The spotlight is bright and blinding. Where am I? All the people are watching, yet I can’t help but stumbling off stage. This is not my place…
Spotlight is something that shows the someone is the attention grabber of all things in the room. So? Does that mean we have to drop everything just to give them the attention they dont even need.
Jacob Lincoln
everyone has just one moment in the spotlight. Some say that every person gets their 15 minutes of fame, of their time. I don’t know about that, I hope that my moment of “fame” ie more lasting, not so I’m more famous, but that I mean more to people than just 15 minutes of recognition.
once i was in the
As i walked on stage the spotlight hit me my jewels gleamed in the light and i realized i am what the people want what they came to see i am a super star and i made it.
The spotlight is gone.
The spotlight shines on me. I stand there, clinging my cold, clammy hands. Sweat drips from my bow. The mic stands in front of me. Hundreds of eyes are on me. I close my eyes, take a deep breath. I open them again. Same people. Why won’t they go away? Why am I here? Why am I so afraid? I close my eyes again. I take a deep breath, opening my mouth. And I sing. I sing a most beautiful song, my lifesong. I exit the stage, not caring for the applause. I sang my song, for the world to hear. In the spotlight.
i dont like being in the spotlight. i gues sometimes i’m ok with it, but i’d much rather be behind the scenes. one minute you’re in then youre out the next. its too unstable for me. its get hot under the spotlight anyways. id rather be cool.
spotlights are used for many things, most prominently in shows when the lead character is sining or speaking bout something by his or herself. many people crave the spotlight…aka..attention. When you have the spotlight on you you must be pretty important. people seem to like it
i love being in the spotlight. eveyyone needs their time to shine. people showing their true selves. spotlights can disturb you though when yoou want to be in the dark. cops have spotlights.
you shine in the spotlight, you live. it doesn’t matter about any one because in that very moment it’s just you. dreams are inspired and conquered. money, fame, envy, all because of the spotlight. watch out.
i’ve already written about spotlights. they mean nothing to me: they are merely there to light my path, so i can watch my feet as i go. and it is a clunkity-clunk motion, and i am really all alone.
cameron Weller
spotlights are the bane of my existence they just are so bright they blind you when you are on the stage and then it follows you…i hate being in the spotlight im not a celebrity and i do not want to be…i want to be me
I oftentimes wish to be under it. But the when I actually am there, feeling its heat, I freeze up, my throat closes, and I shake. Fame is a curse.
ahhhh everyone is looking at me …
do i have a booger?
is my fly undone?
The spotlight shined upon the stage, filling the scene with a sense of vitality and importance. Standing in vitality and permanence, I gazed out and unleashed the whole of my being upon the world. The savage light reflected in my eyes, photographing the audience staring back at me.
Justin Miller
The spotlight was on her as she entered the stage with her closest friends and bandmates. The crowd erupted as her voice rang through the ears of the crowd. She sung the first first with easy slipping into the second and moving enthusiastically around the room.
Hillary Sha
The spotlight is so bright
What do I do
What do I say?
I am next.
Omygosh Omygosh
I need Help!!!
Omygosh I am up
I perform perfectly.
The audience applauded as the conductor came on stage. The splintering headache pounded on his head with a brutal force. Looking into the spotlight, he saw three blurry lights blinding him. He turned his back to the full orchestra and raised his hand up to his shoulders to begin the first astounding note.
It was suppose to work when the thieves broke in. It didn’t. How sad for me. How lucky for them. All my work is gone. thanks spotlight. Thanks for nothing.
we all secretly crave the spotlight. In the spotlight you must take sides. It’s either you live up to the needed confidence to command the attention or be exposed in your most vulnerable state.
it an insan place to see so manuy pthing lit ansd aleays functioning i hate how i cant tiype in thew spotlight in the night iyts sooo bright always telling me what rto do swhat to see what to think i hate its controlk over my perrfection
Jonathan hankin
the spotlight shine brightly on the stage. The actors sweated heavily under its heat and their nerves. The red spotlights made them appeared aged, stressed and unhappy. The audience felt their tension and absorbed it through their pores.
there was a spotlight and it blinked on and off just like that memory you had of the days when bread and butter tasted so good and all we knew was the sounds of our voices in the shower, singing loud and unabashedly, singing out and with the force that our fathers’ used. We were not ashamed of it because it is all we knew, and we would
Cameron Weller
high over the stage. it falls. the crowed gasps. the actors scatter. from that high it is easy to see the ants scatter and scurry. the play was mediocre but the drama supreme as this holy light goes plummeting.
i like playing the game spotlight with my friends. We usually play at night time because it is dark. I get scared at night because it is dark.
the curry muncher
In the center spotlight, for the first time, Fyuari felt vulnerable. Suddenly, her colorful get-up and her top hat, her flouncing skirts and tailed jacket, felt like so much window dressing. She had always thought of herself as a charismatic person, but now there were people sitting on bleachers, watching her.
spotlight a light that highlights a spot somewhere energy bright light why focus enlighten design element attention
I never feel like the spotlight is on me ever. Its not a bad thing or a good thing, it jsut is. Except sometimes i do feel like the spotlght is on me. When you told me that you watch me sometimes when Im not paying attentions and you laugha bout all the cute things i do, that makes me feel like im in the spotlight. That makes me feel important and lvoed a little bit.
happy want to be in it. it will be the place of happiness and acomplishment. when it comes around and shines on me it will put me in the acting mode. no time to think just act. the feeling is pure happiness this is why i am here.
