
February 24th, 2024 | 4 Entries

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4 Entries for “starlight”

  1. starlight
    was the
    last hope
    to get there,
    after hours
    around blue
    leaves and
    muddy soil.
    i prayed
    to who whomever
    played chess
    with our
    frail lives for
    one more
    couldn’t be
    the end.

    by mfgm on 02.25.2024
  2. The starlight is a soft light, far away suns poking their fingers through the sky for the penguin-shuffler dragging garbage to the dumpster and stopping to watch the snowflakes circle and hover under the streetlamp like moths seeking the moon and putting a hand up to wave and nod at the man with his dog under the pine trees, no words said, just a moment shared between strangers being people together.

  3. The starlight was magnificent tonight. The moonless sky lent itself to the most brilliant stars I have ever seen. I wish I wasn’t alone in seeing them

    by Andy Watkins on 02.25.2024
  4. The starlight used to filter through the windows at night, so bright that I could see the objects in my room. But as I got older, I wondered – was my eyesight failing and I couldn’t see as well in the dim illumination in the dark, or was the air pollution that strong that we could not longer see the stars?

    by Chanpheng on 02.24.2024