
August 22nd, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “spaceship”

  1. Flimsy metal barely nailed together in a rough tubular shape, some paper on top to make a cone. Stars drawn in crayon and helmets made from old snack containers.

  2. Spaceship, far, far, away into the quiet, into the dark, into floating, bobbing like a jellyfish in a sea of rocks and stars, into stillness, always moving

  3. what the fuck is this? i thought it was a webpage for the alliance. This seems to be a shitty writing blog. I hope someone has to read this and waist their day. [*waste —Editor]

  4. Living on the spaceship was a challenge when she first arrived. The quarters were cramped and she constantly seemed to bump up against the other crew members when she moved. The air was smelly – cooking smells and the smells of unwashed bodies. But after a while, she stopped noticing the smells and she instinctively knew how to avoid the other crew members.
