
February 27th, 2009 | 322 Entries

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322 Entries for “skate”

  1. she skates through life on beauty and blond hair,
    floats down the street with a charming smile.
    and a self-assured smile graces her face
    at the sight of their admiring eyes.

    it’s just too bad
    she forgot to wear a helmet.

  2. I will skate on the pond every night. Skating in publis is not for me. However, skating in those little out door areanas do have their charm. It has never been a sport for me personally. Even so figure skatig and hockey define our country it seems.

  3. It was sliding everywhere, skaking across the ice in a miasma of color. It was like leprechauns were jumping up and down in excitement, all promising her the same end as they always did. False ends. Real lies. False truths. There were just too many words skating across their tongues, all unreliable, all unheeded, everything wrong.

  4. kick and push, flying down the road, kick harder, ollie up, float
    land with a slam, skidding wheels, torquing form, pull away, landed, faster now, see the rail, air once again, metal grinds, skate.

    Sawyer Purman
  5. I love to skate, he said as he looked up at his mom, her wooden spoon about to let a ripple of peanut butter cookie dough drip.

    Put on your helmet, she said to him, wondering if he knew what he’d hear about later that night. Wondering if he knew life would never quite be the same.

  6. he was a skater boy
    im with a skater boy
    i said see u later boy
    i’ll be backstage after the show

    random lines from avril’s skaterboy.

    too bad that you couldnt see
    see that man theboy could be
    there is more than meets the eye
    i see the soul that lies inside

  7. i can’t skate very well, on ice i mean. well i can’t skateboard for my life either. a friend of a friend of mine is an olympic figure skater.. he’s damn good and he’s good looking.

  8. skater boys are redefiningg courage, they have to practice in front of everyone and be embarrassed if they want to skate in front of anyone and not be embarrassed.

  9. Freedom, rolling along the empty road behind the block I lived on. I always got a pair that fit over my shoes for Easter! ALl the kids were there and we felt so cool, so grownup, so talented. I remember the songs we skated to and the fun we had.

  10. I don’t want to learn.

  11. skating along the edge of a cliff, alongside the grand canyon. Trees at the bottom and a stream. I do a trick, jumping me and the board off the cliff and flipping across the abyss. Landing safely in the water.

    Eric Heinen
  12. I used to skate when I was a kid. Then I stopped. Life is like that for a lot of things. When you’re a kid, you have so many opportunities. So many dreams. So many hobbies and activities. As you grow older, you narrow your focus. You pursue one career, pick up just a few hobbies, and cease everything else. In some ways this is necessary. In others, it’s unfortunate. Be a kid at heart.

    Chris Huff
  13. I’d rather skate than ride a decrepit horse.

  14. skate away on. remember the creek and skating on the ice watching the leaves and sticks floating underneath. Skates were always tight and my ankles hurt. I can skate can you. Dad could skate backwards with his black and white knit cap made by his Mom. The only time he wore a hat was when he skated. Haven’t skated for a while -no ice.

  15. Ice skating is fun and it is very cold usually. I also like roller skating as well. I’m not sure I understand what is going on here, but I think the little green bar is telling me how much time I have. It’s running along the top of the bar like Its skating! I also like Hocky, which involves Skating. I like hockey a lot because it is very violent. I go for the fights.

    Meredith Anderson
  16. i never could roller or ice skate. it freaked me out. i didnt want to hurt myself and didnt want to fall down.
    now all i do is skate, but not on wheels. my life is all about rolling, gliding, not worrying about falling down or skinning my knees.
    i advise YOU to skate. its invigorating. and life is much better without worrying.

  17. a way of travel on wheels yet not an automobile, but using the power of your own feet on items such as roller skates, skateboards, and more.

  18. Skate, skate skate. I’ve never skated, ice skated, roller skated. I’d hate to skate. Skate rhymes with tate. Boys in baggy jumpers like to skate and fall over and hurt their knees.

  19. ice skating or roller skating i’m not sure. Either way, I used to go to inmans all the time. Is the time supposed to run out or am I supposed to…well I see this bar at the top changing colors..Am I su

  20. my mate shaun does a lot of skating. On boards not fish. Also my little daughter gets caled skate sometime “It’skate’s fault” they cry!

