so many specific things to do, so many words. get the particulars out, get them to be given to you. the devil is in these details, in these specifics. a color, a texture, a sound, a song. the third line, the fourth word. what exactly is it that you are saying?
Robert K. Wolf
Hm. I’m not a very specific person. I can’t go into details on a single subject, unless it’s really dragged out of me. I could probably be more specific in this thing, but i’ve decided not to be.
J Sal
i want to be specific, but you can’t see the big picture, it’s like… there’s always another thing inside a thing and so on.
I’m trying to think of something specific to write…but nothing comes to mind.
I’d like to be specific about what I’m writing, I just don’t know exactly how specific I have to be about any specific subject, or any specific phrase.
At any specific time, there is nothing much to keep you from stopping.
Juan Cisneros
Specifically, I’d like to climb to the top of my mountain, to swim across the sea of enriched culture. I’d like to conquer the world, and myself. I’d like to be spontaneous, more than anyone in this world. Specifically, I’d love to challenge my doubts, along with yours. I’d like to jump into life without testing the water, I’d like to laugh in the rain for no reason and not feel silly. Specifically, I want to travel the world and break my ties with this town. I’d like to win the lottery and give it ALL to a charity. I’d like to live in a hut I made myself for a year, just to see how Laura Ingalls felt. Specifically, I’d like to buy a bus and trip across the country, defying society’s idea of responsibility and commitment. Specifically, I’d like to do anything but what I’m expected to. Rise above the world’s watchful, scornful eyes that keep you “in your place”. Specifically, I’d like to not be me.
Try to be specific…
I can try, but it doesn’t mean I’ll get anything done. There’s too much, everywhere, it gets all jumbled up til nothing is individual anymore. Its lost and a big pile of mush. There is nothing specific about it. Apart from the colour of it.
I wonder what it would be like if there were no mirrors in the world.
I wonder what the world would be like if there wern’t any mirrors.
Everything had to be perfect, it had to be Specific. If it wasn’t how was he going to get anything done. Who cares if the guy next to him got everything done with that paperclip out of place? It bothered him.
it was kinda weird how careful she was with her life. never a hair out of place. never a wrinkle. never. so specific in her movements to make sure the outsider would be able to observe her and know exactly how she acted.
She was so specific in everything she did. She was specific in how she gave directions, how she parted her hair, and how she chose her men. He was 23, young, and active. The romance took place in a vague area of California.
shelby burgr
Be specific. Do you want to know if I’m going to be on the internet doing my homework…or am I just going to be on the internet…doing what I may, wasting time until there’s simply no time left to finish this damn Mark Twain paper. I’ll be more specid
Tony Ray
It was a specific reason that John had entered the room, though what that specific reason was, he could no longer remember. The shear awe and shock of what assailed his senses took any chance of remembering what specifically he was planning on.
There are certain events in out lives, specific moments of profound interest. These times, specific in only there impact to us, warp and change the foundations of our persona.
You have to be specific about things, otherwise you will not get what you are asking for nor what you are looking for. It is okay to be specific!
C. Aaron
That is the exact reason that i was specific in my request for a reply. I do not know how much clearer i can be about needing a specific answer to my question. You may
Around a white lake brimming with bubbly foam from an underground gas leak, your eyes flash across from me seeming trapped, exposed. It is a curious circumstance to have all the power in a moment, a pause between conversations like a train just about to leave the station. If you could see my eyes they would be laughing at you, but you’ve never been quite that accurate at interpreting emotion. Oh, my dear, what I wouldn’t give to throw this lake away bubbles and all and dive into that abyss with you where you’re would never feel that cornered. If I could forgive, if I could forget, that’s exactly what I’d do.
You need to be precise, if you want to get what you want.
Nathalie Allard
Specific is a pretty weird word to write about. There’s nothing you can really specifically wrote about. In that respect I suppose it is sort of funny. Not in a haha sort of way but more of a contemplative, socratic way.
Ah so little time! Think. Oh dear. Specific is my word. Errr. The most specific fact I know is that … crap.
Kit Mackenzie
it is true. specificity is a good feeling being that it secures a spot in whatever it is you’re doing. It’s a purpose and a meaning all in one. A moment, an idea, but related to one item making it an easy target for further review.
everything now a days has to be specific.
perfection is what we strive for.
but in realitity who wants perfection.
specific things are irrelivant to things that we need. specifics are STUPiD.
there is nothing that is completely visible or understood no matter how much we all try to make everything transparent with details and thoughts meant to make things specific and completely understandablke
I specifically don’t like this word. It is too narrow, too sharp, too cold. It does not think about the bigger picture.
