
March 2nd, 2009 | 401 Entries

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401 Entries for “spaces”

  1. spaces are having very big space and it doesn’t have any limit. It looks very dark and it gives fear to all and there is no history for the spaces and still it is unfound. spaces are very big and enormous. So it is very interesting to have some research on this. Many people became space astronet because of their own interest in this field. Spaces contain all the comets, stars, sun, moon, different planets, galaxy, etc.

  2. the spaces in between
    there are places in the spaces
    nothing works in space
    but everything is important
    no one can hear the spaces
    but they call out the importance
    of their messages

  3. there are spaces between the words to discern them. but what happens if those spaces are taken away? thewordsbecomestrewntogetheranditisslightlymoredifficulttotellwhichwordiswhich. there is a reason for space after all

  4. Spaces are everywhere. They can be empty or filled but most of the time when we think of space we think of there being room for more, of their being an empty place somewhere. When in the parking lot, we look for spaces close to the entrance so we don’t have to walk as far. We leave space on the couch for someone to sit next to us and we leave space in our hearts for someone to fill.

  5. its all empty spaces. all of it. Just empty places on the map, locations where its just a few steps short of the end of the world. Everything is told in the moments in between, in the spaces were the world isn’t quite there. Empty spaces. We were all in need of fresh faces. Just as soon as we could leave these empty places.

  6. i think about guides that take you through spaces, i guess. you need guides. i’m tired, and i shouldn’t be, because all I’ve done is smoked weed and worked on sonnets about churches all day. the keyboard feels kind of greasy. i don’t know why Annie gave me colors today. she gave me a couple shades of red.

    Lou Wright
  7. spaces. everyone needs their own space,otherwise we go crazy. i know that if anyone gets in my space too much, or i don’t know them that well i go crazy and get mad. but then on the other hand sometimes we need our spaces invaded. we need that someone to cross the line into our space whether for comfort or for another reason.

  8. space bar bar that you go drink at milk shake milk babies bitty was a cute baby i want to have a big family but my little one right now is just fine have a kitty too never thought

  9. Open spaces make me nervous. I feel I have to make up the difference between me and the edge at the far horizon, and there is so much space to fill. I’m a reverse claustrophobic, I guess, more comfortable in a small, cozy spot with my limitations clearly defined.

  10. these empty spaces in my mind
    are nothing but passages to help my
    misery connect with
    my happiness
    until my emotions are one big jumble
    that makes me who i am.

  11. Empty places full of nithingness. Space. Blankness. Lack of clarity. Facial expressions.

    Tiffany Hawkins
  12. Spaces…um what about spaces…lyrics: stuck in the spaces of my mind: or something like that …or im going crazy in my own mind…are those lyrics?? if not they should be…getting off topic…um yep spaces between words *horizontally*

  13. Time travel. So many different spaces in different times. There is a different space for one minute ago. How very interesting.

  14. spaces can be filled with interesting things. I want to fill this space with something witty and/or intellegent, but i really cant think that fast. I dont even know why i am writing this: i have no idea what this website is for.

  15. down under, the bruise
    on my fingernail
    cocks it’s head like australia
    and pulls a part
    the jungle hairs upon my knuckle
    imploring after
    a bare backed Sherlock Holmes
    like a piranha with
    too many mouths to feed.

    Hannah Wells
  16. I see you. In all of the spaces around me. In the yard. In the living room. In the kitchen. In the shower curtain when I bathe. I see you.

    I wish you away each time, praying and hoping that you will leave me in peace and just go. But you don’t.

    You stay there. In the spaces.

  17. There were several spaces transcending from dimensions no one was meant to travel through. Rem did, and he was lost forever. The spaces were never-ending, Rem was never found.

    Kerby Olive
  18. emptiness, vastness. great time locked in place, nothing but you there. filling in. emptiness cured. love, hate, relationships.

  19. the world has spaces in every corner. there are empty spaces, there are dark spaces, there are light spaces. I see only one of these. I see empty spaces. spaces that can be filled, but are not yet. i stare down these spaces, willing them to be overcome by something new. it is my way of being optimistic, looking to gain something new.

