
January 29th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “star”

  1. The star shines, one pinprick ages away, a rock far off staying steady to guide my steps in the dark here. I will die before it ever knows me but isn’t it amazing that just by staying itself, standing still in an ever-turning darkness, how many millions of feet it has guided?

  2. The star shine was bright enough that it cast shadows in the morning before the sun rose. It seemed to be a part of the mornings, and she would wake up to look for it. But one morning, the sky was clear but she could not see the bright star. “What happened to it?”

  3. Twinkle, twinkle, big ball of gas, hot beyond conception, a massive furnace of nuclear fusion, floating there in space. Raw power. Battle between expansion and collapse, between energy and gravity. So pleasant, lying on the beach with Earth’s star shining down but make no mistake, the sun is a star that wants to eat us alive, and one day, in about 5 billion years, it will.

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