
February 27th, 2009 | 322 Entries

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322 Entries for “skate”

  1. Ice skate. You skate. We all skate for ice cream truck is coming ask the Good Humor man for a red and blue popsicle. Good Humor? We all could use more of it – let’s run and skip and have a picnic – I’ll make the sushi if you bring a smile let’s go

  2. I have always been fasinated by ice skaters. I used to secretly wish I could compete in competitions. But I know that most professional skaters start very young and I have no experience besides skating on a bumpy little pond near my childhood friends house.

    Ice Skating Queen (NOT)
  3. skating is something fun that young angsty children do to rebel against their parents for splitting up when they were too young to know what what going on.

    Lee McGuire
  4. white people sometimes skate, but it looks hard. Skateboarding is something i would not do. I used to go down hills sitting on skateboards but that was about it for skateboarding. It’s a little too dangerous to do all the flips and stuff. No thanks. I know a lot of skaters…Maybe I’ll learn how to skate just to fit in, but they’ll get over it if I don’t learn. They don’t think I can do it anyway. They also didn’t think that I listened to rock, but I do!

    Jarin Humphrey
  5. i dont likne skating but i have never tried, I dont particularly like the fish skate either I find it too bony , skate skate skate, i wouldnt like to be called kate either incase I got called kate the skate, which you most definitely would. S
  6. When I was a little girl I was really like skating with my friends. Moreover, I thought that my future boyfriend would be only a skater boy.

  7. The small snake skated across the slippery lake in the silvery light of the stars that swooped across the timeless sky. He loved skating at night even if it was cold.

    Gay Pogue
  8. The ice is thin and dangerous here, they have warned me many times. They say that cracks that have not had the time to heal open under the slightest pressure and i always knew i was too heavy. Too heavy to stay strong and skate from edge to edge.

  9. January: ice-skating… snow falling around the rink, little Christmas lights in the air… people holding hands, kids crying in the corner over bruised knees, adults helping them up.

    floating on water…

  10. There was no skating through this weekend. He was digging out a stump from the front yard so we could plant something new. Inside, I was digging out from under several years of depression that had kept me stumped from moving on or letting something new into my life.

  11. A fish, graceful ice sport, twirls and jumps and something I always wanted to do, sometimes to get away with something, get out of the responsibility of something not so well done, a form of dancing on ice ultimately, always intimating grace

    fran emmons
  12. skate, once i was in the middle of a lake on a summer day. I was about to drown and suddenly realized that all I had to do was freeze the lake and I could walk out. So I froze the lake. Unfortuately, only my head was out of the water. Ice cut through my throuach and killed me.

  13. i could skate around the truth but right now i’m drunk enough to be honest. i love you. so there.

  14. skating, yeah I need to do that again. What happened to the time when I went to the skate park every few days? Well, since my friend stole my board I guess there’s no way for me to go now, but that’s just an excuse.

    Actually, I prefer longboarding anyways, but they’re so damn expensive

  15. i skated when i was a kid and i loved it i rememeber when i felld own skating. the best skates were purple and black and they were so old but they were the ebst thing for me as a kid. skating can be done to relax and to have fun. not only did i skate, my dfamily did too. it reminds me of the old says

  16. They skateboard here at all hours of the night. Wonder what is must be like speeding down a dark street on these four little wheels? Makes a hellova noise, that much I know. Roller blade, no not me, but roller skate – yep anytime, anyplace. Roller derby queen.

    Beatrice Collins
  17. Watching the figure skaters dance across the clear, smooth ice, I wonder why I can’t be that free, that graceful.
    But I realize that behind that seemingly simple grace, is so much work; blood, sweat, and tears. And I just don’t have the motivation.

  18. It has been a while since I have been skating
    I do like it.
    But I haven’t been…

    I do think I should like to go skating
    But I am not sure…
    It may have been to long.

    But I know that I will still be ok at skating…
    It is always fun
    I just may need to to come with me

    Nick Matherne
  19. skate…well, it’s a verb, isn’t it?
    But I think of skaters…
    skate parks.
    skate parks where no one skates…kids hanging out there drinking too much beer and vodka…
    and skater baggies which i personally consider as awful.
    sorry for the bag experiences with that word…

  20. skate board skate park skaters skater clothes skater boys ice skates rollorslades are skates. it rhymes with snake too;

  21. Skating is like that itch between your shoulder blades that you can only reach if you tilt your arm just the right way. And when you get it just right everything feels like it’ll work out alright. You’re free of the itch and free in general.

