
January 14th, 2010 | 671 Entries

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671 Entries for “spot”

  1. i spot compassion is an organization that helps teens find community service that they’re passionate about. I’m supposed to help kids, but all i can think of is a tattered copy of “I Spot” the dog stories from the fifties, on a wet sidewalk somewhere. We all look for recollection, meaning, but where can connection be found?

    Laurel Marks
  2. This is a gay word. Seriously. Spot.
    Nope, this is gay. I can’t write anything.
    I haven’t had any sleep.
    I have been awake for more than 22 hours straight, and my eyes are starting to hurt.
    I am starting to see spots.
    There, I used the word spot in this 60-second bullshit thing. Whatever.

  3. There is a spot above my forehead and I try and scrub and scrub and it will not disappear. I don’t want this spot here! Is it a marker or maybe ink from my class? I don’t care. It doesn’t belong here.

    Chelsea Rogers
  4. This is possibly the most cliche dog name since they were first domesticated.

  5. spotty teenage faced wreck. he’s just seventeen. he doesn’t know what’s to come. the spot marks his dirty life, his stress, his weaknesses and his vulnerabilities. a penalty spot kick.

  6. spot the dog used to have some really cool ads here in nz. he used to promote out phone company and evryone wanted little fox terries because of spot. I think he died? still cute though. wow 60 seconds is quite long when you have no idea what to write!! ohw ell im sure someone will find this slightly interesting. who cares lol. seeya! from tash in new zealand it looks like it is carrying on.. does it not automatically stop after 60 seconds?!

  7. today I wake up with the strange fieling of being thinking in plans and projects and dream about them, thing that inever hapen to me before , i dont’ nok if is good or not to have a problem of not being enough acompany with girls or having a great

  8. Spot like the dog, you always see him run. Go spot go! But where does he go? Where can he go…when he’s on such a short leash?

    Kate Rose
  9. periods. the perfect place that only you know about. dogs. patterns

  10. Ahh, but to think… Once, not so long ago, I was strolling down a long and dark road, when I spotted a man who was to change my life. He stood there, all alone, unassuming, never arousing any suspicion or enticing a second glance.

  11. There is a dog with a spot on one eye. His name is Spot because of that one spot of course. Can you possibly guess how he got that name? It was because one day, his owner went on and had the suggestion spot- and thus- the dog spot was created! Spot should have his own theme song in my opinion.

  12. spot. where is the best spot to start writing this story, when i only have sixty seconds and i am not allowed, by any means, to stop typing or start thinking during this sixty seconds. so where is the spot to start? what is the point of even starting if i am limited to sixty seconds and therefore can never finish. is it worth starting something if you know from the beginning that you can’t finish it?

  13. as the spots in my eyes settled,And my vision focused, I saw you in my mind’s eye. Of course. It has always been you. Take up the spot in my mind and heart. Always always always.

  14. The spot on the carpet was all that remained of the time they had spent together. In one final act of rage, she had struck him across the face, fracturing his nose, spilling the thick drop of blood onto the carpet.

  15. there is really a hot spot in the writing class, as we discuss various interesting and confusing concepts. Anyway, I actually have fallen in love with this class.

  16. The spot on the horizon was too far away, yet it soon became more clear. It was an airplane, a Boeing 747, sailing as if away from the sunset. It was a strange sight, yet at the same time oddly comforting. The surreal landscape and the calming sound of the wind passing by made the sight that much more amazing.

    Amanda Biondi
  17. a writing desk

  18. its a dogs name, but i don’t think in my whole life have i ever met a dog named spot. I bet that it’d be the best dog in the world, it’d be everything a dog should be. I’m thinking

  19. its a blood that sometimes seen in the skirts or pants of the woman:D…being in the sot is nice..on stage…performing in stage for making everybody amused

  20. Why do I automatically think of a dog? I have never known of a dog named spot. Spot, bot, lot, rot, robot, sot, clot, trot. Booyah spot.

