
November 23rd, 2009 | 832 Entries

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832 Entries for “spotlight”

  1. I would rather not be in the spotlight. I prefer to lurk in the shadows and never get recognition because I feel guilty whenever I do get recognition. i don’t deserve anything and I owe the world everything.

  2. spotlighting deer is illegal. spotlight at concerts. spotlights shining on a house duringthe winter as christmas lights

  3. you stand, perfectly still. the light that blinded you at first now seems to act perfectly as a spotlight. for a moment, everything is watching you. you start to do things you never would do under regular lighting. you dance, and spin, and cry. you are the center of attention, take it.

  4. The flashbulb glows with warm recognition. I grin at everyone and everything, inside thinking only of him and of what I could be if he were beside me. As I turn to answer a question from the latest so-and-so pretending to care, I see his face from the crowd, staring, cold and alone.

    Danielle Gross
  5. I used to wish to be in the spotlight. Dream of it. Wonder about it. Wow I get uncomfortable in just that very place. Surprise birthday party? For me? No thanks. Starring role? Uh-uh. Help yourself. I’d rather watch. Thanks very much.

  6. one word to express everything I had ever felt. i wish I could use the word simple, but no, It’ has not been simple, while I wish i could classify myself as someone who is a simple creature, I cannot. i am complex, I am made up of more than just bones and organs, I am more.

    Rachel Charvat
  7. who wants to be in the spotlight? Not me. I’m more of an anonymous person. I don’t want people following me around watching every move I make like the celebrities. I don’t want my face on the cover of a magazine. I am happy to be me and stay anonymous!

  8. my first year at burning man we tripped on mushrooms and somehow ended up on top of this scaffolding with huge spotlights ontop. we proceeded to follow hippies and art cars around the dark desert with our spotlights. when people have light shining on them they do the craziest things.

  9. center of attention.
    all eyes on you.
    don’t hesitate.
    just do.
    it’s all or nothing.
    one shot make it happen.
    let’s see what you have to bring.

  10. The spotlight hit the window and Rick ducked, but MacMillan stared into the light, leaving a dark fear framed on the wall behind him. Getting out wouldn’t be so easy.

    D. Jameson
  11. on. all eyes on me. i look up out into the audience. I always though that I wouldn’t be able to see the faces looking back at me – but I can. I don’t want to. No on’es in their underwear. Its interesting the lies they tell us when were children

  12. The big irony in my life is how I dread being in the spotlight when I need to speak or perform, yet I long for “more” in my life- I have accomplished all I set out to do and desire to do something that will be in the “spotlight!”

  13. i long to live in the spotlight. maybe that makes me narcissitic and totally self absorbed? or maybe that is why the cliche saying everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame is true? i just think it would feel good to be recognized. understood-no. but standing out?

  14. Hits the side of the face giving new contours to to her character. She finally seems at ease after all she has been through in the last few days. One would never believe such a story without living it for themself.

  15. spotlight = dog + sun

    bad joke, really bad

  16. the spotlight shines and I freeze. There is no way I can do this. Who talked me into it? what the hell was I thinking? but there I am; standing in the spotlight

  17. i step out on the stage and let the bright lights and the overwhelming noise envelope me. the spotlight shines in my eyes, reflecting the emotions i feel through the music i sing. the audience waits in silence as the song begins…

  18. The spotlight glared in Ralph’s face. This was the reason for his incarceration? They wanted the location of the Fridlo’s great store of wealth? He was insulted. He knew now that the doctors didn’t think that he was crazy, otherwise they would have let him go long ago. They were just holding him because they needed the information.

    Ben Scarab
  19. I was sweating. Like, gross sweat. The lights had never seemed this hot before. I knew my lines, knew exactly what to say, but the heat from the lights had dried out my mouth so that I couldn’t push a word past my lips. Why was the light so bright, and why couldn’t I speak? It was time to go, and I couldn’t begin.

  20. sex

  21. With the spotlight on me I freeze. I don’t remember what my role is. What are my lines; what am I supposed to say? I need a cue. I freeze and look up at the face of my costar. He repeats his line, but he didn’t need to. I heard it the first time and still I can’t remember the right response. With the spotlight on me, I finally nod my head and say, “I do.”

  22. The spotlight is on women in the world these days…they are the ones who must be helped in order to help nations, their families, and themselves. How do I spotlight the needs of women in the third world?

    Kay Hall
  23. My palms were wet, my mouth dry. I tried to speak. I choked. I whispered, “T-E-M-P-O-R-A-R-Y. Temporary.” There. I ran off the stage.

  24. The spotlight is used in the theatre, it illimunates the actor and alows him or her to be the center of the scene :)

  25. I will be followed by it.

  26. flashes just for a while

  27. I stood there on the stage dumbstruck. I saw all thepeople out there. I was was suddenly filled with butterflys. THe spotlight beamed down on me and I coudl feel the light burning into my skin.

  28. efrgthy nudyclips gttgtt

  29. I hate to be in the spotlight. I would rather do anything behind the scenes than be up in front. This is surprising, since I am a teacher. And I love teaching. What is this crazy dichotomy?

  30. hello spotlight. makes me think of every time i had to sing a solo for choir or something. i mean half the time i volunteered myself into it or whatever so i guess that’s really my fault anyway. the lights are so damn bright up there. and they tell you “don’t look into the lights,” and the first thing you do is look right into the damn lights. go you.

  31. start the music hit the lights we are gonna hit the heights, and oh what heights we’ll hit on with the show this is it. i am never truly living unless i am under that warm beam making me the center of attention. i am an actor

  32. i stand in the spotlight of the stage before and after singing my solo for the musical. it’s shining down on me, and me alone. i have been in the spotlight many a time.

  33. When it hits me all of my best and worst comes out. All at once I am am over confident and aware of all of my imperfections. I try to be in it as much as possible, and avoid it all at once.

  34. rag tag spag me one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

    farm animals
    What is with this game
    of these are actually words

  35. Whats the use of being special when no one can see you. I mean why do you want to be famous when you are already famous by a greater power. Don’t worry about being known, be known by people that you love and close. If you want everyone to see who you are, make a difference and you will be seen.

  36. I only crave the spotlight if that means you’ll notice me. I’d much rather play around in the dark with you. I’d much rather enjoy your company in the quiet, hazy lights of romance. I don’t need the spotlight, I only need you.

    S. Smile
  37. dancing in the middle of a stage.

  38. lite that shines on one individual doing a solo in front of many. It brings attention to one soul

  39. You are in rehab. You have left me here, alone. The spotlight of our parents attention. I can’t do this. Please stay sober. Please come be my partner.

  40. Reminds me of acting. One who always needs attention, a comedian, actor
