
November 14th, 2023 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “somber”

  1. Somber trees dance in the wind.

  2. I looked across the hall. It was a somber mood. No-one was here to laugh. It was a shame really. The absurdities of the situation far outweighed the need for gloom.

  3. Everyday we think about somber but only when the stars shine the end.

  4. The light in the hallway barely reached to the walls, she felt that she was walking in space, as the light from the windows followed her. The mood was so somber, and when she entered the room where the funeral was being held, then she started to cry.

  5. Somber brings up an emotional response of hardship, sorrow, discouraged, suffering. I think of the needs of underrepresented and disenfranchised families.
