It was the solstice. The end of the season and the beginning of a new one.
It was a time for a fresh start. Blank slate. Restart in a new place, new time and new era.
She wasn’t going to screw this one up. She had been given the gift of a lifetime, the only thing she could never, ever repay. This was her solstice.
hahahahahaa that sounds so stupid doesn’t it. prentenious. solstice. sounds like a mixed drink. ya i’ll have a solstice on the rocks …
Summer solstice winter solstice it’s a breaking point the point of imbalance when equilibrium is at its deathbed. Why must things shift so violently, why must the time of our life be spent rocking back and fro in such frenetic futility? The earth will eventually stop revolving, and float away.
Winter solstice. Women wearing white masks and swirling clouds and flakes fall around them. They sway – no, rock – no, slide across the landscape in a procession of white petals and white rings of cirles around their heads and necks. They fall across the fields and trees, and they remember where they came from.
The longest or shortest day of the year. The summer solstice…long and hot. The day spent swimming and lying on long green grass watching the sun finally set. As it gets darker we can take a train track walk and just go until we can go no futher. The winter solistic…cold short dark and raining. There is in fact someone new. They treat me better. He and i stand out under my favorite umbrella and kiss. I wrap my trench coat around me and don’t want to be any where else. The rain pounds down.
Solstice, I remember the summer soltice of 2006. It was the Annual Relay for Life and my best friend couldn’t come because there was some celebration for the solstice with crawfish. I never fully understood it, to be quite honest.
It was the winter solstice. The sun began to rise and peek through the gap onto the stone where the child lay. Would it work? It had too, the child is too young. I would sacrifice myself to the winter sun if it would help. But it won’t.
it was the middle of june and i knew the day was coming up. it was the most fantastic day of the year—equal parts day and equal parts night. luckily enough for all of us, it came twice a year. i didn’t have to decide what i wanted to do more-night or day activities…it was the beginning of summer and i could just start to feel the tingling of warmer days and the end of school edging closer and closer…i could almost taste freedom on my palate.
The winter solstice occurs tonight. It is the first night of Hanukkah. This is a particularly fitting time for the winter festival to take place. It is a time of family, bonding, and difficult discussions. The smell of potatoes and chicken permeates the air as we descend out from the shortest days of the year.
man i juss did this lol wtf hax gimme a knew word k? why cum dis site no nubbish? me no know lololololool hahah teehee skadoosh
Josh McClure k
Lol k there once was a solstice but then God was all like ,”Hell nah fuck that solstice shit. The sun should be out equally on all days… Bitch.” So he threw away the coffee mug and all was well. Kind of except all the bullshit wars and cancer shit that was still going on on Earth. God just lolled at the nubs for not being immortal as he flew away on his winged lion. Teh ind k?
Josh McClure
i don’t know what this word means but it makes me think of solitary which makes me think of being alone, which makes me think of miles, which makes me think of how i love him and he doesn’t even know which really sucks because i am in love with the stupid kid and it’s not fair!! why does he “like” sarah… he doesn’t… i’m so sure that he likes me or at least did and i don’t know why i am but i am sure of this. it’s so not fair i don’t want to be alone
Solstice is right now. Solstice is change, but not the kind of change that sneaks up and smacks you. It is quiet, expected change. The change of the universe. It is a turning.
solistice time is changing of the seasons, summer, winter, fall, spring. stupid creepy waldorf traditions.
sometimes tduring the winter solcstice i like to shit y pants and thn eat it out oa of a glass it tastes so yummy i can’t even begin to describe it’s awesomeness to you.
The solstice is a time for people with leaves in their hair. I like it! The summer one is nice because the day is long, the winter one is nice because the night is long. Pagans like it! Does that make me a pagan? Could be.
