
March 2nd, 2009 | 401 Entries

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401 Entries for “spaces”

  1. in between
    all the things
    we took for
    lie the

    if only
    i could grab
    i would

    and throw it over

  2. every word you said filled up the emptiness in this apartment. your breath found its way deep into my lungs and when i choke it’s because i felt you slipping away.

  3. it said onewpord and it is 1word and i didnt think i thought it was 2 words but oneword is one word….im typing about the word and um…it said not 2 think but i have 2 think 2 type this so im kinda not following directions….like i nver do

  4. Most people look at the night sky and see the stars shimmering in an empty, black void. I see the spaces in between. The marvel at the presence of the absence of light. I am amazed by the empty vacuum that occupies most of the world.

  5. Spaces was what we needed, to hold us in but separated; things we could quibble over when we did not know what to speak about anymore.

  6. Theres that set of store by my house called spaces. Except its decrepid and only has like one business left. Theres the economy for you. Thats probably not a fair judgment…I think it was empty long before the economy took the plunge that it did. Also it’s in an incredibly inconvenient place to get to from the road. Someone should have thought that out a little better.

  7. Snails carry everything they need with them. So damn what? (Space) is not the final anything, but an illusion where we shove all our preconcieved notions of self (not self). In the corner of my living room there is a cobweb, in the cobweb there are empty holes between the silk. These are the spaces I try to capture and understand, but it is as pointless to do so as it is pointless to be writing what I am not writing, what I should be writing, and what I am writing. In the desert outside of Escalante, Utah there are hoodoos, called the Three Kings, tall structures made of sandstone phallically shaped that reach upwards poking at the sky. In the sky there are clouds and holes in clouds, but no holes in the sky. I will pierce that atmosphere.

  8. The world is full of little spaces. The dusty corners under my bed. The snow covered parking lot. The bed covered with sheets and blankets. It is in these spaces where we live all our lives.

  9. Today i feel like a loser, I realy need to achieve my goals, but what are they? I feel like I cant take the spaces that were placed for me at the beggining, I realy need to be victorious, it

  10. There are a lot of empty spaces in a sentence. A sentence is an incredibly vacant thing for all it conveys

  11. There are plenty of spaces in my life. Full spaces, empty spaces. It’s the empty ones that haunt me the most, that occupy the sessions with my counselor and keep me worrying late at night. People don’t realize sometimes when they’ve rejected a place in another person’s space. They don’t really think much of it, and the other person is just left with empty spaces.

  12. spaces are places we all need to have, but rearly can we finde these spaces exept in our head. i wounder how many of us would need more space if we only took the time to get rid of all the crap we have hiding under our beds. I wounder how much time we would save each day if only we didnt need to look for those things we lost, that we placed in those spaces we knew so well

  13. in between talking and music, silences and peace, in between you and me, tender, sweet, very real and everlasting, in between all of the other stuff, the rest of the world going on and everyone moving along, there’s this very special place that i want to tuck into, wrap myself around…it’s you. it’s our love.

  14. there are a lot of them some parking some for storage, we need more in the train. there are spaces all over the world. I love spaces. small and big spaces rock!!!

    casper martinez
  15. Spaces are important for storing and keeping things neat and orderley. I don’t have enough space in my house at all, which really sucks. I need it for my clothes

  16. you turned to me and said, i’m missing the words
    and stretched out a hand, reaching, desperate,

    so you.

    i won’t fill in the blanks.

  17. you turned to me and said, i’m missing the words
    and stretched out a hand, reaching, desperate,

    so you.

    i won’t fill in the blanks.

  18. I have always wanted to re do my room and when i got the chance i was more excited than i had ever been. I pulled out my laptop and started looking up ideas.

  19. I found out the hard way, as usual… The night was filled with too many spaces that went unfilled and tried my patience.Steve

  20. it was large and I couldn’t see any walls, the space was massive. It frightened me, it frightend me so much I started to shake. Spaces that always made me frightened.

  21. Emptiness is inside me. Swelling my soul. Don’t know. Breathe out, try to out out the space. Want it out. Out. Smoke swirls in the emptiness. I cough. Get out.

