
January 14th, 2010 | 671 Entries

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671 Entries for “spot”

  1. a small dot on a page i don
    t understand this is really cool though I’m kinda into it right now spot is the color pink this is very bizarre i’m confused spot spot secret spot

  2. Spotted. Black. Marked. Broken.

    He is all of those things.

    A black dot on a strip of land covered in greens and yellows.

    A strange and unusual sight for anyone looking out.

  3. i just feel like i am being put on the spot all the time. it’s not a good feeling.

  4. a dogs name, a place/area, to cover someone moneywise

    Jessica Barakat
  5. See spot run. He runs everywhere. He is covered in spots. He is a cute and precious. A Dalmation of course. He chases the mail man, always beginning for treats. He is fun to play with. Spot likes people.

  6. when i think of spot, i thinkg of that show on nickelodeon, about a girl named maggie or something and she had a big fat spotted thing as a friend, that show fucking sucked

  7. There was a spot on the floor, the kind that doesn’t fade away with time but just seems to sink deeper and deeper. The house cleaners tried to get rid of it, but it stuck there like the permanent hole in my heart from where you opened me up and forgot to stitch me back together. That spot on the floor holds more stories than my life, maybe that’s why it doesn’t fade away it’s not done speaking.

  8. I was sitting there. Never spoken. Words deep. never released. There he is. First moments seen. In the back of my mind. In the back of my brain. In the back of my soul. Words. Never spoken. Never seen. Never wanted. Always here.

  9. i spot a boy, he’s absolutely gorgeous, flawless in fact. everything about him is. from his lush hair, to his big twinkling eyes. i’m sure he has a of gold. he MUST. he’s angelic. a god, placed upon this earth.

  10. Spot. There is a spot on my mind, a stain, that can never be drawn out or erased. It will remain, and I am afraid, so afraid. Spotting. Spottage. I don’t know anymore.

  11. spot. the spot on the wall. spots are like dots. hey that rhymes. i like spots and lots of people call their dog spot. Spot is a common dog’s name because dogs usually have dots on them. If the spot is on the face or behind the ear the owners call the dog spot. Spots can mean many things like a dot or spot on them wall.

  12. I love spots because they are perfectly round and can be colorful. I don’t like seeing the same things but spots are an exception. Especially ironic or random spots. They can be entertaining. For real.

  13. spot like a spot on your shirt or on the back of your airplane seat, the last place you want to see a spot because thats how you know they don’t clean. spot like the mole on your chin or the beauty mark on your wrist. so cute, adorable, young.

  14. spots are spots i’m afraid of dots

  15. I looked frantically over the heads of the surging crowd, pushing my way through the throes of people. Where was she? I couldn’t spot her anywhere. My poor Madeleine.. all alone in the city.

  16. spot the bot the toilet pot

  17. Spots are very nice nice. Laser guns go pew pew pew. ;D

  18. Spots are spotty. Spotty spot. I knew a dog. His name was Spot. Spot ran into the hood. And got shot. Spot’s life was over. Spot got shot. Pot. Knot. Cot.

  19. spots…like on dogs and…monkeys? no. see spot run. spot see spot do, see spot pee on you. spots spots. i want spots on my walls. lime green. like kiwi fruits or trees? no. that’s stupid. why are dogs always named spot? that’s dumb. like really really stupidly dumb.

  20. spot? the dog? I remember reading that book when I was little. Either that or I didn’t actually read that book and I just watched that tv show called spot about that puppy. He was one little rascal, that spot. Shit that is actually going to bug me now? Did I READ IT? I don’t fucking know!

  21. the dog had a spot on his back, the spot ran away. The dog didn’t have a spot anymore. It was gone. bye. Dark spot…Dark spot…Dark Spot.

  22. Like the dog

  23. i spotted you like a spot on a dog in the rain and it is generic the classic name but noone really likes it, just uses it anyway but my sister always spills on herself when she eats, either that or it flows down and through her fingers and i can’t stand that, or understand it. spots on her clothes, spots on your skin, spotting them now

  24. spots, everywhere. black and white. colorful? rainbow? wouldn’t cruella deville love that? she would. she’d have rainbow mink coats. and no more dealt poor puppies. spots. shapes. spots. good S words indeed. good, what else could come to mind.

  25. there is a spot where you almost held my hand – it was like a tumor, and i knew that this was the beginning of something big. a black hole. infinite, no end – only new beginnings.
    you have the of a da vinci painting the teeth of a snake – mysterious and quizzical

  26. the first thing i think of is a stain liek a spot of coffee or blood on a carpet or a dalmation dog named spot cuse all dogs with spots are named spot basically and soo yeahh and a spot can also be if you get dizzy you see many ofthese floating around your head and thats when you know your screwedd up and

  27. See spot. See spot run. Be careful not to get anymore vodka on that spot, or it will run all over the damned place.

    See cigarette…

    R. Panic
  28. If I had a spot of coke on my finger, I would snort it right up right now. Right? Thats what I should do. I shouldn’t waste it. Crack addicts would go crazy for this shit.

  29. I saw a spot on the girl’s shirt. I wondered where it came from. I mean, it’s not like she was a messy eater, I’d watched her eat before. Maybe it was her friends’ faults. Maybe they spilled something on it.
    I overheard her saying it was her favorite shirt.
    I don’t know how I’d feel about wearing a shirt with a spot on it, if it was that big and noticeable.
    I don’t know.
    Spot, spot, spot, spot.

  30. the spot on the wall was a brazen red. A crimson that seeped. And strangely, it didn’t frighten her. She reached up, and touched it with the tips of her fingers, the red kissing the skin, lightly.

  31. Spots on my head are becoming fainter and fainter. I begin to read books, magazines, love stories about this mythical creature growing on my head. I call him Frank, and originally he was living in a tree. Spots on my head are becoming fainter and fainter.

  32. there was a spot on my shirt today it was made up of ketchup. it screamed at me telling me to remove it. i could not reach I have no arms and my tongue is not long enough. to bad thats life

  33. I used to dream of having my own spot, in the world, starting with a personal spot in my house: surrounded by objects that

  34. I have a spot on my jeans and I don’t know where it came from. It kind of breaks my heart every damn time I see it because they are my favorite pair of jeans and now they are ruined.

    this is a total lie.

    Cassie Wright
  35. that spot in my basement. we stayed awake till the sun came up. the carpet was rough. there were people around but we didnt care. everytime i pick the scabs off my elbow i think of you.

  36. i spotted a cloud today. a spot cloud. as people passed by they spotted it as only a spot.
    but i saw a masterpiece. of cotton and candy and cottoncandy and life.
    and it spotted me too.

  37. i remember when i was little there was a tv show called spot. he was yellow and had a bid brown spot on his body. what made him special was that he only had one spot and looked distinctly different to his mumma dog.

  38. A spot is on a leopard. I think it’s a leopard with spots? Or maybe a jaguar- no, it’s definitely a leopard. It’s funny that that’s literally the only thing I can think about when the word spot comes up. Not the verb, not a spot, like a place, not even a polka dot kinda spot, but the pattern of an animal I’ve never seen before in my life, that I don’t even see that much in pictures or anything.


  40. One day the girl spotted a boy staring at her through the glass pane of the church window. The boy’s face was blurred and there were spots of color dancing on his face from the light shining through the window. Her eyes caught his and she stared at him, unsure of her actions and his as well.