Jesse Feddersen
sol sticks around
gilded and flecked
a beauty looks out
stars never so intimate
gesture elongated along
the southern gate
sol sticks around
gilded and flecked
a beauty looks out
stars never so intimate
gesture elongated along
the southern gate
today is the winter solstice and joe says that means that the dreamscape will pick up and be more active in the coming weeks. I have reason to believe that’s true because early this morning i had more vivid dreams than I have in the recent past. sometimes i dread going to sleep because they are so real and i am afraid i will get stuck in them, but I am going to try to learn how to be aware and control my dreams.
It was coming. The day had been waited upon for thousands of years. It all led up to this one point, this one moment. As all of the people gathered around the stone circle, something unexpected began to happen. The sun was not lining up as it should, but instead it was fading away… going, going, gone. The world had ended.
it is the solstice. the time of new beginnings and plenty of endings. long days turn short, and short days stretch longer. snow is promised to come in the near future (but it never actually does). We are told it is a time where unreal things happen. Eggs stand on their ends while the world keeps spinning.
a person
Winter, Summer solstice. Many of the Pagan or Wiccan faith celebrate that as a holiday. “Yuletide” is often the substitute for Christmas.
I think it a much better system. Yay, holidays!
Hmmm…what else? Ok, I’m done now.
candles.winter summer. songs. meditation thinking about warm weather longer days. today i lit some candles and meditated for solstic.
solstice. i’m not even sure what this word means, but i’m going to go with solitude. loneliness without understanding. being by yourself without knowing what the fuck is going on. that’s a bitch. avoid solstice, please. for your own sake.
human nature
Winter. Damn, it’s so cold in winter, But that’s ok, because it mean that I will be held by someone to keep me warm. The winter is harsh, but the summer sun burns my skin. So, take refuge in my arms and we will dance across the winter night hand in hand.
I love you,
during this winter solstice,
please eric,
please tell me you love me again.
call, text, message…
whatever. just love me again <3
Stella Heather
The return of the sun! I’m a witch and I love the solstice! I love Beltane more, though. It’s a powerful day!
I fell down. I didn’t get up, not for a long, good while. I didn’t get up because I liked my place on the ground; the cold of the earth felt good. When it had first happened, I thought I might want to move, out of the way of things, out towards the winds, but then…it was a new place. New was new to me.
The Fool
What is solstice? I think thats when the sun is at the highes- ah fuck it I’ll just right about bunnies. Yay! Bunnies! I saw Watership Down the other day. That movie was a bit disturbing with all of the dying bloody rabbits. Who knew that rabbits could kill eat other with claws and razor sharp teeth?
Mid season either summer or winter. It is a time to come out and play, celbrate the Earth in the fashion of the Durids.
It’s the longest day of the year, they say. It has the sound of suns and moons falling into a black hole. It has the taste of a painful goodbye, and you were never in my reach from the start.
summer is awsum, i love summer, i dont know what solctice is, i am not an american, if i was an american i would have loved solstice so much, I hope it is a holiday, Hail solstice, blah blah bla;ahlalh
Entering her study, the teacher was shocked to see the glass ornaments lying on the ground – every one of them broken!
“Wha…what happened?” she gasped.
A rather pale looking Toddy peered up at her from where he was sitting behind the tree. He was sucking on his thumb, which had been cut by the glass.
Just me
solstice is the different parts of the moon.. like the wayning solstice is when the moon is almost completley coverd by the sun and the other ne from the solstice si the gibbon..
Eternal solstice has clouded my mind. Causing me to spin and crash, falling downward in a spiral of darkness and hate.
solstice is a time of giving and shit. its like christmas, but for pagans. i dont really know much about solstice because i dont celebrate it. other than that idgaf about solstice. merry fucking christmas.!!!! :]ljkl/j
ragabaga. Beltane. Bell tin. Metal grinding at my ears, the stress is too much. I’m too emo right now. Seriously, wow. I think… grating. said that. Aargh@! Hannukkah.
Jonathan Polin
solstice is a mysterious things. THINGS happen, especially if you’re a pagan. Good pagan things, get closer to pagan gods.