I’m not comfortable in the spotlight. I would prefer to support the lead. Let the light shine on them. I’ll cover his/her backside. I will make it work.
Middle Child
if i were in the spotlight i would hate it i love my privacy especially since i smoke marijuana and it is against the law for me even though it reduces the risk of head and neck cancers by 43 percent and it can help alot of people with pain sadly my state doesn’t believe in it.
I’ve never been interested in being in the spotlight. I don’t want fame.
I write to entertain people and I have to admit I get my jollies by my readers enjoying themselves.
Some write for themselves. I write for my readers.
sometimes, being put in the spotlight isn’t the greatest thing. i will never again underestimate her for how much strength it takes to go up and tell people her fears everyday.
I already did this one. Really, aren’t there enough words in the language to prevent this kind of thing?
Without standing back, the lights flashed in a blinding flare. To be caught would be a disaster.
“Never go back.”
That was their promise.
Not to the terror.
Never going back.
The spotlight was bright. When she walked into it the lights burned her eyes, blinding her, and she could not see the faces in the crowd. But in that moment, she was happier than she’d ever been.
alexandria sullivan
you’ve got to get out there, it’s looking for you and will devour once you get out there- faster! run away because the fame, the looks, the judgement is this what you wanted for your life? it’s not what you expected, it never is, but they’ll all watch as you fall. or shine.
when i stand in the spotlight, i feel alive. I feel liken o one can take the light away from me and like its my own. I feel like I can be myself and get out and do whatever I want to. i lvoe the spot light, but if you let it go to your head to fast, it can come back and bite you in the ass and take everytihng you got. just likea hobo. :D you can give them so much, but they will take you for granted, unless they care about you, which is weird cause that never happens. the spot light is a great thing for singers and performers alone, it makes them feel like they can be anyone they wanna be and I am sure they can.
She stood in the spotlight, wondering how the hell she got up on that stage. She couldn’t see the audience, or, more importantly, his face. “Uh, Hello? I uh, you there?” i kind of, shit, no. i really need to talk to you. Thousands of invisible faces stared up at her as she stood illuminated by the glow of the spotlight, the center of everything and completely alone.
The spotlight is bright and blinding. Where am I? All the people are watching, yet I can’t help but stumbling off stage. This is not my place…
Spotlight is something that shows the someone is the attention grabber of all things in the room. So? Does that mean we have to drop everything just to give them the attention they dont even need.
everyone has just one moment in the spotlight. Some say that every person gets their 15 minutes of fame, of their time. I don’t know about that, I hope that my moment of “fame” ie more lasting, not so I’m more famous, but that I mean more to people than just 15 minutes of recognition.
once i was in the
As i walked on stage the spotlight hit me my jewels gleamed in the light and i realized i am what the people want what they came to see i am a super star and i made it.
The spotlight is gone.
The spotlight shines on me. I stand there, clinging my cold, clammy hands. Sweat drips from my bow. The mic stands in front of me. Hundreds of eyes are on me. I close my eyes, take a deep breath. I open them again. Same people. Why won’t they go away? Why am I here? Why am I so afraid? I close my eyes again. I take a deep breath, opening my mouth. And I sing. I sing a most beautiful song, my lifesong. I exit the stage, not caring for the applause. I sang my song, for the world to hear. In the spotlight.
i dont like being in the spotlight. i gues sometimes i’m ok with it, but i’d much rather be behind the scenes. one minute you’re in then youre out the next. its too unstable for me. its get hot under the spotlight anyways. id rather be cool.
spotlights are used for many things, most prominently in shows when the lead character is sining or speaking bout something by his or herself. many people crave the spotlight…aka..attention. When you have the spotlight on you you must be pretty important. people seem to like it
i love being in the spotlight. eveyyone needs their time to shine. people showing their true selves. spotlights can disturb you though when yoou want to be in the dark. cops have spotlights.
you shine in the spotlight, you live. it doesn’t matter about any one because in that very moment it’s just you. dreams are inspired and conquered. money, fame, envy, all because of the spotlight. watch out.
i’ve already written about spotlights. they mean nothing to me: they are merely there to light my path, so i can watch my feet as i go. and it is a clunkity-clunk motion, and i am really all alone.
spotlights are the bane of my existence they just are so bright they blind you when you are on the stage and then it follows you…i hate being in the spotlight im not a celebrity and i do not want to be…i want to be me
I oftentimes wish to be under it. But the when I actually am there, feeling its heat, I freeze up, my throat closes, and I shake. Fame is a curse.
ahhhh everyone is looking at me …
do i have a booger?
is my fly undone?
