensions of the day. Life is hard,everyone knows that but you can’t let it get you down. Just breath and let peace flow over yourself. I know it isn’t easy, but it makes life better. Smile it’s healthy.