It was the solstice. The end of the season and the beginning of a new one.
It was a time for a fresh start. Blank slate. Restart in a new place, new time and new era.
She wasn’t going to screw this one up. She had been given the gift of a lifetime, the only thing she could never, ever repay. This was her solstice.
hahahahahaa that sounds so stupid doesn’t it. prentenious. solstice. sounds like a mixed drink. ya i’ll have a solstice on the rocks …
Summer solstice winter solstice it’s a breaking point the point of imbalance when equilibrium is at its deathbed. Why must things shift so violently, why must the time of our life be spent rocking back and fro in such frenetic futility? The earth will eventually stop revolving, and float away.
Winter solstice. Women wearing white masks and swirling clouds and flakes fall around them. They sway – no, rock – no, slide across the landscape in a procession of white petals and white rings of cirles around their heads and necks. They fall across the fields and trees, and they remember where they came from.
The longest or shortest day of the year. The summer solstice…long and hot. The day spent swimming and lying on long green grass watching the sun finally set. As it gets darker we can take a train track walk and just go until we can go no futher. The winter solistic…cold short dark and raining. There is in fact someone new. They treat me better. He and i stand out under my favorite umbrella and kiss. I wrap my trench coat around me and don’t want to be any where else. The rain pounds down.
Solstice, I remember the summer soltice of 2006. It was the Annual Relay for Life and my best friend couldn’t come because there was some celebration for the solstice with crawfish. I never fully understood it, to be quite honest.
It was the winter solstice. The sun began to rise and peek through the gap onto the stone where the child lay. Would it work? It had too, the child is too young. I would sacrifice myself to the winter sun if it would help. But it won’t.
it was the middle of june and i knew the day was coming up. it was the most fantastic day of the year—equal parts day and equal parts night. luckily enough for all of us, it came twice a year. i didn’t have to decide what i wanted to do more-night or day activities…it was the beginning of summer and i could just start to feel the tingling of warmer days and the end of school edging closer and closer…i could almost taste freedom on my palate.
The winter solstice occurs tonight. It is the first night of Hanukkah. This is a particularly fitting time for the winter festival to take place. It is a time of family, bonding, and difficult discussions. The smell of potatoes and chicken permeates the air as we descend out from the shortest days of the year.
man i juss did this lol wtf hax gimme a knew word k? why cum dis site no nubbish? me no know lololololool hahah teehee skadoosh
Lol k there once was a solstice but then God was all like ,”Hell nah fuck that solstice shit. The sun should be out equally on all days… Bitch.” So he threw away the coffee mug and all was well. Kind of except all the bullshit wars and cancer shit that was still going on on Earth. God just lolled at the nubs for not being immortal as he flew away on his winged lion. Teh ind k?
i don’t know what this word means but it makes me think of solitary which makes me think of being alone, which makes me think of miles, which makes me think of how i love him and he doesn’t even know which really sucks because i am in love with the stupid kid and it’s not fair!! why does he “like” sarah… he doesn’t… i’m so sure that he likes me or at least did and i don’t know why i am but i am sure of this. it’s so not fair i don’t want to be alone
Solstice is right now. Solstice is change, but not the kind of change that sneaks up and smacks you. It is quiet, expected change. The change of the universe. It is a turning.
solistice time is changing of the seasons, summer, winter, fall, spring. stupid creepy waldorf traditions.
sometimes tduring the winter solcstice i like to shit y pants and thn eat it out oa of a glass it tastes so yummy i can’t even begin to describe it’s awesomeness to you.
