
December 29th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “spa”

  1. When I was little, in the summer, we would pull the bag of polished rocks out from under my bunk bed and lay down on the green carpet and place the cold rocks on each other’s backs while we listened to classical music on my purple CD player.

  2. I like going to spas to get massages and be treated with kindness. Or to treat myself with kindness is really what it’s about for me. It’s a time to pamper myself after long days and weeks of not doing so. I haven’t been to a spa in a long time. I think it’s time I go. Don’t you?

  3. The sauna and the warm water in the spa was exactly what she needed after the several cold weeks in the field. The others had gone into the city to drink and dance. But what she needed was quiet and tend to the exhaustion in her body.
