
November 23rd, 2009 | 832 Entries

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832 Entries for “spotlight”

  1. stage

  2. spotight.. . nhdiybvbasjdbhiyydasjbdh vjgyofudjbal bsf isudjswjdjdjdjdjduduudjd d ddmdjdd ddsdkbdjks dn chbajsdnkhbj skjk

  3. it’s scary to be in the spotlight. everyone’s looking at you, you’re out there, bare, before everyone. something is expected of you. you must have something important to do or say, you’re in the spotlight.

  4. one time I was on stage and the spotlight was hitting me, i was probably 12. It was grade 8. So i dont knowt he age. i was playing Old Yupic. it was the character with tons of lines in the christmas play. I was so nervous. But it was fun” i was chosen for the part cause i could do an old man voice. im a girl :) love life.

  5. where you are and where i want to be.

  6. spotlight is something that i want to be in for something significant. spotlight is something i do not want to be in for something bad, boring and insignificant.

  7. i think this is a word that makes people nervous i know it makes me nervouse because it makes me think of being put on the spot about something, or being in trouble. Maybe performing infront of alot of people with a spotlight on you which ive always wanted to do but been too

  8. the light shining on shit with bright intensity, illuminating all in its path, just fucking shit up all day, blinding light so bright and brilliant. noway. noway.

  9. I love being in the spotlight, I love that attention because it makes me feel important; validated. Like someone else out there sees me.

  10. this is where the show starts, the breakdown of a spark flown from the sky through my eyes gazing up at yours

  11. reflex

  12. He threw his hands up in the air, bidding the audience, his followers, pray to him. In this glorified stance, microphone in hand, legs spread in a tangle of wires, he breathed. One breath and they were out of their trance, as he sponged his fame, in the spotlight.

  13. flashin lights…dun dun da da dun..

  14. I always want to be in the spotlight, but I never want anyone to know that. I want to appear to be the carefree dude, when in reality I’m always planning and working to make things be the way I want. Oh well.

  15. You’re the show today. You always are, you feed off of stares and laughter, all directed at you. I hope you feel happy, but your fame won’t last. We’ll get tired and you’ll be old news. The girl from yester-year. I hope you still feel happy.

  16. i am in the spotlight all of the time, even when im not. im a light in the spot, and a spot in the light. my mind is consumed with the spotlight.

  17. Broadway is a interesting place Ive always kind of wanted to go just once. I don’t think id fit in per say with the crowd but it would be an unforgettable experience.

  18. poop.

  19. i like being in the spotlight. bright dancing and people and jokes. flowers make people happy when theyre in the spot light clapping standing ovation someone slipping on a banana peel and more laughing some guy talking on his cellphone. ANNOYING! babies crying also annoying distracting me from

    mina katie
  20. It makes me feel like I’m on a stage by myself. Standing there. All eyes on me. No one else matters and no one cares. Just me. All by myself. Me.

  21. Feeling of exposure. Light bright and in my eyes. What has become of me? I haven’t been like this in a while. My mind is now open to all sorts of ideas. Unbearable light. Unfair light. Scorching through my brain.

    Skyler Self
  22. When i met you it felt like i was in the spotlight. you thought i was beautiful. i was no longer invisible. but you had created the spotlight for the person you wanted me to be, not me. i’ll never be her. i learned this the hard way. you’ll try, but never again will i fall for you.

  23. deer in headlights….spotlight….burning bright…spotlight….light the sky please don’t die

  24. used to see in the dark. can be turned on and off. Scares dear. costs an extra penny. Where the performer in, (in th spot light)

  25. in the spotlight how cliche how clinched how soft and focused how hard and demeaning. brights lights like incessant yelling. bright lights like incessant eye stabs. god grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change one of which being a child star

  26. I can’t understand how the dumbass of an ex husband can possibly think that 68 dollaz is too much to pay for a child that he helped create… annoys me to no end that my daughter is only worth 40 dollaz a week to him now! how about spend a lil time with her and see how much she’s really worth!

  27. all i can think of is theater related stuff.

    Like that one Muppet Movie song. “You’re in the SPOTLIGHT!”

    I wish I had gotten into the theater. It sounded like fun. But I guess that it’s just another one of those things that I have to chalk up under the “outside observer” category.

    Uh…I don’t have much more to say about this.

  28. mary fairy, there’s a different word each day. just so you know.

  29. oh my sweet lord jesus.. i got spotlight three times in a row now…

    mary fairy
  30. again? with the spotlight? is this the only word on here? its a little annoying.. what am i supposed to say this time.. the same drivel as before? i find this irritating and ridiculous, much like the song spotlight.. omg.. annoying!!

    mary fairy
  31. She stood in the spotlight, the warmth from the bright bulb hitting being absorbed by her skin. It was uncomfortably warm and she could feel thousands of eyes staring at her, waiting to see when she would begin. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, and then raised the violin to her left shoulder and began to play.

  32. wonderful and beautiful goldie hawn deserves the spotlight to always shine on her, she is amazing, and i love her. i’ve heard that mariah carey insists on having her own spotlight everywhere she goes, how wierd is that? and also on being light a certain way… oh the sheltered yet mental life they lead in hollywood.

    mary fairy
  33. I want to be in it. I want to be an actress. I don’t even want to be famous, I want to make a living.

  34. Panic! Everyone’s looking, anxiously awaiting what I’ll say. What do I do???? I freeze, stumble over a few words, try to say something funny, laugh at myself hoping that what I said was actually funny and that someone else laughs.

    Niecy Nelson
  35. i hate that song spotlight by jennifer hudson

  36. I’m the lead this year, the light shining on my opaque face, glittering in the moment of my absolute glory. All the attention, all the praise, all the envy sits at my feet. Everyone else can suck it because I’ll be the star. Come and see the show, I’ll be great. For once, it’s my turn. Revenge of the curtain girl.

  37. un rayo de luz, como a miles de a

  38. stars, celebrities, stage fright, nervous

  39. There is a spotlight shining down on me and my life. This is my time and I won’t let anything stand in the way of my goals. God, I feel empowered right now. Where did that come from?

  40. The kind of thing you like to see in focus. I would love to be in the spotlight for once in my life, just like my father and his father. There’s something so fantastic about being noticed, even if it is for the slightest of human achievement. There are so many I know who deserve to be in the spotlight, and would do so much more than many people in it now.

    Gideon Pilgrim