
December 21st, 2008 | 196 Entries

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196 Entries for “solstice”

  1. no one actually knows what the winter solstice really is. its in all the movies and the characters have to complete some quest by then or saving someone.

  2. winter. snow. I have no idea what the solstice is but the word reminds me of snow. xD
    uh…rice? tice..rice…I don’t know. sol! sun! spanish!!! yes. plural sols! 2 SUNS?!!? that would be really hot and uncomfortable.

  3. solstice
    well… what can i say about solstice except for the fact that nothing comes to mind when i say it
    it happens during summer and winter and that’s about as far as my knowledge of solstice goes

    stupid i know

  4. My son was born on the summer solstice. He was a big boy, beautiful, with the sweetest, most kissable lips ever. The longest day of the year… and good thing because it took a long time to get him here.

    Vee Howard
  5. The winter solstice…The day when the night is longest. I guess that’s a good time for a party….if you’re a vampire.

  6. it’s winter time, you know. a time to come indoors and get closer to others. as you watch the ice fall during this solstice, we have to remember that we are human and that we need others.

  7. I do not know what this solstice means but I like candy,meat,pizza,dogs,cats.

    leo ferland
  8. The winter solstice comes with a chill. The air is calm and cold, the sun slung low in the sky, doing little to give warmth.

  9. Ah the solstice! Times of the year where it’s either longest daylight, or shortest. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out on the Summer Solstice. Hm…it’s a very cool astrological event.

  10. i heard it’s somewhat related to planets. bah. solstice reminds me of solace.xD

  11. potiac solstice is a beautiful car… The name is dirved from an astromic term that happens once a year

  12. Nothing to do with the darkness, you know? Nothing to do with the light, either. Full of crap, the word “solstice”, conjures of mental images of dry beaches and limes in drinks… “Solstice”, like solace, only more so. Solstice, and all the warmth of summer to bake away our sin.

  13. The summer solstice brought back memories of lying in the grass with Maggie and staring up at the stars in the heat of the night. She would poke me and giggle while I wished for nothing more than to strangle her. She was everything I hated.

  14. Summer solstice. I don’t know too much about it, other than it being a beautiful word.
    I think it’s some kind of break… or perhaps the longest day of the year. The middle of summer – quickly approaching. Sweltering heat, excellent food, luscious colours, and the Hottest 100!

  15. The winter solstice brings out the sluts. It’s a common practice. They all gather around a tree to praise it and offer their body to it. It’s some sort of phenomenon that no one else can explain. The mystery of the winter solstice will always remain a mystery.

  16. short day, cold, winter, better days to come

  17. Winter and summer solstice. To new beginnings. The start of winter and summer? The shortest and longest days of the year. Summer solstice is sad, because you have to look forward to shorter days, while winter solstice is better, because the days will get longer.

    Oh yeah, it’s a Pontiac too. A pretty sharp one at that.

  18. I have no idea what solstice means, it looks like a very sophisticated word used by sophisticated people.

    Hmm, what should I write about.

    Cows, cows are a great source for milk, and milk and cheese and milk.

    I’m out of it…

    Good night.

  19. I see the moon and I wonder what it is thinking. It moves us so and never has a chance to tell us the thoughts it has. Life for the moon must be very lonely. That’s the setback for being able to see what the entire world is doing at once i guess.

  20. this night is solstice, but like so many others it is just a night, somewhat longer than the rest that i will stay awake through and grudgingly meet the coming day after what seems like just a few moments of rest. the only difference is that , tonight im not alone.

  21. i’ve already submitted my article about solstice. is there another word?

  22. it is a season that makes me wonder as it signifies something magical and mysterious. When the season becomes something that we are unaware that will bring nostalgia and praying for enrichment and happiness to go alongside the somber weather. It holds cinnamon rolls, good cup of coffee warm friendship sharing in the winter cold while a fireplace is burning.

