
March 2nd, 2009 | 401 Entries

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401 Entries for “spaces”

  1. Spaces. between the letters on the page, as she wrote the first letter. between the first letter and the second letter, as they wrote to each other less and less frequently. between them as they started to lose touch. She wanted to fix it, to fix the gap. but some spaces just become too big to fix.

  2. I love the open spaces of sky between the clouds. It represents freedom to me. It shows us that even though the sky has cloudy spaces, the stormclouds will pass leaving behind a clear blue sky.

  3. spaces are places where you are. a comfortable space, an uncomfortable space, a meeting space, a space for an event, how much space you have in your living room, outer space, myspace, a virtual space where people can meet, there are all kinds of spaces out there. my personal space is my bedroom, it is comfortable and i like it a lot.

  4. Spaces are great for typing because if we didn’t it work look like this: himynameiscooolio. Actually that’s how people wrote in the middle ages in Europe before monks decided to add spacing between letters. So spaces are great and people who speak and write European languages should thank the monks of the Roman Catholic Church

  5. empty spaces, they are everywhere no matter where you go they will always fallow even in your heart, the only space one special someone can fill. for me that may be impossible to fill for there is simply way to much space.

  6. There aren’t enough spaces! No matter what they all get filled by random clutter. This is the way things are in life for me, in every aspect. It always seems like empty space runs out. This paragraph has many spaces though.

  7. I love the space between the shadows of clouds when you look out the car window. I always wonder if you could run fast enough to keep up with them, if you were out there in the fields.

  8. my spaces. his spaces. our spaces. their spaces. there are no empty spaces left. we’ve filled them with nasty dirty clutter and choked them of life

  9. The space between me and forever.
    It just keeps getting better
    and better.

    Never neither and never none,
    I Can feel the Cosmic fun.

    Alex Baranosky
  10. there are many spaces when you write stories. They are a vital part of the english language and nothing would makes since without spaces. They are about 1 milimeter long.

  11. in life there are loads of empty spaces and we spend our whole lives trying to fill those spaces…with work, with people, with love, with laughter…but sometimes, no matter how hard you try the spaces remain empty…like a pregnant pause and when you try filling up the void you realise, that the more you try to fill it up, the bigger it grows..

    divya anand
  12. spaces.
    Empty ones. Full ones. Spaces all around us. Filling us as we fill them. Spaces that we need, spaces where we live. Spaces. Spaces. Everything is in spaces. Like this white space Im filling.

  13. Ive been trying ever since to fill the spaces you left. The walls don’t look so cluttered but the survivors are beginning to look lonely.

  14. so begins the diatribe against spaces. who’s space’s this? she asked.

    i didn’t answer since the space between us was growing daily.

    why did she need to know?

    it’s my space, relax.



  15. Open spaces, closed spaces. Closing in, claustrophobia. Asphyxiation. Panic.
    Open: freedom, breath, flight. Oxygen at last. My mind is free. Run through the open prairie.

    periwinkle ewok
  16. in the corners of my mind are spaces. spaces that are empty, lost, devoid of any memories, thoughts, or feelings.

    what happened to me?

    The attic is cold, and mother is crying.

    Spider webs brush my hair.

  17. How can the spaces of a room, with windows and doors, be so open but confine so much. Stains on carpets tunneling into stories of what happened, holiday parties and family gatherings. Friends together in one room with full bellies and warm hearts.

  18. blank, very empty, yet filled with so many more spaces, and complete in that sense. Imagine if people couldn’t speak with spaces, itwasallgroupeduplikethis. It would be horrible for those that listen, they’d never know where to begin and end. Although if we didnt know otherwise we wouldn’t mind too much i suppose! Spaces are what make our world whole.

    Nicole Ford
  19. spaces on the keyboard, spaces on the fill in the blanks. Spaces in my heart, between the cracks and growing abyss.

    I love him, is that so hard to tell?

    Will you please just fill the spaces in between the cracks?

    There are empty spaces, spaces needing the closure. Spaces the are willing, willing you to take over.