The spotlight shined upon the stage, filling the scene with a sense of vitality and importance. Standing in vitality and permanence, I gazed out and unleashed the whole of my being upon the world. The savage light reflected in my eyes, photographing the audience staring back at me.
The spotlight was on her as she entered the stage with her closest friends and bandmates. The crowd erupted as her voice rang through the ears of the crowd. She sung the first first with easy slipping into the second and moving enthusiastically around the room.
The spotlight is so bright
What do I do
What do I say?
I am next.
Omygosh Omygosh
I need Help!!!
Omygosh I am up
I perform perfectly.
The audience applauded as the conductor came on stage. The splintering headache pounded on his head with a brutal force. Looking into the spotlight, he saw three blurry lights blinding him. He turned his back to the full orchestra and raised his hand up to his shoulders to begin the first astounding note.
It was suppose to work when the thieves broke in. It didn’t. How sad for me. How lucky for them. All my work is gone. thanks spotlight. Thanks for nothing.
we all secretly crave the spotlight. In the spotlight you must take sides. It’s either you live up to the needed confidence to command the attention or be exposed in your most vulnerable state.
it an insan place to see so manuy pthing lit ansd aleays functioning i hate how i cant tiype in thew spotlight in the night iyts sooo bright always telling me what rto do swhat to see what to think i hate its controlk over my perrfection
the spotlight shine brightly on the stage. The actors sweated heavily under its heat and their nerves. The red spotlights made them appeared aged, stressed and unhappy. The audience felt their tension and absorbed it through their pores.
there was a spotlight and it blinked on and off just like that memory you had of the days when bread and butter tasted so good and all we knew was the sounds of our voices in the shower, singing loud and unabashedly, singing out and with the force that our fathers’ used. We were not ashamed of it because it is all we knew, and we would
high over the stage. it falls. the crowed gasps. the actors scatter. from that high it is easy to see the ants scatter and scurry. the play was mediocre but the drama supreme as this holy light goes plummeting.
i like playing the game spotlight with my friends. We usually play at night time because it is dark. I get scared at night because it is dark.
In the center spotlight, for the first time, Fyuari felt vulnerable. Suddenly, her colorful get-up and her top hat, her flouncing skirts and tailed jacket, felt like so much window dressing. She had always thought of herself as a charismatic person, but now there were people sitting on bleachers, watching her.
spotlight a light that highlights a spot somewhere energy bright light why focus enlighten design element attention
I never feel like the spotlight is on me ever. Its not a bad thing or a good thing, it jsut is. Except sometimes i do feel like the spotlght is on me. When you told me that you watch me sometimes when Im not paying attentions and you laugha bout all the cute things i do, that makes me feel like im in the spotlight. That makes me feel important and lvoed a little bit.
happy want to be in it. it will be the place of happiness and acomplishment. when it comes around and shines on me it will put me in the acting mode. no time to think just act. the feeling is pure happiness this is why i am here.
I’m not comfortable in the spotlight. I would prefer to support the lead. Let the light shine on them. I’ll cover his/her backside. I will make it work.
if i were in the spotlight i would hate it i love my privacy especially since i smoke marijuana and it is against the law for me even though it reduces the risk of head and neck cancers by 43 percent and it can help alot of people with pain sadly my state doesn’t believe in it.
I’ve never been interested in being in the spotlight. I don’t want fame.
I write to entertain people and I have to admit I get my jollies by my readers enjoying themselves.
Some write for themselves. I write for my readers.
sometimes, being put in the spotlight isn’t the greatest thing. i will never again underestimate her for how much strength it takes to go up and tell people her fears everyday.
I already did this one. Really, aren’t there enough words in the language to prevent this kind of thing?
Without standing back, the lights flashed in a blinding flare. To be caught would be a disaster.
“Never go back.”
That was their promise.
Not to the terror.
Never going back.
The spotlight was bright. When she walked into it the lights burned her eyes, blinding her, and she could not see the faces in the crowd. But in that moment, she was happier than she’d ever been.
you’ve got to get out there, it’s looking for you and will devour once you get out there- faster! run away because the fame, the looks, the judgement is this what you wanted for your life? it’s not what you expected, it never is, but they’ll all watch as you fall. or shine.
when i stand in the spotlight, i feel alive. I feel liken o one can take the light away from me and like its my own. I feel like I can be myself and get out and do whatever I want to. i lvoe the spot light, but if you let it go to your head to fast, it can come back and bite you in the ass and take everytihng you got. just likea hobo. :D you can give them so much, but they will take you for granted, unless they care about you, which is weird cause that never happens. the spot light is a great thing for singers and performers alone, it makes them feel like they can be anyone they wanna be and I am sure they can.
She stood in the spotlight, wondering how the hell she got up on that stage. She couldn’t see the audience, or, more importantly, his face. “Uh, Hello? I uh, you there?” i kind of, shit, no. i really need to talk to you. Thousands of invisible faces stared up at her as she stood illuminated by the glow of the spotlight, the center of everything and completely alone.