The solstice is a time for people with leaves in their hair. I like it! The summer one is nice because the day is long, the winter one is nice because the night is long. Pagans like it! Does that make me a pagan? Could be.
sol sticks around
gilded and flecked
a beauty looks out
stars never so intimate
gesture elongated along
the southern gate
sol sticks around
gilded and flecked
a beauty looks out
stars never so intimate
gesture elongated along
the southern gate
today is the winter solstice and joe says that means that the dreamscape will pick up and be more active in the coming weeks. I have reason to believe that’s true because early this morning i had more vivid dreams than I have in the recent past. sometimes i dread going to sleep because they are so real and i am afraid i will get stuck in them, but I am going to try to learn how to be aware and control my dreams.
It was coming. The day had been waited upon for thousands of years. It all led up to this one point, this one moment. As all of the people gathered around the stone circle, something unexpected began to happen. The sun was not lining up as it should, but instead it was fading away… going, going, gone. The world had ended.
it is the solstice. the time of new beginnings and plenty of endings. long days turn short, and short days stretch longer. snow is promised to come in the near future (but it never actually does). We are told it is a time where unreal things happen. Eggs stand on their ends while the world keeps spinning.
Winter, Summer solstice. Many of the Pagan or Wiccan faith celebrate that as a holiday. “Yuletide” is often the substitute for Christmas.
I think it a much better system. Yay, holidays!
Hmmm…what else? Ok, I’m done now.
candles.winter summer. songs. meditation thinking about warm weather longer days. today i lit some candles and meditated for solstic.
solstice. i’m not even sure what this word means, but i’m going to go with solitude. loneliness without understanding. being by yourself without knowing what the fuck is going on. that’s a bitch. avoid solstice, please. for your own sake.
human nature
Winter. Damn, it’s so cold in winter, But that’s ok, because it mean that I will be held by someone to keep me warm. The winter is harsh, but the summer sun burns my skin. So, take refuge in my arms and we will dance across the winter night hand in hand.
I love you,
during this winter solstice,
please eric,
please tell me you love me again.
call, text, message…
whatever. just love me again <3
The return of the sun! I’m a witch and I love the solstice! I love Beltane more, though. It’s a powerful day!
I fell down. I didn’t get up, not for a long, good while. I didn’t get up because I liked my place on the ground; the cold of the earth felt good. When it had first happened, I thought I might want to move, out of the way of things, out towards the winds, but then…it was a new place. New was new to me.
What is solstice? I think thats when the sun is at the highes- ah fuck it I’ll just right about bunnies. Yay! Bunnies! I saw Watership Down the other day. That movie was a bit disturbing with all of the dying bloody rabbits. Who knew that rabbits could kill eat other with claws and razor sharp teeth?
Mid season either summer or winter. It is a time to come out and play, celbrate the Earth in the fashion of the Durids.
It’s the longest day of the year, they say. It has the sound of suns and moons falling into a black hole. It has the taste of a painful goodbye, and you were never in my reach from the start.
summer is awsum, i love summer, i dont know what solctice is, i am not an american, if i was an american i would have loved solstice so much, I hope it is a holiday, Hail solstice, blah blah bla;ahlalh
Entering her study, the teacher was shocked to see the glass ornaments lying on the ground – every one of them broken!
“Wha…what happened?” she gasped.
A rather pale looking Toddy peered up at her from where he was sitting behind the tree. He was sucking on his thumb, which had been cut by the glass.
solstice is the different parts of the moon.. like the wayning solstice is when the moon is almost completley coverd by the sun and the other ne from the solstice si the gibbon..
Eternal solstice has clouded my mind. Causing me to spin and crash, falling downward in a spiral of darkness and hate.
solstice is a time of giving and shit. its like christmas, but for pagans. i dont really know much about solstice because i dont celebrate it. other than that idgaf about solstice. merry fucking christmas.!!!! :]ljkl/j
ragabaga. Beltane. Bell tin. Metal grinding at my ears, the stress is too much. I’m too emo right now. Seriously, wow. I think… grating. said that. Aargh@! Hannukkah.
solstice is a mysterious things. THINGS happen, especially if you’re a pagan. Good pagan things, get closer to pagan gods.