    Ted S
  21. The spot is a symbol of difference, a marking of him being unique. So go ahead, laugh, tease, talk behind his back. For he’s my dog, and he doesn’t care one bit.

  22. spot. its like a speck of dirt on a clean white bedsheet. or a clean white canvas. spot, like the brown spot on a puppy’s fur. so smooth and random. spot, like how i “spot” you from a distance. because i love you. and you’re that one “spot” in my heart that i can’t ever let go. you are the spot in my heart.

    Gracee Chan
  23. spots are cool there are polka dots which look pretty, i call my friend tiffanie polka dot i think it was because her backpack had polka dots but i am not sure so yeah the end. when i was little i think i read a book with a dog named spot or soemthing but spots on teh carpet annoy my mother those are usually caused by me so thats my fualt because i spill a lot of things.

    tiffany k (:
  24. spot me. you can’t find me. i am invisible. but some one’s looking for me. that’s why there’s the word spot. i’m not completely invisible. just hidden between a million other things.

  25. A chilly fall breeze blew through my front yard as I sat at the old white picket fence, watching the paint peel reliving all the old memories.
    The way we would run around in sudden fits of insanity and energy, cuddling at night.
    It’s been a month since Spot ran away, and I’ve sat here in this same spot ever since, waiting for him to come home…

  26. I spot a frog on a log. I spot him jumping about into the street. He’s hit. The driver never sees or notices what happens. Is it this way when we all die? Its cause by someone and never noticed? Are we all slowly dying form someone else. I spot a dead frog.

  27. The spot on the carpet will never come out. It’s impossible, that thing is there forever.

  28. It is in the way of perfection. Why is it not clean. i wish it would go away… i suppose it adds character. it could be a dog too. Maybe like the target dog!

  29. spot

  30. there was a dog named spot he had a cousin named dot. Spot had one spot on his left eye. He was black and white. Spot had a litter of puppies with the neighbor dog and each one of them had one spot each. There are really cute and

  31. it was bright andd red and just kept growing and growing. she couldn’t stop it, couldn’t hold it in any longer, it was stronger and stronger without and within her and no, it didn’t make sense.
    where hhad this come from? she was so sure of herself, always so sure, but then the keys of the typewriter lied. it was the holes within her eyes and the markings over her dog and all of it and everything.

  32. The dog has spots. Not my dog but alot of dogs do. There is a spot on my jeans, my grey jeans, and it won’t come out. I’m not quite sure what it is. There is a spot on my ceiling from when my friend through the goopy Halloween eyeball and it got stuck.

    Spencer Fields
  33. sometimes i spot the differences in us all, but in the end, we are all human so does it really matter?

  34. and black splotch, or the name of a dog. see spot run. with his black leash running away from his owner who was just trying to take him for a walk since it was nice and sunny outside!!! what an ungrateful dog…

  35. i have a spot in my eye. its small and brown and right next to the iris. people always notice it. i like having it, but i feel stupid for saying so. its small quirks like that that make me feel fake. i don’t know. maybe i am over thinking.

  36. spot the difference

  37. i hate spots. I’m more of a stripes person. spots shouldn’t belong anywhere, they are useless and serve no purpose other than ugly embellishments.

  38. I have sixty seconds to write about spots? What can you possible write? Then again, better to actually be writing than not- then this can devolve entirely into an exercise of writing

  39. see spot run. my old dalmatian had spots. he had lots of spots. cheetahs have spots too. i wish i was a cheetah. then i’d be super fast. sigh. spots are cool, i guess. i like stripes better, personally. but sometimes spots can be all right. spots spots spots. hummm. i’m looking around my room for something spotted. i have nothing. my plate is SPOTTED with crumbs.. damn that cookie was delicious. um the sprite can above me has little spots. kind of. more like faux spots. they wish they were spots. they can’t hope to be real spots.

  40. a spot is just a spot.there are all sizes.Different colors as well.Some people see spots,some never notice.It all depends I guess