Laura Waters
things are not very specific out here in this have people with different views opinions strategies. only things that are specific are natural, because nature has a specific pattern of change.
Kuldeep Pawar
the opposite of simple.
sort of like a category.
I hate when people stress out over the specifics. Why must you quibble over minuscule details that nobody really cares about? Why must you annoy everyone with your incessant argumentation? Why can you not be quiet and accept that you cannot win everything?
Exactness, to the point, cookies, chicken, I’m hungry, pb and J to be Specific, food, not general
BE SPECIFIC. What if I don’t want to be specific? In school, we’re always told to hone down on the details. What if I want to paint a beautiful picture, pouring gallons of paint into each and every stroke to create a lovely image instead of presenting a ready-made image with no thoughts or feelings put into it?
specifically frank
haikus are just for people
with so little time
I like to get specific. About everything. Details matter. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. There is no original idea left to be thought of. We borrow, steal, recycle the same stories and change only the characters and names of places, terms for objects. Proper nouns, to be specific.
I’m looking for a specific situation, one that both of us are going to like.
Let’s be specific about all the details, make this faerietale the best we can get.
Let’s take a daydream together and imagine everything that can go right with this, make it all perfect.
We want this to last forever, don’t we?
Let’s be specific. What do you want, what don’t you want.. what do I want?
Let’s just stay here for a while, why not? and be specific. :)
cant you just be more ________ with where we are going? I have trains, buses, planes, carpools to catch, and I don’t know where they are going. Peruse my intellect and take what you see that you like, but please, remain __________. Still.
Dont be specific. Be vague. Specific never got you anywhere. Sure, people would like you to be more specific, but what do they know. Go ahead, make them guess a little bit. It never hurt anyone.
commands. people need to be more specific about their commands. especially my sister.
I’ve done this..
Justine Kimberley
I don’t really like people who aren’t specific about things, I mean, it’s so easily done.
All you have to do, is specify what you’re actually on about. You know, so I don’t get confused when you tell me your simplistic shite!
Justine Kimberley
Though there is no specific reason behind my wanderings across the streets of paris, however the sheer joy of looking at the architecture of monuments and a keen interest in going into the specifics of their design is the prime motivator for me to visit this place alone.
Jitendra Sharma
small details of cogs and dials each connecting to each other with wires and electrodes set apart at some distance a current flowing between all parts in a dynamic of time
so many specific things to do, so many words. get the particulars out, get them to be given to you. the devil is in these details, in these specifics. a color, a texture, a sound, a song. the third line, the fourth word. what exactly is it that you are saying?
Hm. I’m not a very specific person. I can’t go into details on a single subject, unless it’s really dragged out of me. I could probably be more specific in this thing, but i’ve decided not to be.
i want to be specific, but you can’t see the big picture, it’s like… there’s always another thing inside a thing and so on.
I’m trying to think of something specific to write…but nothing comes to mind.
I’d like to be specific about what I’m writing, I just don’t know exactly how specific I have to be about any specific subject, or any specific phrase.
At any specific time, there is nothing much to keep you from stopping.
Specifically, I’d like to climb to the top of my mountain, to swim across the sea of enriched culture. I’d like to conquer the world, and myself. I’d like to be spontaneous, more than anyone in this world. Specifically, I’d love to challenge my doubts, along with yours. I’d like to jump into life without testing the water, I’d like to laugh in the rain for no reason and not feel silly. Specifically, I want to travel the world and break my ties with this town. I’d like to win the lottery and give it ALL to a charity. I’d like to live in a hut I made myself for a year, just to see how Laura Ingalls felt. Specifically, I’d like to buy a bus and trip across the country, defying society’s idea of responsibility and commitment. Specifically, I’d like to do anything but what I’m expected to. Rise above the world’s watchful, scornful eyes that keep you “in your place”. Specifically, I’d like to not be me.
Try to be specific…
I can try, but it doesn’t mean I’ll get anything done. There’s too much, everywhere, it gets all jumbled up til nothing is individual anymore. Its lost and a big pile of mush. There is nothing specific about it. Apart from the colour of it.
I wonder what it would be like if there were no mirrors in the world.
I wonder what the world would be like if there wern’t any mirrors.
Everything had to be perfect, it had to be Specific. If it wasn’t how was he going to get anything done. Who cares if the guy next to him got everything done with that paperclip out of place? It bothered him.
it was kinda weird how careful she was with her life. never a hair out of place. never a wrinkle. never. so specific in her movements to make sure the outsider would be able to observe her and know exactly how she acted.
