
August 25th, 2009 | 276 Entries

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276 Entries for “sneeze”

  1. just one little sneeze gave him away. Damn flowers. Now he had to run. Grabbing his shoes and shirt, Doug bolted from the shrubs, leaving behind a confused husband looking out the open window.

  2. a chew , snot ,

  3. i dn’t know

  4. like a cough but you know it’s not so bad, but it is much much worse when phlegm comes out and you might sneeze into you hand and the phlegm will be there and you’ll not let anybody know it happened and eat the phlegm or wipe it on a friends shirt then you will smile :)

  5. im in a terrible condition. not sneezing, but constantly snot is running out of my nose. damn. well, work sucks too, and really i dont sneezze, i just hate everything that comes with it. sneezing is great. it unloads everything and leaves a calm feel.

    David Härtl
  6. thinking about sneezing is one thing i can’t bear. this is because my grandfather once sneezed all of his goodness out to the world after a particularly large meal of sausages and salad and chocolate for dessert. I now think of sneezes as pets.

    Peter Clabby
  7. coughing itchy watery eyes nasty booger loud tissue bless you kleenex manners nyquil claritin D, over the counter 24 hour relief!

  8. i tend to sneeze a lot. when i sneeze i sneeze about seven times in a row. instead of crying, when i’m sad or angry or confuse or anything i tend to sneeze, no joke. if you sneeze with your eyes open your eyeballs will fall out, possibly.


  10. Sneeze look at the light. The tickle in your nose makes you sneeze. An orgasm of the nasal passage . Feels good and is needed

    Chris G
  11. I don’t sneeze a lot. I’ve heard people have fetishes about sneezing, which is kinda weird. People have fetishes about the weirdest things :S The internet scares me.

  12. it’s an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm that forces air past the nasal membranes in order to rid the nose of an irritation or obstacle.
    that’s all, really. there’s no hidden connection. not tonight.
    maybe like tears are involuntary productions of the tear ducts to wash out any irritations.
    mental or physical.
    like tears are a surefire sign that something’s wrong.
    even if no one sees them.
    and if you go and do something and no one else is to blame, then have the tears any purpose to serve?
    i wish i wasn’t alone behind my wall.

  13. love sneezing. Yeah, I said!
    Loove making that loud noise, and feeling the tikle in my nose, and brething eas

  14. She handed you a box of tissue as you sneezed into your cupped hands. You thank her and give her a smile, affectionate and thankful. She smiles back and laughs to herself and you’re happy with that simple gesture.

  15. A sneeze is one eighth of an orgasm. I love sneezing. It feels like all your stress, tension and worries, go away in just one sneeze. Release.

  16. i like to sneeze sneezing’s fun, it’s also a great verb and noun as it’s almost onomatopoeic but really isn’t at the same time because noone sneezes with zeds that would just be very bizarre. Sneeze should really be spelt pfffffff or sssssssshhhhoooo as that’s how it sounds. It’s not easy either as sneezing’s forceful and you can’t leisurely sneeze!

  17. The sneeze is loud and stops the entire room. ACHOO. Yes, so loud the whole world freezes and stares. Such power is contained in a sneeze, did you notice? And most importantly, you remember, a sneeze means someone is thinking of you. Bless you.

  18. sneezing is a gross thing and the color of snot is green or yellow. people sneeze when they get colds and and may indicate alergies or flu or cold. The sneeze releases bile from bile ducts and releases stress. it is a way of spreading germs.

    jim smith
  19. Dust, cats, sneeze. . . that is my sons life in our house. Allergic to these things he is doomed to suffer while living under this roof.Two cats and a negligent housekeeper are realities he lives with every day with no complaint. He is my son, my sweet sneezy boy.

  20. sneezy breezy oh so cheesy. I love cheese but it makes me sneeze. sneezing is a breeze when I eat cheese. clear me, blear me, oh so dear to me. cheese. sneeze. oh! my sleeve!

  21. She tried to contain it. She sucked in her face and dammed every port of exit. Within her, she could feel a building, like a bees constructing a cyclone, and her eyes sent her notice they would be finding another address soon. But she held firm, and miraculously the urge evaporated, leaving her proud and unsettled, like the frontier.

    Brian Slusher
  22. That couldn’t have been a sneeze, could it? I was a lone in the house, or at least I thought I was. I stood motionless in the kitchen straining to listen. Nothing. I walked tentatively towards the door.

    Sarah Crowther
  23. I all ready wrote about sneezes. My secrets with sneezing…How they come as a result of coughing fits. How they are triggered by unusual thoughts. My odd sneezing habits are my very unusual secret.

  24. hot water, i had a cold. a very bad cold. hot tea, hot thoughts, sneezing all day, thinking about people, who are everywhere but here.
    the cold made me stay inside and so i sat there.
    hot water, me and the cold

  25. I stood there after I sneezed with a surprised look on my face. My hand covering my mouth and nose as I could feel the embarrassment turning my face bright red. It was only then, I found out the gum I HAD been chewing, now sat on my crushes shoe.

  26. my friends all think my sneeze is hilarious – high pitched, throaty, and all-around weird. at least it isn’t as loud and obnoxious as buck’s. that thing could shatter walls and break backs.

  27. My conception of hell: that tormenting state of limbo just before a sneeze, times infinity.

    stephen s
  28. I didn’t think it was going to come. They never do: especially when you really need them to. It just gets so damn frustrating, ya know. I feel like I’m being stood up on a whole other level. It’s kind of depressing when you think about it: waiting for that sneeze.

  29. Snot came flying out and you wouldn’t believe the mess.

  30. The dog would sneeze and then belch. Always one before the other. It is always strange to hear a dog belch. Mostly because one can never be sure from where the belch came. The sneeze is amusing for obvious reasons.

    Rezil Scrumpnik
  31. I always have allergies. No matter what I do, during Spring, they kick in and last well through summer. My sister has the same problem. She sneezes really loud too. It used to crack me up because she could wake up and entire dam

  32. Sometimes you can’t help it. You just have to let it out. And when you do, it feels great. It’s like a bomb waiting to explode. Achoo!

    Caren Carlos
  33. When your mouth eyes and nose react without your consent and every bit of control is no longer alowed.

    Thomas Lerpiniere
  34. it welled up inside of me. the infuriating tickling in my nose finally built to a climax and all the of air of lungs expelled itself in a furious explosion. ACHOOO

  35. ouch, cold, my god, chhiii, whats wrong, headache, hanky, cold

  36. Sneeze! It’s a sharp, often unintended, usually undesirable interjection caused by a disturbance in the air flow of a body. After one such event, an ‘excuse me’ is usually uttered in an attempt to retain some social grace for the poor sneezee.

  37. It was all because of that one event, that caused his pain. All events are connected in the web of life. If he did not hear that sneeze, then he would not of jumped, if he had not of jumped he would not have knocked over the ladder, and if the ladder had not have been knocked over then none of this wouldve happened….

  38. I sneezed and watched as a bubble portruded from my nose. In my surprised reaction, it popped. And I laughed. I laughed and laughed and laughed so hard I started crying again. That made my day. It was the first time I had laughed since I watched my grandmother die in the hospital.

  39. winter, kalt, schnupfen, nase, wasser, eis, schlittschuh, schnee, tee, ski, dampf aus der tasse, warm, kamin, decke, fell, feuer, wald, tannen, sonne, blauer himmel,

  40. It’s my allergies I told her. That’s why I keep sneezing. The truth was that I had a brain tumor and that’s why I kept sneezing all the time. I didn’t want her to know. I didn’t want her to worry. I just wanted her to be her around me.