  20. when i think about what’s missing, all i see are spaces. spaces that maybe once were, or could be, or need to be filled.

  21. empty

    dylan Leitnaker
  22. i’m wondering through the orchard where the leaves are so heavy with the rain that morning and it didn’t stop until the tractors went by quickly and their daughters and such full lips that i could hardly keep my eyes straight and i did slam the door in his face and i’d do it again he shouldn’t have.

  23. spaces are spaces.. they dont need ot be filled up.. they are there for peace of mind.. or the total opposite

  24. THey are between the words I am typing. I actually think of space, not spaces. I think of space because of Armageddon and the significance of that movie to me. I think space is mesmerizing. There are so many possibilities and mysteries. It is one of the few things that I feel our society today has not ruined the mystery of yet. I can wonder and anything can be possible. Black holes, dark matter, it’s a world just waiting to be discovered!

  25. The wide open space made her feel so closed in. She always wondered why that was. Why in a corwd of people she was always the only one. I guess it went back to a time where she wasn’t the only one. that that was what scared her.

  26. Spaces — the final frontiers.

    Joseph Leff
  27. spaces. there are so many types of spaces. living spaces, dyeing spaces. small and large spaces. a space is determined, for me, by what it holds. people change the space.

  28. it’s a bar. i’ve used it six, no eight times already.

    or it’s the emptiness that we always seem to explain or disrupt, just so we can break the eerie silence, distance, or unknown.

    spaces. they’re the placements in life that we try to get to because our own space and time seem to be unsatisfactory.

    Paul Jinwoo Lee
  29. open spaces. I go to the slab often and look out over the bay. It’s a simple slab of concrete that hangs out over the water. People sit there. Kids sit there. there’s graffiti on the wall you lean up against. i think. i breathe.

  30. are the things that remain between us. they draw us apart, but when we can close the gaps, great things can happen. things like love and magic.

  31. so much empty between them. wide open. how far to the next one. how big is this one. is there air in between? Can you breathe in the spaces?

  32. Empty. Filling up with whatever you put there. Leaving you with an opinion. Formed by the contents of your imagination. Where could it take you? To spaces you’ve never been before. Perhaps inhabited by others. Or new. New worlds of words. Just waiting to be discovered.

  33. space, never full, never empty, always there they never fill me never leave me empty always there, space what the do where does it begin where does it end?

  34. Spaces are where you go to find context. They give you a feeling and a way to be, and a mood. Spaces give everything meaning, and when you fill them, you give them meaning. Spaces are why we are. Without space, we can’t be. Spaces are where parties happen, where heartbreak happens, where life happens.

  35. The spaces between my heart and yours, my hand and yours, my body and yours has become so painful. It’s incredibly hard to imagine life without you, even if you forever remain this far away though.

  36. head spaces. i need my spaces.. wide open spaces. isn’t that a country song? i think my life is becoming a bit like a country song – twangy with a sad, corny plotline. and big hair.

    sad girl
  37. In all of the spaces in my house, it was the dumb waiter I preferred the most. I could enter into it, and be magically transported to another world. At first I would start in our kitchen, of course, but where would I end up, the bottom of the ocean, with a menacing squid with monstrous tentacles, or perhaps in the ancient catacombs of lost junk to become lost in for ages.

    Anthony Tomes
  38. so well i dont know im just like bored and confused over who im with and boys so like its confuseing in my life right now… more than i can say and youd think i had no life but my friend is just thinking im all bout myself when im not….

  39. spaces are what make the world. each thing has its space and its spot to go and to be. spaces in between people make up our personal space. we have our space to live. space is also bigger than us. the whole universe is a large open space. spaces are where people can be and live and express ourselves. space is bigger than we are and bigger than everything

    Sara Bergeron
  40. The things that aren’t occupied by an object, such as inbetween things. Not a form of matter as it is empty. Largest space is space itself located outside of the atmosphere of the earth. There all also spaces u can occupy in games and such. These are used to indicate where you are located in the game.