  20. spaces. space time continuim, haha well what about spaces is it that we truly desire? spaces for work, for play, for something more, spaces that bring us together, to seperate us.

  21. open air :)

  22. Rhymes with faces. Faces and people take up space. Space that we all could use. Stop the population growth India. Other people need your space and oxygen as much as you. I want to go to outerspace. Fill up this space. … with your face!

  23. there are so many spaces between me and you
    I want to wipe them all away
    I want to fit in all the many spaces created by your curves
    molding me into you
    closing gaps you didn’t know existed
    spaces in your heart you never knew needed filling
    I need to end the space between us

  24. As she stares at the spaces in her house, the spaces in her kitchen, her bedroom, her hall, she sinks to the floor, crushed with the realization that he finally left her.

  25. empty spaces aren’t always empty , you can’t simply trust your eyes around here. The walls of eyes to see and mouths to bite and scream.

  26. spacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesvspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspacesspaces


    rusty anderson
  27. there are so many spaces everywhere, but how come there’s never anyplace to put anything? Too many spaces, not enough stuff. Or perhaps there’s not enough space and way too much stuff…. Either way, people should leave nature alone or completely take over it. That’s all I got to say about spaces.

  28. sometimes when I sit here in these cramped spaces I start to cry out. and there are times, and there are lives, and there are everything. everything. and I’m so free. I’m so free even when I’m not here, and when I am here. god, I love being here in this space. and alone. and together. and there is all that there is, and everything everything everything.

  29. spaces are distance i wish didn’t exist. this is completely ridiculous. just make a decision already, i’m getting old and lonely.

  30. The spaces between me and her were the largest I’ve ever experienced. Even when I held her close, she felt miles away. It wasn’t always like that. There were times I felt closer to her than anything else, like there was no space that mattered at all.

  31. office spaces was a great movie. I only saw part of it but i enjoyed it due to its comedy and sad parts. spaces are a big part of life without them we would be one wall of society and each man would be a brick in that wall. We need space to live.

  32. Idon’tliketohithtespacebar.Ifeellikeitisawasteoftimebut Ifeelmyselftryingtohititaftereachofthesesentences.Ihatehumannature.

  33. there are space in our life that time is with out holding thig in the middle of the air. susuppened. beautfil and annyoning. they make the rest of your life seem plain. like a moment of enlightment followed by the rest of your life. a good time makes everything look bad, a bad time makes everthing else look good.

  34. Space is a wonderful thing. Space is large and abundant, and I can’t help but dream about it at night. There must be many different spaces. People from different planets, towns, countries, including us on Earth and those little things we call Aliens. We must all have a different view on earth, it’s only natural right? Space is a grand thing. There must be someone else looking at it.

    Alex Crane
  35. vexed circles timid and splendid, filling spaces big and small, coloured purple, hearts unmended, people given life for all, colour colour but twice in one, spaces once filled but twice are non.

  36. Spaces, sometimes when you and someone else get into a conflict, spaces appear. you don’t know each other quite well anymore because of these spaces of knowledge between the two of you. these spaces should be filled

  37. the key on the keyboard

    the area between objects


    when you think and then you don’t remember what you thought of

  38. spaces. they seem to be the long lingering inbetweens between this and that. my spaces have been much larger. spanning lifetimes and years. i was just in one for quite some time. and now that i’m out of it. i find everything is totally unfamiliar.

    EA Nanes
  39. Sometimes I wish there weren’t so many between me and those I love. Especially him. But he’ll never know.

  40. Empty spaces
    Filled spaces
    Quiet spaces
    Loud spaces
    Helpless spaces
    Hopeful spaces
    Loving spaces
    Hating spaces
    Spaces there
    Spaces here
    Spaces that
    Spaces this
    Nothing spaces
    Everything spaces
    Forever spaces
    Ending spaces
    Old spaces
    New spaces

    And then there are the spaces in space
    Where we can’t reach
    Where I wish I could go
    And I can’t

    Just like the spaces where you are
    Where I can’t be
    Because each time I am
    My heart beats too fast
    And you glare at me thinking,
    “That girl takes up too much space in these spaces that are forever and never”