She was so specific in everything she did. She was specific in how she gave directions, how she parted her hair, and how she chose her men. He was 23, young, and active. The romance took place in a vague area of California.
Be specific. Do you want to know if I’m going to be on the internet doing my homework…or am I just going to be on the internet…doing what I may, wasting time until there’s simply no time left to finish this damn Mark Twain paper. I’ll be more specid
It was a specific reason that John had entered the room, though what that specific reason was, he could no longer remember. The shear awe and shock of what assailed his senses took any chance of remembering what specifically he was planning on.
There are certain events in out lives, specific moments of profound interest. These times, specific in only there impact to us, warp and change the foundations of our persona.
You have to be specific about things, otherwise you will not get what you are asking for nor what you are looking for. It is okay to be specific!
That is the exact reason that i was specific in my request for a reply. I do not know how much clearer i can be about needing a specific answer to my question. You may
Around a white lake brimming with bubbly foam from an underground gas leak, your eyes flash across from me seeming trapped, exposed. It is a curious circumstance to have all the power in a moment, a pause between conversations like a train just about to leave the station. If you could see my eyes they would be laughing at you, but you’ve never been quite that accurate at interpreting emotion. Oh, my dear, what I wouldn’t give to throw this lake away bubbles and all and dive into that abyss with you where you’re would never feel that cornered. If I could forgive, if I could forget, that’s exactly what I’d do.
You need to be precise, if you want to get what you want.
Specific is a pretty weird word to write about. There’s nothing you can really specifically wrote about. In that respect I suppose it is sort of funny. Not in a haha sort of way but more of a contemplative, socratic way.
Ah so little time! Think. Oh dear. Specific is my word. Errr. The most specific fact I know is that … crap.
it is true. specificity is a good feeling being that it secures a spot in whatever it is you’re doing. It’s a purpose and a meaning all in one. A moment, an idea, but related to one item making it an easy target for further review.
everything now a days has to be specific.
perfection is what we strive for.
but in realitity who wants perfection.
specific things are irrelivant to things that we need. specifics are STUPiD.
there is nothing that is completely visible or understood no matter how much we all try to make everything transparent with details and thoughts meant to make things specific and completely understandablke
I specifically don’t like this word. It is too narrow, too sharp, too cold. It does not think about the bigger picture.
things are not very specific out here in this have people with different views opinions strategies. only things that are specific are natural, because nature has a specific pattern of change.
the opposite of simple.
sort of like a category.
I hate when people stress out over the specifics. Why must you quibble over minuscule details that nobody really cares about? Why must you annoy everyone with your incessant argumentation? Why can you not be quiet and accept that you cannot win everything?
Exactness, to the point, cookies, chicken, I’m hungry, pb and J to be Specific, food, not general
BE SPECIFIC. What if I don’t want to be specific? In school, we’re always told to hone down on the details. What if I want to paint a beautiful picture, pouring gallons of paint into each and every stroke to create a lovely image instead of presenting a ready-made image with no thoughts or feelings put into it?
specifically frank
haikus are just for people
with so little time
I like to get specific. About everything. Details matter. It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it. There is no original idea left to be thought of. We borrow, steal, recycle the same stories and change only the characters and names of places, terms for objects. Proper nouns, to be specific.
I’m looking for a specific situation, one that both of us are going to like.
Let’s be specific about all the details, make this faerietale the best we can get.
Let’s take a daydream together and imagine everything that can go right with this, make it all perfect.
We want this to last forever, don’t we?
Let’s be specific. What do you want, what don’t you want.. what do I want?
Let’s just stay here for a while, why not? and be specific. :)
cant you just be more ________ with where we are going? I have trains, buses, planes, carpools to catch, and I don’t know where they are going. Peruse my intellect and take what you see that you like, but please, remain __________. Still.
Dont be specific. Be vague. Specific never got you anywhere. Sure, people would like you to be more specific, but what do they know. Go ahead, make them guess a little bit. It never hurt anyone.
commands. people need to be more specific about their commands. especially my sister.
I’ve done this..
I don’t really like people who aren’t specific about things, I mean, it’s so easily done.
All you have to do, is specify what you’re actually on about. You know, so I don’t get confused when you tell me your simplistic shite!
Though there is no specific reason behind my wanderings across the streets of paris, however the sheer joy of looking at the architecture of monuments and a keen interest in going into the specifics of their design is the prime motivator for me to visit this place alone.
small details of cogs and dials each connecting to each other with wires and electrodes set apart at some distance a current flowing between all parts in a dynamic of time