  22. Spaces filled with words and thought, spaces filled wth light and emotion. Dance is the form, watching the negative space fill. The negative space, the space we don’t inhabit with out bodies. But if you could look carefully at that negative space you would find it positive – positvely filled with connections and links, hopes and dreams, wishes filled and dreams shattered. The negative, the negative positive space.

  23. There are things in this life that take up a lot of space. There are things that take up barely any space at all.

    I think about the space I take up, the space that humanity takes up. The resources, the time, the energy. The things we waste. There is no good that comes out of humans. It would be better if we ceased to exist. Then the animals and the world would be better off. We would not be here, but that would not be a problem. We should stop taking up space.

    Emily McDurman
  24. spaces filled with everything possible. there are truly no empty spaces, just empty heads behind homogenized faces. even what is known as Space, that ethereal, mysterious expanse beyond our direct vision is filled with forces we’ll never comprehend.

  25. the space in between us. in between all of them. there’s always that place that I don’t want to cross. I don’t want to reach across that line between friend and something else. I will break what we have. I will shatter any good that we had between us if I cross those spaces.

  26. empty spaces
    time erases
    everything in our path
    all the good and the bad
    the memories we held dear
    they’re all gone now
    yeah they just disappeared
    pressure from all sides crushin us in
    is the whole world against us
    or does it just depend?

    Chris Taylor
  27. White spaces are very important in adverstising. If there is too much noise. No focused message is being put across to the consumer. Unfortunately, white space has decreased in the place of detail.

  28. I greatly enjoy spaces. Like the spaces between people, or gaps in understanding. I enjoy empty rooms and maps.

    A word like ‘spaces’ is infinite in what it defines, and I enjoy that the possibility of something that can in it’s own definition not end the most.

    Andrew Meare
  29. Spaces. They’re everywhere yet no one can find them, live in them, or belong to them. They consume the emptiness in the mind. They lack meaning and feeling yet we spend most of our lives living to find them and feel comfortable in them.

  30. wide open and free

    unhindered by the convolution of humanity

    empty and filled with the potential to become anything

    bloated with the imagination of the countless
    the thoughtless and the heartless

    deemed unworthy by the

    OH WAT

  31. moments in between reality. Times when you think too much. Moments to breathe. Overanalyzing people and places and memories. Gaps that overlap. The time when things change and you don’t realize it’s happening. Silence.

  32. Spaces fill up with “to do lists” quicker than we can even imagine the items in our minds, never mind actually ever really getting around to to them. And what about the spaces inbetween the spaces? Could we claim them too?

  33. Empty spaces freak me out, but not as much as pure solid white ones where you can’t see the obtrusion’s. Spaces in my memory also freak me out – what happened there? what have I done? Where did that memory go?

    Space bars don’t like me.
    I don’t like them, either.
    I think it’s sort of this mutual disrespect for each other.

  34. spaces, faces, so many places to hide. i will be in the shadow of your facial features when you grimace in disdain or perhaps i’m using those words wrong again. nevertheless i will be every wrinkle in your forehead and every space you don’t take up. swallow you whole and hold you, little like an almond, swollen like crying eyes, syringes through the roof and through my knuckles, painfully painless and that’s the worse part.

    March 2nd, 2009.

    Christine Oania
  35. there are spaces in my mind taht remind me od past loves and affectioNS. Ideals once upheld and later forgotten. Memories, love, passions renewed and UNKNOWN.

    natasha garcia
  36. i love them to be big and full of people who are meditating at the laws of the universe

  37. so empty and wide. I am lost here, in between. There is nothing around me, nothing above or below. Just the sense that I am alone. Completely alone.

    chelsea jewett
  38. spaces feel up the room as i slowly move onto someone new, something else. But this was my choice, it was time for me to renew, to change and to find myself amoungst the lost people that see everywhere. And even though i miss you and i want you around, i don’t really need you to be happy. i can be happy alone

  39. These spaces that we call our own are not sacred and yet they are treated with more respect then the earth that breathed life into our lungs.

  40. outer inner around inside tight far near dark big dots