  23. Today is the solstice. Wow, I am so tired I can’t even spell. Yeah, I think it’s kind of strange that they days are getting longer now when winter has just begun. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Crap time is running out. Ahhh. It’s making me nervous. The soltice is cold.

  24. i would write about solstice, but i’m not quite sure of its definition. winter solstice: what is it? i’m going to go look it up in a minute.

  25. A solstice, like a winter solstice or summer solstice? I knew a girl whose last name was Solstys (sp?), which is kind of the same. I think she went to a different high school than me but she was in my Scope class in junior high. That was a fun class. This also reminds me of Little Bear on Nick Jr. I think there was an episode about one of the solstices. If that’s even the right word, I don’t know. I watched too much of that.

  26. Today is the winter solstice. My goodness i live in alaska. This is one of the greatest days of the year. The darkness will end! I am so, so stoked to finally be back to the light. Thank you Jesus!!

  27. The winter solstice began was today. Winter wind whips me to the core. I hurry to avoid its harsh lashes.

  28. The winter solstice moon was high in the air. It hung plump, like an over ripened fruit.
    Below it, a woman garbed in jeans and an oversized t-shirt stood up at it. In one hand, she held a crumpled letter, and the other a match.
    Bending down, she lit the paper and watched it smolder away on the damp, dewy grass. Then, she stamped out the reaming embers of the love letter, for good measure.

    Emi K.
  29. The party of a life time fails to compare. Pagans rejoice and farmers unite! The solstice with the molstice is here.

  30. The number of times I have made love. The ash after a cigarrate burns out. The sun, hitting and burning us all. We all turn to dust, to solstice…to nothing, perhaps?

  31. It is when the sun is closest to one part of the earth It is my Ex Girlfriend’s nickname, who was an amazing person, but a bit too clingy. Solstice is spontaneous, outgoing, ditzy, fun, redheaded, righ, needy, and likes good food.

  32. today is the winter solstice. what’s so special about it? do you think christmas was chosen to be at this time of year in an attempt to overshadow the pagan holidays celebrating the solstice? They did that with other holidays, so I don’t doubt it. Or perhaps Hanukkah is related to the solstice as well and that would explain it.

    Drew Brandon
  33. winter solstice? hippies and religious freaks observing natural phenomena. right? awesome! sometimes i confuse it with solace. who makes these weird words. solstice.

  34. “Today’s the day of the winter solstice,” he sighed, taking a lone strand of my hair and tucked it behind my ear. “Do you want to go ice-skating?”
    “Like hell I don’t.” And I leaned up to press my lips onto his.

  35. the winter solstice had come around again, and everyone was having a good party. sometimes i would remember what had happened on that same day so many years ago, but i’d push it to the back of my mind, trying to erase the past i had created for myself. once and a while, it still came back. ‘just enjoy yourself’ i murmured quietly.

  36. summer solstice and winter solstice are confusing. i really have no idea what either one is. but i guess thats what i get for growing up in a poor county public school. i do know what summer and winter are though. i like winter when my house isnt freezing. i like summer when my house isnt burning up.

  37. camille’s nickname.
    It’s fucking bright outside, but in a good way. It’s bright and the whole day is going to be bright and everything is going to go wild in excitement for the future.
    Trendy motherfuckers, that’s what they are.

  38. Will you look at that. I was wrong about the meaning but thank you for letting me express myself and all the horrible things I’m feeling because of my broken heart. Sorry. I sound too depressed for my own good. >.<

  39. I don’t know what solstice means but it makes me think of the winter and the snow and the purity it embodies. It makes me think of the love that is far away and what I would give to be in his arms. The distance and the strain, the pain and the happiness all mixed together in a plethora of feelings inside my very soul.

  40. Hung weight from a noose, cutting as an ark through the wind. Plummeting towards rock bottom only to be pulled back up. Frozen lips and wind chill as it is hurled again towards space. Ride the beat and swing on that winter summer pendulum.