  22. I remember we were skating on the pond with Dad when we were younger. I fell through. I have this thing were I enjoy being a polar bear or something, I did it again when I was in my 20’s. Only I could have died that time.

  23. I used to skate when I was younger. I enjoyed. I should specify, rollerskating, or rollerblading. I lived in Jamaica so iceskating was impossible. I did do it once. It hurt.

  24. I was skating yesterday. I love to skate. I love to go. I love to test my self. I love being free. I love my life. I love my life on my skateboard. I never want to stop. I love to skate. I love to live. My skateboard makes me live. I’ll live forever with this board. I’ll live till the world ends.

  25. i remember skating down the road when my parents were having a huge fight … i had these blue cheap ones from walmart and i loved them… i thought that i was os cool… taht girl at walmart that made fun of me fatas

  26. I really don’t like to skate. I’m terrible at now that I’m older. I used to go every weekend back in elementary school and stay there all night. I really do miss those days of innocence. Maybe I should take up skating again.

  27. he skates and i’m his friend on occasion when he’s not skating. he tells me about the girls who have broken his heart. and i tell him that everything will be alright. another girl will find you. love is inconsistent but always around. he doesn’t ask about me though. he doesn’t ask how i’m feeling. i just repeat to myself.. “i don’t want to be here anymore..” he says goodbye. i’m off to skate.

  28. he skates and i’m his friend on occasion when he’s not skating. he tells me about the girls who have broken his heart. and i tell him that everything will be alright. another girl will find you. love is inconsistent but always around. he doesn’t ask about me though. he doesn’t ask how i’m feeling. i just repeat to myself.. “i want to be here anymore..” he says goodbye. i’m off to skate.

  29. i love to skate. i haven’t been in a long time. I used to ice skate at Lake Forest Mall in high school. I was just thinking, I should take my kids skating. I could teach them how to roller skate. I don’t think John knows how to ice skate, maybe I could teach him. Skating is a great w

  30. be free
    roll in the streets
    the air
    the silence that crash into my face
    is my turn to blow this
    just push and you will be there
    see ya

  31. When I was young, all I did was roller skate. WOuld go to the rink 5 times a rink. Skate w/ boys, hold hands during couples skate, do the flea hop special. Pizzas at the rink were small and tasty. We would play the pinball machines all night. ALien machine, would get you free games all night with a flick of the wrist.

  32. As she skated down the road I noticed her beautiful blond hair. It seemed as if she was staring my way, but I knew it was only a thought in my head. I knew she wouldn’t go for a guy like me. She’s heading for greatness, I’m heading for the gutter.

  33. I was just in Pittsburgh for dinner and watched the people skate at the PPG Place rink. It was beautiful and I want to go down some other night and take my camera.

  34. Skating has brought me some of the best memories… and some that weren’t so great. I first learnt to skate when I was really little, after playing hockey and hating it! Years later, after learning to skate, I tried again, and loved it. Skating is amazing and I love skating on the pond behind my dad’s house. This year I’ve been skating many friday nights and spending time with my friends and we have created some memories that will last a lifetime.

  35. skateboarding takes not only skill but guts to do it b/c all you don is hope you land that trick. hope you dont fall on your butt like a retard.skate is gliding across the ice as if nothing is wrong. the surface of something

  36. He was always getting in trouble. But somehow, he always managed to skate away scott free!

  37. She took in a deep breath and bent over to one side, stretching it out. She took in the snow and fresh ice around her; nothing matters here. She could finally forget about him for a little while now, and about her, that girl. She could forget it all and just lace up her skates, and for a few hours she could feel like she was 5 again.

  38. i skated throughout the skate park. kick push it jimmy is a skater. adam is a skater. and adam has a dog named ozzy. tara and katlyn do not like to skate. in fact they think that skating is stupid. skaters end up smelling funny after they skate and it smells bad. one time jake made me cut his hair after he was done skating and the bathroom smelled like dead cat. thats what skaters smell like. dead. cats.

  39. I like to skate. The feel of the skates beneath my feet…I’m flying. Twirling. Nothing can touch me, nothing can ever hurt me again.

    Skating is everything to me. It’s like a drug and I can’t get enough. Maybe someday I won’t be able to do it anymore. Then life will change.

  40. on one roller skate, the pig-tailed girl glided down the street her gingham dress blowing in the wind.