    Niva Greyned
  21. park, people like skate parks. They have fun there and injure themselves for the sake of skating. It is a rush. It is a sport. It is a hobby and furthermore, a lifestyle. People devote their lives to it. It is the source of fame and fortune for some.

  22. We were in the basement of our house in Bristol, Indiana. My sister wore the Fisher-Price roller skates, but she was only standing there, hanging onto the couch with her four-year-old hands. I flung myself onto the couch, drama queen style, angry over her ability to hold onto the skates and yet not skate in them.

    Jessica W.
  23. something enjoyable, mostly children do, like a shoe with wheels, run, blade funny, enjoyable, board, snow

  24. selling hot chocolate on the rideau canal, I have discovered that putting a human being in a set of skates reveals their inner nature. there are some that wobble, nervous and afraid.. some that fall down laughing, some that fall down and cry, some that get angry and take the skates off and walk back in socks, on the ice, to the stairways, then some who fly by and give no thought to the beginners…

  25. i love skating. funny. smiling faces. people falling on each other. kids look like aliens in the bigh clothes. laghter. snow. winter. friends. my ex boyfriend. snowflakes. love.

  26. skate across ice into prisms of light & adventure
    unbeknownst journeys where we find our identities
    in the semblance of reality

  27. I hate skating it is for losers. I really am just bad at it is all. I wish i could skate it is pretty fun to watch. I enjoy playing skating video games. This whole time I have been thinking of skate boarding not actual skating which I enjoy. I should skate some time. It was really fun back in the day.

    Matt Ryan
  28. She skated along on the ice, her lithe legs graceful and beautiful. The crack near the edge startted shortly after she passed over it, ran the length of the ice and then spider webbed. Eyes closed and smile on her face, she never saw or heard the ice crumble beneath her.

    AJ Brown
  29. across the ice. fragile footing.
    to walk is to choose clumsiness.
    to skate is to choose grace.
    to skate with you is to choose love.

    far off the stars are clear in the frigid night
    far off a universe is born
    people make love
    fall out of love
    and die happy.

  30. Oh, to skate through life! Just glide without a worry or care!~!~ Go with the flow, let the water slide off like water on a duck’s back…what keeps me from doing that? Who says I can’t?

  31. ouch. Hung over. Very. Skate? No. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Sleep. Where is this going to go? to go. Wow. Dis-ass-oh-shee-ay-shun. Little too far with the IPA.

  32. you slip. my tongue, do not slip!

  33. I used to ice skate when I was in Pittsburgh. I wasn’t great but I wanted my own pair. I had them. White. I wanted to look like a professional figure skater even if I couldn’t move like one – or even stay upright on the ice long enough. I hated how they hurt my feet though. Dave used to do “aggressive inline skating” as it was called back then. It was NOT “rollerblading.” Rollerblading was spandex and beaches. I don’t have much of a desire to do anymmore of any type of skating in the future. Too many memories of sore, cold butts. Well, butt. I only have the one.

  34. Canal days are often grey here.

    Being on the canal is happy even so. Skaters smile at strangers.

    The only problem is my skates don’t fit well – they hurt my feet because they’re too tight across the arches, and curl one foot. I day dream about having longbladed skates = dutch, or speed skates, hans brinker skates.

  35. get your skates on, she said, so I did, and now I’m really in trouble; more haste less speed.

  36. Skateboarders wear tight jeans, listen to emo music, and obviously skateboard. They may or may not steal stop signs, and disrupt the peace. They like pulling pranks and they flip their fingers to society. They are best friends with the police… not!

  37. She’s wild. Her hair flies behind her as she lifts up onto the railing and makes that too-sweet sound against the metal. Want to watch her, want to be her, want to have her.

  38. skating around i pondered into oblivion
    the space that filled my mind like fuzz stuffed in a jar from years ago. what i imagined was so irrelavent to reality. but its not even for sure if this is true, because i dont understand everything about reality.

  39. you skate through me
    your sharp blade slicing my heart
    ice seeping in
    you leave as quickly as you came
    don’t come back

  40. skate up the stress levels down down down feel the adreanline rush as the steepness of the slope gets to you time seems to have stopped all eyes are on you the pressure to do well elevates brings you higher and higher and higher up preparing you for the fall.
