
December 21st, 2008 | 196 Entries

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196 Entries for “solstice”

  1. all that comes to mind is twilight. which makes me think of love. and bella and edward and jacob, and how truly envious i am of the whole damn thing.

    sam petrie
  2. The summer solstice had descended upon the tiny town of River Bend. Alice looked out her dining room window, polishing the table uselessly with a rag soaked in Pledge. Not much dust collected in a climate such as this– mostly it was damp and groggy.

  3. Quiet

  4. a time of the year when it has some thing to do with the position of the sun, earth and all that. It reminds me of ties….on the neck, marriage, relationship and a whole lot of things.

    Selin Varghese
  5. A time to celebrate the changing of the guard. The shift of season. The coming of the new. I take solace in knowing that the solstice exists. Year after year, regardless of the tears or the cheers, it arrives. Pure and whole, the sun pauses. Its power smolders, its importance emanates, but it pauses. Twice a year, at the very least, we should pause too. On the shortest day or the longest day, we should pause and consider the sacredness of our existence. We exist because the sun exists, because there is a light so bright and so warm and so beautiful that we can do nothing else but exist. Despite our doubts and our fears and our dark tendencies, the light resonates so brightly and so truly. The solstice speaks, and it says, “Just be. Be good. Be free.”

  6. This is the day of the Winter solstice….ahhh the joy of days getting longer and looking forward to the warmth of spring. There will be cold days ahead but each day will bring the though of those first buds of spring coming to life. Each day they will become more of a reality.

  7. Just think about it…
    The longest day of sun, the longest day of moon.
    Night and Day, corresponding with one another and spending their times in the sky, interchangeable and yet, different at the same time.
    They light our skies, and as the seasons change, they do as well.
    Winter Solstice, you signal the dawn of a new, clean slate.

    Paul Lee
  8. night is long. make it last. sleep under stars and kiss the sky goodnight. don’t you remember sunshine after a rainy day?

  9. It was that time of the year again, the year of the summer solstice; and the carnage was just about to begin. The sacrifices were ready for the Gods and the virgins are being exploited as we speak. Everyone was soon to die.

  10. Solstice– I suppose because it is that day on the calendar. It makes me think of solitaire and being solitary– but in a very happy way. I feel happy. Solar– that’s where solstice comes from, I’m sure.

  11. Solstice!
    how special!
    nothings lasts so long
    nothing lasts so little.

  12. The solstice was to offically begin in less then an hour. Chealsy could not beleive her brother could possibly have chosen this moment to anger thier father so.
    She hunched her shoulders and tried to look as though she could not hear thier father shouting just outside of the cabin door. She could not heawr any reply her brother made, though she suppose they were all the wrong ones since thier father’s voice continually grew louder.

    Jessica J. Zimdars
  13. Honestly, I never saw why the solstice is so special in today’s society. I think the celebration has become more focused on tradition than any honor for the time itself. There’s no reason for us to honor it. It doesn’t affect us as it did our ancestors. For them, it was a sign of the easing of their hardships. For us, it is nothing. Most do not even know what it is. I do enjoy the fun though.

  14. Winter, Fields and snow drifts. Wood Smoke, and early dusk.

  15. The eve of the season is upon us. Harken, brothers, and gather unto me! We will welcome this season with the grace and respect it deserves! Unto the Earth, who spat us forth from her loamy womb, unto the Air, who breathed life into our dirty bones, unto the Water, who gave souls to rise us above the animals, unto the Fire, who gave us passions to make us all the best we might be, we give thanks! Thank be! Glory be!

    James Colemann
  16. summer or winter. a kind of break maybe a celebration. a sad sounding name. what it is i don’t know.

    andrew phillips
  17. today is, in fact, the solstice. I have recently decided to hate the solstice, because my stupid-ass kind-of ex-boyfriend’s new little bitchy young girlfriend decided, because he’s wiccan, she’s going to form some strange fondness for the religion, and they’re probably dancing around some f-ing campfire as I write this.

  18. because it is my birthday and i think: that’s something new to me. and it’s something new to you too. and all i want is to watch the moon from some hill and think that we’re the only two people in the whole world. and forget everyone else under that very same moon. just for one moment. we are it.

  19. First word ever that I had to look up the meaning of.

    Solstice is a time when the a certain part of the Earth is farthest away or closest to the sun. It signifies the change in season along with the equinoxes. In other words, Solstice means change. And like the unavoidable change in the seasons, change is as certain as death. Nothing will ever remain constant. And like buying new clothes for the changing seasons, we must adapt to these changes if we want to survive.

    Another thing that is quite related to solstice is twilight. A word that triggers my inner fan girl. In related news… RPattz cut his hair! OMG! lmao.

  20. The end of something–like Hemingway’s great short story. But also the beginning. sun rise, sun set.
    veiled in darkness for 18 hours.

  21. Today’s the winter solstice, and it’s cold, and maybe it froze my brain because I had to look up at the word to ensure that I’d spelled “solstice” correctly. We’ll see what happens when we have the summer solstice.

  22. today is the winter solstice. I am grateful that the length of daylight will be increasing. I ride a bicycle to work each day and am tired of riding in the dark.

    Eric Caminiti
  23. Today, i guess, is the winter solstice. I remember the first time i heard the word: it was in a cartoon. (my favorite cartoon) and the other memory was it was the summer solstice and i was telling a girl i really liked that it was the summer solstice.

  24. i think of summer, and winter. when i think of summer i think of the memories i made with derek. its funny how in a time period of two and a half months my summer is defined by one week. just one week

  25. Today is the winter solstice. How weird. I don’t like that this word is so literally related to today. I signed on here hoping for sixty seconds of abstraction. Or at least an excuse to BS about something. But no. It’s just today. The solstice.

    Chris Rogers
  26. Wiccans gathered for the summer solstice. They were naked and dancing around crystals, singing and chanting.

  27. winter solice. changing of the seasons, singing dancing. equinox solistice, equinox, solistice. changes dancing

  28. your big lumbering body near by, youth an accusation on your face, perposterous as the wise roots of heavy leaden experinece sinks you down beneath, an anchor. it’s one i can see.

    ninja chick
  29. her lips tasted like sun and her tongue of quicksilver. silk spun lungs breathed in heroin air, opium for the soul, and he held her with concrete hands as the acid-laced sky danced heatedly and their bodies formed crisp lines beneath the marijuana sun.

  30. winter solstice, ice and snow, covered in the dreams of those, who feel the peace within their souls, although, they do not know. For when the moon arives tonight they will not know for whom they fight.

  31. It is the spring the air is finally warm and there is the sweet smell of rain in the air. I love the spring time. The buds are on the tree and romance abounds. It is the time for lovers and poetry.

  32. Yesterday is done and gone, along with its oppressions, tremors and pain. Today is still. Tomorrow’s forecast: reign.

  33. The fall adventure comes to a screeching halt when the idea of the solstice, during winter months arrives. The snow falls, the days progressively become longer, the nights dark and cold. The solstice is the

  34. and she lit her cigarette at the street corner. the shopping bags were too heavy. but she pretended not to care. it was 2 in the morning.

  35. Summer solstice is the time that she will always remember with a fond but semisweet smile. Distant, but still there, was the ache that came with the thought of that warm cricket night, the stars that seemed to sing in time with her beating, breaking heart, and her once-upon-a-time love.

  36. On this one day, the sun is so close, and yet so far. The icy winds scrape against my cheeks as my eyes are blinded by the giant burning flame above. How this day changes the weather so dramatically, I will never know for sure.

    Destiny Garrett
  37. the solstice of august is the same type of the solstice as the car being held not the operational solstice

  38. the summer solstice, the winter solstice. What’s it all about… hippes all over the world, chanting, holding hands, singing songs, and sharing whole foods, nourishing their bodies, their minds, their souls, their hearts. Nourishing each other…

    Oh to be a part of something, some group, some belief system where nourishment is of utmost importance.

  39. Why are there only two solstices? Why not more? I know it’s the longest and shortest day(s) of the year, but seriously…there should be more. Like the summer solstice…it’s so happy and fun, and the winter solstice is rather cuddly. And so close to all the holidays, like Christmas and summer break. Seriously. There should be more.

    Mallory Grey
  40. The winter solstice was approaching. She could tell, because it did not seem like the sun could get any weaker, nor the sky any grayer. She had been wandering in these woods for a month now, but she figured it had to be a few days until winter officially started. It was funny, because she’d been freezing for days.
